MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 106 i am alice

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Abandoned childhood in exchange for freedom;

Abandoned freedom in exchange for ideals;

Abandoning ideals in exchange for love;

Abandoned love, in exchange for the road;

Abandoned the way, in exchange for strength

In the end, Sheath also discarded this power obtained after negating everything.

"[The Whistleblower of Neverland]..."

Russell muttered the first code name of the sheath.

In the beginning, the sheath who was "Wendy" betrayed Peter Pan who gave him freedom. The two children "Michael" and "John" who betrayed Peter Pan with him did not reveal the names of the sheath until their death; but those "adults" who were trusted by the sheath betrayed him, so the sheath was named "Whistleblower" name.

Immediately afterwards, he betrayed Happy Island, Tianen Group, and his mentor, and joined the Tower of Babel, which was an enemy of elves and dragons; his talent and character were liked by Sai Lun, and he was given the sheath "lethal dose" "Love" to further catalyze his talents, and the doomed betrayal of the sheath also means that the flowers of talents that are overblown will eventually wither.

He lost the sheath of his "heart", fled out of cowardice, and betrayed Alice who loved him and the "bishop" who trusted him. He tried to embark on a journey to find his own meaning.

way, seeking a grand death as the end of life, the

life with meaning.

But he still failed. The journey was meaningless, what he did instead

deepen despair. He pushes the world into a more bleak future...

He exhausted all the miracles he achieved - so that he did not cross the wall of Leviathan,

The mortal body that has not yet been transformed into an elf killed the dragon alone without the assistance of sufficient capital and technology, and without the help of demons and mages.

Destroyed the spaceships of the previous civilization with bare hands, extinguishing one-seventh possibility of the future.

—So, he finally despaired.

After being confused and wandering for a long time, Sheath finally denies and betrays herself.

Obviously possessing talent, opportunity, talent, luck and the love of others, but shea dances alone like a clown.

The more he wanted to hold everything, everything in the world was like sand lost between his fingers. The more you try to hold on, the faster the sand will be lost. No matter how hard you try and what sacrifices you make, you get nothing.

"...You finally denied yourself too."

Russell sighed.

Sheath's life of constant search for meaning is over. What he ushered in was only infinite emptiness.

As an empty shell of absolute nothingness... As another projection of Russell, the sheath finally has the "qualification to destroy the world".

What he projected from his eyes before was definitely not such an ominous dim yellow light.

— not "the negation of the negation". Instead, completely deny it.

Russell already knew that the power of holy order possessed by mechanical angels comes from the group subconscious.

That is the power belonging to "human consciousness", the tiny part of the huge and chaotic primitive psionic energy held by the polluted "old gods", purified by the goodness in human hearts.

If the human body is lost, it is impossible to be recognized by the group consciousness, and it is impossible to have the power of the Holy Order; therefore, mechanical angels must be made of recognized good people as "materials". It is impossible to drive the power of the Holy Order purely mechanically.

And the pope's plan is to artificially create a "new god" and create a new "group consciousness" to overwrite the influence of the "old god" on mankind. From a different point of view, his plan is to completely kill the old gods.

Just as if you want to completely destroy a program, you should not delete it, put it in the recycle bin, and shred the file, but you should overwrite each file repeatedly many times.

The reason why Sheath was able to obtain this "anti-electronic" power...and he could continue to hold it after he underwent inhumane physical transformation and semi-prostheticized his own brain was precisely because this power itself

It is his.

— It wasn’t because he had imported the memories of the old sages to allow him to obtain the power of the Holy Order.

But after doing these actions, Sheath gained the power that belonged to him!

That is to say...

It is precisely because he has mechanized his brain and made it into a "local server", and his strong desire for self-destruction and self-denial allows him to obtain the power of this "anti-electronic" holy order.

"Why did the church seal this power..."

Russell understood everything: "It's not entirely because the church is afraid of angels who can counter and deny all angels. It's because angels with this power will eventually destroy themselves."

Because the Church's "power of holy order" is not natural.

They did not fundamentally perceive the essence of this power, and the technology they used did not touch the principle, but "invention based on the application level." It just used a superficial method to steal this power. This means that the anti-electron's Holy Order power will be out of control as soon as it is activated-because it will also negate its own aura.

The transformation of the sheath on itself is even deeper. He even transformed his own brain together. According to the original definition of the ability of "anti-electronics", the moment he uses the power of the Holy Order, all his prosthetic bodies and modified parts will be forcibly stopped. , or even burn it permanently.

But he can use this power normally...and even control it precisely.

Shea's series of painful modifications to himself, along with his life itself, became a ritual—invoking psychic powers with the ability to "anti-electron." It is no longer simply the power of the Holy Order, but like the "Container of God" and "Anima Animus", it belongs to the "brand new spiritual power" of the sheath itself.

Since then, Sheath has gained the meaning of his life—

However, he didn't realize it.

