MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 469 grunt grunt

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On the Styx River, this long line of seeing off relatives is constantly moving forward, and the piercing suona sound is like the music of death, continuously whirling.

As for the four jars on the sedan chair, they were blue, black, red and white. They were placed on the pole of the sedan chair, as if they were some kind of tribute.

Xu Qing watched all this from the sky, with a cold light in his eyes, and in a blink of an eye, he walked towards the sedan chair.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the send-off team, and the seven or eight snake-headed ghosts inside suddenly turned their heads, and came straight to Xu Qing with a vicious intent.

Xu Qing's expression didn't change at all, he still walked forward, he only had the sedan chair in his eyes, and nothing else was in his sight.

With every step, Styx would roar, and his breath was sharpening on him like a sharp blade.

As for those seven or eight soul shadows, they were coming quickly at this moment, but at the moment they approached, the wind of drug prohibition blew by, and the soul bodies rotted one by one immediately, and a mournful sound came out from their mouths.

They were about to dissipate, but they fused with each other strangely, turning into a huge soul shadow more than ten feet high, with its arms open and roaring, it rushed towards Xu Qing.

With a bang, the soul shadow paused in front of Xu Qing, and then cracks appeared in the body, spreading rapidly throughout the body, collapsing and exploding uncontrollably, countless shattered soul bodies turned into dust, and sprinkled on the Styx River.

Xu Qing withdrew his fist expressionlessly, and continued to gallop forward. It seemed that he was approaching, but the next moment, the long queue in front of him, like a bubble, shattered and dissipated.

Farther ahead, in a blur, the sending-off team reappeared without stopping, and continued to move forward.

Only the cover curtain of the sedan chair was raised by a white jade-like hand, and the girl sitting inside stretched out her long neck, looking coldly at Xu Qing like a snake.

This is the first non-crazy figure that Xu Qing encountered after coming here, but this girl is obviously not completely normal, her expression seems to be indifferent, while looking at Xu Qing, there are dozens of snake-headed souls in the team around her, With fierce intent, he rushed towards Xu Qing.

Xu Qing didn't pay attention to these rushing spirits, he looked at the sedan chair, raised his right hand and pointed to the sky.

Suddenly the sky roared, and a storm of poisonous mist descended, falling in front of the sedan chair, blocking its direction.

Then he stepped on the Styx River, and in an instant a purple mist dispersed from Xu Qing's body, quickly merged into the Styx River, changed the color of the river, and spread forward rapidly.

Turned into imprisonment.

The entire team of seeing off relatives was blurred again, and seemed to disappear, but under the cover of drug ban and Ziyue, the team failed to move.

With a mournful sound, the procession of seeing off the bride came to a standstill, and all the figures turned their heads in an instant, fixedly staring at Xu Qing, and rushed towards him in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the Styx River around was churning, a large number of corpses crawled out, and countless evil spirits lifted into the air.

Xu Qing didn't care about the unabated speed, and galloped forward. A black iron spear appeared beside him, flashing lightning, setting off bolts of lightning, and stabbing towards those souls at high speed.

Instantly approached one, and after directly penetrating the opponent's brow, the thunder light exploded, destroying it. Then shuttle again.

There are even more shadows spreading, even if it is disgusting, it is still frantically devouring towards those souls. ....

Following the attack of the Vajra Sect Patriarch and Shadow, those souls rushing towards Xu Qing made shrill sounds one by one, and they either collapsed, became poisoned, or were swallowed.

And Xu Qing's footsteps didn't stop at all. During the mass death of souls, he was getting closer and closer to the sedan chair, and sometimes he raised his right hand and grabbed the souls rushing to him one after another. broken.

During this journey, the breath on his body became more and more terrifying, and at the same time, the piercing suona sound suddenly came from a distance. Formed the power to penetrate the soul, and charged towards Xu Qing. But this power is nothing to Xu Qing, who has endured the murmuring of the gods. With the transformation of the black umbrella, he directly ignored the suona, and after taking a step forward, the suona sound changed its tone and turned into a collapse The sound of cracking and screaming.

The surrounding souls continued to collapse and die, and Xu Qing's figure was like a demon god, unable to be stopped in the slightest.

Seeing that it was about to approach the sedan chair, at this moment, the sedan chair

The curtain quickly lifted, and the girl in the wedding gown quickly walked out from the inside. While her expression was still icy, the fluctuations that were infinitely close to the Nascent Soul also spread from her body.

At this moment, her hands grew long nails, which were extremely sharp and at the same time revealed her pupils, staring at Xu Qing. Then his face turned black, forming rotten scales, and he rushed towards Xu Qing. The speed was not slow, and there were bursts of strong death breath, but the moment she approached Xu Qing, Xu Qing's figure in her eyes disappeared very suddenly.

Before the snake girl could react, a hand that looked like iron pliers stretched out from her side and grabbed her neck.

That was Xu Qing's hand.

