MTL - Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons-Chapter 10 Discover the treasure

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The secret realm is an opportunity for human beings, but it is also a crisis.

Through the connected space tunnels, while humans can enter the secret realm to explore, the extraordinary creatures in the secret realm can also run out of it.

In order to limit these extraordinary creatures and prevent them from harming the surrounding residents, countries generally build a military fortress to enclose the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

In this way, once a disobedient extraordinary creature runs out of it, it can be removed as soon as possible.

The forest surrounding the lake is only a low-risk secret environment, so the fortress is not large and the guards stationed are not many.

Outside the fortress, there is a new town.

This town prospered because of the forest around the lake, and most of the shops and hotels in it were opened for beastmasters.

Here you can buy not only sleeping bags, tents, flashlights, water bottles, trekking poles, first aid kits and other field survival tools, but also battle suits, various spirit grasses and spirits and even wild pets.

However, the school has already prepared the students for the expedition in advance, and there is no need to buy it here.

As for the combat uniforms, they are distributed uniformly by the school, with one set for each person.

"Dear classmates, take out your mobile phones and check again to see if you have downloaded the Secret Realm APP. There is no signal in the forest around the lake. You can only access the local area network through the Secret Realm APP. Only in this way can we monitor your location in real time."

"If you are in danger in the forest around the lake, you can also ask for help through the Secret Realm APP, and someone will naturally rescue you at that time. This is the first insurance."

"In addition, the teacher will distribute a locator to each of you later. This locator also has the function of positioning and calling for help, which is equivalent to a second insurance."

"Whether it's a mobile phone or a locator, be sure to keep it well, and don't lose it!"

Outside the fortress, after Class 4 of Senior 1 gathered, the class teacher Liu Yiting emphasized the precautions again.

After a pause, she continued:

"The forest around the lake is not too big, and the total area is equivalent to a township, and there are multiple security stations. Except for the small island in the middle of the lake, no matter where you are, you will definitely find one within five kilometers."

"On the Secret Realm APP, you can see the location of these security stations. Before 8 pm, everyone must go to the nearest security station to rest, and must not spend the night in the wild."

"In addition, there are many elite-level extraordinary creatures on the island in the heart of the lake, which are too dangerous for you, and are not allowed to enter."

"Do you remember it all?"


The students answered in unison.

"Very well, check your backpacks again, don't miss anything, then follow the third squad, and prepare to enter the fortress!"

It was the first time for Liu Yiting to lead so many people into the secret realm. At this time, she looked more nervous than the students.

"Senpai, why didn't I see your backpack?"

At the end of the team, Su Yi saw that Bai Zhining was empty-handed, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

He and Zhang Xiaotong both carried a large mountaineering bag, which contained not only clothes and dry food, but also many tools that might be needed.

In order to prepare these things, Ms. Jiang Xiaoxiu bleeded again and spent more than 3,000. But more than a thousand of them are the cost of buying a mobile phone.

"I can't use something like a backpack."

Bai Zhi Ning replied lightly.

Seeing the two teammates didn't seem to understand very well, she added: "I have this."

Saying that, she exposed her white wrist, wearing an emerald green jade bracelet.

Su Yi can clearly feel that there is a touch of spiritual energy in it.

"This is... a secret treasure?"

Whether it was Su Yi or Zhang Xiaotong, they were a little surprised. It was the first time they had seen the secret treasure at such a close distance!

"Storage bracelets, very common secret treasures, there is no need to make a fuss. Give me your backpacks too, and I will help you put them away. It is inconvenient to walk with such heavy things on your back."

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she really didn't take this secret treasure to heart.

"Thank you, senpai."

What else could Su Yi and Zhang Xiaotong say, they took off the mountaineering bag and handed it to her.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of the two, the two mountaineering bags disappeared directly into Bai Zhining's hands.

This scene was also seen by students in other groups.

"Senior Sister Bai Zhi Ning actually has a secret treasure for storage! Woohoo, why wasn't I in a group with Senior Sister Bai Zhi Ning?"

They were already envious of Su Yi and Zhang Xiaotong, but now they are even more envious.

Especially those students with poor physique, can't wait to stuff the mountaineering bag to this senior.

Soon, a group of teachers and students entered the fortress.

Just after entering the fortress, Su Yi noticed the space tunnel in the middle of the fortress.

The space tunnel is oval in shape and exudes a dim light. There is clearly nothing behind, but after stepping into it, you can pass through the overlapping and interlaced spaces and come to a new world.

"This is the forest around the lake?" Su Yi, who entered the secret realm for the first time, looked at this space in surprise.

In front of him is an endless jungle. Although there is no sun in the sky, the light-type psionic energy is very abundant, which is no different from the daytime outside.

The climate here also makes people feel very comfortable, neither cold nor hot, and it is like spring all year round.

"Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, classmates, let's go, let's see you tonight, disband!"

Liu Yiting finally did not repeat those safety matters, and directly announced the dissolution.

The students couldn't hold back for a long time, cheered, and entered the forest in groups to start their first experience.

"Let's go too."

Bai Zhining greeted Su Yi and Zhang Xiaotong, then identified the direction and walked towards a forest path on the left.


The two responded and immediately followed.

However, Su Yi had just taken a step, and suddenly several reminders popped out in his mind:

"Ding, treasure hunt mode is activated!"

"Entering treasure hunt mode, searching automatically..."

"Ding, 2.3 kilometers ahead on the left, I found a low-level secret treasure!"


Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

As soon as he came in, he was rewarded, which really made him a little overjoyed.

Moreover, it is still a secret treasure!

Although he didn't know what kind of secret treasure it was for the time being, no matter what kind of secret treasure it was, it was enough to make him so happy that he couldn't sleep!

You must know that even the most common storage treasures have a market price of more than one million.

This is a huge sum of money for Su Yi now!

If it is a combat treasure, it will be even more cool. It is not a problem to sell a few million!

In this way, the little sable with the grandmaster-level potential in the Royal Beasts Mall can't be included in the bag?

Hahaha, who said that the forest around the lake has been ploughed countless times by the beastmasters, and it is impossible to find valuables anymore?

Let you see my "luck" today!

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy