MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 485 Jin Wudao Chaptery with Zhaoxia

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"Master Guardian, I have a plan. I can delay you. This is the method I thought of to get myself out of trouble. I didn't have much confidence at first, but with you here, if I cooperate, there will be no problem."

The old man Danqing spoke excitedly.

"Master Guardian, wait for the finger to come back later, I will tell it that you have the body of a golden crow, so your appearance makes this skeleton fully alive, and there is no need for other creatures to integrate."

"Then I will paint my fingers. I can control this process, and I will paint slowly. I will not finish the painting until you give me a signal."

"I've thought it through, I seem to be painting a body, but in fact I'm going to draw a cage of flesh and blood. After the finger of the **** was severely injured by the jailer before, his sanity is a bit unclear. Besides, outsiders can't understand painting. , I am sure it will be difficult to detect in advance.”

"Then when it blends into it and finds out it's a cage, it's time for us to escape!"

"Because it is painted with the remains of the sun, the power of this cage is not small. Originally, I expected it to be trapped for a few days, but with your golden crow's activity, I think it can be trapped for more than half a month."

"Then this period is enough for us to escape. You can see what plan you have, and I can cooperate to complete it." After the old man said so much in one breath, he added another sentence.

"By the way, Lord Guardian, you may not know it yet. During this period of time, I discovered that after this finger escaped from prison and was injured by the palace lord with the power of a forbidden magic weapon, it had some problems with its thinking. It was a little forgetful, and it seemed that it couldn't remember things... .”

Xu Qing glanced at the old man Danqing, nodded, closed his eyes and remained silent, absorbing the power of the sun remains with all his strength, the golden crow has spread out at this moment, stretching his body inside the remains.

In Xu Qing's perception, as the Golden Crow absorbs it crazily, its tails are continuously growing out one by one, and now there are more than sixty tails in a short period of time.

According to Xu Qing's previous judgment, after the Golden Crow's tail breaks through ninety-nine, his Golden Crow's Alchemy of All Spirits will advance to the third level.

The power of the third level is Nascent Soul!

And because the Golden Crow falls in the Fifth Heavenly Palace, once the Golden Crow advances, Xu Qing's Fifth Heavenly Palace will undergo an earth-shaking transformation, and will form a fake baby belonging to the Fifth Heavenly Palace in advance.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing felt hopeful.

Time went by little by little, and with the absorption of the Golden Crow, Xu Qing's aura continued to rise, becoming more and more alarming, emitting bursts of fluctuations that made his head and the old man Danqing feel terrifying.

The remains of the sun became more and more active, and a sense of recovery rose up in the sky.

At this moment, in the distant deep sea, the terrifying divine sense belonging to the finger of the **** came suddenly, and in an instant, the finger appeared here, with a large number of foreign monks tied behind it, especially the Yanmiao clan.

These misty clans were incomplete one by one, and they all fell to the remains of the sun under the flick of their fingers in this despair.

Their group can live in the desert, and they are related to the sun to some extent, so they are quickly absorbed by the remains at this moment, which makes the remains replenish nutrients, and in turn provides a lot of help for Xu Qing's practice.

Even so, the return of the finger still made Xu Qing a little nervous. When he opened his eyes and looked at the finger, the finger obviously sensed the abnormality of the sun's flesh and blood, and his spiritual thoughts swept over.

The old man Danqing on the side, with an excited expression at the moment, spoke loudly.

"Great master, you are indeed the **** of choice. During your absence, I discovered that you have captured a remarkable guy."

"It's him!" The old man Danqing raised his hand and pointed at Xu Qing.

"My lord, you may not remember this person. He is the guard of our Ding Yisaner. I just checked carefully. This person has the body of a golden crow. He is a descendant of the sun."

"His appearance is a blessing from heaven and earth to you, my lord. He alone can make this sun skeleton have a certain degree of activity."

"In this way, the little one can draw a divine body for you now!"

"When I think that I have the honor to paint the divine body for the great body of the chosen one, the little one is very excited!" The old man Danqing had an extremely devout expression, kneeling in his hand

Point to the bottom and open your mouth excitedly.

