MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1739 Great Ape Empire Twisted City

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A carriage came, and the carriage was driven by a praying man, a triangular head, two long tentacles on the head, a cyan shell on the body, six feet, and the bottom was the leg, the middle two It can only be regarded as a hand. The top two are like two big knives. Although they are also cyan, they are shining with metallic luster and look sharp.

Geerle said that in the world of the Kun people, the praying man is a natural swordsman, and his work is also a mercenary, which is very famous in this **** world.

The horse-drawn carriage stopped at the hillside at the foot of the mountain, and the praying man sitting on the carriage said, "Come out! I'm the one sent by the boss in 1776 to pick you up. I'm a sword."

1776 is a strange name, but it is the characteristic of Ant-Man. Ant-Man has no last name and is named in the order in which he was born. The Ant-Man owner's first name knew that it was the 1776th born in an Ant Kingdom.

As for the name of this praying man's tango, it's normal.

Then Earl walked out of the forest.

Its timidity and prudence are really deep into the bone marrow, and the other party will not go out without giving a name.

"Password," Earl said.

Tang Dao gave Earl a look of contempt: "If it wasn't for the final payment, I would kill you now, silly flies."

Earl didn't mind at all: "I said first, the beautiful lady went to the grove to date her lover."

The Tang knife took a sip on the ground and said, "The lover's name is Ji Lie."

"Oh, accurate." Earl turned around and said, "Give me the clothes you brought, those peoples don't see people with their butts bare."

Tang Dao kicked a parcel next to his foot off the carriage, and then said, "Hurry up, time is money, don't prevent Lao Tzu from making money."

"Yes, yes, wait a moment." Earl picked up the parcel and went into the woods again.

After Ning Tao took the parcel and came to a row of trees, three women surrounded him. He opened the package, saw the clothes inside, and frowned suddenly.

衣服 The clothes in the parcel were dirty and torn, and it didn't matter that he wore them, but all three women were big beauties like flowers. Wouldn't it be cheaper to wear such clothes than other stinky men? How can he accept such a loss?

"Old, you change clothes quickly, after you change, you go out and show us people, we will change again." Bi Mingzhu said.

Tong Ningtao picked the worst and worst one from the parcel and was going to get it behind a tree to change it. Only after taking a step, Bi Mingzhu stopped him.

"That praying man is reminding you, what else are you inking, you can change it here, we just turn around without looking at you." Bi Mingzhu said.

Wu Ningtao smiled: "Okay, then I'll change it here, you guys ..."

He didn't wait for him to finish talking, and the tide and Linger turned away. Although they didn't say anything, the faces of the two tribal girls turned red.

夫妻 When did the couple sing a harmony, when is it the head?

Wu Ningtao was a little speechless and gave them nothing to see, which hurt her self-esteem.

But some things are dazzling, which is really unsightly.

Wu Ningtao took off her soft battle armor, and a tattered jacket was put on her body. She could barely cover her ugliness, and her back was not completely covered. He simply wrapped the soft armor around his waist, covered it with a coat, and then grabbed a handful of mud from the ground to soil the soft armor. This treatment looks a little weird, but at least it hides the ugliness.

The whole process, Bi Mingzhu watched the whole time, the tide and Linger have been carrying their bodies, without a glance.

I sighed in my heart, I really do n’t want to give it away.

"I'm fine, you can change." Ning Tao said.

The tide and Linger turned around, and the blush on his face did not fade.

Sui Ningtao suddenly lifted his jacket and pointed at the soft battle armor wrapped around his waist. "You can learn from me and deal with it, otherwise I will feel a loss."

Wu Linger said curiously, "Brother Ning, how can you suffer?"

Ning Tao laughed and said nothing.

The tide touched Linger.

Su Linger suddenly understood something, her face turned redder.

Wu Ningtao was happy in her heart, and found her twenty-year-old feeling again.

At that time, wasn't that how he felt with Qing Zhui?

Suddenly, he missed Qing chasing a bit, and missed a large group of wives. He didn't worry about their safety at all, because they were the strongest in the universe. Who dare to find death to mess with them? It was just that he didn't know if they would miss him at all. After all, they had lived together for thousands of years, and the feeling of pulling left and right was deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

"Brother Ning, what are you still doing here?" Tide said.

Wu Ningtao came back to God, and smiled: "I will go out and show you people."

He came out from behind the row of trees. A few seconds later, he stuck it behind a tree and quietly leaned his head out ...

What's wrong with shame?

Traffic police will not come to issue a ticket.

However, as soon as he poked his head out, a small stone flew over and hit his forehead.

"Don't face!" Tide blushed and sipped.

"How can you brother Ning?" Linger was afraid to let go, holding a tattered dress.

Lu Bizhu faced Ning Tao calmly, but she also spread her hands.

Wu Ningtao's face was as thick as a face, and he was embarrassed to peep his face without shame, so he had to retract his head.

