MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1143 Meal with ‘family’ (Part 1)

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Yunokia ’s eyes are all over the streets of this city. They are not conspicuous humans but the most inconspicuous cats, birds, and mice. These animals form a strict surveillance network searching the streets and alleys. Not to mention that these sensitive and highly mobile animals are free to come and go in all corners of the streets and lanes. Together with their inconspicuous appearance, they are indeed the best choices for acting as spies and eyeliners.

But this number is too much!

Although it is known that Yunokia controls a lot of animals, Claire discovered more than twenty animal enchanters along the way, and even some were the baby pets in the arms of rich noble women, just like their owners. Cats and dogs with soft fur appear to be following the owner nicely, but their eyes are looking back and forth clearly different from ordinary cats and dogs.

Claire pulled the screen and wondered, "How did this happen."

"What's wrong? Frank."

"Ah ~ I mean how the huge golden sculpture was so high."

Claire quickly explained that fortunately Emma had no doubts.

There are sorcerers of Yunokia in the city. There are so many on this street alone. The total number of free cities in the whole city may be counted in tens of thousands. Although they are small animals under the mind and self-consciousness But this number is indeed too exaggerated. Claire also used magic to imitate Yunokia's means to control some mice. When using magic, one and two are fine, but as the number of skilled masters increases, the mental power requirements also increase. Growing exponentially, Claire believes that even though he has borrowed the power of gemstones to control hundreds of animals at most, when the magic is the limit, it will definitely cause great damage to the spirit if it is enlarged. It is possible to become an idiot if it is serious.

How did Yunokia do it? Even if there are also the so-called Relics of the Star, the number is too exaggerated. Does the spiritual structure of the demon allow her to control without any damage, or is there any other way.

The spirit of the devil is far beyond ordinary people, but it is not infinite. Controlling so many animals acts as eyeliners and enchanters. In addition, the consciousness of these animals is extremely coordinated as if one. After the spiritual beauty spread out, a coordinated point was formed. When the magic lock or other magic guides were used to layer the tiles throughout the city, the maximum control effect was achieved with minimal loss. >

If she can control animals, can she also control people?

Claire did not speak this time but secretly thought in her heart that after signing the contract with the fallen master Belizemi, as long as she opened up her spiritual authority, Belizemi could hear her voice.

This is certainly true, but the human spirit is much stronger than the beast, and it may be possible to control dozens of people, but Yunokia should not be able to control tens of thousands of people at the same time, or this kind of control is also very consuming One thing, otherwise she should have become the biggest ruler of the city, instead of still playing the so-called Big Three and playing games under the rules of mortals. >

Claire pulled the screen to avoid the small eyes of countless spies outside the window.

Soon the carriage drove into a quaintly decorated but luxurious restaurant in Shangcheng District, and the attendant at the door immediately opened the door with meticulous standard actions and invited the guests respectfully.

Emma often accompanies Closside to participate in various entertainments. This is already familiar with it. It is very elegant. After walking down, the female assistant with excellent temperament has attracted the attention of many people, especially Some singles or men who consider themselves romantic, but when Claire walked down, many people's enthusiasm subsided a lot, obviously for the beauty people who have a bottle of oil is also greatly reduced in nature.

However, there are also old-fashioned gentlemen who judge that the boy around them should be a younger brother or the like. The beauty with intellectual temperament cannot have such a big child.

Regardless of what other people think, Claire following Emma seems very restrained. The previous encounter made the boy subconsciously hostile and alert to the wealthy, and his status as a slave and fugitive also allowed Claire. Extremely unsuited to the current situation, even if he studied etiquette for a period of time, even if he was dressed in decent clothes, but now Claire still highlights all kinds of incongruity like a beggar suddenly thrown into the palace.

Emma didn't care about her brother's behavior. Her family was originally a civilian who went to the lower levels. It was only after she had completed her studies that she entered the work of the Chamber of Commerce of the Blackstone Circle and was changed by the Deputy Chairman, His Excellency Closide. My brother Frank has been studying in the college since he moved to the upper class with himself. The mother and sister who are used to the notation life live a simple life on weekdays, because the busy family only works on birthdays and some special I only occasionally go out to eat in these days, and now it's natural to take Frank to such a place to make him uncomfortable.

