MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 7 Reasons to like Coke

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For some reason, Dai Lan saw the emperor's complexion suddenly darken for a moment.

Obviously, Mr. Qunqing was not killed, but still survived; Qunqing even helped them control the network, ensuring that the secrets revealed by Dailan could be spread—now that they are going smoothly, this should be the best of the best, right? So when the emperor was going to get a drink, Dai Lan chased after him and asked a little hesitantly.

The emperor gave an answer she couldn't understand for the time being.

"In the eyes of the sun, there is probably no such thing as a shadow in the world. But human vision has a limit... Do you understand?"

No. To be honest, I don't understand at all.

Dai Lan was a little confused.

Because her mind is really not working well—otherwise, she wouldn't have fallen to the point she is now.

The reason why she likes Qunqing and Xiao Liuli is because they speak very clearly. Even people like her who haven't gone to school can hear clearly and plainly, and that is the language that they really want them to understand. Whether it's Bingshui, the emperor, or the leader of the newspaper... These smart people like to talk in a vague way, like an unsolved riddle. She is not very used to this kind of chatting method where everyone has to check the subtext first when they are talking.

If it is online, she can still think about it seriously. But when she had to respond immediately, her brain would overheat and burn out.

So Dai Lan didn't reply to the emperor's words, but just thought about this sentence like a ghost, and followed the emperor back.

"Bingshui said something to me before."

While pouring Coke for Russell, the emperor said in a low voice, "If one day, Qunqing doesn't like drinking Coke...then he probably won't be the same person he was in the beginning."

"Do you know why she said that?"

After the foam faded, Russell saw that there was only half of the Coke left in the glass, and couldn't help laughing: "You really haven't poured the Coke."

"Bingshui and I are emperor penguins. If you don't strictly control sugar, you will easily gain weight."

The emperor said calmly: "She can maintain such a slender figure because of her strict restraint on herself for twenty years. Not to mention Coke, she has never even drank fruit juice. The only drink she ever drank, Probably mixed vegetable juice."

"That kind of life is really boring."

"She worked really hard."

The emperor did not deny Russell's words, but nodded seriously: "I am sorry for her. If it is not because of my status, with her cleverness and intelligence, she must be able to obtain her own happiness more easily."

"You just don't understand your daughter."

Russell raised the iced Coke with one hand, but didn't finish it, just took a sip.

He glanced at Dai Lan, as if thinking of someone. He looked away again and looked out the window.

Russell's ears trembled slightly, and he said softly with some nostalgia: "You know, Bingshui and Xia grew up together."

"They are good friends," replied the emperor.

"Then you definitely don't know how they became friends," Russell replied very positively, "because Xia is a confused hero, and Bingshui is a born hero.

"She admires you very much. She said that she wants to be a hero like her father. But if the hero's path fails, then she will become a reporter. If the reporter can't do it, then she can become a host. If the host can't, then she will become a writer. If you can’t be a writer, you can be a nun. If you can’t personally save him and help justice, you can at least use your own life to tell the truth. Do something good that you can.

"—As long as people want to do it, there is always a way."

Bing Shui who said these words was only sixteen years old at the time.

At that time, neither Xia nor Russell knew why Bingshui, who was only sixteen years old, had such an awareness that no one else could imagine at the age of twenty-six or thirty-six.

"...Is it because of Icewater's mother?"

Dai Lan

Immediately think of the secret I just learned.

She was taken aback as soon as she said it, thinking that she had slipped her tongue. But Russell nodded: "You're right. She has endured such pain since she was a child, and after gaining insight into the truth of the world, she still chooses to become a hero and save the world. The heroes in her eyes are not well-known by people." A partner of justice is not a plaything of power in Xia's eyes. Xia thought she knew the truth about a hero, so she tried her best to prevent Bingshui from becoming a hero... but Bingshui knew it earlier and deeper than she did.

"The hero she wants to be, from the very beginning, is the kind of hero who endures pain and loneliness and saves the world with her own suffering—a person like her father.

"Do you understand, Emperor? For Bingshui, the career she is practicing and dedicating to is happiness itself. It is not happiness in everyone's eyes, but enjoying power and wealth, fame and sex. If Bingshui If she is that kind of person, then it is impossible for her to promise you to hide all this from the very beginning.

"You are too arrogant, Emperor. You have walked this lonely road for too long, and you have begun to refuse to think and accept others to approach you."

"Because I don't need a partner, and I don't need a companion."

The emperor said in a deep voice: "[Hero] is a spider web-like lie weaved by me. It is frivolous and easy to destroy, but it does exist, and it can indeed catch some mosquitoes. The Fuji Society is also something parasitic on this spider web. , is the successor of the 'professional hero—so you should know that I don't need a successor."

