MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 505 Emperor of the Red Spirit

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Seeing this scene, Xu Qing's breath became short of breath. In such a short period of time, the number of deaths on both sides on the battlefield was shocking.

In particular, there were many human monks whose deaths were full of strangeness. Even though the enemies around them were still far away, the next moment the area seemed to be swept away by an invisible blade, and all of them died.

But after death, he was alienated and turned into an irrational beast.

Roaring, screaming, self-explosion, furious roar, and the huge roar accompanied by the operation of the magic weapon, filled Xu Qing's ears.

Looking at it as a whole, the human race in Fenghai County is not strong enough to counterattack and can only be on the defensive.

"Fenghai County originally had thirteen prefectures. Due to the loss of three prefectures in the early stage, Qu Zhao and Yinghuang couldn't participate in the war, so there were only eight prefectures left. During the preparations for the war, I remember they were divided into eight armies!"

Xu Qing suppressed the turmoil in his heart due to the tragic battlefield, and quickly analyzed and checked.

"There is no unified arrangement for mandatory planning. After all, this is not a common battle, and each state has its own characteristics, so it is not easy to break it by force."

"So each of the eight major legions has its own complete system, including supplies, magic weapons, overall planning, etc."

"The power of the magic thorn is maintained by the third legion."

"Only the taboo in the county is the only one participating in the entire county. The hundreds of Guixu there are drawn from various legions. They are only part of the Guixu of Fenghai County."

"Among them, those directly under the Sword Palace are the war puppets, the bell of the sky, and the emperor sword of the sword bearer!"

Xu Qing took a deep breath and looked to the left and right. He noticed that the people from Quzhaozhou and Yinghuangzhou who participated in the battle were not here, and the number of legions here seemed to be lacking.

This reminded Xu Qing of the sand table he saw in the palace lord's tent.

"The line of defense is very long, and the front line is divided into multiple theaters. Therefore, the forces of Quzhao Prefecture, Yinghuang Prefecture, and the other two states are all deployed on the other western defense lines. And this is the core theater where the headquarters is located!"

"The palace lord established the headquarters here. Could it be that he is using himself as bait? He wants to contain the main force of the Shenglan clan..."

"Maybe there are other arrangements." Xu Qing lacks relevant information, and is not particularly familiar with the planning of the layout.

This does not affect his familiarity with the battlefield.

After dividing the battlefield into war zones in his heart, Xu Qing divided the majestic area he was in into hundreds of parts.

This division made it easier for him to understand the battlefield more quickly.

"Fenghai County belongs to the West District, and the Shenglan Clan belongs to the East District."

"At this moment, the West 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 8th districts are near the edge of the golden net, and are on standby, ready to replace the armies fighting in the 5th, 7th, and 11th districts."

"West 2 and West 5 are activating the war puppets, and there are three other areas that are responding."

"In the east where the Shenglan tribe is located, dozens of districts, such as the third, sixth, fourteenth, and seventeenth districts, have also changed their positions and changed their formations. In this way, the second east district will be highlighted..."

"No, the formation of the Shenglan clan turns into arrows, and Donger is the front of the arrow."

Xu Qing looked at the audience, and after making a quick judgment in his heart, he suddenly looked at the East Second District on the battlefield outside the golden net.

There, after the transformation of the formation of the Shenglan clan, there were tens of thousands of severed hands activated by the earth.

Each of them was holding a huge iron chain, and rushed out at this moment. When the iron chains were pulled together, there was a huge roar in the sky, and the vortex was torn even bigger.

More black snow vented from there, like an avalanche, and went straight to the battlefield.

When Xu Qing's complexion changed, the huge Emperor Sword floating in the sky above Fenghai County's defense line suddenly shone, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

A large number of sword lights whizzed out from inside, turned into a sea of ​​swords, and went straight to the vortex of the sky.

As it approached in an instant, it exploded with a bang, causing the vortex to roar in pain.

And the large amount of black snow that poured out was also rolled back under the sea of ​​swords.

