MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1105 Definition of power

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"Do you rely on power to conquer and plunder everything?" Closed's eyes stared at Tanya as if they had seen something that was offensive in the past.

"Does n’t His Excellency Closide say that? You also say that everyone is civilized. Violence is just vulgar and barbarous behavior. Can disputes be resolved by just sitting down and talking with each other?"

Tenaya laughed softly, though her tone was polite but contained a kind of irony that only Croside could hear.

Weak meat and strong power are paramount, and those with power can seize and conquer all things they like to do. The weak without power can only endure the fate of being a predator silently. This is the concept of the Black Dragon clan! A cruel but undeniable idea is a well-known thing among many extraordinary people and extraordinary forces.

Closed knew exactly what Tenaya was alluding to in the corners, but in the end it was just an allusion, and Tenaya had no intention of revealing herself.

If this is the case, Closide doesn't mind clamoring with Tanya: "I'm not the kind of naive visionary who thinks that the so-called love and justice can change the world. On the contrary, I'm more practical than anyone. Realist, and now the world is indeed power supreme. For example, in a free city, a person without money, power, and power is not worthy of the name 'liberty'. "

"So, Lord Closide, did you have any dissatisfaction with my words just now?" Tenaya asked with a smile.

"If you want to be the spiritual teacher of that child, then your encouragement and education is too rigid. It is just a strength for the child to pursue, and the so-called power! But it is not just for one person. Combat and destructive power of its own. "

"Oh, I don't know what you think, Lord Closide."

Closing staring at Tanya is like watching an old, decaying thing: "Think carefully about the definition of power. What is power? In addition to the powerful and destructive powers above, wisdom, knowledge, wealth, Power is also power, and even a more unified reputation, connections, prestige, and appearance are all part of power. If it is only measured by pure power, the beasts in the forest are eligible to become kings and kill The other party's taking everything from the other party proves that they are more powerful, so human beings might as well give up civilization and return to the forest as if the beast had lived by the law of nature. "

"But wise beings are not disorderly beasts, and this world cannot be completely attributed to chaos. Chaos exists but order is always the mainstream of this world, even those who have been known for their betrayal and betrayal. The Elves have also established a set of laws to restrain the people in their cities, because they know that if they completely commit themselves to chaos and disorder, then the country will be extinct. In this age of order, power is not only Just defined as powerful, in my opinion wealth and power are also a manifestation of power. It is like I am a businessman without a warrior's constitution but I can use money to hire a powerful warrior to become my guard, even if I am completely You can sit in a safe place and do n’t bother to move your fingers, watching leisurely those who are more powerful to me and killing them for my benefit. Afterwards, I only need to pay some rewards to get most of my benefits. It's the power of money and power. "

Turner laughed aloud: "Hahaha! So, our Vice President, the son of our Grand Duke, would like to do business, and then come to buy me my little pet? But I do not sell Where ~ "

"I said that the definition of power is not only powerful, but also natural wealth." Closed shook his head. "If I were that boy, if I wanted to get Aisha then I would find Attack your weaknesses. Since you are the highest technical adviser to the empire, then I will also learn these technical knowledge until one day overwhelms you and replaces you. When you exist in the Carlsheim Empire, there is no need for Augusta. The prince will definitely not protect you anymore. If you still refuse to do so, someone will do everything to help me take Aisha out of your hands and bring it to me. "

"Interesting thoughts, although they may seem whimsical, are indeed the most practical ones."

Nodded, Tanya stepped and said unwillingly: "But if my strength is difficult to counterbalance, how can you take everything from me even if you have great wealth and power? Have absolute violence People can plunder wealth and rights at will, but they cannot exchange the same power in more wealth and rights in the earth. "

"Someone once instilled in your ears this theory of the supremacy of power, telling me that suffering and suffering are caused by lack of power. Having power can defeat him and end his suffering and dominate him Everything, but do you know what I think? "

Closed approached Tenaya and said slightly, "I never thought that there was absolutely invincible power in this world, and I would let him know that I don't need to go blindly for strength, use money and benefits. With power and means, with wisdom and cooperation, I can also compile new rules in this world, new rules without the supremacy of power! "

Turner slightly stumbled.