It wasn't until his life was shattered after his consciousness was shattered that he was finally affirmed and endowed with meaning by "Twilight"—the meaning of destroying everything.

"I believe you now... you will definitely destroy the monkey-faced eagle completely."

Russell said slowly: "Because it is absolutely impossible for you to coexist, and the monkey-faced eagle is absolutely no match for you. Or, the other you—you in cyberspace, should be killing the monkey-faced eagle virus on the entire network right now." .As the monkey-faced eagle declines, your strength is also increasing."

Just like his uncontrollable hostility towards the monkey-faced eagle, and the monkey-faced eagle's undisguised killing intent towards him... Only one "Twilight" can be hatched in a world. That means they either fight to the last man standing, or they destroy each other. And now, in addition to the two candidates, a new one has been born.

It is also meaningless and completely denied, and finally the meaning of my life is also denied. I also upload my consciousness to the Internet in an attempt to complete the "transformation of group gods"... Today's "sheath", or "second container", it is the monkey-faced eagle as a competitor for the "grave"!

In other words, today's "sheath" is the high-ranking monkey-faced eagle!

It was as if the unpredictable fate had sensed that the monkey-faced eagle's plan was about to fail, but the world's disaster itself had not been resolved, and Russell had not been sublimated or destroyed because of it—after all, the Pope's plan did have the possibility of being realized—so for To ensure the destruction of the world, a new "grave" that can definitely destroy the world was born again.

From the very beginning, he was born inside the "New God" created by the Pope, and exists as His irremovable and irreplaceable "antivirus software".

"Yes, it should be so...Since Dusk was born in the end of the world, what's the point of not destroying Doom, but only the eggs of Dusk? It's just cutting off the water with a knife..."

Russell suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly.

He reached into his arms, trying to feel for something. But in the end still did not touch.

"What are you looking for?"

Delphinium realizes something: "The saint beheaded?"

"Ah... yes. Because of the security check of the airship, I couldn't make it this time.

bring. "

Russell hummed softly, as if he was explaining something, but also as if he was regretting something: "I just want to see how my current determination is. Compared with a knife, it is more like a side that can see myself clearly. mirror of determination."

He had realized before that it was absolutely impossible for him and the Pope's plan to coexist. But Russell has not fully confirmed this until today.

——The sheath is sublimated into an egg of dusk, which is not only forcing the monkey-faced eagle, but also forcing Russell to give up his fantasy.


"I finally realized what the three of us have in common."

Russell muttered in a low voice, left from the table, and walked towards the sheath: "We all hold a certain kind of innocence, the pure idea inherited from childhood. The pain encountered in childhood, the obsession left behind. After becoming After being an adult, you are so out of place in this world.

"The monkey-faced eagle wants to get everything, so it is so greedy that it wants to devour the whole world; I want to connect everything, so I don't want to offend anyone, try to be friends with everyone, and reach peace...but you always want to give up everything. Because you're still living on the day you escaped Peter Pan with your two companions."

"Dangerous, don't go there..."

Bad Day subconsciously wanted to grab Russell's cuff, but Delphinium predicted his movement and reached out to block his wrist one step ahead. She seriously shook her head at the frowning bad day, and then looked at Russell's back with some concern.

And the sheath didn't respond to it.

He wasn't smiling, or thinking, or angry. Like a puppet, expressionless and emotionless.

Both belong to the uploaded thinking, whether it is "Promotion" or "Lycaon", their emotions are obviously much richer than the sheath.

"Your feelings of emptiness and emptiness are because the Pope completely deleted his personality at his request.

"Or after vaguely aware of his end, before he really fell, he made a final decision to erase his twilight will and deny his subjective harm?

"Negating the purest ironic. As expected of a man who can't do anything, an absolutely empty life..."

Russell walked slowly, his body melting with it.

His voice suddenly became soft and gentle, and Alice's body appeared here: "You can't even be a half-assed demon king..."

Her expression is complicated, her eyes are gentle, full of love, but extremely sad. Like being hurt by something.

It seemed that he was still being hurt by him to this day.

"…I miss you so much."

Hearing Alice's miserable words, the mechanical look on Sheath's face finally, for the first time, moved slightly.

It was a tiny amount of shaking—like salt dissolved in water.

You can vaguely taste the bitter salty taste like tears, but you can't see the slightest white crystal.

"I've been trying to wake up those pretending to be asleep and let them face reality..."

Alice said softly, standing in front of the sheath. She looked at the sheath as if looking at an old phantom.

She raised her head, with a paper-thin, pale and gentle smile, and looked at her husband who was more than a head taller than herself: "But I forgot. I will never wake up a person who pretends to be awake."


Sheath whispered her name. He tried to reach out, trying to touch Alice.

But in front of him, Alice was like an illusory phantom. He grabbed it twice in mid-air, but it was as ethereal as smoke.

Because he didn't dare to touch Alice's body.

