MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 448 snatch!

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Xu Qing was very anxious.

Four days have passed since the last spirit ghost examination.

In the four days, although the total amount of Dao fruits they obtained had reached more than a thousand, and the captain released rumors of blessings to the outside world, many Shenglan tribes begged for Taiwanese citizenship.

Under the operation of the captain, some rare treasures have been harvested a lot.

But their real goal, the True Immortal Ten Gus Tree, has never fully matured.

And with the passage of time, Xu Qing also gradually became uneasy. This feeling of uneasiness is the same as when he was in the county capital.

He could vaguely feel that the wood industry was in a place far away from here.

"It should have been sent to the dynasty of the Shenglan clan..." Xu Qing pondered, checked the Dao fruits he had obtained, and after counting his military achievements, his desire to leave became more and more intense.

But the captain was not reconciled.

"Little Ah Qing, let's stay one more day!"

"Tomorrow, there will be a big customer asking for blessings. Besides, I heard people say that some people recently felt the changes and fluctuations of the ten intestines of the real immortals during their cultivation. This shows that they are about to mature."

"Let's wait a little longer. After all, the opportunity is rare. If we can enter the inside of the ten intestines of the real immortal, we will really achieve great consummation this time. I have been waiting for this day for a long time." The captain looked with longing and madness. licking lips, fast

sound transmission.

"We can't eat the Dao fruit outside, but Xiao Aqing, I have studied it. The real fairy ten intestine tree body should be edible, and it is extraordinary. Every bite must be an explosion of spiritual energy."

"You also want to speed up your cultivation, don't you? This time I promise, we will definitely be able to."

"The most important thing is...Little Aqing, this time the big brother is going to send you a world-shattering super good luck! I can't say it now, this matter is mysterious, I can only do it, I can't say it, you believe me!"

"As for the way to leave, I also have a way. I have prepared a very powerful treasure, which can teleport us back to Fenghai County in an instant, but the consumption of this thing is astonishing, so I still need the real fairy ten intestine tree itself."

After Xu Qing pondered, he glanced at the captain, gritted his teeth after recalling all the past, and agreed to wait another day.

And so came the night of the fourth day.

In the middle of the night, when Xu Qing was studying the statue of Heitian, his mind suddenly moved, causing waves in his sea of ​​consciousness.

In a blur, in his perception, in the direction of the True Immortal Ten Gut Tree, a monstrous fire suddenly rose there, and the flame was burning fiercely, shaking the earth.

But when I opened my eyes, everything disappeared.

Xu Qing's eyes showed strange light.

"Is this what Muye and the captain said about the undulating vision of the True Immortal Tengus Tree?"

Xu Qing murmured, looking at the darkness in the distance, and closed his eyes again.

After a long time, in his induction, the flame formed again indistinctly, and as it continued to burn, Xu Qing seemed to see a figure in a white robe, facing the sky in the flame at the place where the real fairy ten intestine tree was. dance.

It wasn't just one person, but countless figures gradually appeared around him, all dancing together.

These figures dance strangely, with a sense of mystery, like a sacrifice, pleasing the gods.

At this moment, with the dance, the surrounding flames rose even more, rising and falling together, and the momentum became bigger and bigger.

There were even bursts of drumbeats echoing from there, and each sound fell on Xu Qing's mind, as if to replace the heartbeat.

There is also an ancient chant, speaking inaudible spells in a tone that Xu Qing has never heard before.

Gradually perceive the sky in the illusion, and it seems that a huge gap has cracked at this moment. There seems to be an unimaginable existence in that gap, staring at the earth, as if waiting.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a voice full of excitement came from the mouth of the dancing figure in the center. He raised his right hand and his abdomen was instantly torn open, with winding intestines floating out of his stomach out, twisting like a snake into the air.

With the dancing and the sound of the drums, the intestines are constantly twisting.

Then all the figures in the surroundings raised their hands to open their stomachs, causing their intestines to fly. Looking from afar, the countless intestines lifted into the air was shocking.

This scene even possessed a certain kind of strange power, which affected Xu Qing's perception, so that Xu Qing couldn't help but have an uncontrollable urge to follow them to open their stomachs.

But in the next moment, with the vibration of the third and fourth heavenly palaces in his body, the power of the poisonous pill and the purple moon spread, causing waves in Xu Qing's mind, and the urge to open his stomach gradually weakened.

As for the direction of the True Immortal Ten Gut Tree, where the sea of ​​flames swelled instantly at this moment, emitting a shocking blood light that filled the whole world, Xu Qing's body shook suddenly, opened his eyes, and woke up from the illusion.

The sky outside is bright.

That is the human-shaped life-fire lantern floating between the sky and the earth under the canopy. With the change of the sky outside the canopy, it is re-lit, and the light shines in all directions.

At dawn, a burning smell centered on the ten intestines of the real immortal diffused in all directions, covering every area under the canopy, and penetrated into Xu Qing's nose.

At first smell, it was like burnt flesh and blood. It was pungent and had some stench at the same time, but after taking a sip, it turned into a strange fragrance, rushing towards the face and oozing into mind.

Xu Qing's sixth celestial palace was already half formed due to the previous killings in District C, but now under this fragrance, it trembled slightly, as if it was stimulated and influenced, and accelerated its visualization.

Xu Qing's eyes lit up.

captain at the moment

Also aware of the strangeness, he rushed out from the side hall, with madness and longing in his eyes, breathing rapidly and looking in the direction of the ten intestines of the real immortal.

"The ten intestines of the real immortal are in full bloom!"

