MTL - Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons-Chapter 300 Sister Ellie is angry

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"Sister Ellie, do you have a way to return to Blue Star?"

Su Yi asked about something serious, and looked expectantly at Ellie in front of him.

This is what he cares most about now. If Ellie has a way to return to Blue Star, then she will have more choices when it comes to dealing with the Queen of Fallen Angels!


Ellie hesitated for a moment, and regretted: "Theoretically, after igniting the divine fire, you can have the ability to cross the barriers of the world, but the premise is that you need to know the spatial coordinates of the target world, otherwise you can only try your luck in the turbulent flow of the void."

"Then Elder Sister, have you written down the space coordinates of Blue Star?"

Su Yi looked at her nervously.

Ellie shook her head, "Every world is constantly moving in the void, if you want to know their coordinates accurately, you must first figure out their trajectories.

Unfortunately, I haven't figured it out yet, and I don't have the ability to figure it out. Only when I break through to the quasi-god level can I sense some operating rules of the world I live in.

Moreover, even if I remember it, it will not be of much value to you. With my current situation, even if it is only to recover to the quasi-god level, it may take more than ten or twenty years.

As for igniting the divine fire, it will take longer, you... can you really afford to wait? "

Hearing this, Su Yi sighed slightly, and said disappointedly: "It seems that we can only place our hopes on that fallen angel."

Seeing him like this, Ellie looked hesitant to speak.

In fact, she very much hoped that Su Yi would take this opportunity to directly get rid of the fallen angel in a weak state.

After all, such a good opportunity is rare!

In fact, if it wasn't for Su Yi's doing many things for her and being kind to her, she wouldn't even talk nonsense with Su Yi, and would rush out to get rid of the fallen angel queen as soon as she learned that she was in a weak state. drop her.

But now, being emotional, she had to take care of Su Yi's feelings first.

Just when she felt a little conflicted in her heart, Su Yi spoke again:

"Since we have no way to return to Blue Star, there is only one way to choose. Sister Ellie, do you have a way for me to break through to the commanding level as soon as possible?

As long as the fourth beast-monitoring space can be opened before the fallen angel recovers, he can forcefully sign a beast-monitoring contract with her.

At that time, and then use the heart of space to consolidate the beast-familiar space, she can only obey my orders and can no longer do evil. "

"You... you want to make a contract with her?"

Ellie was shocked by his thoughts, she found that this human boy really dared to think!

However, this plan is really feasible.

If Su Yi could really contract the fallen angel queen so that she could no longer do evil, it would be a solution, and it could even be said to be the best solution.

After all, as an extraordinary creature that is about to ignite the divine fire, the Queen of Fallen Angels is still very strong. After transforming into Su Yi's combat power, this kind-hearted human boy will surely rise quickly!

Thinking of this, she thought about it seriously and said:

"If you mobilize the power of nature to assist you in your cultivation, you should be able to break through to the commanding level as soon as possible, but I can't guarantee that you can succeed before the fallen angel recovers."

"Sister Ellie really has a solution?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he looked at her in surprise.

"I said, I can't guarantee success. Moreover, using this method will have a certain impact on you. It will take a long time to consolidate your level in the future before you can continue to improve..."

Ellie said seriously.

But just after she finished speaking, Su Yi said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as I can contract her, I can bear no matter how high the price is. That... can we start now?"

When it came to the end, Su Yi couldn't wait any longer.

"Now? Aren't you afraid to make that fallen angel wait too long and arouse her suspicion?"

Ellie couldn't help asking.

"If we can break through to the commanding level in a short period of time, we don't need to make false claims with her. What is there to be afraid of? Anyway, even if she knows our plan, she doesn't have any ability to resist now."

Su Yi said with a smile.

"If you can gain her trust, it's better not to take risks. In fact, even if you successfully break through to the Commander level, it will be difficult to contract her under her fierce resistance.