There was a humming sound from the finger of the god, and it turned suddenly, locking on to the remains of the sun, emitting bursts of clear waves of longing. As soon as this wave came out, the surroundings trembled, nothingness began to shatter, and cracks appeared on the ground.

The old man Danqing was frightened, and he raised his hand to paint, but at this moment, Xu Qing resisted the discomfort of facing the gods, and spoke in a deep voice.

"My lord, the sun's regret is not active enough, you can check it out. Give me a little more time, I can make this sun remains more active, and the body painted with the fully active sun's flesh and blood will It is more perfect, and the success rate will be higher.”

"After all, sun remains are rare, and once you fail, you lose one."

"My lord, why don't you wait a little longer?"

During Xu Qing's words, the golden crow in his body spread out in a wide range, making the flesh and blood of the sun's remains exude a stronger breath of recovery, and after the terrifying spiritual thoughts swept by the fingers of the gods at this moment, they became a little confused, as if they were thinking.

There was an indiscernible flash in the eyes of the old man Danqing beside him, and what Xu Qing said was different from the plan they had discussed before. Xu Qing didn't pay attention to the old man, he looked at the finger of the god, suppressed the tension in his heart, and spoke again.

"Master God, like the Misty Clan you brought back this time, their special body structure is very suitable for increasing activity. As you can see, they are very useful, so if there are more, the activity will be better."

"In addition, if there is a morning glow, it can also make this sun remains reach its peak in an instant!" Xu Qing gritted his teeth in his heart and spoke slowly.

He has read the records of Zhaoxia Mountain, the last light appeared more than seventy years ago, and it was taken out by the Sword Holding Palace, and now the Zhaoxia light has not appeared for a long time.

But Xu Qing didn't tell any lies from the beginning to the end, everything he said was true.

He can indeed increase the activity better, and the specialness of the Misty Clan can indeed provide good assistance. As for the morning glow, it is related to the fall of the sun. It is perfect if it can be integrated into nature.

After the god's fingers swept over with his divine sense, irritated fluctuations emanated from his body, and after a few breaths, he suddenly disappeared here and went straight to the distance.

Watching the fingers leave, Xu Qing heaved a sigh of relief, he was taking a gamble just now, he bet that the fingers of the **** are more obsessed with the body than anything else.

And since the old man Danqing can use this method to simply drive the fingers of the gods, Xu Qing feels that he can do the same here, and it is more convincing, which means he has seized the initiative.

"My lord is a good means." The old man Danqing smiled, his eyes flickered slightly.

Xu Qing ignored it, and took advantage of the opportunity of his finger to leave, he immediately urged the Golden Crow to absorb it more vigorously, and this time if the **** finger really went to Zhao Xiaguang, it would definitely not come back quickly.

Because the morning glow is not only rare, but also has not appeared for a long time, so in Xu Qing's judgment, it is impossible to find the finger of the god.

And now the Golden Crow's tail has skyrocketed to more than eighty. The distance from the breakthrough is not very far.

Xu Qing was in a turbulent mood. He was sure that the moment his Golden Crow broke through to the third level, he would be able to get out of trouble. At the same time, with the power of the forbidden magic weapon given by the palace lord, he was very confident that he could escape from here.

As for the head in the distance, he had already seen the hidden game between Xu Qing and the old man Danqing, so he secretly climbed onto the back of the stone lion, whispering to him, and prepared to wait for the two to come to an end before taking the opportunity to escape.

And just like that, time passed.

The aura on Xu Qing's body became stronger and stronger, and the golden crow's tail also reached ninety-three. Still going on.

Ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six...

And at the moment when the tail reached ninety-seven, suddenly there was a violent fluctuation from the distant Yuanhai, and the next moment, the finger of the **** returned!

This time, behind it, there are actually thousands of members of the Yanmiao clan, all of whom are in despair and wailing miserably.

If it's just that, it's fine, what makes Xu Qing's heart tremble even more is that there is a colorful light on that finger, which is bound by it!

