MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 488 ? I don't want to take away...

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There was silence in Yuanhai. This place belongs to the remote area in the deep part of Zhaoxia Prefecture, and few people come here. In addition, in order to enhance the activity of the sun remains, the fingers of the gods went to the west to catch the cultivators of various ethnic groups, so the vast area around them has long been deserted.

Not to mention whether it is the eruption of the remains of the great sun or the existence of the fingers of the gods, the heterogeneity here is infinitely rich, and there are even vague signs of transformation into a restricted area.

Even the head and the stone lion recovered very slowly under the fluctuation of the fingers of the gods. They are still in a state of flesh and blood and have not recovered.

On the picture scroll where the old man of the Danqing clan was located, there were four generations living under the same roof, but now there are less than five left, so it is not continuing.

No one knows that an extremely strange thing is happening in the Roshan here at this moment.

The mountain of flesh and blood transformed by the fingers of the gods is wriggling rapidly, and Xu Qing, who disappeared, is in this mountain of flesh and blood.

The outside of his body was covered with the flesh and blood of the fingers of the gods, and now it was continuously penetrating inward along his body, and severe pain erupted all over Xu Qing's body like a tide.

The feeling of being stabbed alive is like a thousand cuts.

Xu Qing's body continued to tremble, but no matter how much he resisted, it was of no avail.

Preventing the flesh and blood outside the upper body from getting in, as time passed, the mountain of flesh and blood covering Xu Qing began to shrink slowly.

After a stick of incense, the mountain of flesh and blood disappeared, revealing the outline of Xu Qing's figure inside.

The endless pain was clearly revealed from the expression, the penetration of the mountain of flesh and blood was not over yet, and those who were still wriggling at high speed were still crazily blending in along the pores of Xu Qing's body.

After another incense stick of time passed, Xu Qing's figure became clearer and clearer. On the mountain of flesh and blood that was tens of feet long, there was only a small thread that turned into countless gods and slowly squirmed into the center of Xu Qing's eyebrows. , soon did not disappear.

Xu Qing remained motionless, his expression frozen in pain, and he lost all perception of the outside world. His body had been completely infiltrated by the flesh and blood of the fingers of the gods, and the threads of flesh and blood ran through Xu Qing's whole body.

In his meridians, in his flesh and blood, and in his bones, these threads of flesh and blood are everywhere, they are connected with each other, emitting terrifying foreign matter, constantly trying to change Xu Qing's body.

The environment suitable for its existence, under the purple crystal in Xu Qing's chest, although it still emits purple light, the effect of this light only allows his body to be repaired continuously, and it does not resist the transformation from the flesh and blood of the gods.

Even to a certain extent, its restorative power made the transformation of the god's fingers a little smoother.

No matter what kind of damage, it will be quickly restored.

Therefore, he ignored the threads of flesh and blood melted by the purple crystal's spirit fingers, and Xu Qing's appearance also underwent some changes during the continuous diffusion.

Strips of granulation sprouted from his body, spreading all around, growing more and more, swaying each other.

This scene was extremely weird, and what was even weirder was that after the sprouts spread, they quickly weaved out of Xu Qing's body.

Indistinctly, blood vessels were woven by these flesh and blood threads, and the process was exactly the same as the painting by the old man of the Danqing tribe.

It seems that I have learned to paint by watching the fingers of the painting gods just now, and now every granulation is a paintbrush, and it is also a painting paint.

Just like that, a body hundreds of feet in size is slowly being outlined by these granules.

Obviously, the finger of the gods used Xu Qing's body as the core, and wanted to create a shell outside.

As time passed, the shell became more and more substantial, and it could be seen that the formed bones were being covered with flesh and blood, and at the same time, countless granulation flew and gathered to form.

It spread out like a flower at the top, and then entangled again and turned into a neck.

Then came the skull, and through these hollow shells, one could see more and more granulation sprouting from Xu Qing's body inside, until finally, these granulation wriggled on the neck, forming a skull.

The facial features also began to appear, judging from their appearance, it was exactly what Xu Qing looked like.

In the end, the shell was completely molded

, while the naked body was rapidly disappearing in the open space with the wriggling of flesh and the appearance of skin.

When the keys dispersed for the last time, a perfect body more than three hundred feet high appeared in the deep sea.

In Yuanhai, the broad shoulders, the strong chest are in proportion and the muscles that contain the power of a master of terror, combined with the monstrous appearance, make this body full of extreme evil.

Especially the hair of this body, its color is not black, but purple.