After a short while, the three women came out from behind the row of trees, each one was ragged and their skin and hair were wiped with mud, looking dirty. Bi Mingzhu's bald head is no longer pearl-colored, and she was wiped black by her life.

Although the clothes on the three women were torn, they shouldn't be exposed at all. They made full use of the original clothes. Compared with Ning Tao's dress, it was better to learn from old than to send.

Twenty-four came out of the forest.

"Fuck, for a long time, don't you have any idea of ​​time?" Tang Dao cursed harshly.

Wu Ningtao frowned slightly, but no seizures.

Earl accompanied a smiley face: "Tang Dao Boss, don't worry, I'll give you a heavenly energy crystal alone after it's done. What do you think?"

The triangular face of the Tang sword suddenly smiled: "Damn, don't you say it earlier, you four will get in the car."

The cart is a carriage, not a sedan, but a prison cage.

Wu Ningtao opened the cage and took the lead to drill into the cage.

Ming Bizhu, Tide and Linger also got into the cage, and then sat in the cage with Ning Tao.

囚 This cage is just a cover up. How can I not trap these four people. Even the weakest spirit can blow it with a fist.

Tang Dao drove a horse-drawn carriage to Twist City.

Earl followed the carriage flying at low altitude, set the speed to the slowest, and chatted with Tang Dao all the way.

"Tang Dao, have you heard of what happened in Shenghua Duncheng?" Earl said, these questions were all asked by Ning Tao early in the morning.

"How could you not have heard of such a big thing? Because of that, President Sampo, the president of the Great Ape Empire, was angry, and the army was gathering to the north, saying that to completely eliminate Xia, all tribal tribes along the way would be reduced to ashes. This time, the human race has reached the horse honeycomb. "Tang Dao said.

哦 "Oh, that's a really bad thing, isn't it a martial law to turn around?"

"That's for sure. The first warrior of the Great Ape Empire, Gang Lie, sat down and twisted the city in person. In addition, almost all the strong men in the Great Ape Empire were called to the city of Wists, to guard against the attack of the strong man of that race.

"That human race is really strong, one person ruined a city, to the boss of the sword, do you know the name of that human race?"

"You fool don't even know the name of the strong human race?"

呃 "Uh, I'm just a little guy, and I'm not informed."

Tang Dao sneered with a scorn: "The strong human race is called the Great White Ape Ning Great Ape. It is said that it is a rare ape-like variant that looks like a human. I do n’t know why he betrayed the Great Ape Empire and destroyed Sheng. China Town. "

Earl subconsciously glanced at Boss Ning, who was sitting among the three women. Why didn't he see that Ning Tao was a white-skinned ape man?

Wu Ningtao shook his head slightly, and Earl followed his eyes.

As for his identity, his understanding is that the high level of the Great Ape Empire made a very clever choice, describing him as a traitor to the Ape, not a human, so the morale of the Ape will not be affected. But if he is a human being, then the war against the genocide that is about to begin is not good.

Just, who got the name Ning Dapei?

If they meet, Ning Tao wants to unscrew his head.

对 "By the way, Brother Tang Dao, have you heard of the new weapon researched by Great Ape Empire?" Earl asked again.

Tang Dao gave Earl a glance at a low altitude: "Why are there so many questions for you guys, wouldn't you be killing the human race and acting as a human spy?"

Earle was startled, and then said, "Brother Tang Dao, are you kidding me? How can I be a human spy, can humans hire me such a noble flyman? You do n’t even have to say that, if you say so, you have to be apeman. Hearing, I will get in trouble. If I get caught, your commission will be gone. "

"I just casually talked about, why are you so nervous? Right ~ ~ I'll be at the gate of the city soon, and that heavenly energy crystal will be given to me first." Tang Dao said.

Earl quietly glanced at Ning Tao again.

Wu Ningtao nodded slightly.

Then Earl took a heavenly energy crystal and threw it to the sword.

Tang Dao took the heavenly energy crystal, and he smiled, "I have no questions, but I'm not free."

But Earl didn't ask any more, because the gate was near.

A checkpoint was set up at the gate of Wucheng. Many ape soldiers with live ammunition stopped the road to check all pedestrians and vehicles entering and leaving the city.

Tang Dao handed in the paperwork, and an ape soldier went to the cage to see Ning Tao and the three women.

Ling Linger and the tide seemed a little nervous.

Wu Ningtao reached out and grabbed their hands, holding each other softly.

The two tribal girls are no longer nervous, and there are old friends around. What are they nervous about?

的 The ape-man soldier looking at the cage waved his hand: "Let's go."

It seems that thanks to that strange saying, Ning Tao described Ning Tao as a white-skinned mutant ape-man, but Ning Tao in the prison did not have any characteristics of ape-man.

The wagon slowly entered the twisted city.