MTL - Overturned Tower-Chapter 3 non-existent device

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"—Idiot, you just superfluous."

The captain's reprimand sounded through the trigger's intercom.

The wireless bone conduction headset implanted on the forehead and deep into the skull is not only hidden, but also can make normal calls in quiet areas without the Internet, and the content of the call is not easy to be eavesdropped by others.

This is undoubtedly contraband.

At the same time, it is also one of the deposits given by the rather generous "customer" this time.

"I'm just trying to get those rich guys into trouble."

The bear-eared mercenary codenamed "Trigger" couldn't help retorting in a muffled voice: "Since I said that, it will be like a thorn in their hearts..."

While muttering, he pushed open the door without hesitation.

There is no need to beware of the defensive forces inside.

The induced virus from the Tower of Babel provided by the big boss this time can even penetrate the highest level of protection "ICE".

In fact, a director of the head office was attacked by the Tower of Babel two weeks ago.

His bodyguards were all paralyzed by the virus, and none of them survived. This incident has gone crazy among the mercenaries in the lower city.

—Even those steel monsters that are close to 100% prosthetic, once they are recruited, they can't get rid of this virus.

It's a pity that the virus they got this time has a self-killing effect and can only be used for this operation.

Otherwise, if the virus is sold, the money he gets may be enough for him to wash his hands and retire...


After the trigger entered the door, he locked the first-class door with his backhand.

The mechanical lock of the first-class cabin issued a long "beep" alarm sound and emitted a dazzling red light.

And as the trigger brushed the door handle with a black magnetic card, its siren stopped abruptly.

Although the people inside will no longer resist or speak, there may still be people passing by outside... It is also necessary to close the door casually.

"Captain, I think so..."

Trigger carefully explained: "After we steal their memories, it is impossible to jump off the airship directly. We will definitely die if we fall into the sea. We still have to mix with ordinary passengers and get off the airship normally.

"However, if any first-class passenger has a very high status and is too courageous to take the risk of not being able to catch us and make things worse, block the airport and forcibly retrieve the memories of all passengers, we will most likely It's revealing."


"So I have to remind them that as long as this incident gets out, they will be scrupled by their superiors and suspect that they have lost some important information. At the same time, they may be attacked by their colleagues. In this way, they have to calm down and think..."

"Do you think that a superior person who can achieve that status will not think of such a thing?"

The captain snorted coldly: "Do you think you are smarter than them all?"

"No, no, Captain—"

Trigger suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and he didn't bother to check the house, and quickly argued: "Listen to me, I have a deeper plan...Even if I warned you, they couldn't stop talking about it. In the end Someone is bound to say something.

"As long as someone spreads the word 'the memory of one of the first-class passengers in this class has been stolen', all the people on this airship will suspect each other. Even if it is only suspicion without any Evidence can also be used as an excuse. In this way, the happy island will become chaotic. The plan of the 'monkey-faced eagle' group can be carried out more smoothly..."

"—pretty smart."


"You're thinking too easily, Trigger."

A cold and disappointed voice came from the earphones: "If we do this, it will indeed allow us to leave the plane more safely. But you have mistaken the most important point - the Tower of Babel does not want to be low-key, they wish to be as high-key as possible .”

"How is it possible, they are now wanted by the Big Seven with the highest standards..."

"Because they are not memory thieves at all, idiots! This is just an excuse for the elves to want them... Their real crime is trying to get in touch with history!"

In the earphones, the captain's voice suddenly became a little louder, and even spilled out.

His voice is full of harsh coldness: "Your ambition blinded your eyes, Trigger. You want to take my position, so you start to go beyond your team member's identity and try to directly support other teams to make meritorious deeds Bar."

"I do not have…"

"Are you trying to take away my position? Or are you planning to become an 'aide'? Then I can only explain that your so-called wisdom is nothing but cleverness.

"—When you go back, you can apologize to the boss yourself."

Trigger's pupils dilated with fear for an instant.

He could never have guessed that the "Tower of Babel", who are psychic hackers and memory thieves, turned out to be legendary historians...

You must know that the study of history is an absolute taboo, and even the noble elves are not allowed to touch it.

Studying history is the only taboo and the only death penalty written in the code. Even trying to sort out the timeline in ancient literary works and summarize it into a book is the greatest sin. As long as you try to touch, understand, and learn history, you will be punished by death.

