MTL - Ostentatious Zhao Yao-Chapter 19

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I have always seen the sunset fade, the sky from blackening until the darkness, showing the stars, the ink blue sitting around me does not mean to get up and leave.

It seems like sitting here with me and watching the stars can see the old days.

He is not in a hurry, but I am so overwhelmed by this silence.

I didn’t burn paper money last night. I didn’t burn it during the day. If I don’t go looking for someone to burn money this evening, this day’s time will be wasted!

My hands crossed in front of me and I was about to find a place to pick up a topic to remind me to leave. Mo Qing said, "I will leave for overseas."

He took the initiative to tell me the purpose, let me have nothing to say for a moment, then only "oh".

"Xiandao takes the sword, and the instant technique will be hindered. Maybe it will return after two or three days."


"I am not in time..." I thought he was going to warn me, let me not run around and blame anything, but he said, "What do you want, tell Mi Luowei."

Hey, are you so relieved?

I want to tell Mi Luowei when you are away. I want to grab your position as a gatekeeper. Will they promise me?

Of course, I will not say this.

After Qing finished his words, he was silent again, but he did not leave. After a while, he turned to look at me. The black eyes reflected my face and the stars in the night sky. He asked me: "There is nothing to tell me?"

I am silent for a moment.

I know, you don't just want to care and caress, don't you want some sweet words? Waiting to get back the sword, but also praise and praise is it? I know you! I am satisfied with you! Are you satisfied?

So I covered his back and gently held his palm, letting the temperature of the two palms warm and warm each other.

I said: "Master, you must be careful, don't get hurt, come back soon, I will miss you."

Aside from the cockroaches, I hate me: "The devil, you are really fake!"

Hey, little children, what do you know, people in love eat this set, you see Mo Qing...

I took a closer look at the look on the face of the ink blue... and then even if I can seduce the ink, I have to be a little bit stunned by his look at this time.

He is smiling. It’s not like a child’s smile of eating sugar, but like a dying person who has been waiting for many years, dying, almost desperate, finally got the only thing he missed.

I saw him coveting and holding my hand, the light and the light and warm, like a sneak peek, sadness, shame, and a little bit of careful mixing of the stars, smashed into the eye .

"I will."

What I said was that when I was playing on the scene, I used a false and false heart, but I got such a rare and heavy reply. For a time, I felt a little bit for this emotion in the eyes of Mo Qing. ......


I actually think... I am a little sorry for him.

"If there is still something that can't be solved, I will say it after I come back."

He left such a sentence, and he left with a neat. Because he had just asked for the care he wanted. I was sitting on the ladder and looking at the distant mountains and rivers for a long time.

He also sat on the ladder next to me and circled it: "I think the devil is good to you. He just looked at it... maybe he really liked you. It was lonely for a long time... finally found a favorite. People like..."

I said: "He likes you."

"He didn't face me during the day." He said, "You will meet him at night, and he will be like you at night." I thought for a while, "If you Don't lie to him. Tell the truth and tell him, in case... He knows that after you are swaying, is it still deeply rooted in your love and wants to help you return to the sun?"

"Shut up." I yelled at her.

The guards on both sides were stunned.

This kind of thing, I don’t pursue, nor believe. I was born to be a devil, seeking power and absolute power. If you want to ask for more, do not say tired, do not end well, this lesson, I have already eaten.

I raised my hand and looked at the white hands. The men in this world like people who are not threatening them, such as jealousy. And disgust will take away the woman who belongs to their status, such as my road.

Even if I really pay my heart, I want to do everything for it...

I stood up, patted the clothes, thinking about the time, with the instantaneous technique of the ink green, it is estimated that I have already reached somewhere on the beach at the moment, and then I have to go to the fairy island, and then I will only slowly fly over. It is.

I twisted my waist and moved my muscles. I said, "I went to burn paper." I also took a momentary technique and blinked to Jiangcheng.

Like the last time I came to Jiangcheng, I bought a scented wax paper candle and went to the Huajie Bridge. I took the cloth and held the signboard. I sat on the bridge and waited for people to come to burn the paper.

When I came here, I remembered some small breaks in the past and I was a little depressed. So I stared at two people who were ugly, pulled them over and burned paper money, bullying people, I want Slightly refreshed.