At the same time, the army of Fenghai County reached a high place in the sky, and the huge Taoist bell surrounded by a large number of bronze coffins floated there.

Immediately there was a vast and majestic bell ringing.

It's ancient, it's time, it's an aura of smashing together, and it spreads in all directions.

The bell echoed seven times, and every time it fell, the battlefield was distorted. The bodies of countless monks of the Shenglan clan collapsed directly, and at the same time they were torn apart, they also revealed figures that were originally illusory on the battlefield.

Those illusory shadows are not the appearance of the Shenglan tribe. They look like praying mantises, each of which is tens of feet high, and exudes a special quality from their bodies. While attacking the place where they are, they are also attacking the human army .

Xu Qing knew that they were the reapers formed by the diamond-shaped magical artifacts of the Heitian Clan.

And their special state cannot be perceived, so they are extremely difficult to deal with. They usually rely on the taboo power mark of the golden net.

But at this moment, under this clock, when everything is suppressed, their figures are also revealed.

In the next moment, the human war puppet, who had been on standby for a long time, rushed out in an instant.

Tens of thousands of puppets turned into tens of thousands of giants, entered the battlefield, and went straight to the harvesters.

War is a game.

Simple defense will always turn into a counterattack, and the means are not limited to a single one.

The whole seems complicated, but it is actually very simple, but every step of the war, the millstone, has to pay a high price.

Rightly or wrongly, it requires flesh and blood.

Because apart from the roar, nothing but death can be grinded out of this millstone. As for the outcome, it is just an appendage.

Xu Qing was silent, looking at the battlefield.

In the sky of the battlefield, there is no obvious change in the sky, and everything is dim.

This is true even during the day, and even more so at night.

Sound, bloody, heterogeneous, are the main themes here, and no one knows how long this cruel and cannibalistic melody will last.

After this kind of endless fighting, after repeated rounds, one can imagine how much depression it will bring to people.

Under such depression, what kind of despair will arise.

Xu Qing looked back silently, he had already seen the macroscopic battlefield, and the fighting was still going on at this moment, and the various methods of both sides were constantly unfolding on this flesh and blood mill.

Death is already the norm.

To be alive is a miracle.

But at least until now, Xu Qing didn't see too many deserters retreating.

"There is no way back."

Xu Qing murmured, standing on the abandoned puppet mountain, he turned his head to look at Fenghai County, even though he has experienced countless hardships since he was a child, he has cared about him all the way today, let alone other people .

Concern is what a complete person should have.

After a long time, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze from looking at Fenghai County, shook his head and looked at the diamond-shaped instruments in the sky that were constantly emitting distorting power.

"There is a little bit of the power of the crimson moon faintly on these instruments."

This was Xu Qing's perception after observing from a long distance, and at the same time, the black snow that filled the battlefield also gave him a similar feeling.

It's just that the distance is a bit far, so the feeling is not very clear.

So Xu Qing shook his body after pondering, and left the abandoned puppet mountain to go to the battlefield.

When passing by the place where the numb old man was sitting, the old man looked at Xu Qing and shouted.

"Come back alive!"

The voice was hoarse and indistinct.

Xu Qing paused, vaguely heard the other party's shout, and looked at the old man.

He didn't know each other, and the two sides didn't have any words after coming here, and now this is the first sentence.

The old man didn't speak again, looking at the battlefield with a sad expression on his face.

Xu Qing was silent, nodded, and turned into a long golden net rushing forward.

He wanted to go to the battlefield to feel the power of Heixue and the rhombus magic weapon from the sky. If these two types of existence were really motivated by the power of the red moon, Xu Qing felt that he might be able to be of greater help to this war.

So he unfolded at full speed, pierced through the golden net in an instant, and stepped on the blood

On the earth formed by the accumulation of meat.

The smell of blood was stronger than that in the big net and the wet wind waves formed by the spray of blood rushed towards Xu Qing's face without any hindrance.