The past that people know can only be those things passed on by word of mouth... It can be talked at will, but it must not become words and fall on paper.

That's absolute death - erasing the person's existence, making "it" forgotten by all.

"Pawns in my position know that the Tower of Babel is in touch with history, and these first-class bigwigs must know better. They must be aware of the mistakes in your words, which means that you have directly proved that 'We are not Babel. Tower of Babel'. Then we can't throw the matter of our stolen memory on the Tower of Babel... Soon they will also deduce who is the person whose memory was stolen."

"All channels, plan changes. Search the memory of the first-class passengers, and report to me as soon as you find the target. You don't need to copy the target's memory, just stun the target and take it to the captain's room. You can also remove the target's limbs depending on the situation. Others All passengers are injected with chronic poison, and the onset time is set to be ten minutes later."

The captain's voice sounded flat: "Everyone, please reply."

"...Yes, received."

Trigger responded hoarsely.

He grinned, as if he had eaten something spicy.

…how to say. I regret it somewhat.

Is it self-defeating because you are too active...

His eyes, hidden behind the mask, were gradually filled with killing intent.

It's okay, it's not a desperate situation.

As long as these people can't go back, no one will know that such stupid words are said by themselves. He could easily throw this blame on the other two people...

…As long as the boss doesn't retrieve his memory, he can be trusted.

He snorted resentfully, and looked back into the room.

Sitting in this first-class cabin was a cat-eared girl with a gentle temperament and a petite figure.

Considering that the body size of the relatives who are small cats is relatively small, maybe it is not a girl, but a young woman.

She wears twin ponytails, one strand in front of her left shoulder and a thicker strand behind her. She looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, but she feels like a virtuous and gentle mother.

At this moment, she was sitting on the seat with her eyes closed tightly, her head bowed.

In front of her was an open box.

— There was a gun in it, with the safety on.

Trigger's pupils shrank suddenly.

He knew the gun.

Peacemaker, a shotgun in portable mode. The gun body and barrel can be carried separately, and after assembly, it can be turned into a long gun, and its power will be greatly improved.

The captain also has one, which is very useful for assassination.

In the Sky Age, although the dragons acquiesced to the power of the elves to form giant enterprises, they did not give them the power to deprive other people of their lives, nor did they allow the elves to compile codes. Therefore, even the "Seven Giants" did not dare to use lethal weapons to arm their psychic private army, but could only use anesthesia guns, net throwers, stun guns and cold weapons for them.

This kind of lethal firearm is a dangerous item that only those "uncoded people" dare to produce, carry and use.

Except for the "directors" and immediate family members who are privileged classes. Others can be sentenced to three years in prison by the local head office according to the company law just by holding it.


Trigger murmured.

…how is this possible?

They were able to bring the guns in because the security personnel broke in two years in advance for this plan.

But this little girl...

In an instant, many possibilities flashed through his mind. For example, she might be the mistress of an underground gang, or an infiltrated killer... In short, contrary to the impression, she is definitely not a kind person.

Immediately, the trigger quickly felt a wave of fear.

"Fortunately, there is that virus..."

Otherwise, if he barged in so recklessly, he might be killed directly.

After all, even he himself only holds a small-caliber silencer pistol.

As long as you have it, you can put the captain—

He suddenly felt greedy, and wanted to reach for the gun, but suddenly stopped his hand.

Holding the last vigilance, the trigger pulled out the gun and blocked the girl's temple.

"Don't pretend, you heard it all."

Trigger snorted coldly, and threatened in a low voice: "Who the **** are you?"

No response.

After a while, he sneered again: "In that case, I can only kill you first."

Still no response.

The girl still lowered her head, so quiet that she seemed to have really fallen asleep.

If you haven't responded to this level, then it's definitely not a trap!

The trigger suddenly became ecstatic.

He reached out to grab his prize.

But just as he was holding the gun, he suddenly felt a mild cold pain in his right chest.

He froze for a moment, and then he saw clearly that the three fingers of the cat-eared girl's right hand pinched a faint fluorescent light.

Its end was sinking into his right breast.

Like a sculptor holding a carving knife, or a surgeon holding a scalpel.

There is no murderous look, and there is no movement of accumulating strength. Silent actions... If she attacked her unenhanced heart or head, she might not even know how to die.

Obviously his outer clothing and skin were not damaged in any way, but Trigger felt a burst of icy cold flowing on his right chest.

