MTL - Overturned Tower-~ Final Thoughts: Chapter 2: Lycaon and Oedipus

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From November 1st to February 1st, three full months, 360,000 words! The longest volume of the book is finally over!

The name of this volume is "Wolf Words", the bright line is "Lycaon", and the dark line is "Love".

Lycaon was a king in Greek mythology who had a daughter called Callisto. Zeus approached her pretending to be Artemis, the goddess of hunting, and had a child with her, named Arkas. Hera turned Calliste into a female bear based on jealousy, so Calliste could no longer take care of her child, and the child was handed over to Lycaon to raise.

And Zeus intends to test Lycaon's virtue, so he descends to the world, claims to be Zeus and lives in his home. Lycaon wanted to test Zeus' divine power, and wanted to know whether he really knew everything, so he killed Alcas and cooked his meat and gave it to Zeus.

In a rage, Zeus turned Lycaon into a bloodthirsty werewolf, resurrected Arkas, and inherited Lycaon's throne. Later, when he grew up, he went out hunting, found a huge female bear, and excitedly planned to kill her - but Zeus found out about this, and in order to prevent the mother and child from killing each other, Arcas also turned into a bear. Cubs who can bond with mother bears and raise them up to the heavens, becoming Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

If you know this fairy tale, you can also understand why I named this volume "Wolf Words".

Its dark line, that is, the theme, is the "love" possessed by the three similar but different people, the strangler, the inferior, and the sheath, and the Oedipus-style plot derived from it. These three roles complete.

Among them, strangulation kills the father before the plot begins, and the inferior one kills the father during the plot. Structurally, this also indicates that the sheath will die at the end of this volume.

Here I originally wanted to build a battle scene, but I thought it would be childish to speak out in battle. So I plan to use a "snowball fight"-style plot to interpret the core of the sheath. This will sacrifice some sense of rhythm and plot tension, but I think this can better tell the story of "why the sheath should die"...Of course, from another perspective, perhaps it should be told in the plot earlier complete.

But in that case, the emotions will become too high when the sheath appears. So much so that the sheath's demise would make him seem like a total villain, thus losing him.

So I thought about it for a long time, and decided to deal with it like this.

In fact, according to the original outline here, strangulation should die in this volume, to form a sharp contrast with the inferior. But Mao Mao couldn't bear it in the end, and let the strangulation survive. There should be a clear feeling of "the timeline has changed" here.

Just like the name "Poison of Love" in the fifty-second chapter in the middle of this volume, it is also like the one hundred and eighth chapter said "Of all things in the world, only love and hope are the most poisonous people".

By the way, in fact, according to my outline, this point should appear in Chapter 104, so it is exactly twice as much as the first time. I really like this kind of shallow foreshadowing, but my ability to control the plot is still not very good. The amount of text in the plot is completely beyond the limit. Even if there are many chapters in the middle, it is impossible to control the 104th chapter...

In terms of the outline, the number of words in this volume should be 28w, which is twice the 14w of a standard volume. But in fact, there are 80,000 more characters in writing, and I still feel a little bit unconscious...

Russell has almost grown to his peak form, and is still two steps away.

And the next volume is the last volume of this book.

Including the awakening caused by the rumors released by Russell himself, the confrontation with the church and the dragon...and finally the story of saving the world as a "hero" and giving "possibility". All that remains is the ultimate struggle.

By the way, the film review about the broken ball 2 that was agreed before—

This movie really far exceeded my expectations. And I believe that this wide-ranging touch and shock should be based on the fact that most audiences have not really understood the movie—that is, they can still feel that this is a film without understanding the foreshadowing. good story. That's exactly what I'm after, and I hope my storytelling abilities reach this edge in my lifetime...

In order to make the audience understand, the director chose a very good technique. That is to repeat important information over and over again.

After realizing this, we only need to find the most repeated intelligence to capture clues.

The main clue of Wandering Earth 2 is moss, which is very clear. After all the key events, there is a close-up of the camera... Combined with the final egg, the whole story can be shown. Tu Hengyu's car accident was obviously related to Moss—his car accident had nothing to do with whether he could see the road or not, because they all drove automatically. And Chuang's dump truck is also fully controlled by AI... I can see clearly that the dump truck does not have a cab.

However, it also required extremely precise calculations to want to incomparably destroy half of the body, leaving only half of Yaya's life, but allowing Tu Hengyu to be alive and kicking. There is no doubt that this is manipulated by moss. In his conversation with Wu Jing, he also mentioned "I can mobilize all networked devices". These two plots are not far apart, which means it is a plot group.

And Li Xuejian looked at the camera lens thoughtfully, echoing what he said "I believe our people will be able to complete the task". But here it should be noted that what he said seems to be implying Andy Lau and Yaya on the surface, but in fact, the process of Andy Lau entering the password until the last second can be said to be the artistic expression of the director, or it can be said to be completely useless of.