It was damp and smelly.

Even those who are more bloodthirsty on weekdays, when they first smell this smell, they will feel sick and feel uncomfortable.

Because there are so many deaths, there is a feeling of extreme despair here.

Under the influence of this emotion, people's eyes will turn red instinctively. Whether it is frightened or stimulated, the redness of the eyes will not change, especially when the two emotions fluctuate and intertwine.

After entering the battlefield, it is different from what you see from a distance.

The impact of vision, the explosion of hearing, and the rush of smell are all more intuitive.

Painful faces, cruel ferocity, chasing and retreating, madness and bewilderment, everything, as if there was a painter in the sky, outlined these, and displayed them in extremely detailed before Xu Qing's eyes.

Even unknowingly, the other party hooked him into the painting, becoming an insignificant point in this war scene.

And next to this point, a figure of the Shenglan tribe, with ferociousness and cruelty, approached with a roar, and grabbed Xu Qing's head.

Heixue formed a magic weapon like a ghost claw, and erupted with impressive power, but at the moment when the cruel smile of the monk of the Shenglan tribe appeared, Xu Qing in front of him disappeared.

The next moment, a black dagger cut his neck open.

While the blood was spilling and the head was flying, the monk of the Shenglan tribe saw a figure standing beside a headless corpse.

Xu Qing licked the blood that spattered to the corner of his mouth. The salty taste made his red eyes stained by the war reveal the evil spirit hidden in his body.

Xu Qing didn't waste any time, his body rushed out in an instant, and the power of drug control spread, covering the body surface.

Wherever he passed, whenever he approached, all the Shenglan clan would tremble, screams that he could not hear came from under the armor, and their bodies rotted.

Xu Qing is not worried about accidental injury, because the number of Shenglan tribe on this battlefield is obviously more, and his poison surrounds the surface of his body, so the possibility of poison injury is unlikely.

So during this journey, he began to closely observe the ubiquitous black snowflakes on the battlefield, let them fall on his body, and carefully felt the power of the red moon contained in them.

But following the investigation, the snowflakes falling on him emitted unstable fluctuations, and the inside suddenly collapsed, collapsing by itself.

"Yes and no..." Xu Qing pondered in his heart while being vigilant.

These snowflakes do have a trace of the power of the crimson moon, but the content is too little, too little, insignificant.

What's more, some kind of chaotic force is controlling its prestige. Although Xu Qing can influence it, but not much, and even if he is not careful, he will collapse.

If you want to really control it, you need to observe and experiment more.

As for the poison contained in it, it is nothing compared to Xu Qing's own poison.

However, after these black snows are transformed into a Dao spell, they are very powerful, especially when a large number of snowflakes are combined together, it is even more amazing.

"There is more in it, a kind of malicious and extremely unstable chaotic force, pulling these snowflakes to merge with each other..."

While thinking about it, Xu Qing tried to collect some, then left the place and went to other areas.

He wanted to feel the diamond-shaped magic weapon of Tianmu to see if it was like Hei Xue.

But the opponent is above the sky, the target is too big, and the degree of danger is extremely high.

So Xu Qing set his target on the reaper it formed.

At this moment, in a flash, he rushed towards the reaper who was fighting a Fenghai County war puppet in the distance.

As for the heterogeneity on the battlefield, Xu Qing also observed it.

"This is an active heterogeneity. It is not emitted from a forbidden place, but created by someone!"

Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, his shadow spread out, and he frantically absorbed the heterogeneity from all directions.

For the shadow, it is obvious that the active heterogeneity is more suitable for growth.

At the same time, the Vajra Sect Patriarch also flew out and surrounded Xu Qing to protect him.

As we move forward, the killing continues.

There were too many Shenglan tribes on the battlefield, Xu Qing quickly shuttled through the room, blood gradually invaded his Taoist robe, and more flowed down his face and hands to the ground.

Time passed slowly, and where Xu Qing passed, corpses fell one after another.