The feeling of raising his hand was just an impulse. He even denied the absolute rationality of mechanical life forms, and the vision in his eyes was constantly turning red and reporting errors.

"—Your mechanical body, can you still make such a low-level mistake?"

Alice taunted, and grabbed the right hand that was trying to retract the sheath with her backhand.

It was such a weak, white and tender girl's hand. her strength

Absolutely unable to withstand the strength of the sheath, but she directly held the hand of the sheath, preventing him from pulling back half an inch. She didn't need to exert any force at all, and the sheath couldn't escape her restraint.

She put the sheath's hand that could easily crush steel, and slowly placed it on her head.

This made delphinium flustered for a moment so much that he clenched his fists, held his breath, and almost swept the cup to the ground; Bad Day also subconsciously clenched the table knife, strangling, inferior and Kamalse looked over at the same time.

Alice's body was only in her early twenties. Even younger than Russell himself.

But Sheath's body has been completely replaced by machines and prosthetics.

The machine covered with human skin was no longer the man she knew in the past.

The sheath stopped in place, and the dim yellow indicator light like a blindfold was flickering fiercely.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and the expression on his face changed drastically like a mannequin with a bug. In the end, imitating the expression on Alice when he first saw her, he showed a slightly restrained but yearning smile.

Smile after killing bad feelings.

Just like his expression when he betrayed those people in the past.

Alice and Sheath looked at each other, and a faint yellow light gradually shone in the depths of her emerald green pupils. And gradually synchronized with the flickering in the eyes of the sheath. Sheath realized it immediately—but Alice's hand, which was gently pressing the back of his hand, suddenly clenched tightly.

"—Don't run away."

Her words, her hand, made the sheath's movement stop again.

Alice said softly: "If you turn around and run away... I will never, never forgive you again.

"...stupid, half-assed, clown, bumbling bastard."

Hearing these words, the light in the eyes of the sheath suddenly went out—it took a long time before it suddenly turned on.

—Because those were words that even Alice herself would not remember.

She had always thought of him as a strong and great man.

It was the first time she saw Shea, when she had not formally known Shea, because she resisted the teacher that her family found for herself without authorization, she said bad things. This is also hidden deep in the heart by the sheath, which has never been shown to anyone, especially not to Alice.

why, why...

The speed of electronic brain calculation is very fast. Sheath had an answer almost immediately. Alice...

—Or, [Russell] has seen it.

My memory that has been digitized and stored in the cloud—

He wants to assimilate himself.

His "son" wanted to eat himself.

At that moment, the purpose of [Russell] became clear, but...

Alice's emerald green pupils were filled with emotion and tears.

Love, sadness, anger, nostalgia, peace of mind, memory, disappointment... only there is no hatred.

It was the look that Sheath couldn't move away from. He couldn't give up on the same thing a second time...he couldn't even stick to the "giving up" itself.

"...Are you so sure that after swallowing me who is the same size as you, you can still maintain yourself?"

The sheath was moved. Or in other words, he was afraid—his mechanical heart, which shouldn't know what fear is, chose to retreat.

He threatened and persuaded Alice to give up this dangerous move: "It's too late to stop now...Russell, if this happens again, we might die together.

"Stop now, I will not attack you, I will leave immediately, and help you kill the monkey-faced eagle. I will not appear in front of you again, I will never hurt you, and I will never hurt you Man... no, I can help you too. We were not enemies from the beginning, I am... I am your father..."

Threats turned into entreaties.

Alice didn't attack or restrain him, only those fragile hands.

Obviously, he could end everything by simply turning his head away. As long as he leaves, Alice will not be able to catch him.


His program alarmed frantically and kept making mistakes. The world in front of my eyes was covered by constantly flashing dangerous red, and various warning pop-up windows kept popping up and being closed.

"-I do not want."

Alice's firm voice sounded: "I'm not Russell, I'm Alice. You still don't recognize me until now...

"I've made up my mind. I will never... let you go.

"Because you're an idiot, you can't do anything without me!

"Since you only have one copy of data left now—then where is it stored, UU Reading

Shouldn't it matter?

"Then why, why have you become like this, and you still don't want to go home?"

For some reason, a kind of despair and pain seized Sheath's nonexistent heart.

His feelings, personality and will should have been completely wiped out. He's a robot who doesn't know what love is.

But why...

...But my heart hurts more than when I was a human?

In the depths of Alice's emerald green pupils, a rotating mirror gradually lit up.

He couldn't look away.

He couldn't look away.


—Finally, in the depths of the dark mirror, Sheath saw the forgotten self.

That cowardly, lonely, and bruised.

Therefore, he is afraid of all the teenagers in the world.

The next moment, when the mirror surface shone beyond the limit, Alice's shell suddenly twisted and shattered.

As if an illusory string was broken, the sheath and Russell's consciousness were swallowed up by endless darkness at the same time—

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