MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1768 New plan

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The sky was bright, and the couple were still in the warm quilt. They didn't want to get up, but the door was pushed open.

The tide was startled, and was about to yell at someone who didn't understand the rules so much, but saw Bi Mingzhu coming in with a food plate. Her opened mouth was closed again, her face flushed, and hesitated for a second. She retracted into the duvet and hid her head.

Ning Tao didn't matter, but he knew that the tide was ashamed, and he said falsely: "Pearl, you should knock on the door."

Bi Mingzhu gave Ning Tao a white eye: "Did you not see that I was holding this plate in both hands, where did my hand knock on the door?"

Ning Tao squeezed his eyes towards Bi Mingzhu.

Bi Mingzhu smiled at Ning Tao: "Get up and have breakfast, this is the breakfast that Linger and I made for you."

"Did you get up to make breakfast so early?" Ning Tao felt that Bi Mingzhu was not so diligent. Most of them were made by Linger. She brought it over.

Bi Mingzhu said with a smile: "I don't feel sorry for you. I thought you were tired all night last night. You must be hungry, so I got up early to make breakfast. If you don't eat it, I will take it away."

"Why not eat? I'm really hungry." Ning Tao got out of the bed and got out of bed. He sat beside the case with one butt, waiting for breakfast.

Bi Mingzhu gave Ning Tao another glance: "Oh, I am not ashamed."

She put the food pan on the case table and looked at the tide, but saw that the tide was still hiding in the bed with her head covered.

"Tide sister, get up and eat something, too," Bi Mingzhu said.

A tide came from the duvet: "I'm not hungry."

Bi Mingzhu said with a smile: "Are you shy, you are all a family, what are you shy?"

A tide came from the duvet: "I'm not shy."

"Then what are you doing under the covers?"

"I ... I'm afraid of cold." Tide's voice.

Bi Mingzhu smiled bitterly, reached Ning Tao's ear, and whispered, "What's it like?"

Ning Tao, who was eating, paused for a moment and asked, "What do you feel?"

Bi Mingzhu lowered her voice: "Did you get stronger after last night?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Last night, how could he have no time to ponder or study whether he has become stronger. Bi Mingzhu suddenly raised this question at this time, and he just remembered it.

He is a **** of fate, he has abnormal talents.

Moreover, the mystery of the tree in my mind has not yet been solved.

During this time, he did not enter the world of the body to see if there was any change in the tree after the assignment.

Thinking of it this way, Ning Tao couldn't even care about eating. When she thought about it, she closed her eyes and entered the body world.

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, the tree stood quietly. At first glance, Ning Tao was taken aback. The last time he came here, the tree was just a small tree, but now it has grown taller than him. Blue tree with leafy branches.

It stands quietly in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and aura is constantly flowing from all sides, absorbed by it, and then it releases heavenly energy.

He is a humanoid crystal machine, and this has not changed.

So strong?

Ning Tao's mind was still very vague and there was no answer. The tree was obviously growing, but it was always growing. It absorbs aura and transforms it into heavenly creation energy, which is also a capability that has been available before. There is a lot of reiki in this world. As long as he breathes, as long as he stays in this world, he is absorbing reiki all the time, that is to say, this tree is transforming heaven and earth energy all the time.

"I should be stronger, but I don't know if it is related to the tide. Regarding it, I will try if I can cast the spell in the peak state. If it can, then I should be fine in heaven." Ning Tao's heart Thinking like this, then he left the sea of ​​consciousness and opened his eyes.

"How?" Bi Mingzhu followed.

Ning Tao thought for a moment before saying, "It seems to be getting stronger, but I'm not sure if it is related to the tide."

Bi Mingzhu smiled: "I know, but it must be related to the tide, you see, I'll tell you that the match is right?"

Ning Tao: "..."

He wanted to insist that he didn't know if it was related to the tide, but seeing her so determined and complacent, he couldn't bear to spoil her good mood.

"I want to try spells at the peak, I don't know if it will work," Ning Tao said.

"What spell do you want to try?" Bi Mingzhu asked.

"Father Seal of the Creator." Ning Tao reached out a hand and grabbed a fruit.

At the peak, as long as he thought about it, the fruit would take root and sprout, a fruit tree would grow in a blink of an eye, and then flower and bear fruit. And if he wants to, he can create a fruit forest in no time.

However, no matter how he tried and how many days it took to make energy, he couldn't make the fruit take root, let alone create a fruit forest. Even more, he could not even reveal the Creator's seal. This situation is the same as when he just came to this world. Those superb Indian seals don't seem to belong to this world at all.

