MTL - Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons-Chapter 240 spike

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The sonic boom wind blade is so powerful that it can even generate a sonic boom, which is where its name comes from.

As a high-level skill, the destructive power of the Sonic Boom Wind Blade will never be smaller than that of the Furious Crackling Wind Claw.

If he is really caught by this wind blade, with Su Yi's physical strength, even if he uses Frost Guard, he will most likely be directly cut into serious injuries and lose his ability to fight.

However, it is not easy to hit Su Yi.

The next moment, only to hear a "bang", the wind blade did not chop on Su Yi, but on Xiao Jing's flower.

Xiaojing was always beside Su Yi, and as soon as she noticed the danger, she opened the flower buds like a big umbrella.

Under normal circumstances, the flowers of the thorn flower are very fragile and cannot withstand such an attack.

However, Xiao Jing was different. While opening the flowers, a golden light appeared on the surface of her body.

There is no doubt that this is the god-level skill that attracts the most attention - King Kong is not bad.

With this skill, the powerful sonic boom wind blade couldn't hurt her in the slightest, not even a single petal fell off!

"Is this the god-level skill?"

The audience in the viewing seat suddenly exclaimed, finally feeling the power of this skill.

You know, the petals of Xiao Jing are not thick, and can even be said to be very thin.

The flower composed of these thin petals perfectly blocks an advanced skill!

This picture caused a great visual impact to them!

However, before they could continue to be surprised, the situation on the battle platform had already changed.

I don't know if it was because I almost got a somersault just now, Liuli seemed to be a little angry, so after seducing the swift cheetah, she didn't hold back any more, and a large flame suddenly burst out from her body, with a terrifying momentum.

At the same time, a terrifying fire dragon appeared out of thin air and roared towards the swift cheetah not far away.

Like her other fire skills, this fire dragon also has a strange cold white color, which is very different from ordinary fire dragon binding and killing.

If only the colors were different, it would be fine. What surprised everyone the most was that this fire dragon was so big that it felt like it was beyond the scope of advanced skills.

Especially those in the front row, they could even feel the heat!

You must know that this time Su Yi and Wang Jianchen used the largest battle platform in Longxing City, just like a football field, and the audience watching this game was also very far apart.

Not only that, in order to protect the audience, the entire battle platform was also shrouded in a protective circle.

In this case, you can feel the heat, which shows how high the temperature of the fire dragon is.

They can be sure that the fire dragon binding and killing force displayed by this flaming fox has definitely reached the command level. Even if the commander-level beastmaster is not protected, it is very likely that he will be seriously injured or even die directly!

"Quick Cheetah!"

Wang Jianchen was obviously aware of this, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Unfortunately, before he could react, the fire dragon had already hit the swift cheetah, and then exploded with a "bang".


The swift cheetah let out a scream, and finally broke free from the illusion.

However, the next second it broke free, it fainted and completely lost its combat effectiveness.

And its body, because of the power of the explosion, still flew upside down in mid-air until it hit the barrier of the protective magic circle on the edge of the battle platform.

"Quick Cheetah!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Jianchen's eyes turned red.

Through the spiritual connection, he can feel how much shock and pain the swift cheetah has endured.

You must know that the fire dragon binding and killing not only destroyed its body, but also burned its soul.

This is also the reason why it will faint directly.

Of course, the damage to its body is not small.

At this moment, all the hair on its body had been burnt clean, and even a large area of ​​scorched black appeared on its skin.

This is still the result of Liuli's mercy.

If the fire dragon hadn't exploded directly next to it just now, and had rolled it up before it exploded, it would have been blown to pieces by now.

"Is this really a fire dragon binding, why is it so powerful!"

The audience was once again shocked.

Although the skill of Fire Dragon Binding and Killing is very advanced, it is also a relatively common one among all advanced skills.

They can swear that the fire dragon binding and killing displayed by other elite-level extraordinary creatures is absolutely not so powerful, and it feels completely out of the same grade!

"Maybe it's because of the fusion of Heart Burning Fire, it's normal to have a stronger power..."