At this moment, the purple hair is fluttering, which is even more evil. At the same time, with the spread of divine power, the sacred meaning also spread out from this body, and the temperament blended, enough to make everything thrilling to see. This is, the body of a god!

However, at this moment, except for the purple hair blowing away with the wind blowing from the deep sea, no other part of the body could move, even the eyelids could not be opened.

Because he still lacks a body and soul suitable for him, he has to go to the last step, devour Xu Qing's soul, and use his own divinity to become the soul of this body, so as to complete his independence in the true sense.

Once successful, he will be able to realize his dream of coloring and long hair.

After all, he is building what suits him, the state of the **** finger clone, this is a beautiful dream, and it is also the dream that the old man of the Danqing tribe longs for.

At this moment, most of his dream has been completed, except for the last and simplest devouring of the soul. After all, the essence of the earth is a god, and it only takes a moment for a **** to devour the soul of a mortal.

So in the next moment, the fingers of the gods who were still missing the body burst out from the body, gathered in the abyss, and went straight to the depths of Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness.

A cold and evil intent was perceived by Xu Qing's drowsy soul. He didn't try to fight, but his fighting spirit still existed. He has a crazy idea.

The shadow was extremely powerful to me back then, and I couldn't resist it when it initiated the seizing of the house. At this moment, the finger of the gods is absolutely irresistible to me now.

Then the purple crystal that can make the ten heavenly palaces in my consciousness tremble, it can prevent the shadow from taking the body, now it can also prevent the fingers of the gods from taking the body!

Xu Qing's soul radiated madness, which is actually the reason why he gave up resistance. He watched the power of the gods shape the shell outside his body? Wait for the other party to devour your soul.

In an instant, with the encroachment of that kind of cold and evil intent, with the imminence of death, the purple crystal in Xu Qing's chest seemed to be offended, and a vast and shocking force suddenly radiated from the crystal. , forming a supreme purple sea of ​​light that can suppress the eternity, with domineering, went straight to the consciousness of the finger of the god, hit hard, and made a roaring sound, in Xu Qing's mind, it was like countless thunders exploded.

The sky was turbulent, and under the eruption, the originally blurred sanity of the god's finger was stimulated to wake up at this moment, and there was a shrill and horrified roar.

"This... what is this! No. How can there be such an existence in this good body! This is!"

This power is strong and frightening, and it contains the indescribable fear of the purple crystal. At this moment, as it reverberates, the consciousness of the god's finger retreats wildly, and he doesn't want to take it away.

Xu Qing was right!

He recalled that after he got the purple crystal, the other party was basically passive, and he didn't see any effect of adding it when he encountered life and death a few times before. It is certain that he died when he died.

It only broke out once when the shadow snatched the body from him back then.

It is enough to show that Amethyst is not interested in the physical body, nor does it care whether it is in a life-or-death crisis, it is only interested in wanting to take away its existence.

Back then, the shadow was like this. The same is true for the consciousness of the gods today.

At this moment, endless panic came from the consciousness of the gods, and his sanity recovered, which gave him the ability to think and measure, so he resolutely gave up and retreated like an ebb tide.

But in the next moment, Xu Qing's purple crystal emitted terrifying fluctuations, the sea of ​​purple light exploded, and the consciousness of the finger pointing towards the **** suddenly collapsed.


With a miserable sound from the consciousness of the gods, a force of sealing immediately spread out from the purple crystal.

"No..." The god's fingers struggled violently, and the roar echoed in Xu Qing's mind.

Obviously, for him at this moment, it was a more intense life-and-death crisis than Xu Qing had just experienced. UU reading

Under this rapid struggle and resistance, in Yuanhai, the body of more than three hundred feet trembled violently, and a ferocious grimace faintly appeared on the chest of the body, protruding out, wanting to rush out.

In the next moment, a piece of purple light spread like a big hand and enveloped it, and he was pulled back with a grimace and a scream.

The sound of despair rose like never before in the intentional mistake of the god's finger.

"Who are you and what is this?"

There was grief and indignation in this roar, and the madness was even more intense at this moment. With the strong tremor of Xu Qing's huge body, the consciousness of the god's fingers came out, and he kept struggling to escape.

But he couldn't do it, and Xu Qing also noticed something wrong at this moment. He found that the power of the purple crystal was not unlimited. At this moment, he couldn't seal the shadow in an instant like he did back then.

And his own soul also felt the pain of tearing, as if it was about to dry up.

"It's not that the power of the crystal is not enough, but that I can't support it to explode with all its strength," Xu Qing realized, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes.

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