Even though she can't use much power now, but as a quasi-god-level extraordinary creature, the impact on her mental power is not as great as imagined. And mental strength is the most critical factor when signing a contract? "


Su Yi frowned, realizing that he was a little too complacent just now.

"It seems that in the next few days, we still have to make false claims with her."

Thinking of this, Su Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Go back first. Tomorrow I will try to mobilize the power of nature to assist you in your cultivation, and this kind of thing can't be rushed. It won't be successful once or twice, at least it will take several months."

Ellie's red lips parted slightly, and she spoke again.


Su Yi smiled slightly, "But even if it's too late to practice today, there's no need to go back now, half an hour or an hour later, it won't have much impact. While you have time now, Sister Ellie, you have to try those long Socks and clothes?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the wooden table beside him, with some expectation in his heart.

I don't know if it's because of knowing that Ellie can help him speed up his cultivation. At this moment, his tense heart finally relaxes.

And after relaxing, the attention is involuntarily attracted by other things...


Ellie was obviously a little surprised that he would suddenly mention this, but because she was curious about those clothes, she hesitated for a moment, and agreed: "Then try it."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the strange clothes on the wooden table and asked, "Which one should I start with?"

"Black stockings! Try those black stockings first. Although this color doesn't match my sister's gentle temperament, it won't look too out of harmony with that bunny girl outfit."

Su Yi said without thinking.

"Bunny girl?"

Ellie looked at him suspiciously.


Su Yi nodded solemnly, "Rabbits symbolize tenderness and cuteness, and this is also commonly used by many human women on Blue Star. Wearing this suit, my sister's clothes will not look so abrupt."

"Really? But this suit doesn't seem to cover much..."

Looking at the clothes in her hands, Ellie felt somewhat suspicious.

"Don't you have black stockings? Try it first. If my sister doesn't like it, we'll try another set later." Su Yi urged.


Seeing what he said, Ellie didn't think too much, and hesitated for a moment. She first picked up the pair of thin black stockings, suspended them on the ground, then bent down, curled up a pair of smooth and white slender legs, and sat there. , Gently put the stockings on.

This picture was so beautiful that Su Yi couldn't help swallowing slightly.

Especially when she was wearing stockings, Ellie's movement of gently stretching her legs forward felt like it reached directly to the apex of his heart.

"Is this okay?"

After a while, Ellie got dressed, and then cast him a questioning look.

"Okay, very good, this pair of stockings completely covers my sister's legs! Next, let's change into that bunny girl outfit."

Su Yi said with a smile.

Ellie nodded slightly, but when she picked up the bunny girl's clothes, she thought of something, hesitated and said:

"You...turn around first."

Before putting on this outfit, she must take off her current clothes. Even if she is an extraordinary creature at the emperor level, she is too embarrassed to change it under Su Yi's gaze.

"Sorry, call me when my sister is ready."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi turned around directly, very gentlemanly, without showing any disappointment.

After all, can't you see it when you turn your back? Don't forget, he is the master of the heart of space, even without eyes, he can clearly "see" any scene in it!

Thinking of this, he was inexplicably excited.

However, the next moment, his face collapsed.

Ellie has known the ability of the heart of space for a long time, so she deliberately used her powerful mental power to interfere.

At this moment, in Su Yi's "vision", Ellie's body was shrouded in a dazzling holy light, and she couldn't see anything at all.

I hate Holy Light!

Su Yi was a little disappointed.

But if you can't see it, you can't see it. In fact, he is already very satisfied to let an emperor-level extraordinary creature like Ellie's sister wear such costumes for him to see.

After waiting for about four or five minutes, Ellie's gentle voice finally came:

"Okay, let's take a look."

Ellie has already lifted the interference, and she is looking at her chest that is more majestic by the black leather jacket, feeling a little strange.

Can this kind of clothing really conceal its own charm, instead of doing the opposite?

Just when she was wondering, Su Yi finally turned around.

Seeing her current outfit and proud figure, Su Yi was stunned, and his nasal cavity became dry and hot for no reason.

Seeing him like this, Ellie became even more suspicious, and deliberately asked, "Does it look good?"

"Ah,'s not a question of whether it looks good or not. This suit is very successful, and it has already reduced your charm by more than half!"

Su Yi came back to his senses and said hastily.

"Is that so? Then why are your eyes fixed on my legs?"

Allie looked at him suspiciously.

"Uh...I'm just seriously examining whether this pair of black stockings really suit you, and whether there are any deficiencies."

Su Yi hurriedly explained.

"So that's it, you want to touch it?"

Ellie asked suddenly.

"Ah! Is it really possible?"

Su Yi's eyes lit up, but he quickly realized, and quickly explained: "Sister, don't get me wrong, I just want to study these stockings more intuitively..."


Ellie squinted her eyes, as if you could believe it or not.


A few minutes later, Su Yi had left the Heart of Space and returned to the secret realm of New Land.

"It seems that Sister Ellie is really angry, and she kicked me out directly..."

Su Yi shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

Thinking of what happened just now, he felt a little regretful, wishing he could slap himself twice. It is certain that Ellie's favor for him has dropped a lot because of what happened just now.

But he can't blame him completely, after all, those clothes are right next to Ellie, who can resist letting her try them on when she has agreed to it a long time ago?

Fortunately, the relationship between him and Ellie is already very close, so it shouldn't be possible to completely ignore him because of what happened just now.

"Forget it, when she calms down a little tomorrow, go and apologize to her. Forest elves are kind and sensitive creatures. As long as they are sincere enough, they should be able to get her forgiveness."

Su Yi thought so.

Then he thought of something again, and sighed: "I only tried on one piece of clothing, and Ellie's sister saw the clues. I don't know if there will be a chance for her to try on the rest of the clothes in the future."

Thinking of those white silks, fishnets, and all kinds of cute, glamorous, or enchanting uniforms that Ellie hadn't had time to try on, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Although these clothes can also be worn by Liuli for him to see, the feeling is completely different from Ellie's.

Although Liuli's charm is not much worse than that of Ellie, and even more youthful and beautiful, but after all, he cultivated it by himself, so he feels a little grudge in his heart.

And Ellie doesn't have such a grudge, if Ellie usually teases him like Liuli, he will definitely respond positively without any psychological burden!

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaojing, let's go, let's go back."

Su Yi glanced at Xiao Jing who was guarding her side, touched her petals, and without hesitation, immediately rushed to the cave where they lived.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

It took a full half an hour before they returned to the entrance of the cave, and the sky had completely darkened.


Sensing his breath, Bing Bing, who stayed here to guard the Queen of Fallen Angels, was very happy and flew towards him immediately.

"Thanks a lot."

Su Yi stroked her dragon horn, and praised her habitually.

Just as he was about to continue talking to Bingbing, the fallen angel queen who was recuperating in the cave suddenly opened her eyes and said calmly:

"I'm a little late today."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, it's a little late because I checked the surrounding environment."

Su Yi hurriedly explained.

"Investigate the environment?"

The Queen of Fallen Angels looked at him quietly.


Su Yi nodded, and said seriously: "The main thing is to see if there are any beasts around that can threaten His Majesty."

"Come back sooner next time."

The reason to see him was sufficient, and the Queen of Fallen Angels didn't bother with this matter any more.

"Your Majesty, take good care of yourself, and I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, UU Reading Su Yi prepared to enter the cave where he lived.


He had just taken a step when the Queen of Fallen Angels stopped him, then looked at him quietly, and said calmly, "You...should you explain it to me?"

"Ah! Why does Her Majesty say that?"

Su Yi was slightly taken aback, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Don't be nervous, I'm talking about your strange beasts. At first I thought they were strange because of good luck, and a positive mutation occurred during evolution. Now, it seems that this is not the case. ..."

As he spoke, the Queen of Fallen Angels glanced at him lightly.

"Ah! This..."

A trace of panic flashed just right on Su Yi's face.

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