MTL - Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons-Chapter 223 godfather?

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Ruins Palace.

Su Yi quietly stood in front of the Frost Giant Dragon Egg.

Afraid that something might go wrong during the hatching process, he called Ellie over on purpose.

But Ellie felt that his behavior was a little too cautious. After all, everyone was about to hatch, so what else did she need to do here?

So far, she hadn't heard of a dragon that was suffocated when it broke its shell.

It really doesn't work, just pry it open!

Although she thought so, she still agreed to Su Yi's request and accompanies him by the dragon egg.

"It's coming out!"

After waiting for a while, Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw that the eggshell was suddenly pushed open a small part, revealing a small head with a pair of cute dragon horns.

I don't know if he sensed his breath, but the little guy worked harder, sticking his head out of the eggshell in just a few minutes.

Then the wings and claws worked together, and the dragon egg was completely opened with a sound of "Katha", breaking it into several pieces.

"This is the young frost dragon? It looks a bit cute!"

Su Yi's eyes were immediately attracted to the young dragon in front of him.

Although the shell has just been broken, this little guy is not too small, about the same as a medium-sized dog.

Especially its pair of wings, which are actually longer than its body when unfolded!

However, I don't know if it is because of excess nutrition. This little guy is round and very cute.

If it weren't for the cold air on it, as if it was condensed from ice cubes, Su Yi would definitely hold it in his arms and rub it!

It seems that Ellie is also seeing a giant dragon cub for the first time. The first moment she saw this little guy, she felt that the whole person was cute, and she immediately stretched out her jade hand, wanting to touch this little guy.

As a king-level extraordinary creature, the cold air on the young frost dragon was not enough to cause damage to her.

However, she was born with an affinity for animals, but she miscalculated this time. Even if she felt the kindness in her, the young frost giant still avoided her hand, looked at her alertly, and then cautiously retreated to Su Yi feet.

"What a vigilant little guy, it seems that he is only close to you."

Ellie shook her head and smiled bitterly, a little hurt. As a forest elf, it was the first time she was rejected by an animal, and the one who rejected her was a cub that had just broken its shell.

"It's just because I'm not familiar with it yet. After I'm familiar with it, I can be sure that it will never refuse to get close to the gentle and kind sister Ellie!"

Su Yi said with a smile.


Ellie rolled his eyes at him. Seeing that the frost giant dragon cub was still looking at her vigilantly, she couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Since it broke its shell safely, then I will go back first."

After a pause, she thought of something again, and reminded: "The giant dragon will give birth to consciousness very early, and after breaking its shell, it will obtain inheritance memories, so...don't treat it as a child who doesn't understand anything."

After speaking, she stopped staying, turned and left the palace.

"Aren't you a kid who doesn't know anything?"

Su Yi was slightly startled, then turned to look at the little guy beside him, and asked with a smile, "Is that so?"

The Frost Dragon looked up at him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he didn't seem to understand.

"Almost forgot, you don't understand human language, and you're not my pet beast."

Su Yi patted his head, and immediately prepared to communicate with it in dragon language.

His dragon language is very proficient, even more proficient than Elvish and Demon, after all, Matthew is a dragon master.

In the inheritance of jade slips, the dragon language is the most detailed language other than the common language of mankind!

However, before he could speak, the little guy crawled back to the eggshells again, then picked up the broken eggshells and chewed them happily.

Those eggshells with frost, like biscuits in its mouth, taste delicious and crunchy, and even its black gem-like eyes are bent into crescent shapes.

"What sharp teeth!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yi was a little surprised.

You must know that the eggshell of a dragon egg is very hard, even no less than the scales of some extraordinary creatures!

However, in this little guy's mouth, such an eggshell is as fragile as Want Want Snow Cake!

Surprised, he hurriedly checked the details of this little guy, and was even more surprised.

