MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 14 I still think so, Fredericka.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"—So, I don't want him to be attacked by those people."

Xia turned her chair around and looked at the fat orange cat director behind her.

Amid Dodgson's sighs, Xia said seriously: "I also don't hope that when people calm down again in the future, they will regret their words and deeds now."

If it was put two years ago, when Zai Xia hadn't left the campus, she would definitely be angry at the stupid actions of these people, and she would lose her mind with passion; When she was an ultramarine, she would feel sad and disappointed for these people, feel confused about the path she chose, and hesitate about her future; if half a year ago, she hadn’t received neurotransformation, she would be overwhelmed by the indescribable After being tortured by the pain, she would immediately go to someone she trusted—such as Ultramarine, Bingshui, or her father, Dodgson, to ask what she should do.

But Xia Xia now is completely different from her then.

"When people calm doesn't take long until they realize that what they're doing is only adding to the general chaos on Happy Island, and that any short-term benefits they get are worthless in the long run It will only be taken away several times—or to be more clear, when they realize that the "order, and" rules on Happy Island are actually protecting them from being robbed, they will calm down .”

Xia's tone became as cold and indifferent as ice water, like a handful of ice water: "It's not that they have clear evil thoughts in their hearts, nor are they firmly walking on the path of harming others and benefiting themselves. It's just their fear and anxiety that make them The **** is highlighted, hysterical like a wounded beast.

"They don't know what they are doing at all. The eyes of the masses are not always sharp—in other words, the masses can only see the reality in front of them and the present. In the Internet age, it is easier for those with ulterior motives to take advantage of this characteristic stand up."

"...Your tone of voice is like ice water."

Dodgson said helplessly, "This doesn't seem like something you can say at all."

He kept wiping the sweat off his forehead, but the sweat also soaked out as he wiped it off.

Part of the reason is that the weather has started to get hot recently, and the fat man is not so resistant to heat; another part of the reason is that he just rushed back from the company just after receiving a text message from his daughter.

"Because that's what Bing Shui said."

Xia admitted frankly: "And the sentence at the beginning is a modified version of a sentence my brother said before."

"You are really good at learning from others..."

"Because I really can't do anything except study."

Xia sighed, with a look of disappointment on her face: "I'm basically sure that most of Bing Shui and brother are safe."


Dodgson nodded, and told Xia the truth without caring about the leak: "At least the board of directors didn't do anything."

"Sure enough," Xia nodded clearly, "Brother, he disappeared suddenly, and he really had a special plan."

"... When did you get so close to Russell? I remember you always called him Qunqing before, so I'm sorry to call him by his first name."

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"Probably because I grew up. The girlish heart that would feel shy just by calling someone's name has disappeared along with all kinds of bad luck."

Xia was silent for a while, then stared blankly at Mark, who was frozen in the screen beside him, raised his hands angrily, and then answered in a low voice.

Her voice was calm: "This is also your problem, old man. Let me, a female college student who just graduated, have to grow up to deal with these **** things..."

"...I can't say anything, you know that too."

In the eyes of ordinary people, Dodgson, who is a director of the Big Seven, is undoubtedly the spokesperson of the word "big man" that everyone can say and everyone loves to say. But now he just smiled wryly, admitting his incompetence in front of his beloved daughter: "It's just like Bingshui accepting his non-existent mother...

"—Didn't you already accept the fact that Dad doesn't have much power?"

"Yes, that's why I can tolerate many evils on Happy Island."

Xia turned her head, looked into Dodgson's eyes, and said very seriously: "Otherwise, I will ask you to give people justice and justice to the facts. It is precisely because I know that there has never been any fairness in this world. I want to find that 'fairness' by myself.

"—I found it, old man."

As she spoke, she pointed to the screen next to her.

Xia reached out her hand and tapped the screen lightly.

Mark, who raised his hands angrily, used the loudest voice among the crowd who were cursing at him—with his originally mellow and steady voice, but now his voice has broken and become hoarse, and he raised his voice and said: " Listen to me, restraint everyone! Corporations want us to mess up, they want us to hate each other - but we don't have to!

"Listen to me, everyone, calm down and think about it! If the day of resource depletion is imminent, then it is impossible for the market price to have no fluctuations before; it is even more impossible for those big shots to watch you rob goods. Could it be that you can beat commissions? Pawns and Assassins? And if the resource depletion time is much later, then what everyone is doing now is wasting the few remaining resources.

"Also, we only know that there are resources that will be exhausted—but what resources are about to be exhausted? Is it fuel or food? Is it ore or crude oil? We don't know at all! Don't listen to those unscrupulous media selling anxiety!"

Mark's voice was drowned out by the cursing of the crowd, the cries of children, the screams of being attacked or stolen, and the pounding of fists and flesh. UU reading

"—Do you mean Miss Dailan is lying to us?"

There were anxious voices in the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, there was another shout: "She was killed by a sniper, don't you believe it? This is the information that the chief reporter risked his life to spread. Do you mean that Ultramarine is also lying to us? The barber is also lying Us?"

"But Miss Dailan's original words are not that the world is about to be destroyed! If this news comes from Tianen Daily, then there must be other people besides Dailan who know about it, but none of them, including Miss Dailan, snapped it up. Materials—then it means that this is definitely a long time later! You can see that the board of directors has no response now... This is very simple logic!"

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【Overturned Tower】【】

Mark tried to reason, but unfortunately no one listened.

What he said is indeed the truth that can be easily deduced. But people's brains have been burned to dryness, and no one has even used their brains to think for a while.

And Xia watched all this outside the screen, and said calmly: "This is justice.

"When I was a child, you once told me... Right and wrong have their own judgment, and justice is in the heart. After seeing all this, do you still think so?" After a long silence, Dodgson raised his head.

The squinting orange cat, who always seemed to have a good temper, opened his eyes after a long absence.

The emerald green clarity can still be seen in his pupils, and his voice is still steady.

"—I still think so, Fredericka."

Dodgson replied very seriously.

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