MTL - Ostentatious Zhao Yao-Chapter 5

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Mo Qing left, and the attendant who was kneeling on the ground shook his body and climbed up.

Look down at me with a small nose and look at me with a blank face. Look at Liu Yanling over there with a blank look: "Is it killing or not killing..."

I saw him: "Are you watching the door?"

He nodded.

"Look at the door of a lifetime, don't climb up." I advised him, "Climb up and die fast."

The person who is the master is gone. The little nose is stupid. I glanced at it and saw her staring at me. I said, "The doorkeepers have accepted me as a disciple. Today is a compassion, that The guy who is quite dead has a big life, and he throws out the dusty mountain."

"Which line! How can someone who hangs on the ground easily let go." At this point, he insisted.

I snorted: "That kind of dungeon will be dragged away."

When he thought about it, he felt that he was right, and immediately ordered the people behind him to carry Liu Lianling. He still wanted to stop, but he did not have to worry about it. He had to watch Liu Yanling being towed away.

The little nose and the other side have to help me with another waiter. I avoided his hand: "I am hurt, you call a few people to take me on the sedan chair." I said, "I am now the owner. Apprentice, poor service, be careful to turn back and tell the doorkeeper you."

Another person snorted with disdain: "The doorkeeper spares you a life, then he becomes the disciple of the doorman, so he has a big face."

I even more disdain snorted: "The eye-catching servant, what did your doorkeeper say before, arbitrarily forbidden to kill, but he killed me, others kill, why not kill me, move your mind to think about it , am I really big?"

The two of them looked at each other and did not speak.

I raised my hand: "Go, call me a sedan chair."

They are gone.

He was sighing and sighing: "It’s a blessing... there is really a set."

When everyone is finished, I am confident and bold to talk: "You have a heart and a set of things." I am already dirty, and I am no longer entangled. I am leaning on the stone. The crisis is over. Injury, it has been numb, and laziness has come up. I squinted and squinted. "Call and scream, don't go with the Liuling Mountain, say shouting for revenge, but really want to kill Liu Yuling, you But the first one is not doing, isn’t that the son of your enemy, so care?”

I was said to be speechless, and for a long while, I said: "I hate his father, it has nothing to do with him..." She paused. "Don't say this, you only said one step to the sky, just send me." Going to be a disciple of Mo Qing?"

"Ah, let's be." Although I wanted her to directly grab the position of Mo Qing at the beginning, it seems that it is a long way to go to use this body to kill the ink.

"You are quite powerful." She exaggerated me and walked up to me. "That can now return my body to me."

"Well?" I turned around. "Return you? Why?"

She looked awkward and a little embarrassed: "You just took the person away, isn't it just to return my body?"

I smiled and looked at her: "Little girl, how did you get this illusion? I don't want to take them away, I am just plain, I want them to pick up the sedan chair to pick me up."

"You! You are not saying that you have to give me back your body!"

I yawned: "I did say that I will return the body to you, but I did not say when I will pay you back."

"The road is shaking!" She fried her hair. "You! You are shameless!"

This word has not been heard for a long time, and it is very nostalgic. I calmly waved my hand and pressed her anger: "Let's talk about a deal." I looked at her body and said, "I will return it to you after all. After all, I don't want to live specially. I only have one wish. After I have fulfilled my wishes, I will return your body. In this period, you will lend me your body. I can’t give you a body, but I can use your body to help you revenge. Look, what do you mean?"

She is silent.

"I will tell you directly, the heart of the door may be a piece of cake for me, but with your own skill, if you want to take revenge, I don't know which monkey year to go." I grinned, "I When I am alive, I want to ask for help from others. But there are more grasses than Dust Mountain. I don’t usually take care of them. This opportunity can be considered as an opportunity for you."

His face is condensed.

She didn't answer, but the footsteps in the distance came over. I looked into the distance: "Ah, the sedan chair is coming." I glanced at it and smiled. "You are not going to enter the magic road, I am today. I am kind enough to teach you the first lesson. In the Magic Road, I am not a good fortune. I am called a means. You remember, when you play, you have to press a person, so that the days will be better."

A few magical deeds went fast, and they came to me with a wink, and they carefully put the injured I on the sedan chair.

At this time, I opened my mouth: "No, this hate me to take revenge myself." She said, "This is my own family feud."

I raised an eyebrow, um, this is a girl with a bone. Unfortunately……

I went to the sedan chair, and the four magical repairs were very handy. I walked forward in a steady manner. I looked at you and licked my hand.

It’s a pity that you are late, I can’t come now.

At the foot of the moxibustion, the wind lifted the sedan chair and took me all the way forward. I saw that after the lap, the "step" was chased behind the sedan chair, but the speed of her "new ghost" floated slowly. People feel bad.

It didn't take long before it fell a long distance.

This is the second lesson of good heart. I was comfortably lying on the sedan chair, letting her chase and squat in the back, thinking that if she wanted to repair the demon, she could not believe anyone, and the little girl who came out of the famous door was still tender.