This light seems to have life, giving people a feeling of newborn, more transparent

It has a pure and sacred meaning, as if it was born when the sun fell, but it represents hope and new life!

In the continuous flashing now, the light is extremely bright and exudes an astonishing coercion. Xu Qing feels that it is much more precious than the branches of the ten intestine tree.

The moment Xu Qing looked at the light, Xu Qing's breath was short, his eyes widened, and his name immediately appeared in his mind. "Morning glow!"

The Golden Crow behind him, which was absorbing the remains of the sun, also exuded a strong desire at this moment, as if it wanted both the remains and the light.

"You actually found it?" Xu Qing's mind was agitated, he thought it was incredible.

He didn't know how this god's finger did it. It was very rare in the morning, and it hadn't appeared for a long time, but now... He actually brought back one.

As for the thousands of Yanmiao people, he didn't pay attention to it. At this moment, all his attention was gathered by the morning glow.

At any time, Xu Qing's mind would be strongly fluctuated when he saw such a good fortune, but now...he is a little entangled in his heart. He needs time.

So he told his fingers that the Misty Clan can assist, and Zhaoxiaguang can reach the extreme.

I thought it would take a long time to find the god's finger, so that he would have enough time to complete the advancement of his own Golden Crow, so as to get out of trouble and break the restrictions around him.

It's just that he never imagined that the god's finger came back so quickly... and brought back the morning glow.

Just when Xu Qing's mind fluctuated, with a flick of the returned finger, thousands of Yanmiao people screamed and came straight to Xu Qing, merging into the flesh and blood of the sun remains around him.

In an instant, these misty people became nutrients, which were quickly melted and absorbed by the flesh and blood of the remains of the sun to nourish Xu Qing. And that treasure-like glow of the morning glow came straight to Xu Qing with the flick of a finger...

Xu Qing was silent.

This light approached in an instant, submerged into the flesh and blood around him, and was sucked by the Golden Crow in the next moment, exploding continuously in its body, forming colorful lights, scattered from the flesh and blood of the sun.

From a distance, the remains of the sun at this moment seem to have really recovered.

Bursts of strong fluctuations spread out from the inside, rumbled around, and the nourishment from thousands of Yanmiao people also accelerated the activity of the flesh and blood.

Xu Qingjinwu's tail directly reached the ninety-nine.

Article 100 was appearing rapidly, and Xu Qing's cultivation was also rising at this moment, and a breath of Nascent Soul was continuously formed from Jinwu's body.

At the same time, there was a buzzing sound from the fingers of the gods, and after the divine mind swept across the flesh and blood of the sun, he ignored Xu Qing's Golden Crow climbing up, and went straight to the old man Danqing, and pressed it on his forehead.

The brutal consciousness erupted from within. It seemed that he was completely impatient, and that kind of madness and killing intent was about to be uncontrollable. It seemed that if his body still couldn't be drawn, his anger would destroy everything around him in an instant.

The old man of the Danqing tribe trembled, feeling the approach of death, and spoke loudly. "No problem, Master Tianxuan, I will draw your body for you!"

During the speech, the old man of the Danqing tribe quickly took out his paintbrush, and hooked it towards the flesh and blood of the sun remains where Xu Qing was. Immediately, a ray of blood scattered from the flesh and gathered in front of the old man's pen tip, as if it had become paint and ink. After dipping it a few times, he quickly started drawing aside.

With just a few strokes, the outline of a body is roughly formed.

After paying attention to this scene, the irritability of the god's fingers calmed down a bit, conveying a strong desire, ignoring the surroundings, all the spiritual thoughts converged on the outline of the old man of the Danqing tribe.

"Master Tianxuan, you can integrate your spiritual thoughts. With my painting, it gradually merges with this body from the beginning. This is a method that you have thought of specially for you, Sir Tianxuan. It can greatly increase the success rate. Reduce rejection."

The old man of the Danqing tribe opened his mouth quickly. I don't know if it was due to the consumption of painting, or to highlight his own efforts. At this moment, his body has changed drastically. It is no longer the elegant appearance of the past, but madness in the eyes, disheveled hair, revealing the real body.