Ning Tao gave up, and he smiled bitterly: "It really looks like the difference between the virtual world and the real world."

"What do you mean?" Bi Mingzhu didn't understand the meaning of the words.

Ning Tao said, "I think I understand. The spells and seals we have previously mastered are like special effects in movies. They are all virtual things. They cannot be moved to the real world. We are now in the real world. World. Although we are God, we are not the Lord of the Three Realms. "

Bi Mingzhu thought for a while and then said, "Maybe you should try to write the seals instead of lazily using the seals in your body to cast spells."

Immediately before Ning Tao's eyes, this method he never thought of.

However, it takes a little bit of time to write such a complex seal. In the past, writing a seal in the sea of ​​consciousness was a mind operation. Divine writing was faster than computer calculation. Now manual operation, I don't know how long it takes to write. But at least this is a hope, you can try.

At this time, the tide could not help but poked his head out of the bed, looked at Bi Mingzhu and Ning Tao, and said curiously: "Brother Ning, Sister Mingzhu, what are you talking about, I can't understand anything."

Ning Tao did not hide her and said with a smile: "We are talking about spells, of course you do not understand."

"Tide, you're hungry, come out and eat something," Bi Mingzhu said.

The tide gripped the quilt tightly: "I'm not hungry, you eat, I'm afraid of cold."

Ning Tao blinked at Bi Mingzhu.

Bi Mingzhu understood: "Well, I still have something to do, I'm gone."

She's really gone.

As soon as her forefoot left, the tide came out of the bed, came to Ning Tao's side, and picked up the food plate to eat.

Ning Tao also did not tease her, expressing concern: "Eat more to restore physical strength."

Tide's face turned red slightly, but she nodded docilely.

Eating and eating, there was a cloud floating in the sky, and the heavy raindrops hit the head and hit the face. The strong wind suddenly started, the leaves trembled, the leaves trembled, and the sound of falling rain kept ringing.

The rain came fast and quickly, and it soon cleared up. A rising sun hung on the east sky. The blue sky and white clouds were spotlessly clean.

Ning Tao walked out of the new house together with the tide, and at a glance saw the pearl and Linger standing in the courtyard. The two women were sitting at a stone table drinking tea, and the tea was obviously not freshly brewed, and they were not hot.

Ling'er's face was red, and Yun Ningtao's eyes were a little bit resentful, but Yan Tide's eyes were a little envious, which was very complicated.

Bi Mingzhu said with a smile: "Oh, the rain was really heavy just now, and the sound of that rain made me uneasy."

Tide's face was also red, and she didn't dare to accept Bi Mingzhu's words.

Ning Tao didn't say anything, his mind was still in the rain.

He remembered that he seemed to be inspired in the rain, and there was a hint of energy about to move, and it felt like something that had been asleep for a long time to wake up. But all this is just a hazy feeling, can not be sure, want to catch and can't hold it. He even suspected that these things did not exist at all, and everything was just an illusion in a certain state.

The tide went to Linger and said, "Linger sister, what tea are you drinking?"

"The tea I picked from the forest, alas, sister Tidal, why are your legs asleep?" Linger quickly discovered the problem.

The tide froze slightly, then said, "Oh, I stomped when I got out of bed."

There was a strange smile on the corner of Bi Mingzhu's mouth. She seemed to know the truth, but she didn't say it.

"Old send, what are we doing today?" Bi Mingzhu changed the topic.

Ning Tao said: "The suggestion you just mentioned is good. I plan to try it. The Yulong Basin is a treasure. There must be some treasures in the mountains around it. I will find some and refining Linger and the tide. Take the sword, and then you and I will make one or two pieces of magical instruments, and engraved them on the magical instruments. What do you think of this plan? "

Before Bi Mingzhu spoke, Linger said excitedly: "Okay ~ ~ I'm going."

Tide said, "I'm going too, but what natural treasures are we looking for?"

Ning Tao said: "The more abundant the aura is, the more natural materials and treasures can be bred, but the so-called natural materials and treasures do not specifically refer to a certain thing. It may be a small grass or a stone. It may also be a mass of mud. Let ’s search and find what we meet. "

Bi Mingzhu said, "Okay, let's go now. I won't drink this tea, it's cold."

A shadow suddenly drifted over, but Earl flew over.

"Boss, I want to go too," Earl said.

This item was listening to the rain just now.

Ning Tao said: "Don't go for fun, I will give you a task. You go to Longbel Gorge to explore, explore the movement of the ape-man, and then come back and report to me."

"I ..." Earl thought it shouldn't have appeared.