MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 719 need new cards

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Lei Jiu specially sent a message to the three top forces in the deep sea, but the result was the same as the last time, the Mermaid Empire and the Kunpeng family were indifferent.

Even the Crystal Palace only sent two Dragon Saints this time.

Unlike the undead, who can move freely on the ocean floor without breathing or light, demons hate water even more than humans.

Therefore, the invasion of the demon world has little impact on the deep-sea forces.

This time, the Crystal Palace sent two saints, and they are completely irrelevant to the cold lips and so on. It is purely out of the friendly relationship between the two sides.

After all, Lei Jiu took a lot of risks in helping them get the Jade Heart. Therefore, even if they knew that the enemy this time was very powerful, Crystal Palace could not remain indifferent.

The Emerald Heart does have an effect on the reproduction of the dragon clan, but the fertility rate of the dragon clan is too low, and it will take a long time for this effect to become apparent.

The problem of racial inheritance has been greatly alleviated and improved, and the dragon family is naturally very happy.

Because of this, there are not many voices against the decision to send two saints to a demon invasion that will not involve vital interests.

Lei Jiu and the two dragon saints from the Crystal Palace almost reached Huanghuang Island with their front and back feet, but it saved Lei Jiu's effort to run out to meet them again.

From now on, these two dragon saints will live on Huanghuang Island for a while.

After all, until now, there has been no news of the large-scale appearance of demons from the Demon World Passage.

After receiving Yaojia's reminder, Lei Jiu asked Shen Baiye to send a large number of adventurer players to the channel coordinates given by Yaojia to set up surveillance in order to grasp first-hand information.

According to the reports of the players who went to the exploration, the target was an island smaller than the island where the Skeleton World Passage was located, and the island was very barren, with no vegetation and fresh water resources, and was bare everywhere.

The location of such a world passage is ideal.

The Devil's World, according to Yao Jia, the official name seems to be the World of Hell. You can probably imagine what kind of world it is by hearing the name.

Combined with the living environment of the Devil's Temple in the small world and the attitudes of the three major forces in the deep sea, it can be determined that the devils hate water even more than Lei Jiu imagined.

The island where the World Passage is located is small, so there are not many demons to be hoarded, and there is no resource, and there is no hope for the demons to use local materials to build ships.

If they want to get out of that island, they can only get a boat from the world of Hell.

What Lei Jiu hopes most now is that the demons have not mastered the skills, techniques or equipment related to flying.

If there is no sea in the world of Hell, it would be even better. Because of this, it is estimated that the demons will not even master the technology of building ships, let alone finished ships.

At that time, they can only look at the ocean and sigh, as long as Lei Jiu looks at the small island where the passage is located, and don't let Tiamat interfere, the crisis will be temporarily resolved.

Of course, this is only the best case. No one can tell what the actual situation will be.

Although Lei Jiu had the best hope in his heart, when he was preparing, he planned for the worst.

In addition, there is one more thing that Lei Jiu is also more worried about.

It was the one that Tiamat got, the holy artifact that sealed the passage to the world of Hell.

In fact, Lei Jiu has always been puzzled. How did Tuckershaw break the seal and get the Holy Artifact? After getting the holy artifact, apart from switching the world channel and getting nearly 10 million demons from the world of hell, Tuckershaw didn't seem to have used that holy artifact again.

Even at the last moment of their defeat, the other party didn't take it out.

The only explanation is that the holy artifact was not in Tuckershaw's hands at the time.

However, with the city of Takeshaw, how could he hand over the holy artifact to others?

Lei Jiu estimated that even if Tiamat was his wife, he wouldn't be able to give her the holy weapon! It's really baffling!

Lei Jiu has only seen one piece of the sacred artifact so far, which is the Emerald Heart.

To be honest, the effect of the Emerald Heart is very powerful, it can provide incomparable vitality, and it can even bring groups back to life.

But in the end, it was an auxiliary holy weapon. Based on its properties, Lei Jiu couldn't infer how terrifying the effect would be if Tiamat had an attacking holy weapon in his hands.

As for Trapped Sky Island, Lei Jiu just guessed that there are sacred artifacts and world passages there. Before breaking the seal, he could not determine the specific situation. Even if there is a holy artifact, what kind of holy artifact it is, and what kind of rule field it has, these are unknown.

If the air-forbidden effect of Trap Island is really caused by the holy artifact, then Lei Jiu must be careful.

Don't look at the sky scepter also has the ability to ban the sky, but that is when the characteristic is activated and the enemy is designated, and the situation of the trapped sky island is different.

Moreover, Jiuge, as the sacred beast of four images, can resist the forbidden sky of the sky scepter for a short time, but in Trapped Sky Island, he can't even fly into the sky for a moment.

Thinking about what I talked to before with the Dragon Saint of the Crystal Palace, the Emerald Heart also has an effect on the Saint-level Dragon Race.

Lei Jiu guessed that in the field of holy artifact rules, the holy level is incapable of resisting.

If the truth is what he thought, the threat of Tiamat, who holds the sacred weapon, cannot be ignored.

In order to avoid being caught off guard by Tiamat, Lei Jiu needed new powerful cards.

What can be against the holy artifact?

Lei Jiu's most powerful four-symptom holy beasts are not sure. It can be seen from the four-symptom battle formation that a single blow can destroy the world passage seal Jiuge and their combined efforts should be able to fight against the holy artifact rules.

However, that is the sacred artifact when it is in a state of no master. If the sacred artifact has a master, can the Four Elephants Battle Formation still be able to fight against it?

Lei Jiu couldn't help complaining in his heart to those saints who left, and just left, why did he have to erase the imprint of the souls left in the sacred artifact and make them unowned?

If the saint's soul imprint is still there, in the current game world, who has the ability to erase the saint's imprint and **** the ownership of the holy artifact?

If you can't take away the holy artifact, no one will be able to move the world channel. Although Yaojia probably doesn't want to return from the king of the world of bones, but... what does it have to do with Lei Jiu.

The world channel can't be opened, and Takshaw doesn't even want to get the nearly ten million demons. Lei Jiu will still not be afraid of this **** of the sky, and it will not be a problem to complete the contract with Yaojia.

So... um... erasing the saint's brand in the holy artifact, wouldn't it be the system, the creator god, who did it again?

If that's the case, then it's really like Lei Jiu's conjecture. The three different worlds are indeed documents prepared by the system.


According to the current average strength of island owners and adventurers, I am afraid that this information chapter is not open too early?


Forget it, don't think about it, it's definitely not the reason why Huanghuang Island is so strong that it affects some of the balance mechanisms. His family wealth is accumulated bit by bit, and he will never take such a black cauldron...

: . :

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes