MTL - Ostentatious Zhao Yao-Chapter 22

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For a whole day, Gu Shuguang was outside, and he did not open his mouth to the enchantment.

However, if you want to come, Gu Shuguang is not inferior to Beishan in addition to medical skills. Other dark Luo Wei will not even say ... and look at the way Beishan and Jiang Wu get along, Jiang Wu's cultivation will only be higher than Yuan Hao.

In the process of repairing the magic and repairing the fairy, the gap in strength is a gap. Jiang Wu is so confident that he must be sure of his own strength. It is normal for Gu Shuguang not to open his enchantment.

He hugged his knees on the bed and stared at a place in a daze: "What? I think I have to be robbed."

I touched my chin and thought: "Would you like to give your uncle a dream tonight?"

Yesterday, Qin Qianxian was able to make an enchantment that I could not enter even if there was no evil hall. It can be seen that he is still very deep in the aspect of cloth enchantment. Let him come and solve the problem. It is also appropriate. And he is still his relatives, he will not watch her being robbed by Jiang Wu.

Waiting until the evening, I am ready to leave, and the soul of the scorpion is struggling to earn from her body, hesitating:

"My uncle has repaired Bodhisattva since childhood, but now I don't know how many years. If he is... wants to be against you?"

To be honest, in fact, I have a little drumming in my heart.

As a ghost, I really don't want to be in contact with a person who has repaired Bodhisattva, especially the person who has cultivated a bodhisattva to a certain realm. In case he sings a chanting, he overtakes me unexpectedly?

I can worry about it, and I can't do it.

"Let's stay. Your body is sent to Jiang Wu's hand, and I will let you leave safely."

I found the ghost market again. I spent five thousand dollars, bought half a column of incense, and shouted three times. The surrounding environment was dark and in the darkness. I heard footsteps. Unlike Gu Shuguang, Qin Qianxian went more stable and slower, like walking in a leisurely place, then he saw me.

I raised a smile first, saying that I was friendly, and saved him from exaggerating me without saying a word: "The owner of the piano."

Qin Qianxian quietly looked at me for a moment, a pair of compassionate bodhisattva slightly sag: "Lu Qiong." It is rare, and some people will call my name. I replied, he repeated and whispered to himself, "Is it going to be a dream..."

I didn't hear much, but I saw his hands clasped together, closed his eyes, and the beautifully curved upper and lower lips slowly pulled out the scriptures.

I was surprised: "Wait! I am not coming around you! Don't overtake me!"

I rushed over and reached out and tried to hold his hands and wrists. He wanted to separate his ten hands, but he couldn't touch him. In a hurry, "The uncle!" called out.

He glanced, I heard the chanting sound stopped, and quickly interjected: "Your niece was arrested by Johor Bahru, and under house arrest in Jiangcheng a small courtyard enchantment, my Nanshan master has been there, can play Without enchantment, I will give you a dream and let you save her!"

After that, I couldn't help but spit in my heart. When I was alive, I was not afraid of the heights of the sky. Now that I am dead, I am still afraid of his piano.

I thought that in the past, he was arrested by me and kept in the dungeon for viewing!

I heard that after he was watched for one night, I was still seeing what my heart was. I went back to the closed-door meditation and cleaned up for a long time before returning to the rivers and lakes.

The result is that the cause and effect of the return should be uncomfortable...

Qin Qiang gaze turned on my face: "Is it with you?"

This repair of the bodhisattva can really repair the eyes! On the day of his absence, he must have seen the shadow of me.

I do not deny: "I will not harm your niece, she is asking for me, I also need her, we are negotiating, fair trading, harmless to her, harmless in the thousand dust pavilion, harmless in the immortal, you do not have to think It’s really not a good person when I am swaying and knowing how to be a man. When I am a ghost, I have never done anything bad!”

Although it is because they have not had time...

Qin Qianxian heard the words, but also for a moment: "My only sorrow is the "Heart Sutra", I never wanted to overtake you."

Then you met the sneaky "Heart Sutra", do you want to overtake yourself?

I held my head and felt that the darkness was gradually fading away, and the time of the semi-column was coming again. I grabbed the last time and said to him: "You must come to save your niece! Jiangcheng Liujie..."

The darkness disappeared and the piano string was never seen again.

This party has finished the dream, I will go back to the small courtyard, and I will not be able to rely on the Shuguang and the dark Luo Weishang to block it outside, but it is nothing to do with Jiang Wu’s enchantment.

There is no urgency in Gu Yuguang's face. I know what he thinks. He thinks that this matter is actually irrelevant. The Beishan Lord has nothing to worry about. Anyway, there are doorkeepers to clean up. And here is just to save a fairy woman who went to the magic road.

It was just that I threatened him in my dreams. He took the job, but he did not say that he could do it well. Now he can't do it well. He can do his best. I can't help him.

