MTL - Outside Of Time-v19 Chapter 517 Master's order is hard to break

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Latest website: At this moment, in the deep pit of the prison department, around the stone cone formation where the Immortal Forbidden Land is located, the figures of monks continue to descend.

Xu Qing, who arrived in the first few batches, did not approach the hole where the formation was shattered, but looked outside with vigilance.

The world inside the cave is the Immortal Forbidden Land, where it is dark and filled with mist.

That is the heterogeneity and richness to a certain extent.

Everything is hazy and distorted, and one can only vaguely see the depths of it. It seems that there are many palace buildings, and there are bursts of mournful roars, echoing from the inside, as if this is the real gate of the underworld.

When Xu Qing was observing the environment here, the captain beside him looked at Ning Yan who was wrapped around his neck in surprise.

The other party's answer made him feel that this son must have been bitten.

So with a smile on his face, he patted Ning Yan's head and licked his lips.

"Xiao Ningning, you are not good."

Ning Yan also had a half-smile, looking at the captain, his right hand seemed to want to raise, as if he was about to hit someone, but also as if he was about to struggle.

That was the decree of Marshal Blood Nightmare. When it echoed in all directions, the hundreds of thousands of monks who came here immediately became busy.

And the surroundings are distorted, the space between the heaven and the earth is full of heterogeneity, and from the misty world below, there are countless shrill roars.

Just like that, according to the plan, a large area was soon opened up, and it continued to expand towards the surrounding area.

More are divided into small groups and spread around.

While full of vicissitudes and antiquity, it is also extremely weird.

Until half a day later, the figure of the commander of the blood nightmare who was in charge of that search descended from above and floated on the hole in the formation. When the evil blood aura erupted from his body and filled the surroundings, I looked up at the hole and opened my mouth lightly.

"Eldest brother, is his arm sore? Do you want to let Xu Qing go?"

Under the arrangement of the Blood Nightmare Marshal, everything went out of order.

As for Xu Qing, it seems that he hasn't accepted his fate yet, and he still has some struggling emotions at this time, but in the end he still acquiesces.

So at this moment, I was about to tell the captain my doubts through sound transmission, but a strange cold snort suddenly echoed in my mind.

According to different divisions of labor, some drove the war puppets to rush into the fog to fight.

When the four of them communicated, Xu Qing was still held in the captain's arms, as if he was afraid that I would run away, so Xu Qing glanced at the captain indifferently as the fog flowed from behind his face.

Ning Yan took a few steps forward calmly.

Because those buildings are all wrapped in purple and white flesh, and they are all wriggling.

Half a month ago, Xiao Ningning's face was haggard and pale, and her whole body was so sluggish, but now countless red blood vessels suddenly appeared on her face, like a spider web. While it looked very strange, her expression seemed to have vitality.

As everyone jumped up, a hazy world suddenly came into Ning Yan's eyes.

So there was some judgment on the tone of Xu Qing's speech, but at the moment the other party's words were a bit wrong, and it didn't seem to belong to Xu Qing's tone.

The team leader looked at Xu Qing, blinked his eyes, his face was full of surprise, but secretly sent a voice transmission to Ning Yan.

But looking around, he still restrained himself and turned his head to ignore the captain.

The captain and Ning Yan, who were unaware of this, went straight up with the army after communicating and reaching a consensus.

"Red Moon, is about to wake up."

In the mist, there was a cold sound.

Seeing this, Ning Yan felt a little uneasy in his heart, and the captain became even more uneasy.

It was Xiao Ningning.

I don't know if it was Xu Qing's intention, but when I backed away, I chose to stand in front of Ning Yan and the captain, blocking the sight of some people in white robes.

"No, little brother, where's Master?"

And with the coming, the buildings on the ground are also much muddier than before.

That is telling Ning Yan that our weapons should be used properly that time.

The captain held Xu Qing in his arms, and while running forward, he passed Ning Yan

said the voice.

Looking around, not only the buildings are like this, but the earth is also like that, covered with flesh and blood, which is shocking.

It is different from what I saw half a month ago.

As soon as his words came out, the deacon of the eight palaces and the general of the imperial capital walked out immediately, without any hesitation, they went straight to the cave, and did not come out for a moment.

The four looked at each other and transmitted voices to each other.

After entering the Immortal Forbidden Land, those people seemed to have the wrong destination. At this moment, their speed was slow, and they disappeared into the deep fog in an instant.

"Little brother, he said there might not be a bottle there.

"Little brother, is there something wrong with Xu Qing?"

In fact, from Xu Qing's reaction just now, I also noticed that there was something wrong with the other party. After all, I brought Xu Qing back from Zhaoxia Prefecture and arranged for him to be in Shu Lingsi.

What made Ning Yan focus on was that among the group of monks whose heads were covered and the whole body was covered in white robes, there was a cultivator whose aura was different from others.

"Everyone, clean up the surrounding area and open up a dangerous area!"

The captain nodded upon hearing this.

Most of the people who did this were soldiers from the Palace of Holding Swords and the Imperial Capital.

"Brother, then Xu Qing, you will bring it back from Zhaoxia State later. You know, something happened to me in Zhaoxia State, so my personality changed a bit. Everything... is normal!"

It looks like a huge mirror, but it is not flat, but with curved curves, especially where we are exiting at the moment, the curve is even bigger.

After thinking about it, Ning Yan nodded.

That point cannot be seen from the fact that the soldiers of the surrounding imperial capital instinctively took a few steps back when they saw us.

I didn't dare to act rashly at this moment. When I restrained myself again, the captain's words came from the side.

As for the sky, it is not formed naturally, but man-made.

Looking at all that, while Hong Ai's heart was shaken, he also felt the comfort from his body getting stronger and stronger, as if he was eager to absorb it.

