MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 510 Guyue

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The latest website: The capital of the county capital is held in front of the chest by the Xuanyou Ancient Emperor Statue with both hands, and there is a huge square at the place closest to the Ancient Emperor Statue.

This square is big enough to hold a million people. The road is paved with bluestone slabs, the ninety-nine steps stand tall, and nine hundred and ninety-nine huge carved dragon pillars are erected in all directions.

At this moment, under this altar, only hundreds of thousands of people are allowed to come.

These hundreds of thousands of people stood there silently, among them were sword bearers, monks from the Palace of Enforcement, Palace of Silu, and the county government. Everyone was neatly dressed, but their expressions were filled with mourning.

There is a black flower pinned to their chests.

The arrival of Xu Qing and Kong Xianglong attracted some gazes. These gazes contained sadness, complexity, and memories...

When they reached the team of sword bearers, all the sword bearers in front of them backed up, giving way to the front, and Xu Qing paused.

Kong Xianglong was expressionless, and walked forward until he reached the front, with his head down, motionless.

Xu Qing didn't go there, he came to the captain's side.

The captain patted Xu Qing on the shoulder, and the two remained silent, waiting in this solemn and solemn environment.

There was silence in all directions, only the feeling of condolence gathered on these hundreds of thousands of monks, spread in this capital city, rose in the three major palaces, spread in Fenghai County, and in the entire Fenghai County.

The clouds and mist in the sky rolled at this moment, and the dark sky also rained because of the sorrow of the earth.

The pattering rain curtain drenched on the bluestone slabs, and there was a splashing sound, which also fell on the bodies of everyone here.

No one relied on their cultivation to escape and let the rain fall.

After a stick of incense, when there was a roar of thunder and countless lightning appeared in the clouds, several figures came from a distance, walked to the square step by step, and walked up the steps step by step.

The appearance of these people made hundreds of thousands of monks here bow their heads.

There were the deputy masters of the Sword-holding Palace, the Silu Palace, and the Fengxing Palace, and three of them had changed into casual clothes, but they were still middle-aged with evil spirits.

These three were arranged by the prince to take over the commanders of the three palaces.

Besides them, Jun Cheng was also among them, with a heavy expression on his face.

And at the front of this group of people was a young man in a yellow robe. Bing or qq browser@

. Flood totem dragon, fire nirvana phoenix. "

"Today, I present the Xuanyou Patriarch, and I present the Xuanzhan Renhuang, the guardian of our people's seal of the sea, the Jisheng of Anyi County, who guarded the Spring and Autumn Period for eight hundred years, and established peace for more than ten years. There are also countless heroes and heroes, led by the Sangong."

"The master of the palace is respectful and virtuous; the master of the palace is humble and brave; the master of the sword is devoted to his duties."

"Feng Haiying's soul, the aura is vast, the stars and the moon are dark. The society is forever, the ancestors are thousands of generations, how many honors and disgraces, how many ups and downs rise and fall."

"Sorrow that heaven and earth are about to fall, hurt that the sky is falling, and stars sink. When things die, people die, and they cry when they see it and remember it. Sadness comes from it, and they can't help themselves."

When the Seventh Prince said this, his eyes were full of sadness, his expression was downcast, and he paused.

Everyone on the earth was full of grief, and even more crying could not be restrained, echoing everywhere.

"However, the fire of the human race will never be extinguished, and the hearts and spirits of the human race are hard to bury. I will invite the emperor to send Feng Haiying into the soul temple, erect a monument of peace, and enjoy the offering of incense forever!"

"In our generation, there were ancients who were brilliant stars before, and those who came later were heroes. The spirit of perpetual work and self-improvement, and the tolerance of virtue and the spirit of carrying things."

"The ancestor of the clan, admired by all, participated in the grand event and built a shrine to spread the fragrance. It will be shown to future generations, and it will never be forgotten."

The mournful voice of the Seventh Prince spread across the sky. At this moment, the bells from each prefecture and sect in Fenghai County were also transmitted here, echoing throughout Fenghai County.

The whole county mourns together.

Under the city of the county capital, the highest sword pavilion on the earth representing the palace owner suddenly collapsed at this moment, collapsed and fell, turned into fly ash, and scattered on the large area of ​​the county capital.

on the ground.

Crying, unstoppable, came from the mouths of these hundreds of thousands of monks, and the tears had already blended with the rain, regardless of each other.

Xu Qing's eyes were a little blurry, and he couldn't tell whether it was the sadness in his heart or the haze of the rain, but he seemed to see the figure of the Palace Master standing there again.

This tall and stalwart with infinite figure supported the sky of Fenghai County after the death of the county guard.

Heartbroken with grief, Xu Qing suddenly remembered a sentence Zixuan Shangxian once said.

