MTL - Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons-Chapter 238 Not optimistic about Su Yi?

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"I just want to tell you that Liu Qingfeng is my brother, so I won't hold back later. If you accidentally lose too ugly, I hope you don't blame me."

After speaking, Wang Jianchen nodded slightly, showing an apologetic expression.


Seeing him like this, Su Yi was speechless.

You say this person is here to speak harshly, he is very polite.

But you said he came to apologize, and his words were a bit arrogant.

In short, while he made people feel uncomfortable, he also made people feel embarrassed to scold him, otherwise he would appear stingy.

So, Su Yi simply laughed dryly, then turned his head away and ignored him.

"What a rude fellow."

Wang Jianchen frowned, obviously a little dissatisfied that he didn't respond to his words.

At this moment, the staff's voice sounded from the loudspeaker in the lounge:

"The first game is over, please prepare your students Wang Jianchen from Longxing Royal Beast Middle School and Su Yi from Guancheng No. 1 Middle School!"

The first game is over so soon?

Hearing this, Su Yi was slightly taken aback, and quickly turned to look at the playback screen in the lounge.

At this moment, the situation on the battle stage outside is playing on the screen.

I saw a boy in a combat suit fell to the ground, and a medical beastmaster was treating him beside him.

Next to the boy, there were three injured pet beasts.

On the other side of the battle stage, there was a cold and handsome student standing there.

This student is none other than Zhou Yang, the No. 1 seed of Longxing Yubeast Middle School.

You know, when Su Yi entered the lounge, the game had just started, but he didn't think that the game was over after just a few words with Wang Jianchen!

This is not a play-in match, but a match between the top 32. It can be said that every player is very good.

But I don't want to, even so, Zhou Yang still won so neatly.

Seeing him like this, Wang Jianchen thought he was frightened by Zhou Yang's strength, so he couldn't help laughing:

"What, I'm surprised? Do you know why Zhou Yang won this game so quickly, because he wanted to teach that player a lesson. That player also beat a student from our Longxing Middle School before, and he also made fun of us Longxing. Middle school. Such a person should be defeated with thunder, right?"

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned, "So, you also want to beat me in this way? But I remember that I didn't seem to have been hilarious in Longxing Middle School."

"Have you ever laughed at our Longxing Middle School? I don't know. All I know is that you have made our Longxing Middle School humiliated."

"And, as I said, Liu Qingfeng is my friend, so I won't hold back at all, I will only defeat you in the most ugly way!"

After he finished speaking, he sneered, ignored Su Yi, turned and walked towards the passage leading to the battle platform.

"Speechless, is there something wrong with this person?"

It is a good thing to have a sense of collective honor, but how can the students of Longxing Middle School fail to be the same as the Hei Shihui?

Looking at Wang Jianchen's handsome back, Su Yi shook his head, thinking of what he said just now, he felt embarrassed for him.

This is too **** high school.

Theoretically speaking, they are all "high four" people, and they should have passed the age of middle school two long ago.

But I have to admit that Wang Jianchen's words just made him very upset.

Do you really think that a little bit of strength can be forced? This obviously has not been severely beaten by the society.

Originally, in this level of competition, Su Yi didn't intend to make a real move, and the previous competitions were somewhat sluggish.

But now, he suddenly wanted to beat this man and teach him a lesson.

"Su Yi, Wang Jianchen has already passed, what are you still doing here? Alas, the people in Longxing Middle School are used to being domineering, so don't worry too much, anyway, at most, you will lose a little bit ugly on the battle stage, it really doesn't work. You can just admit defeat.”

Seeing that Su Yi had been standing here, Dong Zijian, who came in with him, thought he was frightened by what Wang Jianchen just said, and hurriedly reminded him.

"Admit defeat? It's not certain who will admit defeat."

Su Yi rubbed his fists, stopped, and followed with strides.

"Hahaha, the smell of gunpowder between Wang Jianchen and Su Yi seems to be very strong, there is a good show to watch!"

