MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 387 are you kidding me?

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Lin Bei was alone, sitting upright in the void, practicing with all his heart.

All other things were left behind by him.

He has to sit on the sidelines, waiting for the subordinates sent by the Lord of Terror to appear.

Perhaps for others, the incarnation of fear is an extremely cruel existence, but for Lin Bei, they are all great supplements.

For him now, if he wants to quickly improve his strength, the existence of those fear incarnations is an indispensable part.

At the same time, in the pocket space, members of the pro-guards are practicing methodically, and their strength is steadily improving.

Even Lan He, licking his face at this time, joined Lin Bei's command and became a member of the personal guard.

And it happened to be assigned to Bai Jun's team.

Blue River didn't care about this.

He has already figured it out thoroughly, since Lin Bei is so powerful, then he just needs to lie flat, just hang out with the strong, have some soup to drink, and his strength has improved rapidly, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

As for the Cracking Spear being taken away by Lin Bei, he was also unmoved. The magic weapon, of course, can be obtained by those who can. He believes that the Cracking Spear can definitely exert a stronger power in Lin Bei's hands.

And he, following everyone to practice hard, is more fragrant than anything else.

As for the head of the Qinglong City Elder Hall, who cares about him, whoever wants to be the one, he is wrong anyway. After so many years, he can be regarded as worthy of the Qinglong lineage. Now it is time to support some newcomers to take charge of Qinglong City .

As for the candidates, he has already made a preliminary investigation. It is said that he has contacted Lin Bei and others before. Although he was born as a commoner, so what, as long as he has talent, he believes that under his own arrangement, that group of people will soon be Can be promoted quickly, and lead the Qinglong lineage to go further in the future.

Of course, he also asked the elders about this idea, and they were very supportive, and even decided to accept those people as personal disciples and teach them personally.

"Well, after finishing these trivial matters, I can finally practice hard."

In the pocket space, Lan He let out a long breath, and a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His talent is actually not bad, it's just that as the head of the Elder Hall all year round, he has delayed his cultivation. Now with the support of massive resources, his strength has already improved by leaps and bounds. In just three days, he has already entered the third stage of Qi Refining. On the tenth floor, this kind of training speed is enough to rank among the first echelon even if it is placed in the entire bodyguard.

Of course, he started a little later, and it was not easy to catch up with the people in front.

"The feeling of increasing strength is really cool. Haha, if I knew it, I joined from the beginning, so it's so troublesome! I have been practicing in a special space for hundreds of years, and the result is not as good as coming out for a day. , Alas... Sure enough, people still have to hug their thighs."

When Lan He recalled his hard work before, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and at the same time made up his mind that in this life...he must hold Lin Bei's thigh tightly!

In a different-dimensional space, several black figures flew through at high speed.

These people all wore grimace masks on their faces. It was a powerful force under the Lord of Fear—ghost face team.

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In the ghost face team, the weakest members are all those at the ninth level of the Opening Heaven Realm. This kind of strength, even if you look at the entire universe, is enough to be the master of a realm.

At this moment, the six ghost face team members were all on their way, silent all the way.

Their trip is to carry out a joint mission, the purpose is to find the reason for the change of the gate of fear in a joint star field called Sifangyu in the corner of the universe.


Suddenly, a black shadow with a red ghost face said, "Do you think... will this mission be dangerous?"

"Red ghost, you're overthinking. I've already found out what strength we have in the Sifang domain. Although it is a joint star domain, its scale is barely enough for a medium-sized star domain. Among them, how many Ming Gaopin's original initial stage is not bad, and we don't even have half-step open sky stage, so what danger will we have?"

Beside him, a black figure with a green ghost face sneered, "If you want me to say, the master is making a fuss out of a molehill, I can do such a task by myself. As for that traitor... well, her strength is the strength of our team." The weakest one, I can suppress her with one hand!"

"Yeah, Red Ghost, you're too cautious."

A white ghost nodded and said, "But what the green ghost said is too exaggerated. That traitor still has some strength. If I guess right, she should have hidden her strength. Otherwise, she would not dare to betray. Sifangyu Although there is nothing to be afraid of, but in the face of that traitor... we should be more careful."