【Young Frost Dragon】

[Psionics]: Elite Seven Stars

[Attribute]: Ice


: Elementary Frost Breath (Proficient), Dragon Claw (Proficient), Freeze (Beginner), Frostbolt (Beginner)…

: Ice Shield (Beginner), Ice Storm (Beginner), Ice Blade (Beginner), Dragon Swinging Tail (Beginner)

: Extreme Cold Storm (Beginner), Ice Cage (Beginner)

: Primary Dragon Power (Proficient), Primary Ice Dragon Body (Proficient)

[Evolvable Species]: Frost Dragon Girl

[Potential]: Quasi-God

"Fuck, you were born with an elite seven-star!"

Su Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew that the Frost Dragon was an elite-level extraordinary creature after hatching, but he didn't expect to reach seven stars directly.

This is already an elite level!

Of course, what makes Su Yi the most happy is not this, but its skills.

This little guy has just hatched from the eggshell, and he has mastered so many skills unexpectedly, even including two advanced skills!

Whether it is an extremely cold storm or an ice cage, they are all very powerful skills.

The former is a large-scale destructive skill, and the latter is a control skill.

Speaking of the Ice Cage, Su Yi is not unfamiliar. After all, the Relic Palace comes with this skill.

It is precisely because of this that he is more aware of how strong this skill is!

However, compared with the power of the giant dragon and the body of the ice dragon, these two skills are actually nothing.

Don't look at the power of the dragon and the body of the ice dragon are currently only primary, but they are the core abilities of the frost dragon!

The power of the giant dragon represents the power far surpassing other extraordinary creatures of the same rank, and the body of the ice dragon represents the physique that is far superior to other extraordinary creatures of the same rank.

This is also the basis for the dragon to be called a legendary creature!

If it weren't for the fact that it was outrageously strong, the power of the giant dragon and the body of the ice dragon would not be displayed in the skill bar as a skill!

In addition to these skills, skills such as Ice Shield and Ice Blade are also remarkable.

In short, although I haven't trained for a day, this young frost giant is already very strong, enough to be used as a main battle pet!

The only regret is that the body structure of a creature like the giant dragon has become perfect, and there is not much room for evolution.

In fact, the dragons of the beast-control plane cannot evolve at all, they can only grow. After all, they are the top creatures when they are born.

As for the Frost Dragon Girl in the "Evolvable Species" column, that's not evolution, it's demonization!

"It seems that a creature like a giant dragon can only be demonized once, but with its potential, it should be enough to demonize only once."

Su Yi said with a smile.

Of course, the main reason is that the Frost Dragon can be transformed into a dragon girl in one step. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Moreover, he checked it carefully, and the conditions required for the Frost Dragon Banshee to become demon don't seem to be very high...

Just when he was seriously looking at the young frost giant dragon, the little guy had already eaten all the eggshells.

At this time, it seemed to be in a very good mood, patted its belly with its small paws, squinted its eyes, and looked satisfied.

"Are you full?"

Su Yi showed a Hexi smile, took the initiative to lean over, and continued: "What a cute little guy, if you are not full, I still have an ice spirit stone here."

As he said that, he waved his hand, and a piece of ice spirit stone appeared in his hand, and then stretched it out in front of the frost giant dragon and shook it.

At this time, he looked like a weirdo who lured a little girl with a lollipop.

I have to admit that this method is still very effective. The giant frost dragon was immediately attracted by the ice spirit stone, and the black gem-like eyes shook involuntarily with his hand.


Su Yi was overjoyed.

Before that, he had established a connection with this frost dragon through blood, which was very close to him.

Now that the ice spirit stone is added, he believes that there is absolutely no problem in taking this little guy!

However, before he was happy for a long time, the giant frost dragon woke up, and then resisted the desire in his heart, looked away from the ice spirit stone in his hand, and only looked at him quietly.

In its eyes, there are three points of closeness, three points of curiosity, and three points of doubt.

"Why are you looking at me like that, little guy, can you understand me?"

