MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 473 The rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building

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Although the voice from Gu Linghuang was earth-shattering, it seemed that he was worried that the emotional fluctuations would cause Xu Qing to collapse and die immediately, thus turning into an indelible fixed coordinate, so the divine power and tearing power were obviously restrained .

Xu Qing, who was about to be unable to hold on, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He staggered back, and was about to leave, but he looked up at the blue dragons and snakes formed by luck floating in front of the giant, thinking of the longing that Ling'er radiated when he was aware of the sea before, Xu Qing's heart moved slightly , raised his hand and pointed, and suddenly spoke.

"Respected ancient emperor, I will borrow a piece of luck and return it with something equivalent in the future!" As soon as the words came out, the divine power that was put away by the ancient Linghuang fluctuated again, and the giant eyes stared at Xu Qing coldly, The meaning of majesty is stronger than before.

"I'm not asking for it, I'm borrowing it." Xu Qing explained seriously.

The giant eyes of the sky set their eyes on the red spot in the sky, then swept across Xu Qing, staring at his Mosang Dragon Heavenly Way.

After a while, a wisp of cyan mist of luck swayed and came straight to Xu Qing. After being caught by Xu Qing, the cyan dragon snake turned into a cyan spar.

It is crystal clear and beautiful, and it is a treasure at first glance.

Immediately afterwards, a low growl came from the giant eyes.

"Immediately, get out!" After speaking, the giant eyes closed, and they stopped looking at Xu Qing.

Without any hesitation, Xu Qing galloped away, left the mountain of flesh and blood, left the palace, and turned into a long rainbow in the sky, wings appeared behind him, and the speed spread to the extreme.

In order to prevent accidents, Xu Qing did not put Ziyue back to the fourth heaven palace, but spread the poisonous mist to cover up the signal, and looked at the sky from time to time.

He was worried that the red moon would come, and he was also worried that Gu Linghuang would open his eyes again.

Under these double concerns, Xu Qing could only explode at full speed and gallop along the way he came.

A few days passed like this, Xu Qing did not encounter any evil spirits to stop him, until he returned to the place where he fell, maybe it was because of the cover of the signal mark, or maybe it was Gu Linghuang's own efforts, the purple moon in the sky was already dim , the erythema also becomes blurred.

It came from the front, and at the moment when Xu Qing finally rushed out completely under the efforts of Xu Qing, he quickly took Ziyue back to the Heavenly Palace, and the drug ban tried his best to cover it up.

After waiting for a long while in a panic, after confirming that there was no obstacle, his body swayed and appeared in the Lingyuan, and he firmly held onto the cliff beside him to stabilize his body so that he would not be sucked down.

The icy cliff radiated a burst of chill, and at the same time that it invaded the whole body, Xu Qing moved the purple crystal while recovering from his injuries, while crawling upwards.

When it came down, the process went smoothly, but when it went up, the suction from under the spirit abyss was huge, Xu Qing was injured, and at this moment he didn't dare to resist with Ziyue, so crawling on the rock wall was naturally more stable than flying.

And just like that, time passed.

Xu Qing paused to rest from time to time, and after three hours, he finally saw the altar above, and also saw the old man on Banquan Road who was sitting cross-legged and kept performing tactics, with a worried expression on his face, trying to open a gap again.

Without paying too much attention, Xu Qing turned his head to look at the cave on the cliff, until he saw the girl in white sitting cross-legged, he was relieved from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, Ling'er is no longer pale, she is breathing, her face is flushed, and she has obviously regained her vitality.

It's just that the soul has been away from the body for too long, so it is still being cultivated, and it cannot wake up for a short time. There are spells from the old man on Banquan Road around to protect him.

When Xu Qing looked at Ling'er, the old man who had failed to cast spells on the altar was suddenly taken aback, and suddenly looked down at Lingyuan. Big, exclaimed.

" came back by yourself?" The old man on Banquan Road looked like he had seen a ghost. In fact, he had cast spells many times in the past few days, and even invited the Wood Spirit Clan to open the gap again, but every time All fail.

And he also knew in his heart that if Bai just managed to succeed, he might not be able to save Xu Qing. After all, the situation at that time was that Gu Linghuang opened his eyes.

So he was very worried in his heart. On the one hand, he felt that Xu Qing was sleeping here to save Linger, and his heart was a little complicated. On the other hand, he was worried that Linger would not be able to bear it if he knew this after he woke up.

But now, when he was extremely sad, he actually saw Xu Qing crawling back by himself.

"That's Gu Linghuang..." the old man on Banquan Road murmured, and the whole person stayed there.

It wasn't until Xu Qing jumped onto the altar and appeared in front of him that the old man on Banquan Road took a deep breath, and just about to speak, Xu Qing waved his hand panting, and took the gift he got from Gu Linghuang. The cyan luck spar was handed over.