Because it only takes 1.7 seconds for Yaya upload to cause the Earth-Moon crisis. And this number is very ingenious, and I have seen that many interpretations of UP have not mentioned it.

Why 1.7 seconds? Because in the case of a space elevator, the Earth-Moon signal limit is 1.28 seconds. The remaining 0.42 seconds is actually the thinking time of moss, and 1.28+0.42 is exactly 1.7 seconds. And in Wandering Earth 1, this stalk was clearly played, the so-called "the ultimate answer of the universe is 42".

In other words, a mere 50,000-digit password can be unlocked in a split second. And that time was four minutes ago.

And the 97% progress started after the little brother tapped the button. In other words, in fact, Tu Hengyu's password input does not have any effect, because the little brother tapped the button, if the server does not start at this time, everyone will die together, so moss connected to the server. This is a swordsman-style plot.

Then, "our people will definitely be able to complete the task, regardless of reality, life or death." This is obviously the foreshadowing of the third part.

From the very abrupt flashback at the end, we can see a detail that did not appear before. One is the picture of the white-haired Li Xuejian with buttons tied to his hands, and the other is the picture of the bald Tu Hengyu driving the exoskeleton mech.

And at the end of our ball 1, that is, three years after the end of the ball 1 plot, Liu Qi and Li went on missions one by one. That year happened to be the year of the helium flash crisis. We can see very clearly that the outside can be said to be calm and calm, and there is no such thing as the rebels in the original book being able to pull up half of the people. So we can be sure that the plot here must have been changed.

But from another point of view, it can also be said that it has not changed. I think the current Wandering Earth should be the story of the second week.

In 1987, China received its first warning. At that time, quantum computers were not invented, which means that this is a warning of the future. And 1987 has a special meaning, because it is the "International Year for the Resettlement of the Homeless".

As for the time span, there is an obvious hint at the end. The infinitely overlapping study room is exactly the same as the infinitely overlapping study room at the end of Interstellar Crossing in terms of picture structure. And we all know that at the end of Interstellar, the action of knocking out dust to convey information is the same as that of knocking on the door.

And as for the knock—who was that at the door?

I think it's Ma Zhao. From beginning to end, Ma Zhao clearly indulged Tu Hengyu's plan, especially when uploading Yaya, he was the one who waited for Yaya to finish uploading before rushing in to arrest her. And by analyzing the name, we can find that "mega" is M, which is the same as the initial letter of Moss, and everyone can think of what Hengyu means.

Of course, here we have an extra piece of information...that is, Ma Zhao, who is dead, will still play in Ball 3, and his ranking is quite high. That means he's a key player in Ball 3.

Then let’s talk about “Second Zhoumu”—if the scene of the bald picture Hengyu’s machine armor is the first week, it would make sense. I checked the photos on the Internet, and the eyes of the bald picture Hengyu are the same size. But due to the injury in the car accident, Tu Hengyu's eyes should be different sizes. In other words, Tu Hengyu had never experienced a car accident at that time.

I speculate that the plot is roughly like this: it is the content of the original Wandering Earth, that is, the rebels believe that the sun will not die and trigger a world war. UU Reading www. uukanshu. Helium flashed when com finally sang "My Sun" - firstly, this plot did not conform to the style of the Spring Festival file, and secondly, he did not conform to the idea conveyed by Ball 1 Ball 2, that is, the theme of "people can determine the fate of the future". of.

This should be the story before history was changed, and the plot of Ball 3 may have a three-line structure. One is that MOSS never came to the past, sent a warning message and changed the future, and cut down the possibility of other plans, and changed the future in an attempt to make the Wandering Earth plan lose resistance, thereby changing the "original history"; the second line is the changed past , which is the part of the plot from 1987 to the beginning of 2000; the third part is the third part, which is the story of the future Tu Hengyu and moss coming back from the future and facing choices when changing the past.

Like the theme of Interstellar, I feel like this could be a Steins;Gate story.

If what Li Xuejian said "someone is helping us" and "I believe in our people, no matter whether they are real or not, they don't care about life or death" refers to the future map Hengyu (and Wu Jing, I remember that the official map said that Wu Jing also uploaded it) If so, then according to Tu Hengyu's personality, he will most likely choose not to let the dump truck create the past at that point in time, and then change the past to save his wife and Yaya.

But in that case, Yaya will not die, and Tu Hengyu will not be uploaded to moss. The future may be changed again, and I predict that Ball 3 may make a fuss here. But it's hard to say how to deal with it, look at the director!

Well, I talked a little too much, it's more than 3,000 words...

Finally, take a day off from routine. Resumed update on the 2nd.

And then there's the preview of the next volume of The Tower...

Volume Nine · "Meteor".

—The last volume, ask for votes at the beginning of the month!

Read The Duke's Passion