Su Yi asked with a friendly smile.

The little guy nodded, and at the same time released a low, rapid syllable from his throat.

This is clearly the pronunciation of "Neng" in the Dragon language!

"You have already mastered the dragon language!"

Su Yi was slightly startled, a little surprised.

He knew that as soon as the dragon broke its shell, it would awaken a part of the racial inheritance, but he did not expect that this part of the inheritance actually contained so much knowledge!

Moreover, judging from the appearance of this little guy, his intelligence should already be very high, no wonder Ellie specially reminded herself!

Thinking of this, Su Yi hesitated for a while and continued: "Then, do you know who I am?"

When he asked this sentence, he was a little nervous.

After all, he is a human race, and the little guy in front of him is a dragon race. With the intelligence of this little guy, he will definitely not mistake him for a role like his mother.

Facing his question, the young frost giant nodded again, his eyes softened, and he said in dragon language: "I know, you are... godfather."


Su Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at it in astonishment, "God...Godfather?"

This answer really surprised him.


The young frost dragon nodded affirmatively, "You hatched me... not a dragon, so... a godfather."


Su Yi froze there, not knowing what to say for a while.

He is still only a teenager, and he is actually considered a godfather!

Moreover, calling him godfather is a frost dragon that has just hatched!

Forget it, let's be a godfather, at least with this level of identity, you don't have to worry about this little guy's rejection of him.

Although he thought so, but after hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but say:

"Yes, I hatched you, but I'm still very young, can I change my name, such as... brother."

"elder brother?"

A trace of puzzlement flashed in the Frost Dragon's eyes, and he said doubtfully, "But according to the inherited memory of my awakening, your identity is godfather!"

Speaking of the end, the Frost Dragon looked serious.

"Forget it, call it whatever you want."

Seeing it like this, Su Yi shook his head and did not continue the topic.

After a pause, he smiled Hexi again and asked:

"What should I call you in the future, or should I give you a name? How about Bingbing? It feels very in line with your identity."

"Bingbing? Name?"

The Frost Dragon was stunned again, and said with a puzzled look: "But I have a name, and my real name is Claire Medrowash Del Maitreof Kerhalon..."

This thought lasted for several minutes, until Su Yi's face was covered in a circle, and it ended with "Funkenkabu** Tiamat".

Looking at the serious young frost dragon in front of him, Su Yi was stunned for a long time.

It was only then that he remembered that indeed every giant dragon has its own real name, and when the racial inheritance is awakened, he will know what his real name is.

This real name is usually very long. If it is not engraved into their minds along with the racial inheritance, they may not be able to remember it themselves.

No, it must not be remembered!

"This... is your name too long? And according to the custom of the dragon family, it seems that you can't let other people know your real name. Just a codename."

Su Yi came back to his senses and continued.

The young frost dragon looked at him with strange eyes, "Does my godfather like the name Bingbing?"


In fact, I can't say I like it, mainly because it's simple and easy to remember, at least it's better than "Claire Medorash Dell Maitreof..." or something.

Although he thought so, he said:

"Yeah, the name is very nice. Ice not only represents your identity as a giant frost dragon, but also symbolizes the purity of ice..."

"is that so?"

Although the young frost dragon could not fully understand it, he still agreed: "Okay."

"Then I'll call you Bingbing from now on."

Su Yi was very happy.

Since this little guy has accepted the name he it means that he is really regarded as an elder, not just talking about it!

Having figured this out, he struck while the iron was hot, stepped forward, endured the cold and touched its head, hoping to get closer to it in this way.

The little guy was still a little uncomfortable at first, but he quickly got used to it, instead he gently rubbed his head on him.

"It's done!"

Seeing this, Su Yi finally felt completely relieved.

At least for now, he is getting along pretty well with this frost dragon.

This is already a very good start!

If other people see him getting along so well with a frost dragon, they will definitely envy him to death!

Of course, it may also be surprising or frightening...

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