"'Need to exist' and 'should exist' are two different things. You don't need to be your business, whether it should be determined by justice and righteousness. Bingshui is a sensible and smart child, so she can see you and Xia clearly... You can see me too."

Russell looked at the Coke in the glass and sighed: "Do you know why I like to drink Coke?

"Let me tell the truth, Emperor. Actually, at the beginning, I didn't like drinking Coke at all. Or, I didn't like drinking Coke that much.

"It's not such an expensive thing, it's just a mass-produced commercial drink with a cost close to zero. Even though my life on Sogo Island is very poor, at least this kind of thing can be drunk casually—I'm not boasting, but I When I was young, I was really cute, much prettier than I am now.

"My mother, when I was young, was like a child king. People called her big sister, and she also mixed with her peers. But I was different... I was clearly aware that I was cute and lovable since I was a child. The degree is at the level where you can easily become a child actor. And I am not clumsy, dull and selfish like a real child... I usually hang out with elders who are not my age.

"Use my appearance, age, origin, and words to make them pity me, trust me, and love me. This is very simple for me—for me like this, how could I be short of snacks and Drinks? The small gifts and treats I received cost far more than that.

"The answer is simple... because Coke has a special characteristic: it is difficult to drink it in one breath. And its taste and texture will drop a lot after it becomes room temperature—as the temperature rises, the sweetness will fade , the solubility of carbonic acid will decrease; coupled with the satiety provided by its gas, it can be said that the first sip of Coke is the most delicious. The more you drink, the more painful it will be.

"Not only will the bubbles numb the taste buds, but you will also feel flatulence in your stomach after drinking too much; you will also feel abdominal pain after drinking too much iced drinks."

Having said that, Russell glanced at the emperor who was still frowning, and couldn't help chuckling.

His dim yellow pupils looked at Dai Lan, which made her subconsciously feel nervous and frightened: "Did you guess it?"

"...Because, do you want to share it with someone?"

Relying on her experience of playing with her peers when she was a child, Dai Lan guessed tentatively.

Russell nodded.

She was even stunned—she guessed it right?

"Because I'm afraid of being alone."

Russell said softly: "My appetite is small... If I drink too much Coke, my appetite will become smaller. Because Coke itself is a drink that can easily provide a feeling of satiety.

material. When I was very young, I would share the same bottle of Coke with my friends - we all couldn't get enough of it, and the Coke was the best at that time.

"Actually, I don't have a particular preference for beverages. When I first started, I drank lemonade, I drank milk, I drank alcohol—I'm actually pretty good at drinking. When I really want to drink, I usually drink Instead of drinking iced Coke, choose a champagne, and not sweet champagne. I was often taken to a reception by my mentor, and then I was drunk and threw up—if I didn’t know how to drink, she wouldn’t take me there Yeah, that would be a bummer. When we were together, she'd take me some sprites and I'd drink coffee when I was working overtime. How could there be so many cokes?

"I started drinking Coke, partly because the barber liked to drink Coke before, but then he became an idol and wanted to maintain his appearance, so he didn't have the opportunity to drink it. At that time, I was also doing it for He made up for some regrets, and felt that the iced cola was really sweet.

"...And later, it was because of a big stupid dog, he often came to my house and rushed to drink the Coke in my refrigerator. He drank so deliciously that I felt that I had to drink some. We scrambled to drink Coke together, Scrambling for a snack....that's when I think Coke is the best.


Russell paused: "Actually, it comes from a kind of self-abuse. I drink Coke in the hope that Delphinium can stop my unhealthy behavior, or join me in it.

"Whether it's stopping me, pampering me, or joining me, it's love for me. I haven't read her heart, and I know not to test other people's love...but I'm addicted to it. UU After reading, before I knew it, I developed a habit—I really started to like drinking Coke. I habitually wore a mask, performed a pleasing personality, and used words that could make people feel close I would like to make people laugh at the little flaws of my feelings. As time goes by, I almost believe it myself.

"Or, it's not that I lied to myself... but because Coca-Cola reminds me of the peaceful and beautiful daily life when I first came to Happy Island. With the bad days, with the delphiniums and the bad ones When they are together, they don't need to worry about these troublesome things now, they don't need to think about disasters and fateful enemies, and they don't need to think about the future of the world and the future of all living beings.

"It makes me feel like I'm not alone...I'm still human, just like everyone else."

Russell crossed his fingers and placed them on his chest.

His tone became as calm and clear as a barber's: "So from this point of view, ice water looks right at all. If I don't like Coke, then I'm no longer the original me.

"Now, I am no longer a mortal. The day of my destiny is approaching, and I can no longer numb myself.

"—So, I gave up Coke. And myself who can still dream."

Read The Duke's Passion