The fingers of the gods instantly fused the divine thoughts into the

In the outline of the body, following the painting of the old man of the Danqing clan, the fusion deepened, and the body gradually became clearer.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing was extremely anxious. He knew that he was running out of time. Once the old man of the Danqing tribe finished drawing his body, the result would be completely out of control.

In particular, he didn't trust the old man of the Danqing tribe. The previous cooperation of the other party was obviously deliberate. Although the purpose was unknown, it was malicious after all.

"Before this old man finishes painting, complete the advancement of the Golden Crow." Xu Qing gritted his teeth and checked the hundredth tail of his Golden Crow. This last tail is very important. It is not formed very fast at the moment, and it is only half formed now. "Hurry up!" Xu Qing growled inwardly.

The Golden Crow also felt Xu Qing's anxiety, and became anxious as well, crazily absorbing the flesh and blood of the remains of the sun, and even melted and devoured those Misty Clans that had not been completely melted into it.

In this way, a stick of incense time passed.

The picture here, from a distance, is extremely strange.

An old man with disheveled hair and bite marks all over his body was painting frantically with red eyes. What he painted was a body hundreds of feet in size.

Now that the bones of this body have been drawn, and the flesh and blood are forming, it looks extremely strange and shocking.

It also exudes the fluctuation of the sun, especially with the integration of the gods' fingers and divine thoughts, there is also the spread of divine power and the meaning of recovery in it, surging up into the sky.

On the corpse of the sun in the distance, Xu Qing closed his eyes and remained motionless, but the flesh and blood of the sun where it was located had withered in a large area.

This kind of withering, on the one hand, was absorbed by Xu Qing, and on the other hand, the old man of the Danqing clan used it for painting.

Farther away, the stone lion dragged its head and was moving outward cautiously. It soon encountered a restraint and could not rush out. It felt panicked.

"These two guys are exhausted, this is the rhythm of each throwing the blame to the other, I saw it... oh my god,

It was horrible, I went blind! "

There was a strange light in the eyes of this head, and it used its own ability to see what the future would be like, but just one glance, it started to howl from the bottom of its heart.

"It's all dead, it's all dead... its head is about to cry, it thinks how unlucky it is, and even starts to miss the Prisoner, when Xu Qing's Golden Crow finally formed its hundredth tail completely at this moment.

In an instant, the Golden Crow was visibly excited, his body wanted to radiate flames, his wings stretched, and he wanted to rush to the sky and scream, but Xu Qing stopped him immediately!

Such as being strangled by the neck.

The Golden Crow could only obediently return to Xu Qing's body, and entered his fifth heavenly palace.

Xu Qing's Fifth Heavenly Palace was formed by the Golden Crow refining all spirits. At this moment, with the return of the Golden Crow, its shape suddenly changed. It was no longer the appearance of the Golden Crow, but turned into a young figure.

This young man was wearing an imperial robe and an imperial crown. He looked exactly like Xu Qing, but his body was not made of flesh and blood, but filled with infinite mana and the way of the Golden Crow... Dao Ying.

Although it was still vague, it was just a prototype, but at the moment of appearance, a fluctuation far beyond the Golden Core of the Heavenly Palace erupted from the Fifth Heavenly Palace.

Violent fluctuations flooded Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness, and as the Golden Crow was promoted to the third level, this fifth heavenly palace could no longer be called a heavenly palace.

It turned into a hotbed containing Dao infants!

To a certain extent, this palace is the Nascent Soul realm, but because Xu Qing's other heavenly palaces have not yet reached this stage, so his realm at this time is... a fake baby!

And the increase in combat power was also earth-shaking. Xu Qing felt the restriction of nothingness, which was composed of countless transparent chains, and he felt the subtle changes in the surrounding divine power, which were the shadows of countless tiny worms.

He even felt the aura contained in the body of the old man of the Danqing tribe, which contained new life. He couldn't perceive the subtleties before, but now it's very clear with a sweep.