The other players in the lounge noticed the atmosphere between them, and they suddenly became energetic, as if watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

Anyway, they are not familiar with Su Yi and Wang Jianchen, no matter who wins later, it will have no effect on them.

Moreover, out of jealousy, they were a little uncomfortable seeing Su Yi and Wang Jianchen.

They have long heard that Su Yi's family conditions are not very good, and he belongs to the commoners.

Such people are now in the limelight, and they are firmly on their heads. They are somewhat unbalanced in their hearts, and they are eager for him to fall into a big somersault.

As for Wang Jianchen, let alone. As Dong Zihao said earlier, the people of Longxing Middle School are used to being domineering, so they are particularly annoying to people in other schools.

In short, no matter who loses, they can feel comfortable in their hearts.

"Please enter the preparation area for the two players."

The referee's voice followed.

"Ling Feng, Longxing Royal Beast Middle School is your alma mater, and Wang Jianchen is also your junior. I wonder how much you know about him?"

Su Yi and Wang Jianchen had just stepped onto the battle stage, and the three commentators sitting on the commentary booth not far away started talking.

The young man named Ling Feng immediately smiled and said:

"Don't tell me, I really know Wang Jianchen. I must have heard about this year's high school league viewers. This year, we have two powerful players in Xijiangzhou, and they both have a commander-level pet. Wang Jianchen is one of them!"

"The other one is Zhou Yang, who has shown his strength just now, right? But I am more concerned about whether Wang Jianchen has any different characteristics compared to Zhou Yang. Can you explain it to us?"

"Characteristics? How can we say it? It's not hard to see from the previous game that Zhou Yang followed the path just now, not to mention his Dragon Snake Turtle who reached the commanding level, the remaining King Kong ape and Frost Giant, One is more violent than the other, and they are all hard-core pets with both attack and defense.

And Wang Jianchen, as far as I know, his pet beasts are more inclined to speed, and the three words that stand out are the words "fast and ruthless". In the previous game, he has solved the opponent with one move several times! "

"Yes, I also watched his game before, and it was really fast, ruthless, and accurate. After all, it is a wind and dark beast, and it is this kind of fighting style that he is best at. Especially his shadow mantis, which can be used as soon as a shot is made. Use a sharp sickle to directly and seriously injure the opponent..."

"Wait, Wang Jianchen, who you've talked about for so long, hasn't introduced Su Yi well. As far as I know, the player Su Yi has a lot to offer."

"Yes, if you only mention the name Su Yi, everyone may be very unfamiliar, but if you say one of the winners of the inheritance of the Guancheng ruins last year, many people must have heard of it."

"That's right, Su Yi was one of the two lucky ones who got the heritage relics last year."

"He is actually a popular player this year, although he only has two pet beasts, and he is still the very common thorn flower and flaming fox, but with those two powerful skills that have learned about the inheritance of the secret realm, this time he still ranks first in the group. Reached the second round. If nothing else, entering the top eight should be a sure thing!"

The audience who were watching the game through the live broadcast heard their words and suddenly realized.

It turned out that he was the same person last year!

The director was also very face-saving. When he was about to cut the picture to Su Yi, he also gave a close-up of Su Yi's face, which perfectly showed his sunny and handsome appearance.


For a time, whether it was in front of the screen or in the gym, there was a sudden cry, and many girls were attracted by his appearance.

"Ling Feng, you should have watched the previous games of these two players. Can you predict which player has a better chance of winning in this game?"

"This is actually not easy to say. Although Su Yi's strength seems to be much worse than Wang Jianchen's, after all, he has two or more legendary skills. Skills of this level are bugs in this kind of competition. Well, it will definitely work wonders.

However, in general, I still think Wang Jianchen has a better chance of winning! "

"Why, can you tell me your reason?"

"The reason is very simple. Although the legendary skills are powerful, with the psychic level of Su Yi's two beasts, I don't think they can exert much strength. Even if they are used reluctantly, they should not be stable.

On the other hand, Wang Jianchen, as a commander-level extraordinary creature, his shadow mantis is very fast, in fact, there is a high probability of avoiding those two skills. "

"So, Lingfeng, your prediction is that Wang Jianchen wins and Su Yi loses?"


