MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1754 Is actually the mother of war

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Latest website: Surrounded by mountains, there is only one mountain road in and out, and Xia is located in the basin. A river flows through the basin, and buildings stand on both sides of the river. Most of them are very simple, buildings are full of basins, and after night falls, the tens of thousands of lights are still quite spectacular.

"Brother Ning, we have arrived, and more than 100,000 people live here. From here, we continue to the north, and there are several major tribes, which are all branches of Xia. Therefore, Xia's population is almost thirty Wan. "On the blue **** cloud, the tide introduced him to Xia.

With a population of 300,000, this tribe called Xia can be regarded as a small county seat by the standards of human civilization. The scale of this city is not as good as the Shenghua Shield City he destroyed, but it is just a small county-level tribe, but it is the hope of the entire human race.

In such a basin, if the ape-man attacked from the sky and Xia had no air defense capabilities, it was said to be throwing a nuclear bomb like the wrath of the gods, even an ordinary bomb would cause serious casualties. If you drop a gas bomb, it will be the end of a genocide.

Fortunately, arrived in time.

"It's spectacular." Ning Tao praised with conscience.

In the world he dominates, the human population of very large cities is tens of millions, but this is not to be told to the tides and spirits, so as not to stimulate them.

"Let's go down." Ning Tao smiled again and said, "I can't wait to see my adult husband Yue."

The tide of peach blossoms was red again, and she took a sip gently: "If you do this again, I won't take you there."

Although I said this in my mouth, my heart was very happy, otherwise I would not blush.

Ning Tao was happy in her heart. She reached out and held the tide's shoulders, stood side by side with her, and immediately realized a beautiful painting of a couple looking at the moon.

The tide only pushed symbolically, and then snuggled in Ning Tao's arms.

What's so good to push away?

He is so shameless.

Linger stared at her with sour eyes, but she could not bear to see that the tide nestled in Ning Tao's arms was so peaceful and enjoyable.

But when she was sore in her heart, she put a hand on her shoulder and held her. She glanced hastily, but Bi Mingzhu held her in her arms.

Bi Mingzhu reached Linger's ear and whispered, "Linger sister, don't worry, you can't run away, and he will definitely come to you if he has a chance."

Linger's face was also red.

Although she heard the word "worry" for the first time, she understood the meaning of the word.

She also wanted to open it. Bi Mingzhu didn't care about the main room. What did she care about?

The tide suddenly remembered something, left Ning Tao's arms, and said, "Brother Ning, let's land outside and walk in. The clans don't know what this cloud is, and suddenly seeing them will scare them. "

"Okay, I'll follow you, let's go down." Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the blue **** cloud fell from the sky and landed on a road outside the tribe.

A group of four people and a fly walked towards the gate of the tribe.

The Xia tribe also built the city wall, which was made of stone barriers, but because of technical and conditional restrictions, it was only four or five meters high. It can block ordinary people, but it can't stop ape people at all, because ape people generally have a height of two meters and are born with excellent jumping ability. They can easily pass over.

The gate is rather rude, just a gate plate, not even a gate tower.

Several tribal warriors stood at the gate of the city, holding spears, and some had bows and arrows on their shoulders.

"What people?" A tribal warrior saw the "family of four" coming along the road and asked out loud.

There is no searchlight at the gate, and the tribal warriors at night are not equipped with a flashlight or anything. The only light is a wood-burning brazier at the gate of the city, and that light can only illuminate the gate of the city. Therefore, even if the tide leads the way, they cannot see clearly at night.

The tide said, "It's me."

Although they still couldn't see the people, the tribal warriors heard the sound of the tide and fell down on the ground, respectfully saying, "Meet the Virgin!"


Ning Tao froze for a moment. He didn't know that the tide had such an identity.

However, the saintly saint could not be holy to him.

"Come up, these three are my friends, and I'll take them to see the father." Tide said.

A few tribal warriors followed from the ground, then opened the door. They saw Earl and looked surprised, but didn't ask much.

The tide led Ning Tao, Bi Mingzhu, Linger and Earl into the city gate, and walked along a slab-paved road.

The road is very wide, with houses standing on both sides, but there is no shop, so it is not a street.

After all, it is a tribe. It is a life that is distributed on demand. The people of the tribe also perform their duties. There is no commercial activity at all, and it is not surprising that there are no shops.

As the passing of a hut, the baby cried.