But I am not Jiang Wu, nor is it the way of the past, even if I am swaying the paper, but it is not so terrible in their eyes. So when I was just planning to sit on the bridge and feel free to solicit business.

Those who have been bullied are not convinced.

The man brought a group of people over.

I blocked the small bridge that I had set up, and everyone was carrying a big knife. A group of people who want to find a good thing, scared to go to this side, all around the road.

The thin-skinned man who had been bullied by me just stood out from a crowd of people, and when it wasn’t like being bullied, it looked like a head. He was in the waist, his chest, his chin, and he couldn't look at me with his nostrils: "Hey, don't think that you are a woman, I won't teach you today. I am in Jiangcheng, but I can't come to my head. shit!"

I glanced at the brawny and felt a little happy. It’s not enough for Xiaozhu’s being bullied. Now I have brought me such a large pile of people to make me bully. I can still write a lot of money on the account in the underworld.

"You have to kneel down and admit it to me. I have three heads, call me my grandfather, and go back to sleep with me for a night. Maybe I can spare you a life."

Oh, very good, Xiao Zhuyu, the first place in the rivers and lakes to find a dead word, then I will not kill you, I am really sorry for your request!

When I was chilling, it was the time to start the sleeves, and I heard a scream from behind the group of knives. The sound is so fierce that it almost tears the eardrum. Everyone heard the sound and turned around. Then everyone saw it and the group changed his face.

Like the invisible force squeezed through the middle, they began to tremble, anxious from the momentum of the talent, and then took the initiative to let it out.

I glanced at Jiang Wu and one of the two subordinates who followed him last time.

At this time, Jiang Wu was holding a **** arm, which he had just ripped from a strong man behind him.

The strong man licked the wound, and the pain was full, and Jiang Wu did not see it. The sound of screams was also unseen. He only threw the arm in his arm and threw it into the bridge. In the river, his eyes fell on me, and then grinned: "I heard that someone is burning paper on the bridge, I guess it is you, really."

I heard Jiang Wu talking to me so much, Xiao Biao's face became pale.

Jiang Wu came forward and sighed with a pile of paper money next to me: "Wow, there are so many, you are so painstaking and effortless to give you a way to burn paper, can she send you money?"

I pondered it: "There is a share."

Jiang Wu haha ​​laughed, laughing, next to the little bamboo Muir shaking his legs and squatting: "Ginger ... Jiang heroes, small eyes do not know Taishan, I do not know this is your friend. Small ... small... ..."

After he didn't finish his words, Jiang Wuwei sank his face and turned his head. "Oh yes, that was what you said."

Xiao Zhuyu desperately slammed on the ground: "I can't help but can't help, girl, I'm damn, my mouth is screaming, I..." Didn't continue to listen to him arguing, the pressure on the road was heavy, and Xiaozhu's body was suddenly frozen. Under the pressure of too strong, I lost the ability to move.

"I almost forgot to pack you up." He said this, his arm waved, and he saw a blood splattered from the neck of a small bamboo raft, and his head was cut like a straw in the fall. Lost.

The head made an arc in the air, and the sound of "咚" fell into the river.

Only one body was still on the bridge. After a short period of blood spurting, the body softened, and the blood of one place ran down the curved curvature of the bluestone slab on the bridge, staining the shoes of the thugs that were called by the little bamboo rafters.

I didn't feel much about this scene early. And these ones who looked extremely strong, all began to tremble. They licked the cold sweat, shoved back and forth, and did not dare to move too much. They even dared not to scream out. In between, the atmosphere was suppressed and heavy, and everyone’s breathing became urgent and cautious.

A group of scared prey...

"Hey." I called them: "Return, burn money to go."

They didn't move until Jiang Wu shouted: "I didn't hear it, I burned the money to go, I didn't burn the money..." He smiled, his smile was mad and terrible. "Is it going to go directly to the funeral?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the strong men fought back and went to burn paper.

I simply stood aside, letting the place go, holding hands on the side and watching them work.

Jiang Wu was by my side, watching the burning fire, and laughing straight: "I appreciate you, really appreciate you, you say you are called a famous name."


"Oh, Xiaomeiren came to Jiangcheng this time, is it special to come and drink with me?"

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction