MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1098 Little kidnapper (below)

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The scream came from the mouth of a woman dressed up with a dusty temperament, and a group of people screamed and panicked immediately to help the companion extinguish the fire on their body. When the fireball was excited, the protection method was unavoidably alarmed. However, when the guards and attendants received the alarm message in the banquet hall, the unfortunate ghost who was in the middle of the fireball had been burned and his body was filled with blistering mourning.

雷 The ring of red halo shining on Krydier's finger is obviously a magic equipment, and the level has definitely surpassed the advanced level to reach the sophisticated level.

A group of aristocratic men and women obviously also have knowledgeable people. This magic equipment usually has special abilities, such as making a shield to protect the wearer at a crisis, or sending out fireballs, ice arrows, wind blades, etc. for attacks as just now. Enemies, and the most convenient is that the ring itself can let the mage infuse magic power into it, and even the ordinary wearer can activate the magic in the equipment by means of the idea, thereby effectively attacking the enemy or defending himself.

Of course, such magical equipment is very valuable, and the level of magic that can be used by ordinary people must reach a sophisticated level. Generally, such equipment is generally intended by the manufacturers for the purchasers. Tailor-made, even if the export products will be sold at designated large commercial banks and auction venues, not to mention ordinary people are some small nobles, for example, no one in the crowd now has a magic equipment.

And more importantly, palace banquets of this level, generally speaking, quietly carrying weapons and offensive magic equipment will be regarded as assassinations and rebellions, and there should be no noble who dare to commit this taboo.

"Don't ~ don't excite the child, just now ... it was just a misunderstanding." Seeing that there was actually a magic equipment for attack in the hands of Cledil, several bad aristocrats were dumbfounded and slowly backed away.


There was a hint of anger in Krydiel's eyes: "I don't think there has been a misunderstanding just now, you lowly and inferior guys don't even have the title of nobility."

If you want to say this magic ring is like a pistol at the moment, and the most terrible thing is that the pistol is still in the hands of an emotional child, and just now he 'shot' without hesitation It is indeed a mentality of intending to kill people, and at this time, who can not be afraid.

"Ahhh! Don't ~ don't ~ don't do it!"

"Help! Help me!"

"No, killing will put you in jail, no!"

Seeing the ring in the hands of Kreidil began to condense a fiery flame, a few aristocratic youths who were originally going to besiege Kreidil suddenly fled in a panic and frightened, but the name was After seeing Cradyle aiming at himself, the young man who was stubborn on the ground with oily noodles suddenly gave off a stinky yellow liquid under the fear of his captives.

Seeing the other party's wretched appearance, Krydiel only felt that such people becoming aristocracy was an insult to the identity of the aristocracy. His father has always taught his aristocracy that he should be elegant, intelligent and brave, and should The most unbreakable cornerstone of the whole country has been built. Only such elites are eligible to become nobles and to enjoy the privileges of nobles after paying.

Those who have the ability tend to the upper level, those who are incapable 匍匐 The bottom!

However, Chrydiel did not think that these guys were qualified as nobles, let alone dare to say that the elf girl was his slave to try to **** it. It was like a group only wandering on the ground floor of the outer city. The gangster Zhang Guan Li Dai wore aristocratic clothes, but the gorgeous clothes could not conceal the lowly atmosphere on them.

Disgusting! Offend yourself for the time being, just call the girl you like to be a slave, you ca n’t forgive me!

In the heart of the normal fire, Kreidier fired the fireball again, but at the moment, Aisha hurried up to suppress Kreidier's hand, and the burning fireball hit the ground and caused a glare. The spark, the aristocratic youth who fortunately escaped at this moment was overstretched, his eyes pale and scared.

"Don't do this, Cledier!"

"Please let me go, I want to teach this bastard, he dare to insult you like this!"

"But you kill him now, this ... it will make you and your father very difficult."

After being rejected by Aisha, the clasped hands held him and the person who was insulted by him just made him very emotional, only to see Aisha holding her tightly to stop Cledi Seoul gradually softened.

Smelling the fragrant orchid like a orchid on the girl, Krydier took the opportunity and poured Aisha into her arms, feeling the panic and trembling of the warm petite body in her arms, Krydier was like hugging an injured Small animals are full of pity,

The guards and guards who felt quickly saw the mess here and quickly brought the people under control, and the attendants who dealt with the emergency were silently starting to extinguish the fire and inspect the wounded, probably because of the fact that Chrydiel and Ai Because of Sha's age, the guards thought that it was the aristocratic men and women who had participated in the banquet to do such a big thing. However, only after a few people's excuses did they mistakenly find that it was the extraordinary temperament boy who used magic The injuries also caused the small fire.

Compared to the few nobles in front of him, an attendant who was sharp-eyed and familiar with the noble family's emblem was immediately identified from an emblem embroidered on the clothes of Cledil. The boy in front of him was actually the Grand Duke of the Carlsheim Empire. Son, and when he saw the elf little girl with pointed ears held in his arms by the boy, the attendant swallowed saliva. At today's banquet, it seems that only the most recent high-tech consultant Turner Miss Ya brought an elf to the party.

What exactly happened here?

"Well ... please ... please let me go?" Said Aisha, who was clasped in her arms, with a flushed face and a trembling voice.

Embraced by an unknown man for the first time, and also the human he hates most, Aisha feels that her heart is already overloading and the speed is leaping, and her body seems to be stiff. He was pushed away but with no effort.

"Please, please let me go?"

Seeing that the boy didn't seem to respond, Aisha was about to cry.

The guards and attendants on the side were also a little aggressive about the situation in front of him. The grand duke's son tightly hugged a girl of his age, indulging in his own world and completely ignoring his group of people. This situation It really makes people feel divine. Although anyone who causes damage at the banquet as a court guard must immediately arrest and restrain anyone, but when they see the boy in a quiet village, the guards always think that now There is an inexplicable weirdness and embarrassment of separating the two hands.

At the third request of Aisha, Krydiel returned to God. When he saw the girl was about to cry, Krydier felt heartache, but he tried to pull Aisha to force her Take it home.

However, just as Krydiel was ready to put his ideas into action, the guards on the side did not plan to let Krydier leave like this. After all, he still needs to deal with the current difficult stand. If it is this It would be troublesome to deal with it if the son of the Grand Duke did it. The servants were more likely to believe that these things were done by the little nobles if possible.

However, Krydiel did not intend to stay long. After leaving a sentence ‘my dad is the Grand Duke’ and brushing his pot for his father, he could n’t wait to pull Aisha away.

"Wait, Master Chrydiel, this girl is Miss Tanya ... oh ~ please calm down!" When an attendant wanted to stop Chrydiel from leaving, he suddenly realized that the boy had the magic ring in his hand. Get yourself.

Tenaya! This name is probably the name that Kreidil didn't want to hear now. The annoyed boy's eyes were a little red and stared at the servant unceremoniously threatening: "Give me away!"

"Calm down, you ... you can't ... can't leave yet."

The servant who was pointed at by a 'gun' was a little flustered ~ ~ But after being specially trained as a royal servant in the palace, although the servant was a little scared, the servant was obliged to stop by his duty, even if the boy in front of him used a ring You can't budge yourself by giving out magic, otherwise it is a serious disqualification as a royal attendant.

Claudio really wanted to use the fireball to shoot his servant's face, but when he thought of Aisha's persuasion in his ears, he could still judge how much it would bring to his father and himself if he attacked a royal servant. trouble.

There was a loud, mocking voice in the confrontation.

"Really ~ Is there anything wrong! A little bad guy will turn away my little pet, and keep talking about my own master."

Claudio suddenly turned around like an enemy and watched a large group of aristocrats approaching him in twos and threes, and the only one who led the middle period was the one who hated himself most and hated the most. The most scared half-elf Tenaya.

Seeing that Tanya came over, Aisha also subconsciously wanted to run over, but was clinging to her right hand and couldn't break free.

Turner smiled and smiled at Krydier, who showed a hateful and dreadful gaze to himself, said lightly: "Little devil! Remember what I told you last time? Now, since I dare to be bold and quiet, trying to turn away My pet, do you already have the power to fight me? "

I said here that Turner smiled and glanced at the ring on Kreidil's hand. rw