MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 16 mayhem and carnival

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【Overturned Tower】【】

Happy Island, Bridge District, Whale Foods.

Holding slogans, neon signs, or wearing all kinds of weird clothes, people gathered in front of the closed company door. The employees of the company shrank in the company, timidly and nervously looking out through the windows. The crowd outside the door quarreled for a long time, but they never settled on a goal.

—Because strictly speaking, they don't actually know what they are here to do.

They don't have any feud with Whale Foods, and robbing an uptown company is a very different crime than robbing a downtown factory—the former will be documented and documented throughout by ubiquitous cameras. Even if Tianen Group sends out the executive department, there will be no problem.

In other words, they came to provoke the executive department.

It is precisely because they have not been held accountable for their previous robbery of the factory in the lower city...or in other words, all those who went to the lower city to commit crimes have not received any punishment. So their courage grew.

Most of these people are students of different stages, ages, and schools. Among the few remaining people, quite a few are unemployed vagrants who have just lost their jobs. Since about half a year ago, before the establishment of the Relief Society, there has been a wave of unemployment in the upper city.

If it weren't for the strategy of "cutting the working hours and salary in half and giving the previous job to two people" implemented by Chairman Sai Lun not long ago

The industry will exceed 30%. Today, that figure is 3%.

People with serious jobs rarely come out to mess around. Although there is, but no

Many - roughly less than 1% of people, and most of them come from apperception

district. Among the 3% of the unemployed, there are one-third of such people. he

They add up to a lot of people.

But this kind of chaotic identity positioning also means that they are enemies to each other.

respect, and even look down on each other. In the eyes of the "company dogs" and "salary slaves", those jobless "wild dogs" are just a bunch of losers with nothing. They were forced to come out to rob, and they were fundamentally different from those "enlightened people" who decided to take the first step even though they had a job.

As for the students, these adults all revealed a greasy and decayed atmosphere. They are too realistic, either crazy and rude, or timid and arrogant. Besides, they can't talk to themselves at all, and they don't even understand the latest popular things.

There is also a chain of contempt among the students. The schools directly affiliated to Tianen Group are completely different from other schools in Tianen District; and these schools in Tianen District are different from schools in other districts; the students from schools in other districts are different from those from the poorest The offspring of workers born in mission schools in the apperception area with the lowest prices, prices and housing prices are also completely different.

There are not even serious schools in the apperception area, only the church has voluntarily opened free church schools here. This place is extremely desolate, there are no entertainment facilities at all, and there are not one or two restaurants within a dozen kilometers of the surrounding area. Teachers who are willing to come here to teach, of course, the quality of teaching is not very good; most of the "students" here are too lazy to go to school, anyway, they have no money to buy teaching materials, and they can't get into college at all. And a high school degree is really meaningless—it might as well be an electrician, or be a security guard.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

If you have a good background—whether you are a boy or a girl, you can earn as much as your parents for a month in a week by doing some part-time jobs in the Bridge District

income; if the foundation is better, you can go to the compass area, a

You can earn more than a month's money in just one day. If I have a little more dream, I will sell myself to those brokerage companies and become an idol trainee.

Although less than one in a thousand people can become famous, this probability is much higher than their probability of being admitted to Tianen University.

Originally, these students had been separated from each other according to their own regions. Except for chatting on the Internet, it is basically impossible to meet in reality.

A resident of Tianen District who was born in Tianen District and whose parents both work in Tianen Group, as long as he can be admitted to Tianen Primary School, he can basically be promoted to Tianen Middle School. Of course he has money

Taking remedial classes or hiring tutors, the probability of going to Tianen University is not low. And after graduating from Tianen University, he will basically be able to enter the Tianen Group. If he goes to those second-tier companies, he can easily get mixed up with the identity of the middle management; if he goes to a start-up company, he can directly get shares .

Those who have such a fate cannot understand those children who were born in the apperception zone and grew up surrounded by countless "ground factories" like steel forests and wasteland.

But now, they have the experience of "joint crime". Like an ice cube steeped in a well-layered cocktail, when it is slowly swirled, the colors are mixed together.

Unlike those adults who like to be chaotic or desperate, this is the first time for most of them to commit a crime, or even their first time to do bad things-and this kind of fanatical atmosphere when a crime gathers is different from when a single person commits a crime. It is also very different.

They smashed, destroyed, looted, and carnivaled. The act of looting a Lower Town factory looked like a bonfire party.

After the action, the students who had returned with a full load hugged each other enthusiastically and excitedly. Although the things they **** are worth one point, which is far inferior to what they can buy with the money they earn from a day's work, this kind of "hunting" behavior gives them a great sense of excitement. Many male and female students who had never met before grew up in the uncontrollable excitement and the strong joy of "plan success".

Those adults, on the other hand, couldn't join in the frenzy. Most of them are trying to grab power - 100% of them are not leaders, not even the lowest leaders. In the company, they are all low-level waste and the excluded, but in the eyes of these students, they are "interested adults".

So they start to swell and get drunk. They try to seize the "power" that is still in the barren stage, try to order the children to do something, or immediately plan to realize their power to give themselves some preferential treatment. Unlike the vast majority of students who have not assembled prostheses, adults are basically 100% equipped with prostheses, especially the "salary slaves" in the company.

How can an immature body fight against a cold and powerful machine?

Among the students, there are still many naive and law-abiding people who will become dragging their feet in this atmosphere. This makes it impossible for children to organize effective forces against these "dirty adults". These losers who have been eliminated in the corporate environment seem to have become lords and kings, embracing left and right, front and back.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

This is a treatment that they could not have enjoyed in their entire lives. They inevitably swelled up.

But as the "high-quality resources" were looted, these adults started to attack each other.

After all, they didn't really know what they were going to do here. The reason why "Whale Food Company" was chosen is only because their boss is a tooth comber and relatively famous.

Compared with those unknown big companies that the students have never heard of or understood, this boss who has been on the emperor's talk show, knows Ultramarine, and joined the Fuji Society Internet celebrity is more suitable as their object of prestige.

So they all came together.

But what exactly do you want to do? To what extent? Who will go first? Who will direct? How to divide the spoils in the end?

These things made them quarrel with each other. UU Reading www.uukanshu.comBecause there is no one who can convince everyone to be the leader, they don't even know what they want to do when they come here—they don't even know what the so-called "resources are exhausted" means.

Most of them, in fact, just simply don't want to go to class.

In order not to attend class, they would rather come out and mess around. It's much more exciting than boring classes—not to mention, those goddesses and gods they couldn't get close to in the past, but now they can easily get in touch with them.

"Since we have done such evil things, there is nothing to be afraid of lesser evil things." Thinking this way, the students even began to try more tricks and try to gather more people together for carnival.

Rather than saying that they came to "raise resources" and "fight against the company" would be better to say that they came to play.

Don't go to school, and don't have to go home to see your parents' faces

, can also vent violence, pressure and desire from morning to night, and have a sleepless carnival all night. This is undoubtedly an interesting "game".

They even just stood in front of the food company and watched the adults arguing, and they felt bored within less than an hour of standing. Some people squatted down to play games, some couples who just met hugged and kissed each other as if no one was there, and some people talked about wanting to go back and continue playing.

"—We have so many people, we can surround their entire company. What are you afraid of?"

Someone shouted in the crowd.

So, before the adults quarreled about the result.

There was a student whose soul relative was a cow, and directly threw the Molotov cocktail through the window—

Read The Duke's Passion