The tide heard the child's cry, and a smile appeared on his face: "It was a thick soil. His daughter-in-law was born. When I went out, his daughter-in-law was not born. It sounded like a boy, and I was really happy for him By the way, Houtu is my father's guard, and you will see him, he is a very upright person. "

Ning Tao couldn't help but glance at the thatched house more, the adobe wall, thatched grass are almost decayed, and it should have been replaced. That hut had a wooden door and no windows.

He sighed: "The home of a tribe king's guard is so rude, the human race is really poorly mixed. The road is still far away for the human race to revive."

After a while, a group of four and flies came to the river.

There is a wooden bridge on the river leading to a small island in the center of the river. The small island is not large. There are houses built on the island. The roof is out of the dense woods, and the roof is covered with bark. Perhaps it was the reason that it had not been replaced for many years. The roof was covered with moss and grass, and it swayed slightly in the night wind. At first glance, it feels a bit like a hermit's residence.

"There is my home, come with me, my father should not be asleep at this time." Tide said, and stepped on the wooden bridge.

Ning Tao, Bi Mingzhu and Linger also boarded the bridge and followed the tide towards the small island of Jiangxin.

At the end of the wooden bridge is a stone-paved road that extends to the door of the tide's house, but there is no one standing guard all the way, how defense is lax.

But just when Ning Tao thought so, he suddenly captured a powerful psionic energy field. That energy field is stronger than the psionic energy field on the tide. At the same time, he had a feeling of being spied, and the man had apparently found him.

"No wonder there is no guard on this island in Jiangxin. This person is so strong that it is more effective than many guards. This person is afraid that it is the only Sky Warrior War God of the Xia tribe that the tide said, is it?" tunnel.


A line of cold light suddenly came through the air, and in a blink of an eye came to Earl's.

It was an arrow that went straight to Earl's head.

Detective Ning Tao grabbed that arrow.

It wasn't until the arrow hovered in front of his own brain that Earl found an arrow almost hit it, and screamed in surprise: "Ah!"

Ning Tao said, "What's your name at this time, keep calm and don't lose face."

Earle lifted a tentacle and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and Wei Nuo nodded his head: "Yes, boss, I follow you. Don't be afraid, you can't humiliate the boss."

The tide looked at the arrow held in Ning Tao's hand and frowned slightly: "That is the arrow of the **** of war fiery fire. His arrow can hit a fly a few hundred meters away. I am talking about a small fly, not a fly. "

As soon as her words fell, a red figure flew down from the mountain forest.

Ning Tao stared at the red figure for a moment. The flying people were sculpted. The convex part should be convex, the thin part should be thin, the top part should be topped, long hair fluttering, and a face with exquisite facial features. Without losing the sense of line, it is a bit of a heroic feeling of "the undefeated East".

The **** of war is fierce. When he first heard the name, Ning Tao's subjective feeling was a man. He also mentioned the tide once, and now he suddenly saw a real person, but what he saw was a woman, and it also gave him an amazing feeling, and he was unavoidably dazed.

Bi Mingzhu shook her head gently, and sighed in her heart.

Nothing more sighed in her heart, only she knew.


A clear voice, the fierce fireman is still in the air, a long sword comes out of the sheath, she is holding a sword, her head and feet are flying obliquely down, the human sword is united, the red skirt is dancing, and the picture has some beauty.

Tide hurriedly said, "Sister Siehuo, they are all my friends, don't do it!"

The fire did not collect the sword, and her sword stabbed at Ning Tao.

The tide was about to intercept, but Bi Mingzhu grabbed her.

"Sister Mingzhu ..."

"Look, look."

What Tide wanted to say was that she was worried about the fire, but before she could say it, the sword of the fire had stabbed Ning Tao's shoulder.

Not terribly.

The blaze seems to be because Ning Tao actually took her arrow with nothing in hand ~ ~, so I should try the depth of Ning Tao.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently and lightly grasped and raised his hand, and the sword fell into his hand again.

The fire was startled and stabbed hard, but her big sword couldn't go on. It felt to her that it wasn't a human hand that grabbed her sword, but a large iron tong.

The fiery fire landed on both feet, holding the sword in one hand, not knowing whether to let go of the abandoned sword, or continue to stab him for a while, and the heart was full of surprise.

Ning Tao grinned, "The girl is so good!"

Blazing Fire: "..."

She thought she was the most humiliating thing she heard.

You take the white blade empty-handed, the sword is in your hand, and you say that they are great!

Ning Tao's smile was good-looking: "Well, my name is Ning Tao and make friends."

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