Ning Yan saw it out of sight and couldn't help but speak.

"What are you afraid of, you have to protect your little Ningning!" The elder brother said righteously, looking at Hong Ai sincerely.

"You want to break things? After you came back, you investigated some information and knew a place. There should be some good things here. You take them there."

"Little Ningning, he's worried. He must have meat to eat when he followed you that time!"

After all, the heterogeneity there is too thick, and every once in a while, it needs to be cleaned up in the body to prevent self-alienation.

Some are not there to quickly build formations, so that the power of the formations covers all directions.

The original monks here also instinctively stayed away.

The captain still hugs Xu Qing, the four of them are behind, Hong Ai behind.

"Could it be that the master came in a normal way? Or maybe it's changed, so you can't detect it, which is also abnormal. Ning Yan thought about it, and replied through sound transmission.

While giving people a strange feeling, they also instinctively want to stay away.

"Staying there is useless. You are not afraid of aliens. Hurry up and find some snacks to try. You can't come here in vain. You also have to use Xu Qing's weapon well."

Before the group of white-robed men arrived, they glanced around and stood silently in the corner.

The captain put his arms around Xu Qing, stood beside Ning Yan, looked at everything around him, and at the same time as he heard a voice of surprise, Ning Yan turned his head quickly as if he had noticed something, and saw the group of people in white robes surrounding Xiao Ningning, A distant figure.

The captain smiled, hugged Ning Yan in front of Xu Qing, and winked at Xu Qing. This expression was understandable, and Ning Yan knew what the other party was expressing at a glance.

There is a group of palaces with a huge range, covering the entire land.

Ning Yan looked as usual, but doubts arose in his heart.

The surrounding sky is sunken there, forming a passage, like a huge bottle mouth.

"Army, enter!"

Others ended the purification range, driving away the foreign matter and flesh and blood in that area to the surroundings.

And the taller the body, the more amazing the combat power.

After Ning Yan finished speaking, the expected hum sound echoed in his mind, which was full of satisfaction. That cold snort contained a warning, Ning Yan shuddered when he heard it, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he immediately sent a voice transmission to the captain.

I don't know why, since the first time I touched my head, I fell in love with that action instinctively. It seems that touching Xu Qing's head gave me a strange pleasure.

The aura of that group of people is mostly cloudy and hot, unlike the abnormal monks, it seems that they have practiced a very general set of exercises, they seem to be individual, but they are blended together.

"Guixu is advanced, Lingzang is next.

During that time, Ning Yan and the team leader also saw strange beasts in the mist. They were ferocious beasts with the same purple-white body.

Looking at that scene, Ning Yan immediately withdrew his gaze, and I remembered what the **** finger said at that time.

The captain next to him also saw all that, and the smile on his face hadn't disappeared, so he retreated a little, and Xu Qing, who was hugging him, also retreated.

Hong Ai glanced at Hong Ai, feeling a little sympathetic in his heart. For a long time, the other party never disappeared from the captain's arms. It was obvious that the captain was not worried about the weapon getting away.

He naturally didn't think that Ning Yan had the guts to hit him, so he must have wanted to break free from his arm, but obviously the other party remembered his kindness in the end, so he was moved and gave up resistance.

Countless palaces and temples formed a city.

It's hard to see exactly.

After finishing speaking, the captain held back his hand and patted Hong Ai's head again.

Some huge alien beasts could be vaguely seen appearing from outside the mist, and they were fighting with Guixu Lingzang who came later.

It was not until half a day after arriving here that everyone opened up the dangerous area to a certain extent, and the rest was over. Seeing Ning Yan like this, the captain was satisfied.

"It's unreasonable that the old man's personality is occasionally cloudy. You should retreat in a way that you know. Besides, you know it too well, old man. When you hear the gods, you probably have to saliva. It's definitely not good to ask you to help wipe it off." Will see it."

Ning Yan and the captain were also among them, along with Qingqiu and Kong Xianglong.

"So you two should hurry up and get some snacks first." The captain's eyes lit up and he looked up.

If there is an obstacle in any direction, there is no way to solve it by yourself. After reporting it, there will be strong people coming soon, suppressing and pushing.

That piece of world can be seen to the end, the land is blurred, and a building hidden in the mist can be vaguely seen, but it is just passing through the sky, the view is very big, and one can only roughly feel the ancient meaning.

Soon, we landed on the misty land together with the monks from all sides. As soon as we landed, there was a roar, and the sound of fighting echoed in the mist.

Ning Yan and the team leader were also among them. As for Qingqiu, Kong Xianglong and others, there were too many people there, so they couldn't be found, and their whereabouts were unknown.

Xu Qing's breathing was slightly slow, and after taking a deep look at the captain, UU Reading suddenly spoke.

The fog rolled in the cave, and there was a faint roar and shrill sound. When it became quiet a moment ago, white light shone outside the fog deep in the cave.

During that period, after Ning Yan communicated with the captain, the four of them accepted an investigation mission and chose to leave, of course Hong Ai was among them.

"That's right, Xiao Ningning, I really miss you so much.

His footsteps were staggering, and his cultivation was at the level of Tiangong Jindan. When he came here, the strange wind blowing from the hole in the formation lifted a corner of his robe and hat, revealing half of his face.

This person was surrounded in the middle, seemingly protected, but it also implied house arrest.

Commander Blood Nightmare shouted loudly, stepped forward, stepped back into the hole, and the others followed suit one after another.

Hong Ai was expressionless, glanced at Xu Qing, and was about to speak, but at that moment, before a large number of monks descended on this place, there was a group of monks wearing white robes, with very subtle fluctuations emitting from their bodies. Come roaring.


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