"White Ghost, what are you afraid of? If the six of us act together, no matter how strong that traitor is, can he be stronger than the six of us working together? Just relax, this trip... will not have any accidents!"

A slender figure wearing a purple mask said disdainfully, "This operation is a gift from the Lord to us. As long as we successfully complete the task and open the door of fear, we can get the opportunity bestowed by the Lord and step into the realm of saints." Realm! At that time, our team can be upgraded to an intermediate team in the Ghost Face team."

"And the resources of the middle-level team are at least a hundred times richer than our lower-level team! So... this operation is an opportunity for us! Do you understand? If you are timid, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, so that the rest of us will still be able to survive." Get an extra piece of the pie. What do you think, white ghost?"

Hearing the words, the white ghost fell silent.

The six of them, although they are in the same team, do not obey each other on weekdays, and most of the time they act independently, and rarely get together to join forces. Now that they gather together, if it is not for the purpose of sanctification, I am afraid that they would have already fought .

"I said... let's stop in moderation. Everything should be focused on the task."

When the crowd was arguing, among them, a burly figure with a dark ghostly face said something indifferently. After the words fell, the surrounding noises immediately stopped, and he looked at the burly figure, full of fear.

He is the captain of the team, code-named [Nigger], and he is also the existence closest to the rank-1 saint among the team members.

Even if there is no reward for this mission, as long as it takes a while, he will be able to step into the realm of a saint by virtue of his own cultivation.

His strength is now enough to break through the ninety-one soaring sky, and he is only short of the nine heavens before he can be finally sanctified!

However, the other few people, the strongest ones, are also below the level of fifty heavens. Even if they are added together, they are no match for the **** at all.

"Boss, we..."

"Shut up!"

Before everyone could say anything more, the black ghost said in a deep voice: "This Sifang Realm...I don't think it's easy. Now we're about to enter it, keep quiet and be careful! White ghosts, go to the Gate of Fear first, and I'll look for it. For the trace of the traitor, we will divide into two groups, and if we encounter any situation, we will contact you directly via voice transmission."


As soon as the order was given, everyone immediately shouted in a low voice, and a look of joy flashed in their eyes.

The task at the Gate of Fear was very easy for the few of them, but trying to track down the traitor... I'm afraid it would waste a lot of time instead, so as soon as the black ghost's voice fell, they split into two groups and headed towards Go in the direction where Sifangyu is located.

But soon, the figure of the black ghost reappeared, looking at the few streams of light that flashed away in the distance, raised his brows, and said calmly to the empty void: "Come out."

"Jiejie...Your Excellency's perception is really keen, it seems that the distance to step into the realm of a saint is not far away."

In the void, a cloud of black mist emerged, and finally condensed into a figure, but this figure was completely black, and only two blood-red eyes could be seen.

"Black robe? What are you doing here!"

The black ghost narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "Don't you know, is it still a critical moment? If you act casually, it is easy to attract the attention of others!"

"Jie Jie... What are you afraid of? I am the child of luck, and so are you. You and I join forces, what is there to worry about?"

The figure of the black mist smiled and said: "What's more, we have the Lord of Darkness behind us as a backer. Under this calamity, we must be able to succeed in the Tao. Slave, you have turned into this appearance, your energy... is about to be wiped out!"

"Hmph, let the fart go!"

The **** snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, you are really impatient. I came here this time to tell you one thing. This time, your actions are doomed to fail, because the kid you are going to face is not easy!"

The black robe chuckled, and then said: "I only told you this information for the sake of the cooperation between you and me, so if you want to save your life, run away quickly, of course, don't go back and look for it." That Lord of Fear is gone, that guy... tsk tsk, how should I put it, compared to the Lord of Darkness, I think it is much worse, follow him, you have no future."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you understand what I said? You people were sent out by the Lord of Fear, and you are just the lives of cannon fodder! Listen to my advice from my brother, run quickly, my judgment will not be wrong!"

The black robe said with a smile: "Tell you, the lord of fear you follow provoked that guy, I guess... he is probably going to be unlucky."

"are you serious?"

Hearing the words, the black ghost finally asked seriously.

"Of course, I am very optimistic about you."

The black robe approached the nigger, leaned against the latter's ear, and whispered, "Ordinary people, I won't tell him!"