This is because of the essence of perception, there has been a transformation, and divine consciousness has been born!

Divine consciousness can only be possessed by Nascent Soul cultivators. It is the power transformed by the fusion of Dao Infant and soul, and it is the basis for displaying supernatural powers. Before Yuan Ying

, spells are just spells.

After the Nascent Soul, on top of the spells, there are supernatural powers.

Not only that, as the Golden Crow was successfully promoted to the third level, a majestic nourishing force also erupted from the Fifth Heaven Palace, feeding back Xu Qing.

This is the performance of the Golden Crow refining all spirits. Every time they devour, they will feed back. But this time, its power of feeding back is unprecedented, surpassing everything in the past.

While roaring, Xu Qing's physical body was refined again, becoming stronger and stronger at the same time, because the feedback was too great, so he merged from his physical body into other heavenly palaces, and even brought his ninth heavenly palace into reality rapidly.

Before that, Xu Qing's first Heavenly Palace was the Lamp of the Black Umbrella, the second Heavenly Palace was the Colorful Wind Chanting Lantern, the third Heavenly Palace was the Pill of Poison Control, the fourth Heavenly Palace was the Palace of the Purple Moon, and the fifth Heavenly Palace was the Imperial Grade Gong According to the law, the sixth heavenly palace is the dragon of heaven, the seventh heavenly palace is the ghost emperor mountain, and the eighth heavenly palace is the lamp of Mingling blood pool.

The Ninth Heaven Palace was already half completed at the Ten Intestinal Tree, and now under the force of this feedback, it has rapidly become 70%, 80%, 90%...

After a stick of incense, the Ninth Heaven Palace was ninety-nine percent complete, and the only thing missing was the suppression. "Things of suppression...Golden Crow, spit light!"

Xu Qing's mind turned rapidly, and his consciousness immediately descended to the Fifth Heavenly Palace. The eyes of the Golden Crow Daoying inside opened, revealing a colorful light, and the next moment he opened his mouth and directly spit out a beam of light.

That is morning glow.

With this light shining, it went straight to the Ninth Heaven Palace.

The moment it merged, the Ninth Heaven Palace suddenly became a palace of seven colors. The whole is crystal clear and full of radiance, and it can be clearly seen that the integrated morning glow has turned into a ball of light, and there seems to be a bird like a phoenix. Huang's huge creature was sleeping deep inside.

The sun that fell here is not the Golden Crow, but another life form. As for the reason why Xu Qing's Golden Crow can devour it, it is because they have the same origin in essence.

With the formation of the Ninth Heaven Palace at this moment, Xu Qingxiu made a breakthrough at the moment when Zhao Xiaguang took over!

While his combat power was skyrocketing, he discovered that the feedback from the Golden Crow had not ended, and his Tenth Heavenly Palace was actually taking shape.


Xu Qing's heart was shaken, and endless longing arose in his heart. He opened his eyes and looked at the old man of the Danqing tribe and the finger of the god.

His fluctuations are earth-shaking changes for him, but this is his business. For the **** finger, the most important thing is his body, so he didn't care about Xu Qing even if he noticed it here, UU reading www. Instead, he wholeheartedly integrated his spiritual thoughts into his body.

The old man Danqing noticed Xu Qing's change, his eyes flickered slightly, he pretended not to see it, and continued to paint.

His transformed body is now half formed, and the divine power is becoming more and more amazing, and it continues to spread in all directions, making the distortion and blurring of this place more intense, and even forming a storm, rumbling towards the surrounding spread.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing made a decision in his heart.

"Run away now, once the old man stops painting, there is a high probability that he can drive the fingers of the gods..."

"So now is not the time to escape, we have to wait for the moment when the fingers blend in!"

Xu Qing calmed down and calmed himself down. While waiting, he circulated the nourishing power fed back by the Golden Crow in his body, pouring it all into the Tenth Heavenly Palace.

As for the things that will be needed once the Tenth Heavenly Palace is completed, he has already thought about it. "This time, blend into the purple crystal and fight!"


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