"This is for Ling'er." The old man on Banquan Road instinctively took it, and after a blank glance, his eyes widened again, his mind roared, his body stood up abruptly, and he lost his voice again.

"Ancestral luck!"

He was breathing extremely fast, holding it tightly, his heart trembling, he knew very well that this object was of great value, especially for the descendants of the ancient spirit clan, it was even more priceless.

If Ling'er absorbs this imperial aura of ancestral fortune, not only will her blood become stronger, but the curse on her body will also be alleviated to a certain extent under this imperial aura of ancestral fortune.

And this thing, in the era of the ancient spirit clan, is the accompanying luck that only the royal family can have.

It can make Ling'er's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds. Seeing the other party's expression, Xu Qing felt relieved, and looked up at Ling'er who was meditating in the cave, and the scene under Lingyuan appeared in front of her eyes.

"Ling'er's original bloodline was damaged this time, and it will take another month to wake up, but with this ancestral aura, her bloodline can not only be restored, but also improved to a higher level." The old man on Banquan Road said hastily.

Xu Qing nodded, feeling exhausted in his heart, and then took out another black iron token.

"Do you know this?" This token is oval in shape, engraved with complex runes, emitting black light, icy cold, and vaguely has teleportation waves emanating from it. Obtained from a corpse killed by him while on the road.

At that time, he felt that this thing was a bit impressive, so he stayed.

"This is the Spirit Abyss Talisman!"

"This thing is rare outside, but there are many in the big world. After the special technique is activated, with the integration of mana, it can allow outsiders to teleport into Lingyuan at any time. At the same time, if the location comes to mind at the moment of teleportation, it can also be teleported in a certain direction." The old man on Banquan Road hurried He explained that in his eyes, Xu Qing was completely different from before, and he still couldn't understand how the other party resolved the fatal crisis.

Xu Qing nodded, thought about it and put it away, then took a deep look at Ling'er who was meditating, turned around and was about to leave.

"You...don't you wait here for Ling'er?" the old man on Banquan Road asked hesitantly.

"I have some troubles with me, so I don't want to stay here. We will meet again later." Xu Qing said softly, walked towards the steps, and gradually walked away.

Looking at Xu Qing's leaving figure, the old man on Banquanlu stood where he was, and the scene where the other party used his body to block Shenwei and protect Ling'er in the gap he opened earlier appeared in his mind.

"Stinky boy, although he has many shortcomings and is not likable, but... after all, he is a person with clear grievances and empathy!" the old man murmured.

At this moment, outside the Wood Spirit Clan, it was dusk, and the sky was filled with red clouds, like blood.

Xu Qing's figure appeared in the sky, and when the evening wind blew his clothes and flapped his sleeves, he looked in the direction of the county capital with hidden worries in his eyes.

The reason why he left the altar was that Xu Qing didn't know whether there would be troubles if he actively summoned the red moon in the great world of the ancient spirit clan.

And another reason... is that the sense of crisis that he had felt a few months ago was extremely intense the moment he left Lingyuan.

"Could it be the red moon?" Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, many thoughts appeared in his heart, his body was about to move forward, but at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled!

Countless trees shook violently, as if there was an invisible ripple that turned into a strong wind and swept from a distance.

There is also a crack in the mountain range at this moment, and cracks appear in the crackling sound. As the rapid spread, the ground in the distance is churning, and the ground is shaking.

The sky suddenly changed color, and there was a huge roar that spread throughout the small half of Fenghai County. From the direction of the county capital, it sounded as if... somewhere there, it collapsed and exploded.

The rest of the sound shook the sky, turned into thunder, and shattered Hongxia.

Black clouds formed in the sky in an instant, spreading in all directions like a tide, and the dusk was wiped away in the blink of an eye. At this moment, the whole world became night!

Xu Qing's mind was shaken, he felt the strong wind, and when he felt the impact and his body retreated uncontrollably in mid-air, he saw at the end of the sky, a huge figure shining white light appeared in the direction of the county capital, which was very far away from here.

This figure is an old man, standing upright, exuding a terrifying pressure, and countless small worlds around him formed rapidly, and then collapsed rapidly, exuding a vast power.

Although not as good as a god, UU Reading gave Xu Qing the feeling that he surpassed the Palace Master.

At this moment, the old man looked down at Fenghai County with nostalgia in his eyes, and there was a hint of reluctance in his expression. Gradually, black spots appeared all over his body. He seemed to want to say something... But in the end, he couldn't say a word, his body was swallowed by the night, slowly dissipated, and completely melted in the darkness.

Silently... Falling!

At this moment, thunder rose from the sky like never before.

Amidst the roaring explosion, drops of rain fell from the sky, pouring down on the earth, on the mountains, on the soil, on the vegetation, and on the countless ethnic groups in Fenghai County.

It also fell on Xu Qing. In this wind and rain, endless storms set off in his mind.

He had seen that figure several times in the county.

"The sheriff..." Xu Qing murmured, with an expression of disbelief.

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