In addition to not adapting to the environment, there is another reason for Claire's restraint and tension is that Yunokia's eyeliner is everywhere, like a colorful rainbow feather parrot kept in the restaurant lobby is dozing and sleeping. When someone walked in, they opened their eyes slightly and looked at each other.

Pretending to be unaware, Claire calmed his mind and walked in from following Emma. Even if he thought about himself with his butt, he could conclude that this parrot was also controlled by Yunokia for surveillance. Sorceress.

This female demon is really pervasive!

The waitress diligently introduced the two to an elegantly decorated private room. This disappointed many men in the restaurant who wanted to make a conversation. Emma sat down, while Claire sat a little nervous. In the opposite position, several maids soon rushed in and brought black tea and some snacks to the two, passing the menu to Emma, ​​and another one was delivered to Claire.

"I heard that there are very good seafood dishes recently. Can you recommend it for me?" Emma opened the menu and asked.

The waitress immediately nodded and smiled, "Okay lady, look here. Recently, the flying wing fish caught in Devon Mill Port was delivered freshly and enlivened with magical water when it was transported to our store. The chef's cuisine guarantees the authenticity of the traditional local cuisine of the Kingdom of Creces and is highly recommended. "

Flying Wings! This fish, like its name, has wings that can leap out of the water for a short period of time, but this fish is also famously fierce. It can even use the fangs in its mouth when jumping out of the water. Anti-capture of those unseasonable seabirds, and sometimes even attack the fishermen on the fishing boat, as long as they are bitten by its mouth-filled fangs, they will definitely be taken away with a piece of flesh. It can be said that the fishermen and seafarers on the sea Love and hate guys.

Hate nature is needless to say, the word of love is because this ferocious and greedy carnivorous fish itself is extremely delicious and highly praised by many gourmets. It can be regarded as a high-value fish species on the mainland. Catching a boat to make money can basically allow you to rest for a year. Of course, the cost is also high. Every year, there are never fewer deaths and injuries in catching flying wing fish. Even fishermen are attacked. Immediately after falling into the sea, he was eaten into bones.

The meat is delicious and not easy to catch, and it must be kept fresh and transported to the free city. The price of flying wing fish is naturally expensive. Usually, Emma, ​​who is a gold-collar in the free city, needs to stay a little bit. After receiving a large bonus, Emma didn't panic when she had money in her hands, and each of her and her brother came with a recommendation from the maid.

"Recently, it is a good season to eat yellow iron shellfish. The yellow iron shellfish in our restaurant are carefully selected for the best products. Each one is guaranteed to be plump and juicy. Do you need to taste it?"

Seeing Emma's extraordinary skill, the maid's recommendation became more and more enthusiastic. After ordering three or four more, Emma gave Claire the final decision on the final dish.

To Claire, his 'sister' was really a bad job. He had never eaten in such a restaurant, and he was completely scratched by the various ingredients on the menu. Some of the portraits above looked like Every one of them has an appetite. To be honest, I really want to try everything.

In the end, Claire, who couldn't utter a word for a long time, had to drop her gaze on the maid for help, and the maid recommended Claire with a warm smile.


While the two sisters were preparing to enjoy a meal in the restaurant, they were in a humble carriage outside the restaurant ~ ~ several hazy eyes were staring fiercely at the restaurant door, That stance seemed to be glaring at the entire restaurant.

"They went in for a meal. Yeah, I'm sure her brother didn't leave with other family members."

"Good virtue, we will continue to monitor."

"Yes! Yes! We understand that it will not cause much movement in the upper zone, please rest assured that I know the scale."

The man who had just finished communication in the carriage closed his magic guide and greeted his companions. One of them got out of the car, dressed in a well-dressed suit, and walked towards the restaurant.

At the same time, the seductive sorceress Michelle who stayed in the house at the same time was also annoyed and found that a group of people outside the door seemed to be stumped by the French array after prying open the door. Under the circumstances, a group of people can only tragically move around the mansion.

Mi Xuela, who came to the second floor quietly, opened a little curtain, and carefully watched the movement outside. Some of the guys who were dressed as spies and spies did not get Mi Xuela's attention, just as a dress belt After the appearance of women with exotic styles, Michelle frowned.