"Okay, then let's see if Lingfeng's prediction is correct."

As his voice fell, the referee on the battle stage also began to count down.

After the countdown is over, the game will officially begin.

It's finally here!

The audience suddenly became excited and shouted.

Wang Jianchen on the battle platform was unmoved, looking at Su Yi on the other side, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, without any hesitation, he was about to summon his pet beast.

The first person to appear on the battle stage was his main pet, the Shadow Mantis.

This praying mantis had a purple-black body, raised its two arms and stood there with a scythe, looking a little taller than an adult.

"Is this the Shadow Mantis?"

Taking this opportunity, Su Yi immediately checked its details.

[Shadow Mantis, commander-level one-star, skills: Shadow Raid, Deadly Scythe, Shadow Binding, Iron Shell...]

"Only three advanced skills? No wonder it's only the second seed of Longxing Yubeast Middle School."

After reading the details of Shadow Mantis, Su Yi couldn't help but comment.

Of course, although he said this, he had to admit that Wang Jianchen's strength as a beast was really good.

Shadow Assault is a stealthy sneak attack; Deadly Scythe is a very powerful attack skill.

Coupled with the control skill of Shadow Binding, it is very comprehensive.

The three skills are displayed at the same time, let alone an elite-level extraordinary creature, even an extraordinary creature of the same level as it may be instantly killed!

The most rare thing is that in addition to these ultimate moves, it has also mastered a defensive skill - iron shell!

Although Iron Shell is only an intermediate skill, it is enough for Shadow Mantis.

With this skill, it can greatly improve its survivability, and it will not be instantly killed by others when it misses.

In a sense, Shadow Mantis can be said to be an assassin with high attack, high defense, and control skills.

However, compared with Zhou Yang's Dragon Snake Turtle, it is indeed worse, or restrained.

As a beast with dual attributes of water and soil, the dragon snake turtle has strong defense and recovery capabilities, and the arm sickle of the Shadow Mantis may not necessarily be able to hurt it...

In addition to Shadow Mantis, Wang Jianchen also has two pet beasts, Swift Cheetah and Gale Eagle.

These two beasts are relatively common.

Especially the swift cheetah, which has a higher psionic level and more skills than Li Yuanhang's, that's all.

"You haven't summoned your pet beast yet?"

Just as Su Yi was observing the three beasts, Wang Jianchen glanced at him.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze in time, without saying much, raised his hand and summoned his pet beast.

A huge thorn flower, a flaming fox with six tails.

In terms of appearance, in fact, Xiao Jing and Liu Li are no worse than Shadow Mantis.

Especially Liuli, with six tails, is too easy to associate with, after all, there are many myths about the nine-tailed fox.


Fortunately, myths are just myths, and no one will associate myths with the beasts of the beast-control plane.

After all, there is no such extraordinary creature recorded in the ancient books of the plane of beasts.

In addition, there are only six tails, not nine tails, which does not match the image in myths and legends.

Rao is so, as soon as Liuli appeared on the stage, it still attracted the attention of many people, especially the attention of girls.

"He doesn't really have only two pet beasts, does he?"

Seeing that Su Yi was still the same as before, and only summoned two pet beasts, many viewers couldn't help discussing it.

After all, when fighting against Liu Qingfeng before, Su Yi hinted that he might have a third beast.

In this regard, many people chose to believe it. After all, with Su Yi's previous achievements, it should not be difficult to get another powerful beast.

The reason why the third beast was not used before was probably because it was unnecessary.

However, now, he still hasn't summoned the third beast, which is a bit confusing.

After all, now his opponent is Wang Jianchen, not some kind of cat or dog.

"Could it be that he really doesn't have a third beast?"

"Who knows? It may also be because his third beast has just contracted and hasn't been cultivated yet, so he simply doesn't show it off."

"Uh... If you say that, it seems really possible. He seems to have just been promoted to an elite-level beastmaster, and it is very likely that the third beast has not yet formed combat power..."

"Really? So it's better not to expect too much from him."

Others control beasts, I control demons

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