MTL - Overturned Tower-Chapter 7 russell fear

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When Russell's anger, fear and obsession reached their peak, a light curtain flashed in front of Russell's eyes.

Of course, this is not some system cheat.

It was the chip in the back of his head that detected the possibility of his emotional overload and alerted him.

[Possible emotional overload detected, warning. Please take a deep breath]

[Warning, if emotional overload occurs, may cause sudden fainting]

[Please pay attention to maintaining the psychological safety of yourself and others. If you have any needs, please contact the Psychotherapy Association. It has been detected that you are about to land, the nearest psychiatrist is: Dr. White, 13KM southeast, the contact information is…]

Russell's thoughts flicked to the right, canceling all those notifications.

Only the emotional overload warning in his vision kept flashing, and there was relaxing light music in his ear—it was the piano sound of Gavotte.

Bad Ri, with his legs crossed, looked at Russell silently, tilting his head and thinking about something.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Russell closed his eyes.

"Self-Emotional Control" is a compulsory course for all majors in every university, and Russell's score in this exam is S.

Soon, the faint green light in his eyes faded away.

Bad Day continued to speak: "I don't know. But I have a guess.

"These four members all joined the organization thirty years ago. They are all important support personnel, hiding in different empty islands, and living different lives. If you want to find commonality from these four members, their common There is only one communication object.

"That's your father. The man code-named 'Bishop', my former teacher.

"Twenty years ago, he betrayed the Tower of Babel and the Cyber ​​Church. He used the destruction of precious historical materials as a pledge of surrender, and obtained the asylum of Ampoule Biomedicine. His whereabouts are still unknown.

"—I doubted him, though there was no proof. Always suspected him."

The white-haired dog who took Samoyed as his soul relative looked at Russell and said word by word: "Since you have betrayed once, why can't you do it again."

Russell was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head again to look at Bad Sun.

As his thoughts flowed, he already understood the bad day and the purpose of the Tower of Babel coming here.

This is an exam. It's an exploit.

Also — an invitation.

As Bad Day said, Russell is not like his mother...he has a chip.

Not only that, he also graduated from the most formal university, and his postgraduate tutor is also the dean of the School of Information Security and Intelligence Control, and a technical executive of Sogo Group. His relationships are clear and clean enough to stand up to any investigation.

And this clean identity is one's own value.

and invitations to participate in vengeance, and to join the organization.

Otherwise, even if the mother is also a member of the Tower of Babel, Bad Day has no obligation to explain so much to herself.

"Then," said Russell softly, "why should I join you?"

"Do you want to use force to persecute me? Or use some lofty ideas to convince me? Or lure me with generous rewards? Or simply, is this some kind of obligation engraved on blood?"

"Nothing at all."

Contrary to Russell's expectations, Bad Day did not hesitate to ask this question.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Because you are the child of 'Doctor'... Although there are traces of that man, there is no doubt that you are a good child.

"In this case, it's not us who came to you. It's you who will come to us sooner or later.

"before that…"

On a bad day, in this gradually hypoxic environment, there is no discomfort at all.

He threw the gradually frosted teacup behind him. He threw his used cup through the glass gap.

He just chuckled and said: "I hope you haven't forgotten that there is a gangster on this empty boat.

"—Take your sword and go. It is armed with psionic power. Even if you don't have awakened psionic power, as long as you have the aptitude, you can exert enough power to easily cut off the head of a young child like you. This can be concealed The fact that you have awakened psionics. Any emotion, strong enough to evoke it."

"But I don't know how to use a sword."

Russell felt that he had to explain this matter clearly to Bad Day. He took a deep breath and said softly, "I've never fought with a weapon before."

Regardless of past life or this life, Russell has never even fought with anyone. Let alone killing with a sword.

Bad Day just nodded: "I know. But don't be afraid, because I will help you."

"I want to use the previous one..."

Russell realized something.

Bad Day was planning to let himself swing his sword in front of the captain, and then he would use his psychic power to kill him in the air.

...this is what a fake double spring.

Russell frowned.

But Bad Ri nodded his head: "Yes.

"Go quickly. That guy is still in the captain's room. Once he finds out that his accomplices are all dead and he can't escape, he might do something to the captain. In that case, the passengers in this empty boat may all It's dangerous."

Looking at Russell, Bad Day raised his eyebrows, and asked back with a playful face: "You will not ask me, a wanted criminal who will be sentenced to death if I am caught, to appear openly and aboveboard when I can leave safely at any time. Come kill the hijacker and save everyone before people?"