Almost at the moment when the captain's words came out, the place where the ten intestines of the true immortals were, there was a roar of heaven and earth, a total of twelve sounds, each stronger than the last, until finally it seemed to be able to open up the world.

Shock everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the violent sound, Xu Qing witnessed with his own eyes that the huge canopy above this area slowly began to shrink, causing the sunlight from the outside to continuously fall on this area that had not been shed for a hundred years.

But if you look closely, the canopy is actually not shrinking, but the entangled trunks inside it are separated from each other.

After this process lasted for half an hour, as the outside world became completely bright, and as the sun fell in, the canopy...disappeared.

The ten huge tree trunks that do not touch each other and wind up in different directions directly appear in the eyes of all the onlookers here.

Ten tree trunks, like ten intestines, sway between heaven and earth!

Countless fruits formed rapidly on it, turning into countless eyes, looking at the earth from a distance.

Xu Qing got up suddenly, he finally waited until the intestines of the real immortal were in full bloom, and after looking at the captain, they both saw the excitement in each other's eyes, and they walked out of the hall immediately without any hesitation.

As for Qingqiu and Ning Yan, they were also shocked by the change of the ten intestine tree, but they couldn't allow them to continue to check, and had to follow behind Xu Qing's wave.

A group of people left the hall quickly, got up and were about to fly out of the Zenith Kingdom to rush to the ten intestines of the real immortals, but at this moment, the teleportation array in the Zenith Kingdom shone brightly, and there was a roaring sound, and the next moment there were figures in black clothes Imagined directly from within.

The person in charge was a middle-aged man, who, like the head of the Zenith Kingdom, had spiritual cultivation. After he appeared, he noticed Xu Qing and the captain, and went straight to them.

Behind him, figures in black robes followed Hu Xiao and flew out in neat and unified movements, with a look of foreboding in their expressions.

There are a total of three hundred people, and the weakest ones are all four heavenly palaces, of which there are more than forty people in the seven or eight heavenly palaces, and ten Yuanying.

Their appearance made both Xu Qing and the captain sink, and Qingqiu and Ning Yan gasped.

This kind of clothes and this kind of chilling meaning, as well as the ginkgo leaves embroidered on the robes, are no strangers to the sword bearers, and they are their deadly enemies in the Shenglan clan... the black guard.

Looking at its organization, it is clearly a complete squadron.

Especially the middle-aged man who was in charge of Lingzang, the team leader had never seen him before, but Xu Qing had, and more than once.

The first time I saw this person was when Kong Xianglong killed Zhun Yuanying at the border, and the other party showed great anger.

The second time I saw him was in Sword Holding Palace, this person was taken by the Yao family to question Xu Qing and others.

Now, it's the third time!

"It's him!" Xu Qing's heart flashed murderous intent, and the middle-aged man had arrived quickly with his black-clothed guards.

As he approached, not only the figure of this person was clearly in Xu Qing's eyes, but all the black-clothed guards behind him were also reflected in Xu Qing's eyes.

After Xu Qing swept away, he suddenly locked on one person.

This person is a young man with a handsome appearance and a good temperament, and his body is even more amazing. Although he is not a Nascent Soul, he is also a fighter of the Nine Palaces. There are two silver leaves on the black guard robe, which is one more than the other golden elixir. It is equivalent to those ten Nascent Souls.

What made Xu Qing pay attention to this person was that there was a life lamp in this young man's body.

Because it was transformed into a life palace, outsiders can't feel it very clearly, but Xu Qing can clearly perceive it. It is a blue stone carving lamp, carved in the shape of a lantern.

Almost at the moment when Xu Qing's eyes swept over the young man, the middle-aged black-clothed guard who was in the lead approached Xu Qing, clasped his fists and bowed, and spoke in a deep voice.

"The black-clothed guard capital of the Tianfeng Kingdom, Zhou Xingwu, has been ordered to come here to greet you and **** you to the Tianfeng Kingdom!"

After Zhou Xingwu bowed, the black-clothed guards spread out and surrounded him in an arc, and bowed to Xu Qing and the captain in unison.

Seeing this scene, Qingqiu and Ning Yan breathed slightly short.

Xu Qing looked calm and did not speak. The captain beside him raised his chin and frowned slightly before speaking.

"Back off, it's not up to you to decide whether to go to Tianfeng Country or not."

Zhou Xingwu's face was expressionless, he didn't look at the captain, but looked up at Xu Qing, and said again in a deep voice.

"The emperor's order is added to the body, and the responsibility lies. I hope that my lord will not make it difficult for me." He knew that this was the son of the **** who was suspected to be of the highest blood. Heiyi Wei, he naturally has his own way of doing things.

As he spoke at this moment, he raised his right hand, and the surrounding black-clothed guards spread out again in an instant, from a semi-enclosed state to a completely encircled one, but none of them dissipated the slightest bit of evil spirit, and all of them bowed their heads respectfully, and their cultivation base did not work. But this attitude,

Very decisively.

Seeing this scene, the captain narrowed his eyes, and was about to speak when Xu Qing suddenly spoke softly.

"What's your name?"

As soon as his words came out, Zhou Xingwu's eyes darkened slightly, and he noticed that the other person's eyes were looking at the son of the admiral behind him.

"My lord, humble Lin Yuandong." Being stared at by Xu Qing, the admiral's son immediately took a step forward, with an indifferent expression, he cupped his fists and opened his mouth.

Xu Qing nodded and spoke lightly.

"Zhou Xingwu, take out his life lamp, I want it."

Read The Duke's Passion