The four bearers were lifted up, and I lay a little sleepy. When I left the forbidden land, it was the sudden thunderstorm, the moon was cloudy, and the night was the deepest. I can't think of my life, after I became a ghost, there is still a chance to make a rain.

I think, my new life is about to begin...

However... it doesn't.

Because the next morning, when I woke up, I found out...

I, change, become, ghost, and!

No warning!

No warning!

Important things must be emphasized twice!

I was completely squatting around the slumbering body.

After a little return to God, I tried to break into my body again, but I just passed through her body. I had a transparent body in the lower half, and I was stuck in the bed, and did not attach her body.


I am confused, staring at the half-dead body and thinking carefully.

When I was lifted back last night, although I still had some consciousness, I was already in a semi-conscious state. This body was hurt too much. I didn't have the extra strength to control it. I had to let me take me to the Yueyue Peak, and the people who watched Yuefeng gave me a treatment and settled down.

Until I closed my eyes, everything was normal and nothing happened. The soul of the little girl of Xianmen was already on the edge of the valley grave. One night, at her speed, she couldn’t float up. It’s impossible to recapture this body...


The sly body snorted and slowly woke up.

She actually woke up!

I am shocked. Her soul! Actually drifted back! Is this she squeezed me out!

"I..." She moved her arm and immediately whispered, "Oh... it hurts."

Nonsense, suffered such a heavy injury, it is only me such a tough and weather-destroyed devil can hold back the pain, not moving.

"Road." I called her name.

"I don't surname the road!" She retorted me, then turned around and stared at me, like a ghost... Well, I saw the ghost so stunned at me, "You!" She continued to pour I took two air-conditioners, but the action of pumping cold air was enough to make her chest pains speechless. Only the index finger twitched and pointed at me, full of pale.

After a moment of pain, she realized it again: "My body... I got it back."

Humph. I am cold: "You really got back."

"How come... I know how far I can't chase after yesterday, why?" She looked at me with curiosity and curiosity.

how could I know!

I am very angry, now how can these people learn to sell cheaply and sell them. Mo Qing is one, and the 鸠 鹊 鹊 nest is still in front of my grave. I came here again, won me, and asked me why she would win.

I don't care about her. Just drifting to the window and looking out.

It feels awkward.

The body is gone, I can't find a revenge for the dark, and the good plan is once again lost. These are the second most problematic problems. Now, twenty miles, I have to float for three days and ask, from the drama to the peak. How many days do you want to float at the grave?

I looked at the sky, about three moments of Momo Chen, I have to go back to the grave, I have to hurry on the road, the province got the afternoon, the yang is too strong, and there is no way to hurry.

As I walked through the wall of the room, the squatting squatting up called me: "Are you leaving?"

"Otherwise? Staying to watch the happy life of the living people?" I also looked back at her and saw her face lying weakly on the bed. The eyebrows said, "The future will be bullied by the lower-level demons. I have been silent for a moment, and I still gave her a piece of advice:

"Teach you a word, hold your ink early... No, hold the thighing thigh, think about the side of the party. Let him avenge you, than you alone in Wanmen It’s much more convenient and quicker and safer. Don’t worry about revenge yourself, who killed him, he’s not a dead? Resources should be used rationally, and the identity of this fierce apprentice I sent you is yours. I ran into a fateful gift in front of the grave. I am leaving."

I no longer care for her, and I drifted away.

I waded through the mountains and spent ten days in the air, drifting back to the grave. He resumed sitting in front of the wordless monument and continued to lament the days of tragic ghosts after my death.


In the end is the road to nowhere!

After half a month, in the evening of a sunset, I felt a fairy floating to my grave. I was hiding behind the sun at the right time. When I saw the one, I picked my eyebrows: "Road, Are you coming to cry for me?"

"I...not surnamed." She twitched and answered my question, then sat down at my grave. "I... I will give you the body. You will help me to take revenge. You are so hard, it is too difficult." repaired……"

I heard the words, lazy to the grave, fell up, lifted Erlang legs, looked up and down her up and down: "Oh, ask me for help."

This is my familiar attitude and familiar position.

"You... can you help me?"

I smiled and smiled and revealed the little tiger teeth: "That depends, what benefits can you give me?"

"Benefits?" I stared at me with tears. "I have given you the body, what good is it for you?"

"Also." I nodded. "That's squatting. Waiting for me to return your body to you, you will give me benefits."

It is obvious that the people in the magical roads have been beaten by the Yuefeng, and they have no intention to agree to the behavior of this kind of pitfall.

I am very satisfied: "Now the sun is still there, the yang is too heavy. Last time I didn't squeeze into your body during the day, let's try again at night, then now this spare time..." Laughing with your eyes, "You tell me, the group of little fairies on the moon peak, how to bully you."

The most important thing about trading is fairness. If I say help her, I will help her. I don’t mix water, I don’t adulterate, and I guarantee that my children will not be deceived. Say you hit, you must hit you crying and shouting.