MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 4 A new start for the King of Dragons

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Achieving an overall goal allows the prestige of Bailong Wang Yalin to spread throughout the world, whether it is because of fear or admiration, the use of means is not restricted, regardless of military, economic, cultural, scientific, and religious methods. The area of ​​the territorial jurisdiction must be widened to 30% of the total area of ​​the world. The servants of the direct territories must maintain a minimum of four races, and the wealth share must reach about 40% of the entire world.

"You are ready to call me to conquer the world"!

"This should be the dream of every man."

"Who said that! The dream of every man is to turn his head and break through the sky." The boy turned his head in disdain and replied.

This non-marginal answer made 'spectacled panda' smile with a bitter smile: "I know you are not interested in things like conquering the world, but I need some criteria for judging your journey through this journey, and I respect your choice , I also know that you do n’t know who likes to kill and kill, so I let you go in any way to achieve this goal. ”

"What if I can't?" The boy asked a little back and seemed a little worried.

"It doesn't matter. Even if you fail, I guarantee that you will still return to your original life, but I will correct everything you have experienced so that you think you have only had a wonderful dream. You are still the genius otaku, I am still the mysterious CG artist. "

After listening to the boy, he also stirred up some fighting spirit and said, "So what did I do? I achieved the goal you gave me, so what reward do I have?"

'Glasses Panda' pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "If you are willing to embark on a road of war, okay! As long as you achieve my goal, the entire world is completely in your hands. , Then I will not only resurrect you and let you return to your original life, you can also keep all these memories, and I can give you this world as a gift, from now on you can freely travel between the two worlds, And in this strange world, you will become a true God, so are you satisfied? "

Becoming the master of a world, this is only a situation that teenagers usually imagine. When the opportunity is really in front of them, the teenager just feels ashamed and nervous: "Absolutely satisfied. By the way, ask me when Through "?


Watching the dazzling blue vortex on the ground, the boy carefully put his hand in. When he touched the vortex, the junior only felt that there was a heat flow in his arm, which turned into a state of soul, like blood flowing back. With both hands. Hesitating for a while, the teenager stretched his hand back and asked, worried, "Is it really okay to jump like this?"

He nodded and said, "Panda Glasses", with an expression of absolute peace of mind, "I know you are nervous! You can jump with a hundred hearts boldly."


After clapping his face vigorously to cheer himself up, the teenager stretched his foot into the vortex. When he was about to jump, the teenager suddenly stopped moving and turned to look at the 'spectacled panda' teenager with a sigh of sigh. Say "Thank you" most sincerely!

"what"? For a while 'spectacled panda' was baffled by the words of the boy.

"I thought I would leave this world with regrets, but I didn't expect that fate would let me know you and arrange such a miracle for me, it is really an honor to know and become friends with the Creator"!

"Eyeglasses Panda" smiled and said, "Fate was created by yourself, let's continue to create with your new life! I am also the same creator and I am honored to be friends with you. Finally I am giving you a reminder that there is no so-called eternity or so-called immortal body in this world, and everything will have a day of extinction. Including me! "

"Thank you"! Juvenile tilted his head and thought, he said, "Since this is a new beginning, then I will give up my past name for the time being! The king of the white dragon is Yalin, so my name will be Yalin from now on."

After the teenager finished speaking, the whole man jumped into the vortex suddenly, and was not completely swallowed by the vortex as imagined. The vortex was like a slowly sinking quicksand devouring the body of the teenager bit by bit, The 'spectacled panda' on the side squatted down and stretched out his hand to the teenager who was swallowed into his normal body.

Hesitated for a while, the boy also reached out, and both hands clasped together and shook it hard. When the vortex was about to devour the boy's body, the boy suddenly raised his head and looked at the mirror panda with a requesting tone.

"Sorry!‘ Panda ’, I think as a friend, I ’m asking you to promise me the last thing ┉┉┉┉”

======================================================== ===================

Yarnold Mountain Range! The forbidden area of ​​life in the eternal frozen land, snow and ice will always be the main theme here throughout the year. There is no other color in the snowstorm except a pure white, even the endless forests in the mountains. Only a little new green will appear briefly in the summer of each year, decorating this pure white ice and snow world with a little different color.

"It's so beautiful"!

The King of the White Dragon——Yalin stood on the mountaintop and looked down at his own territory. He took a deep breath and let the cold air fill his lungs. He moved his hands and feet and looked at himself excitedly. The new body, now seems to be a young man in his twenties, with silver hair and white pupils like sapphire crystals, wearing this exquisite silver armor with the body he is now in Snow Mountain is a very matching shape, cold and extremely cold.