Hearing this, the black ghost frowned and pondered. After a long while, he let out a long sigh, looked up at the black robe, and asked with a frown, "You mean... let me leave with you now, and seek refuge with the Lord of Darkness?"

"No, no, no...Of course not! I want you to personally deal with the other five members of your team, and then take them with you to seek refuge with that kid!"

The black robe kept laughing, "This is the certificate of honor, you go to him, and with that kid's character, he will probably give you a way to survive. At that time, you should serve him well, and when the day comes, buddy, I will be under the hands of the Lord of Darkness." If I can't get along anymore, I'll come to you again, and when the time have to say a few nice words in front of that guy."

"Why don't you come with me?"

"Me? Forget it. Cough cough, to tell you the truth, before... one of my clones had some small misunderstandings with him. Now, I'm afraid that I will be killed by him directly in the past, so I still spend most of my time in the dark." The master will stay for a while, and when the time is right, I will go to him personally."

The black robe coughed lightly, and there was a hint of helplessness in the blood-red eyes, "My vote is not something that can be achieved by a few puppets... Sigh, speaking of it, I am also unlucky, that clone was actually bewitched by the power of fear, otherwise If so, how can it be so troublesome!"

As he said that, the black robe stepped forward and patted the black ghost on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Dude, you are lucky. I really envy you. Next, you can lie down and win all the way, while I... have to run around , looking for life. The Lord of Darkness, although he is much stronger than the Lord of Fear, but... well, he is also an idiot."

"Really? Don't lie to me!"

The black ghost's eyes widened, and the more he listened, the more mysterious he felt, and he couldn't help asking, "How strong is the person you're talking about? Could it be... the most powerful person with the highest road?"

"The way is supreme? Cough cough... Well, probably not. I haven't heard from him for a long time, but according to the news from my avatar, he at that time... should be in the realm of law. As for now... I I don't know either."

The black robe pondered.

"What are you talking about? The Realm of Law? Are you **** kidding me?"

Hearing this, the **** suddenly became uneasy.

Realm of law? What kind of **** is that.

For him, let alone the realm of law, even if it is the original realm, it is **** among rubbish!

Even the Ninth Layer Open Heaven Realm powerhouse that everyone looks up to, in his eyes, is just like an ant!

He is only one step away from a saint!

As for the realm of law? He can kill a lot of people with one breath! And this black robe actually asked him to seek refuge in a realm of law?

This is an ant among ants!

How can he open his mouth!

"Hey, what are you screaming, be patient and listen to me!"

Seeing this, the black robe immediately sighed and scolded, "That kid... from an ordinary person to the realm of law, it only took one month! Do you understand what this means?"

"How long? A month?"

Hearing this, the black ghost frowned, but soon, he relaxed again: "Such a talent is not without it in the vast universe! Which one of those strong men in the Dao realm is not a cultivation monster? The Lord of Fear is even more so. Horror! No matter how strong the guy you are talking about is, he is as great as the Lord of Fear, but don’t forget, he has just started! But the Lord of Fear...has already been a perfect existence of the Great Dao Realm!"

"Your proposal... I think it is open to discussion!"

After the **** finished, "Okay, I'll go first. As for your words, I will consider it, but I need to see it with my own eyes! As for the result, just wait for my news."

Heipao heard the words and grinned: "Okay, anyway, I expected you to be like this, UU Reading Then I'm leaving, you remember, we sons of luck, although we say we are lucky, but For some people with unlucky luck, fart is nothing! If you want to live a good life, the most important thing is to hold your thighs tightly! Anyway, I have introduced your thighs to you. Whether you can hold them is up to you It's over!"


After the black robe finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

The black ghost frowned, looked at the direction where the black robe disappeared, and cursed: "Master, don't you want to use me as a gunman? Damn it, how many years have passed, and it's still like this! Forget it, I'll go there myself Bar."

"However... Before that, let's clean up those five guys first. It's always impolite to meet people empty-handed."

The **** pondered: "Even if it doesn't work, if we do these things, there will be fewer people to share the benefits with me, um... a very good plan."

The **** smiled and nodded, very satisfied with his wit.

Then, his figure flashed, and he chased after the other members of the team in the opposite direction.

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