He is very cautious, even if his eyes are red, he is still calm and never stays in one position for too long, but whenever he notices the appearance of a spirit treasure, he will immediately avoid it.

In this way, not long after, Xu Qing finally approached the place where a war puppet and the reaper fought.

After being on the battlefield for a long time, Xu Qing also felt the hardships of human monks.

Because here, the deafening roar is much stronger than in the golden net, and in this continuous reverberation, all the shrill sounds are slowly drowned out.

After a long time, both sides in the war instinctively became deaf without hearing.

He could not hear the screams of others, nor his own.

After a person loses his sense of hearing, in his perception, there will be two overlapping cognitive contradictions. On the one hand, the battlefield he sees is infinitely large and extremely tragic.

On the other hand, in your own perception, it seems infinitely small, because you can't hear anyone's voice.

This state will make people more focused on killing, but it will also make people's minds on the verge of collapse.

Xu Qing saw a lot of people like this along the way, especially corpses. Some of them instinctively held their ears down at the moment of death, not wanting to hear the endless roar.

This is true of the human race, and so is the Shenglan clan.

At this moment, under Xu Qing's feet, there is such a corpse.

After he glanced at it, he silently retracted his gaze and stared at the reaper and the war puppet who were fighting. Their battle had come to an end, and the war puppet had the upper hand.

Both sides are tens of feet high. The puppet of Fenghai County is in the shape of a human, and the reaper is in the shape of a praying mantis. They attack each other extremely ferociously. Every time they bombard, flesh and blood will fly, or the puppet will collapse into a large number of pieces.

The scope of the impact is not small, and the combat power displayed has surpassed Nascent Soul and reached the level of Lingzang.

Looking at the battlefield, there are tens of thousands of war puppets and those reapers, with equal numbers of casualties.

Soon, the battle that had been going on for a long time ended, and the war puppet of Fenghai County finally blasted the reaper away. After being torn apart, it left quickly without any pause.

Xu Qing immediately stepped forward and came to a piece of Reaper's flesh, sensing the remaining aura inside it, and soon he realized that it did contain the power of the Red Moon, and it was obviously stronger than Heixue.

Xu Qing's eyes froze, and he was about to perceive it carefully, but at this moment, a drastic change occurred in the war!

The voice of the palace lord echoed the battlefield with an unprecedented solemnity.

"All legions in Fenghai County, return immediately!"

Almost at the moment when the palace lord's words came out, the color of the sky changed, and the shocking noise of the operation of the magic weapon beyond the sky came from the vortex of the sky.

The sound was so loud that it suppressed everything, and the monks on both sides of the battlefield seemed to have regained their sense of hearing.




The majestic sound like a heartbeat came from the huge vortex in the sky, resounding through the world, and at the same time, a huge eye was directly revealed from the vortex.

The eyes are off-white, lifeless, and filled with death. The moment they appeared, a strong breath of death spread from within, covering the battlefield.

The next moment, the huge eyes rushed outwards, and the vortex in the sky, which was not small at all, was directly stretched open, and a red head flew out from within!

That's not a human head, but a red bird's head!

Only the head, no body.

There was a neat incision on the neck of the bird's head, as if it had been cut directly from the neck with a sharp knife.

And this bird's head is too big, Qingqin's body is very different compared with it, like a child

Same as an adult.

It appeared on the battlefield, occupying most of the sky, and within the eyes of death, there was a huge throne!

On it, sat a person.

This person was wearing a nose robe and an imperial crown, and his face was covered by a beaded curtain, so he couldn't see clearly, but there was an oppressive aura that shook the sky, sweeping all directions from his body like a storm.

And that terrifying bird head, looking at it at this moment, is actually just his luanjia.

The monks of the Shenglan tribe on the battlefield, watching this scene one by one, were excited and bowed down to the sky.



Looking around, there are countless Shenglan tribes on the battlefield, all of whom are kneeling and worshiping, with fanatic expressions on their faces.