In fact, when Yalin just woke up, he found that he was actually in a huge empty temple, and his surroundings were like another invisible wall blocking him. Soon, Yalin found that he seemed to be able to detect spiritually. Feeling everything outside this temple, even a little squirrel living on this mountain peak can't escape his spiritual exploration. In the next attempt, Yalin also found that his spiritual exploration could only be extended to the foot of the mountain, and he could not continue. Recall that this may be the restriction that ‘Panda’ puts on himself

Yalin, who was trapped in the temple and unable to get out, slowly learned how to read the memory of the King of the White Dragon, and soon he has created a body that is more convenient to move than the giant dragon body. After going back and forth in the temple for a few laps, apart from marveling at the grandeur and grandeur of the temple, Yalin was disappointed to find that all the passageways were blocked. In the following time, Yalin has been searching for a way out using spiritual detection. At this time, Yalin suddenly had a clever idea. Since he can create a new body at any time, he might as well create a mountain directly outside the temple. Just fine.

"It's weird to control two bodies at the same time!" Yalin slowly walked forward and let the cold blizzard blow on himself. In fact, the temperature on the mountain peak was already about minus 30 degrees, but Yalin did not feel cold at all, but it seemed that the colder the whole body, the more There is a sense of comfort beyond words.

As the dragon's body, it is still exploring the terrain of the whole mountain with the spirit in the sealed temple located in the middle of the mountain. A clone inside the temple continues to clean up the blocked passage, and this newly created clone has begun to appreciate Beautiful outside world snow scene. Although two new bodies were separated for different tasks, Yalin didn't have many strange feelings. The two new bodies were as flexible as his left and right hands.

Through the detection of Yalin, it is probably clear where he is now. The whole temple is buried in the central area of ​​the whole mountain. It seems to connect many buildings, but it is buried by the collapsed mountains and snow and only a few are exposed. Scattered ruins.

The workload of cleaning up is very large and more manpower must be added! There are too many things to do by himself. Originally, Yalin was going to continue to create avatars, but every time he created a avatar, he found that the power of all avatars dropped a little. The strength was getting smaller and smaller, and in the end Yalin finally eliminated his plan to use the avatar to clear the ruins.

After canceling the avatar inside the temple, Yalin concentrated all his strength on an external one, and knocked on a collapsed stone pillar. Yalin taunted and said, "I almost forgot the 'Panda' and gave it away. Got me a good thing. "

"Enter the Summoning System interface"!

With Yalin's words, the scenery around Yalin sealed in the inner temple instantly changed into a three-dimensional system interface. The entire interface was divided into two categories. On one side, a three-dimensional graphic showing a piece of DNA code was marked below. With the word life, a wrench graphic is displayed on the other side, and building assets are marked below. Two data are displayed directly above the system:

Soul Energy: 200000

Material energy: 1000000

Wu Yalin didn't need any action, just thought about it, the system would operate according to his own thinking. After entering the building asset interface, it showed the dazzling purchase and sale prices of various materials.

1 ton of concentrate iron ore: 120 material energy for sale 100 material energy

1 ton copper concentrate: 70 materials and energy for sale 55 materials and energy

1 tonne of wood: 35 material energy for sale 15 material energy

Second gemstone ore: 140 material energy for sale 100 material energy [unlocked]

Some are mineral materials that are visible on the earth. These are relatively cheap things, while other expensive materials are nothing that Yalin has never heard of.

1 month of tin ore: 800 material energy for sale 600 material energy [unlocked]

1 tonne of beacon ore: 750 material energy for sale 500 material energy [unlocked]

Refined 500 grams of Olihacan: 1200 supplies of energy and sale of 1000 materials of energy

500500 grams of refined Mithril: 850 material energy for sale 600 material energy [unlocked]

Onyx branch 500 grams: 550 material energy for sale 400 material energy [unlocked]


More than all kinds of ore and materials, the building material interface also has a wide range of summoning icons such as buildings, weapons, armor, food, daily necessities, etc. Yalin glanced at it and marveled at the huge collection of this system. Even if this system collected all the minerals, weapons, and buildings imagined by the earth and human overhead, it would not be too much.

After exiting the building material interface, Yalin entered the life creation interface with an excited mood:

Yak Tauren: [Unlocked]

Spirit: [Unlocked]

Human: [Unlocked]

Lion 鹫: [Unlocked]

Dwarf: [Unlocked]

Goblin: [Callable]

Orc: [Unlocked]

Ta Ya Human: [Unlocked]


Wu Yalin admired the three-dimensional figures projected in front of him one by one, and clicked into the top interface of the Tauren. The system screen immediately popped up many different types of Tauren arms:

Tauren civilian [requires Tauren to unlock]: Summoning requires 165 soul energy:

Strength 89 Dexterity 28 Spirit 54 Wisdom 36 Constitution 72

Introduction: The most basic Tauren residents don't have too outstanding specialties, suitable for farming and construction labor, and can be transferred to a profession that Tauren is good at after training.