His personal system immediately alerted him that the three lobes of his right lung were cut vertically by something.

His clothes, his muscles, his ribs did not block the slender scalpel.

…but fortunately.

Lungs that had been remodeled and strengthened from smoking too much... saved his life now.

At the moment when his right lung was paralyzed, his left artificial lung was activated urgently.

—Illegal psykers!

Damn, it really is a colleague!

"Go to hell!"

The fear of his life being in danger made him furious, and he punched the **** the cheek with his left hand.

The left fist implanted in the steel frame was strong and powerful, directly hitting her to the point where she fell off the chair and tumbled to the ground. The table with the tea set was also brought down. The delicate tea set on the table was smashed to pieces with a crisp sound of breaking.

If it was a stronger right fist implanted with a reinforced prosthetic body, just one punch would be enough to blow her head out.

The reason why it is the left hand, which is the bad hand, is because the right hand of the trigger is holding the gun. He subconsciously didn't want the precious weapon to be damaged by the impact—after all, they couldn't have a weapon master who was good at repairing such contraband.

But Trigger also has confidence.

This punch was enough to knock the fragile psyker unconscious...


The trigger immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because it doesn't feel right.

The feeling he felt the first time was indeed the feeling when the hammer hit the bottom of the cheekbones and the top of the chin... He also clearly heard the sound of the cervical spine twisting and cracking, as well as the "paragraph" when the bone broke from the fist. sense".

But after that, I didn't feel any resistance.

And it feels like breaking some very thin and brittle glass, with a crisp broken feeling.

The figure of the "girl" was fluctuating like a screen with bad signal, and it turned into a cat-eared boy who was a circle bigger than her but had a similar face.

A second ago, he was obviously injured... even the cervical spine was damaged.

But now that guy looks like he's fine.

…I see. Is it the psionic power of the transformation system?

"This should be your body."

With a cruel smile on Trigger's face, he raised the freshly acquired shotgun and pointed it at the cat-eared boy who was lying on the ground and looking at him vigilantly but didn't rush over again: "Then, let's use it to give you a ride!" .”

If you get closer, you may be injured by the strange spiritual energy that can penetrate the protection.

It's better to end the battle at this distance.

Although the power of the gun might shatter the glass... But the captain took control of the captain's cabin, and even if the glass was shattered, the airship would no longer sound the alarm.

If you're careful, it shouldn't fall.

But looking at himself, the cat-eared boy who was desperate in front of him suddenly smiled, and his expression relaxed a little.

—He is looking behind himself?

The trigger's experience immediately judged the intersection of the other party's line of sight.

No, it's just a trap. He was lying to himself to look back.

The door of the room was closed by him, and his hearing enhanced by the prosthetic body did not hear the sound of footsteps; the surveillance in the captain's room showed that no one entered or left the first-class cabin after the airship took off.

There can't be anyone else here.


Trigger snickered.

He hated the guy who didn't say a word or beg for mercy when he was dying.

Can't recognize the situation. It's disgusting just looking at it.

So the trigger stopped talking and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In his mind, he imagined the moment when the other party's head was blown away by the projectile, and UU Reading showed a carefree and cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

—However, nothing happened.

There was only a crisp clicking sound, which made his back tense instantly. bullets?

Trigger looked down at the gun in his hand in disbelief, reconfirming that it was indeed ready to fire.

There is only one possibility.

The gun is unloaded.

…are you crazy?

What do you do with the safety on a gun without bullets?

But in the next moment.

Trigger's consciousness suddenly disappeared.

There was no pain, but the scene in front of him changed rapidly—starting from his toes, the lens of his field of vision suddenly moved upwards.

He didn't realize what happened until he saw clearly his headless corpse and the man slowly approaching from behind.

...Where did they come from?

It was Trigger's last thought before losing consciousness.

"Russell... your mother's psychic power [Vehicle of Inexistence] was not used by you in this way."

The big white-haired dog, like a ghost, reappeared in the room without a sound.

But Russell could see clearly that he was not holding a sword in his hand. Not even anything sharp.

Just holding a plastic straw from the drink you just used.

He didn't even touch the two-meter-tall, bear-eared, masked brawny man!

It's just a swipe from a distance, the strong mercenary whose body has been transformed into a semi-prosthetic body, is separated from the head.

The young man looked up at Russell who had transformed back, his eyes became a little complicated.

Looking at his expression, Russell subconsciously showed a pure and harmless smile.

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