At the same time, on the fourth line of defense, the palace master's huge phantom body tens of thousands of feet high came out of thin air, with his feet on the ground and the sky above his head, exuding terrifying evil aura from his whole body, causing the surrounding sky to change color.

The sword-holding bell floats on the left side, bursts of ancient bells can be heard, and the Wanzhang Emperor Sword transforms into the right side, exuding a shocking murderous intent.

Even behind him, nothingness moves and twists and turns, forming giant eyes, looking at the coming emperor.

"Old Red Spirit."

comer. It is the emperor of the Hongling Dynasty among the four dynasties of the Shenglan Clan!

On the clearly divided battlefield, with the arrival of the figures of the Red Spirit Emperor and the Palace Master of the Sword-holding Palace, a confrontation appeared.

From a distance, the sense of cutting the golden net is clearer.

Outside the golden net, the power of the stars is mighty, and the world is shrouded in spirits.

Inside the golden net, malevolence rises, and the domineering vibe shakes the sky.

The coercion from these two huge figures filled the entire battlefield and spread to the entire state, causing countless lives in Linlan State to tremble at this moment, and trembling came from the depths of their souls.

It is really that the Red Spirit Emperor and the official master of the Sword Palace are too powerful, the contact of their eyes and the confrontation of breath are enough to shake the world.

Even if you look carefully, you can still see the nothingness between the two sides. At this moment, there are countless shadows of small worlds.

It's like a vision of heaven and earth.

These come from their respective small worlds. When the sky is colliding, and countless illusory figures fly out from within, fighting, the small worlds collapse all the time.

But more small worlds are still being formed, and it is obvious that many small worlds on both sides are rapidly approaching the degree of normalization under the roar of each other.

The auras of the two of them, during this process, are rising rapidly, although they are finally unified, forming an illusory big world, which is the scope of their cultivation.

And being able to achieve this step and achieve the illusory big world represents the fourth level of returning to the void.

If you can lift up the illusory world after returning to one, turn it into reality, carry it on your body, and then use your own soul to fuse it, completely light it up, and turn it into a world, then it will be a real one. Jieyun God!

Obviously, whether it is the Red Spirit Emperor or the Palace Master, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com has not yet reached this level, after all, there is a huge gully like a rupture between the fourth level of Guixu and Yunshen of the One Realm, there must be no one!

Even so, at the level of the fourth level of Guixu, it also belongs to the overlord.

At this moment, under the collision of their respective worlds, the sky shattered, the black clouds collapsed, and the lightning turned into scattered stars.

On the earth, only the great powers on both sides who have reached the Lingzang dare to look up at this moment. No one below the Lingzang dares to look at the sky.

Occasionally, some courageous monks, or monks from both sides who didn't look back in time, immediately after seeing it, their eyes bulged and exploded, their bodies trembled and their flesh was mutilated, and their bodies and spirits disappeared.

Xu Ken just glanced at it, and there was a big wave in his mind, the waves continued, his soul seemed to be torn apart, and there were bursts of severe pain, but the eyes of the physical body were slightly better.

Xu Qing took a deep breath, he understood the reason for all this, his body is stronger than his soul.

So he took out the cyan spar given by the captain, and while absorbing it, quickly retreated towards the golden net along with the surrounding human legions.

The roar echoing from the sky and the earth surpassed all the magic weapons of war on the battlefield at this moment, and it was deafening.

And holy

The army of the Lan clan was obviously fighting with high spirits. Following the order of its commander-in-chief, the Shenglan army like a tide soon launched a charge towards the human army in Fenghai County.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and amidst the turbulent wind and clouds, the Red Spirit Emperor's icy voice came from the sky as the human race continued to retreat.

"Kong Liangxiu, if it weren't for the blessing of Fenghai County's luck to help you gather the world, you would not be my opponent."

"You are one of the four emperors of the Shenglan clan, but you don't have the blessing of luck from the Shenglan domain. Why don't you know it?"

The palace lord spoke lightly.


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