Tauren Warrior [Requires Tauren to unlock]: Summoning requires 185 Soul Energy:

Strength 147 Dexterity 38 Spirit 64 Wisdom 58 Constitution 126

Ability: dual-wielding for life and tough heavy weapons

Introduction: The tauren who have received military training have richer experience in combat and are good at using various weapons.

Tauren Shaman [Requires Tauren to unlock]: Summoning requires 235 soul energy:

Strength 102 Agility 47 Spirit 217 Wisdom 132 Constitution 75

Specialty: Magic Research [2 Understand]

Ability: Elemental calls for the power of purification

Introduction: The elders and wise men of the tauren are good at communicating with elements and souls, and guardians of the earth.

Tauren Berserker: Summoning requires 210 Soul Energy [requires Tauren to unlock]:

Strength 287 Dexterity 42 Spirit 36 ​​Wisdom 38 Constitution 104

Ability: Endless Furious Warfare

Introduction: Give up all defenses and focus on attacking crazy fighters┉┉┉

Yalin used to be a data and introduction enthusiast. He played games, especially real-time strategy games. After buying a new game, Yalin often first read the description of the arms in the manual carefully. The thought of these legendary creatures will become a trembling with excitement in his subordinates Yalin, but this [unlocked] makes Yalin inexplicable. Think about it like a game. You may not have upgraded or climbed the technology tree. .

Looking at the screen full of dazzling summoned creatures, but a lot of icons have been added with the words [Unlocked], Yalin felt a bit distressed, and turned the only unlocked summoned creature on several pages is the goblin, clicked in and watched Looking at the data of the goblin, summoning the goblin that only needs 15 soul energy did live up to expectations, and the extremely low data made Yalin feel that this creature was not qualified for cannon fodder.

Am I not a dragon? Then you should be able to summon the dragon! Yalin thought for a moment about the searcher dragon in his head, and the system immediately sensed that the dragon icon was listed.

Black Dragon: [Unlocked]

Red Dragon: [Unlocked]

Green Dragon: [Unlocked]

Blue Dragon: [Unlocked]

Bronze Dragon: [Unlocked]

Wu Yinglong: [Unlocked]

Golden Dragon: [Unlocked]

White Dragon: [Callable]

Poison Pool Dragon: [Unlocked]

Subspecies Dragon: [Unlocked]


When he saw that Bailong was [summonable], Yalin entered the summoning interface of Bailong excitedly:

White Dragon Childish Dragon: Summoning requires 36000 soul energy:

Strength 1262 Agility 684 Spirit 451 Wisdom 263 Constitution 626

Ability: The tough elements of life dominate frost resistance

Introduction: The clan of the white dragon king Yalin, the first-born white dragon, born with the ability to control frost, is good at ice spells, frost damage reduces flame damage doubled!

Youth White Dragon: Summoning requires 42000 Soul Energy:

Strength 2353 Agility 1292 Spirit 826 Wisdom 740 Constitution 1234

Speciality: Study of Magic [3 Skills] Study of Engraving [1 Slightly Understanding]

Ability: Life Toughness Dominates Frost Resistance in Frost Realm

Introduction: The clan of the white dragon king Yalin ~ ~ After growing up, Bailong has a certain strength, born with and able to skillfully control the ability to frost. Frost damage is reduced by half. Fire damage deepens!

Adult White Dragon: Summoning requires 48000 soul energy:

Strength 3045 Agility 1830 Spirit 1186 Wisdom 1064 Constitution 1563

Specialty: Magic Research [4 Goods] Engraving Studies [2 Understand]

Ability: The tough elements of life dominate the frost field. Frost resistance elements dominate 0/300.

Introduction: The clan of the white dragon king Yalin, as a full-grown white dragon, is immune to most frost damage and is proficient in all frost spells. He has a certain resistance to fire, is good at manipulating the frost field, and can summon elemental creatures.

I actually can call! However, it is indeed a dragon, a creature of the BOSS character in this RPG game! The weakest childish dragon actually needs 36,000 soul energy, which can be converted into a number of goblin of a division. In addition, the summoning of black dragon juveniles in other dragon races has reached 52000 points of soul energy. Seeing that Yalin has been in a state of excitement, he directly instructed the summoning interface: "summon an adult white dragon"!

OK! !!

The blue map shows the summonable range on the system map. Yalin looked at the avatar outside the temple without hesitation. A large number of white light spots appeared in the open space of the peak. Quickly gathered together to form a huge body

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