A boy thought of something and said subconsciously.

But just after he finished speaking, a knowledgeable beastmaster next to him said loudly:

"Normal shit, Heart Burning Fire is just an intermediate skill, even if it is perfectly integrated into Fire Dragon Binding and Killing, it can only increase its power by 30% at most, how can it be so exaggerated?

I can be sure that the fire dragon binding and killing released by the flaming fox just now is definitely not that simple, and there must be something we don't know, such as using a secret treasure that can increase the power of the skill. "

There is no doubt that many people have already seen that the fire dragon binding and killing that Liuli used just now is a bit unscientific.

However, the beastmaster was only half right.

The move just now was indeed not as simple as combining Heart Burning Fire, but it had nothing to do with the secret treasure that increased the power of the skill, it was just because of the demon power.

Compared with the increase brought by the demon power, the Heart Burning Fire is nothing at all.

This is also one of Liuli's trump cards.

In a sense, the trump card of demon power is even more important than Void Realm!

In the previous game, neither Xiaojing nor Liuli used demon power.

After all, with various advanced skills and combination skills, he has already bullied people very much. If he uses demon power again, will he still let people live? What resentment what?

Wang Jianchen was able to force out his trump card, which is actually very good.

Of course, in the final analysis, it was because of Su Yi's initial negligence.

If you could be more cautious before, holding the attitude of lion fighting rabbit, and using Qianjiabaimei instead of charm, how could there be so many things? That swift cheetah is estimated to have been knocked over long ago!

However, this is not a bad thing, at least through the crisis just now, it taught Su Yi a lesson and made him readjust his attitude.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Xuan Yuzhu just now, Liu Li would definitely have been injured.

As for losing the game or something, there is not much possibility, after all, there is still Bing Bing - that is a tyrannical frost dragon!

"Shadow Mantis, do it!"

Because the swift cheetah was seriously injured, Wang Jianchen had lost his composure and could no longer bear it any longer, so he directly gave the order to attack the shadow mantis dormant on the edge of the battle platform.

Although the Shadow Mantis was a little reluctant, he still obeyed his order and suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

The Gale Eagle hovering in the air was not idle either, and immediately released a large-scale sharp-blade storm that enveloped Su Yi, Xiaojing, and Liuli.

Although Blade Storm is only an intermediate skill, in terms of power, it is still enough to seriously injure elite-level extraordinary creatures, not to mention Su Yi, a fragile beastmaster.

To this end, Su Yi had to activate the Frost Guard, condensing a spherical ice shield with no dead ends at 360 degrees, and protecting himself inside.

Feeling the destructive power of the wind blade slashing on the ice shield, Su Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh: "The Gale Eagle is the Gale Eagle, and it is indeed much stronger than Senior Sister Zhi Ning's Gale Bird."

Don't look at the names of Gale Eagle and Gale Bird are very similar, but they are not the same extraordinary creature.

The racial potential of the Gale Bird is only at the commander level, while the Gale Eagle is at the master level.

A gap of one level results in more than ten times the value difference between the two.

However, Gale Eagle is strong, but compared with Xiaojing and Liuli, it is still not enough to see.

Especially Xiao Jing, who can even completely ignore its sharp blade storm.

This level of wind blade slashed on her body, it was really like scratching.

Although Liuli's defense is not very good, because of the mysterious jade armor, it has not been greatly affected at this time.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, they looked very embarrassed at this time, as if they were not suffering from a sharp blade storm, but a torrent and tsunami.

This was actually Su Yi deliberately letting them perform.

Although Xiaojing and Liuli's acting skills are a bit clumsy and can't stand up to scrutiny, Wang Jianchen and Shadow Mantis should not have much time to think in such a short period of time.

Especially Wang Jianchen who lost his calm.

If he could still think calmly, he would not choose to let the Shadow Mantis attack at this time.

Sure enough, seeing that Su Yi and the two pet beasts were "restrained" by the Gale Eagle, Shadow Mantis finally no longer hesitated.

The next moment, the Shadow Raid launched and appeared in front of Su Yi in an instant.