The moment the snake girl was shocked, a shocking force came from this hand, and with a click, her neck was instantly crushed. Xu Qing waved his hand and threw the snake girl's body into the distance. But the snake girl didn't dissipate, she made a shrill sound in mid-air at this moment, she was about to struggle, but before she could fall, the poison storm suddenly descended, enveloping her in the roar.

Immediately afterwards, the purple mist also arrived quickly, surrounding it in an instant, forming the power of confinement, and sealing it.

All of this was slow to say, but it actually happened the moment the snake girl approached Xu Qing.

After finishing all this, Xu Qing remained expressionless. He had no time to pay attention to the roar of the snake girl, so he walked to the sedan chair and to the white jar.

The scorching heat emitted by the shattered gold thread in his palm pointed to this jar.

Xu Qing picked up the white jar carefully and opened it gently.

A ray of soul rose from the jar like a mist, slowly gathered in mid-air, and finally turned into a small white snake, which was not clear, a little fuzzy, and seemed incomplete.

Xu Qing looked at the white snake, and a girl in a white dress meditating in the grotto appeared in front of her eyes.

She was very weak, and seemed to want to open her eyes, but she couldn't. Xu Qing raised her right hand and approached the little white snake as she was dying.

As if feeling Xu Qing's aura, even though the little white snake didn't have the strength to open its eyes, it trembled slightly, and instinctively landed on Xu Qing's hand, rubbing it lightly, revealing its kindness.

Xu Qing's heart softened, and after lightly closing his right hand, his eyes swept over the other three jars. ....

There is a soul in the three jars, but it is not Linger's. They should also be of the Ancient Spirit Clan. Like Ling'er's experience, in other spirit abysses that entered this big world, their inheritance failed, and their souls fell into this world.

But it was negligent, Xu Qing still waved his hand, and the three jars were immediately opened, and souls of different colors were scattered. The place where he was imprisoned by his own poison and Ziwu. The scene of the snake girl sitting in the sedan chair came to mind. "She may be absorbing"

This is also the reason why Xu Qing didn't take the initiative to completely erase it before. It is really the way Linger's four jars are placed on the sedan chair, which feels like a tribute waiting to be enjoyed. Xu Qing's eyes were icy cold, and he walked over.

The shadow diffused behind him, the black iron sign followed him on the right, and the drug ban spread in front of him, and the purple mist also forked a path, making Xu Qing go to the snake girl.

The snake girl's soul body is in the process of collapse, her expression is still indifferent, it seems that apart from this emotion, she doesn't have any other thoughts in her body.

Xu Qing gave Snake a cold look, and the Golden Crow behind him immediately turned into an illusion. Amidst the flames, the huge Golden Crow sucked at Snake. Suddenly, Snake's soul trembled, collapsed, and turned into soul mist. In the fog, there were several strands of soul silk of different colors, one of which was white.

Xu Qing raised his left hand and turned into a ghostly state, poked into the soul mist, gently took out the strand of white soul silk, and melted it into the little white snake. Slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were a little dazed, and there was a sound.

"Gulu Gulu"

Xu Qing felt a pain in his heart, he found that Linger's eyes were still dazed, without much expression, the feeling of incompleteness still existed, and at this moment it seemed that she was slowly falling asleep again.

And Xu Qing, through those broken golden threads, felt the direction of the Styx River. In the depths of the Styx River, there was a guide there, that was Ling'er.

The other part of the soul, where Xu Qing was, raised his head and looked into the depths of the Styx River.

Bursts of low-pitched roars also echoed from the end of the Styx River at this moment. This roar can shock the soul, making the Styx River start to tremble, and the sky and the earth set off fluctuations, as if there is a **** in the deepest place, panting for endless danger The feeling kept rising in Xu Qing's heart, getting thicker and stronger, becoming a trembling millet, spreading all over the body.

It seems that every inch of flesh and blood is reminding Xu Qing that it is very dangerous there

This feeling gradually turned into a haze, enveloping Xu Qing in He looked down at the sleeping little white snake in his palm, and then looked up at the depths of the Styx River.

After a long time, his right hand closed, and with the operation of the Uncanny Seizing Dao Kungfu, after the entire arm became translucent, his right hand reached into the flesh and blood of his chest until it penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, where he gently released it. , put down Ling'er's sleeping soul, here is the safest place on Xu Qing's body

After doing this, Xu Qing raised his feet and walked towards the end of the river step by step.

Some things, even if they are dangerous, still have to be done, he will not disappoint anyone who treats him well.

As he moved forward, the roar from the depths of the Styx echoed more and more.

As Xu Qing listened, he suddenly raised his right hand and pointed at his face. Suddenly, in this dark world, a round of purple moon, with the mist formed by poison, slowly rose into the sky.

The light fell, and the purple meaning descended on the earth.

This is the only time in this big world where there is no moon in countless years, the moon appears!.


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