"…of course not."

Russell took another deep breath: "I'm not the kind of guy who is good at being generous to others."

"That's good."

Bad Ri smiled, and stretched out his hand to pull Russell up from the ground, who was more and more dizzy due to lack of oxygen, panting heavily, and whose hands were so cold that they were blue and purple.

Feeling Russell's cold body temperature, Bad Ri raised his eyebrows in surprise.

…would you rather be frozen like this and suffer from lack of oxygen than to ask all the questions you want to ask?

But he didn't say anything more at this time, he just helped Russell who was dizzy, cold, and his legs were a little weak to the door of the room, and after opening the door, he ruthlessly pushed Russell into the corridor.

On a bad day, against the storm that howled like a ghost at the moment the door was opened, with a smile on his face as always, he waved to Russell and closed the door again.

The warm air in the corridor, under Russell's now icy body feeling, has become like soaking water in hot water in winter, feeling hot. His right hand holding the short knife was so stiff that he couldn't use any strength at all, and he couldn't even let go.

Russell pursed his extremely dry and cold lips, and took a big breath of fresh air.

After almost half a minute, Russell finally slowed down.

There is still some fuzz in front of him...but he can't wait.

Once the criminals determine that they are cornered, the lives of hundreds of people on the entire airship may be in danger.

He felt his heart beating extremely fast...

Not just because of the lack of oxygen...but because of the tension.

The opponent has a gun, but he has only a mediocre dagger.

His newly awakened psionic power can only be used for sneak attacks at present. His legs were already weak, and it was impossible to fight against guns.

Their plan is simple. It is to let Russell appear in front of people and pretend to fight the opponent. And Bad Day will use his strange swordsmanship that can cross space to decapitate the gangsters in the captain's room across a corridor. If Bad Day deceived himself, or had an accident, or simply escaped early... then without Bad Day's help, Russell would surely die.


This is not the only way out for Russell.

Since Bad Sun wouldn't die due to the airship crashing or other reasons, and he didn't worry about being blocked here, then he must have a way to escape here before the airship landed.

If I don't have the face to beg him, for my mother's sake—Russell believes that he will definitely take himself away.

With a 100% probability, only let yourself survive.

Or take the risk of being instantly killed by the opponent... let everyone live together.

"—Come be a hero, Russell."

The voice of the bad day rang in Russell's ears like an auditory hallucination.

"I can go to your father's..."

Russell gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

He finally understood what Bad Day meant then.

As long as he appeared in front of others, under the witness of others, and with the assistance of Bad Sun, he killed the last remaining gangster...then the three people who died in his room in the same way would naturally be his credit.

Russell, who obviously doesn't know any swordsmanship and has never killed anyone, will become a "hero" in such a muddle.

A very false hero. An instant phantom.

…he was terrified. UU Reading

Russell was really scared.

He was afraid that he would be directly shot dead by nervous gangsters, that the captain would die in the battle and the airship would fall, that he would screw up and leave hidden dangers for the future, and that bad days would trick him into leaving secretly.

Hundreds of lives—and my own safety. Think selfishly, maybe there is still your own future happiness.

Retreat, failure, betrayal... Any mistake will lead to different forms of tragedy.

The tremendous psychological pressure made Russell's fingers numb, his legs weak, his breathing short of breath, and his cheeks flushed.

His heart was beating violently, and he could even hear his own heartbeat and feel the vibration of his chest cavity very clearly.

why me?


For some reason, he couldn't ignore it.

Russell clenched the short sword, staggered towards the captain's cabin.

He rushed on the way, and the siren sounded.

His heart tightened.

...Are you late?

The airship suddenly vibrated and tilted violently—Russell, whose legs were still a little weak, was thrown to the wall on the other side by inertia.

The pain interrupted Russell's cranky thoughts, but it also made him sober.

Before the airship regained its balance, and before he calmed down and regained the ability to stand upright, Russell climbed up on the ground without hesitation while supporting the wall. Holding the tightly closed doors of the first-class cabin with his hands, he moved step by step to the captain's cabin.

The distance of less than a hundred meters seemed so long.


Russell panted violently silently, and stood quietly at the door of the captain's cabin, gripping the dagger tightly.

—Then, the sound of pulling the bolt of the gun came from inside, heard very clearly.