Afraid that Su Yi used the secret treasure to dodge, it also used the shadow bondage.

For a time, a large shadow enveloped Su Yi inside, restricting his movements.


Seeing this scene in the distance, Wang Jianchen immediately became excited and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Especially when he saw the Shadow Mantis raising his arm scythe, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

This is an advanced skill - Deadly Scythe!

He can be sure that as long as the two scythes of the Shadow Mantis are cut solid, it will definitely easily break the ice shield around Su Yi's body and make him completely lose his combat effectiveness!

Even, this knife may directly hack Su Yi to death!

Even so, Wang Jianchen still has no plans to keep his hands, not because he wants Su Yi to die, but because there is a referee nearby.

When it really came to a critical juncture, the referee would definitely save Su Yi and declare Su Yi defeated...

His thoughts were beautiful, but unfortunately, from the moment he lost his cool, these things were doomed to never happen.

Seeing that the Shadow Mantis was about to hurt Su Yi, Liuli finally stopped pretending, and the Void Domain was activated instantly.

The Shadow Mantis only felt a terrifying spiritual energy attacking him. The next moment, he found that the surrounding environment had completely changed. Not only did Su Yi, who was near Chi Chi, disappear, but even Wang Jianchen, the audience, and even the battle stage Disappeared.

It hasn't had time to figure out what's going on, all kinds of torture tools have appeared in front of it...

Of course, in the real world, the Shadow Mantis just froze in place, and its eyes were the same as the shadow cheetah before, dull and godless, obviously the spirit had been pulled into the illusion.

"Shadow Mantis, wake up!"

The smile on Wang Jianchen's face froze, and his original excitement was instantly extinguished.

Although he is still trying to wake up his pet beast, he already knows in his heart that this game is coming to an end...


His voice just fell, and Xiao Jing also shot, and several sturdy vines quickly wrapped around his shadow mantis, and it was wrapped into a zongzi in just an instant.

The remaining vines were not idle either, quickly entangled together and twisted into a thick "mace" with sharp thorns.

Obviously, she is ready to use the Wolverine Mace combo.

She has also used this combo in previous competitions, and Wang Jianchen is very aware of its power.

He can be sure that with the skill of the iron shell alone, his Shadow Mantis will never be able to resist!

Not to mention, the Shadow Mantis is still in a state of defense at the moment.

If Xiao Jing pulled that "mace" on its head, he would definitely be able to defeat it, or even kill it!

Lost! Already lost!

Wang Jianchen finally saw the current situation clearly. He was hit hard for a while, and his face was full of frustration.

However, the blow is the blow, but now is not the time for remorse or emotion.

Seeing that the Wolverine Mace was about to hit the Shadow Mantis' head, he did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up, I will admit defeat!"


At the same time he spoke, the "mace" had already hit the Shadow Mantis.

The Shadow Mantis tilted its head and fainted.


Seeing this scene, Wang Jianchen was anxious and angry, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Why are you looking at me like this, don't you think I did it on purpose?"

Seeing his expression, Su Yi frowned and was a little speechless, "You are too slow to admit defeat, how can you stop it completely? But don't worry, my hungry thorn flower has already pulled its strength, your shadow The praying mantis should be fine."

Hearing this, Wang Jianchen hurriedly ran to check the Shadow Mantis' injury. He was relieved to see that its head was not seriously injured.

However, at this time, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. Since he didn't suffer multiple injuries, why would his Shadow Mantis faint?

When he was thinking about this question, he didn't notice it, Su Yi glanced at Liuli lightly.

In the fantasy world, this girl is having a bit of fun!

Seeing that Wang Jianchen's pet beast is not a big problem, the referee on the side can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Jianchen's family background is not ordinary, and he is one of the best players in Xijiangzhou this year. If something goes wrong on the stage he is in charge of, he will definitely not have good fruit to eat.

Well, thank goodness.

Without wasting any more time, the referee immediately announced: "The game is over, Su Yi of Guancheng No. 1 Middle School wins!"

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