"Xu Qing, when you first have respect for this organization and the people in it, and then you have respect, you may have an answer."

At that time, Xu Qing was confused, he didn't really agree with the sword-wielder, but now, in the rain, his sorrow contained deep respect.

It's a pity that the figure in the rain curtain can only remain in the memory after all, the heaven and man are separated forever, and the real thing left on him is only the palace lord's token.

This token, with the death of the palace lord, and with the taking over of the sword holding palace by the commander of the Seventh Prince, all rights were dissipated. Only one county left by the palace lord before his death has the right to taboo magic weapons, and there is another expansion. authority. ....

For a long time, in this world shrouded in sorrow, the voice of the Seventh Prince standing on the high platform echoed again.

This time, there was no sadness, but an incomparable resoluteness, a shocking murderous intent, causing thunder to appear in the sky, roaring in all directions, and the four-clawed golden dragon also had infinite viciousness, rising into the world.

"Successfully seal Hai County, the death of the county guard, the disaster of war, the fall of the Three Palaces, the blood of heroes, the person behind all these has now been identified!"

Xu Qing suddenly raised his head.

"Yao Tianyan, the descendant of the Tianhou of the human race, has always been heartbroken. He has always sided with foreigners in Fenghai County, colluded with Shenglan, murdered the governor, trapped Fenghai in the flames of war, betrayed the human race, and killed tens of thousands of people in Fenghai!"

"Let's find out that the collapse of the northern front line is related to it. This person has committed a heinous crime. Now the king has decreed that the whole territory of Fenghai wants to arrest the Yao bandit, and he is also wanted by the emperor, and the whole territory of the human race is wanted!"

As soon as these words came out, a surge of anger erupted directly from the hundreds of thousands of monks below, and even more anger erupted from the people of the county capital who heard these words.

What Yao Hou has done these years has already caused dissatisfaction among too many human races, and the scolding against him is always present.

Such as protecting foreigners many times, intermarriage between clansmen and foreigners, embarrassing each other as women, pigs and dogs are not as good as pigs and dogs, traitors of the human race, devoid of conscience, and bowing to the foreigners.

all this scolding

The sound echoed for eight hundred years.

From the eyes of the world, it seems that in Yao Hou's eyes, the interests of the foreign race are the highest, and the honor and disgrace of the foreign race is the most important.

Compared with this, the human race is nothing.

This point, accumulated in the hearts of monks in the county capital for eight hundred years, has already turned into extremely strong grievances. When Xu Qing first came to the county capital, he heard people around him cursing Yao Hou privately more than once.

And his rebellion, looking at it now, is a matter of course!

Even when the sheriff died earlier, there were already many voices who were suspicious of Yao Hou.

At this moment, especially the monks of the three major palaces, their eyes were extremely red.

The killing intent is at this moment, unprecedented.

The fall of the palace lord is a severe pain in the hearts of all the sword holders in Fenghai County, and revenge for the palace lord is also the mission of all of them.

"Kill Yaohou!"

"Revenge for the palace lord!"

"Revenge for the Sheriff!"

"Avenge the countless sacrifices of my sons in Fenghai County!"

"Yao family, the whole family should die!"

On the ground and in the barracks, there was also a strong killing intent at this moment. At this moment, countless soldiers and soldiers all emitted a chilling aura, soaring into the sky and the earth, causing the sky to stop the rain!

And Yao Yunhui in the crowd was trembling at this moment, with sadness in her eyes, and everyone around her glared at her, and they all retreated a little, as if they were getting closer, feeling dirty.

She opened her mouth to speak, but was unable to speak out.

The same was true at Zhang Siyun's place. Soon after a group of soldiers from the imperial capital arrived, their mother and son were all taken away.

The Seventh Prince on the high platform could clearly see the movement in the crowd, his gaze swept over Zhang Siyun seemingly casually, with an indiscernible flash. UU reading

But at this moment in the county capital, in Yao's mansion, Yao Hou's younger sister, Yao Feihe, was crying, dripping down on the neat skirt of her clothes, casting a dark color.

" it worth it?"

Yao Feihe closed his eyes, the mansion where he lived was roaring, people arranged by the Seventh Prince broke in, and all the women, children and children who stayed in the family were restrained. Bing or qq browser @jiashutitle is the first to experience it every day.

And she didn't have any resistance here, allowing the group of soldiers to approach and capture them.

Even when these women and children of the Yao family were taken out of the Yao mansion, there were still many people in the surrounding counties who spurned them and scolded them constantly, with hatred in their eyes, as if they wanted to swallow their flesh and blood.

In the distance, Li Shitao was a step behind. She stood there with a sad and indignant expression, but there was nothing she could do.

The anger of countless people in the county can drown out all voices in the anger. .



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