‘A new rule that the transcendent has to choose to obey ┉’

Closed's last sentence rang directly in Tenaya's mind, and in this way, he had shown his identity like Tenaya, a status not just a vice president of the Chamber of Commerce.

Some of the guests around looked at the rivals with a lively attitude, and others with a negative attitude and a mocking attitude, but at the same time, some people frowned or looked cheerful and seemed to understand something. Corydir and Aisha both stared at Closside dullly. The two children heard some of Closside's words but couldn't fully understand them.

"I am hey! Forget it." Tenaya tilted her head. "I originally wanted to refute it, but now it doesn't make any sense to say more, only time can finally test the truth."

"Then come back to the topic."

Closide was obviously not interested in continuing on this topic and focused on Aisha, who was still a little dreadful.

Everyone who had returned to God set their sights in unison.

"Your name is Aisha?"

Aisha nodded subconsciously, as Closed asked, then awakened and hid behind Tanya immediately.

"Originally you lived in the morning light forest in the southern part of the Kingdom of Karut, and you also have an older sister named El Rogel, right?"

When she heard the name of her sister El Roche, Aisha, who was still scared, lifted her head nervously, but looked at Closed with expectation, while Tenaya on the side was There was a secret whisper in his heart, and as expected, Closside was preparing to use Aisha's sister as a bait.

"You were overtaken by the arrested slaves when they were about to enter the misty forest, and you were caught at that time, right?"

Aisha nodded unceasingly after Crossside's inquiry.

After being commissioned by Yalin to retrieve Aisha, Closide did a lot of work for this little elf girl, and learned that this elven escape team was planned by the holy capital's intelligence personnel at Golkate , And the leader should be a female elven mage named Ai Luojieer, and she happens to be Aisha's sister. But after entering the Forest of Mist, it was another male elf who arrived in the Holy City. Obviously, Aisha's sister was left in the Forest of Mist, and the biggest reason for being left was Yalin, the White Dragon King.

Closed believed that Aisha's sister must be alive, and she would stay with the King of the White Dragon. As for the ancient Dragon King, it was possible to reach Aisha with her sister so much that she reached an agreement with her sister. Whatever you can't control, what's important is how to take away the elven girls who are close at hand.

"Aisha, listen to me. I don't like to go round and round. Someone asked me to look for you because it was because of your elder sister, Roger. Now choose me, and I will take you back to my client. Maybe you My sister is waiting for you there. As for you, you do n’t need to worry about it. You ca n’t regret that the promise of the exit is in the public eye, and I can take you away immediately. ”

"Sister-in-law, did you see your sister?"

"Actually I didn't, but according to some clues provided by my client, I think it should be a commission from your sister." Closide's tone was very calm. There was no such eager hope that Aisha believed her. The speech is just to explain the reason accurately and in detail.

Without the persuasion ~ ~ without persuasive persuasion, this most direct and concise expression has credibility.

Aisha was tempted. It should be said that in this case, girls could not be unwilling to be caught by humans as goods and generally traded back and forth, especially during the period of being held in the slave dealer's carriage. The encounter, the fear of her own destiny has long been soaked in the soul, and the one supporting Aisha's mind has not completely collapsed, it is just looking forward to seeing her sister again.

But now I think that a miracle suddenly appeared, and a road to freedom appeared in front of me.

Older sister ~

Aisha was almost holding out her hand to Closed, but suddenly the girl stopped abruptly, turning tremblingly with a questioning expression and turning her head slightly to watch Turner look calm. Ya.

Turner smiled and didn't speak. The weight of the bait thrown by Closide was indeed sufficient, but the weight of the bait was large but invisible and untouchable.

If it was Aisha who was still kept in a cage as a display, she might be impatient to reach out, but now she is not so simple after her ‘education’ ~

Read The Duke's Passion