I know that he is so cautious, so he is even more angry, so he slaps on the head of Gu Shuguang, but he can't feel it.

I gave him an account in the heart and did not work hard. I entered the hospital, but I saw several of Jiang Wu’s subordinates drinking in the courtyard. While drinking, they ridiculed the outside Gu Guguang’s sentence, and the guns were great. Wan Haomen washed a meal.

I am moving. Before this was changed, my sword was unsheathed. Even if you are here to split your Jiangcheng into two halves, and then make a trip with the top ten Xianmen, you will never let a rising star, opportunistically put it in front of my Wanxiang facade.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case.

I'm dead.

So you can only wait for someone to redeem.

I pinched my fist and wrote the accounts of these few people in my heart. Do you think that my road is swaying to death? Without power, will you let them go?

Wait, then.

I drifted from their desks. In the past few years, Mo Qing did not teach you how to be a good person in the rivers and lakes. Later, I will give you a lesson in growth.

I entered the house.

Seeing Jiang Wu sitting on the bedside and looking at the face of Yan. And he only sat with his legs in his arms and curled into the corner. She looked at me: "Is there something wrong with this person? I have watched me here for a night."

I haven't answered her yet. Someone ran outside and reported to Jiang Wudao: "The piano is coming!"

Jiang Wuyi, the face of Muir sinking down, when he heard the name of Gu Shuguang, the face was more ugly: "He came in person?"

"Yes... is breaking..."

The people who came to report, did not finish the words, and suddenly heard a thunder in the sky tearing the sky, "bang" slammed on the enchantment of the small courtyard. The sound is swaying, like shaking the earth. My heart was astonished. The movement of the piano and the enchantment was really amazing. When did they repair the Bodhisattva and become so violent and arrogant?

I am still confused. The bustling sound of Jiangcheng is pouring into my ears. It is Jiang Wu’s enchantment broken! My heart was happy, but I saw Jiang Wu’s eyelid sinking, Xiao Yi’s appearance appeared out of thin air, and shouted: “Lichen is coming!”

I saw it, but I don’t know why. When I heard the name, the movements around me seemed to slow down for a moment.

Obviously, I tried my best yesterday to find some people to help, but when I was magically not hearing the name of Mo Qing, this kind of suddenness suddenly fell into the heart of the heart.

He went overseas to take the sword from Xiandao. He said that he would take two or three days to return. Now that he has not arrived in this day and a half, he will come back and bring a thunder of anger...

I lost my heart for a moment, and Jiang Wuwuer took the body of her body and squatted it on her shoulder.

"Withdraw." He ordered that it was an instant move.

I can return to my soul tomorrow, but I can't! Although I have eaten Shenxing Pills, but I want to float from here to the Dust Mountain, it is also a long distance!

I took the initiative and slammed into the body of the cockroach. It was only the next moment, and there was a gust of wind around. Jiang Wu did not know where it was in a thousand miles.

I entered the squatting body and felt my stomach linger on Jiang Wu's shoulder. It was really uncomfortable. I woke up and earned it. Jiang Wu was not difficult for me. I put it directly on the ground: "Will you wake up?" ”

I pushed his chest away and stood two steps away, looking around: "Where is this?"

Jiang Wu did not answer me. He only pinched my chin, and pulled me a little bit in front of him. He looked at it with a squint: "Li Chen, Qin Qianxian, they all came in person, Xiaomeiren, you know. In order to listen to your business, let me make a big play in this city?"

Hey, I didn’t know what, Mo Qing and Qin Qianxian personally came to count, I used to work with the top ten Xianmen bare-handed, and also saved a dark blue.

Now, in this play, the biggest point of view is that you have caught the road and swayed.

Just you don't know, no one else knows.

I advised Jiang Wudi: "My idea has changed. I can't talk about buying and selling, but you can let me go, so that Li Chen and Qin Qianxian will not chase you for the time being."

Jiang Wu smiled, even if he was fleeing now, but his gaze was not diminished: "I can catch up with my instant technique, and he can't do it with Li Qiang and Qin Qianxian."


The words suddenly fell in the air, and I heard the familiar voice, I could not help but lose God.

I know why Jiang Wu is so confident that no one can catch up with the instant, because no one knows where he went, how big the world is, hundreds of millions of possibilities, how to find, and Mo Qing, really find it. So, I can't help but be surprised.

Looked at the ink figure that came out after the big tree. Watching the eyelids he had put in the stars reveals the icy killing of the snow.

I only felt a heartbeat, "plopping" a heartbeat, even in this difficult and dangerous environment, I have never had such a mood.

I never thought about it. One day, when I was trapped, there would be one person, a miraculous appearance, and a hero.

Involved in deep water, into the heat, come to save me.

the most important is……

It looks so amazing and beautiful.