MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 83 Dragon's 【Lethal Love】

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"This is a secret that even those elves may not know. It is the truth that the sheath brought back after killing the dragon that made him feel desperate. It is also the core theoretical basis of the werewolf project that started in recent months. .”

The old man said so.

"You know why the dragons don't allow humans to live on the ground? Is it really because of curses and radiation? But the dragons have been cleaning the earth for more than a hundred years... If they can't create enough space for humans to return to the ground, then Why are they still working on the ground? Why didn’t they put the humans back in if they had finished a part of it?” The answer is simple. That’s because the dragon is afraid that the humans will fall back to the ground and they won’t be able to control them.

"Because what Julong said 'resources are exhausted' does not mean that no resources can be produced, but that 'resources have entered the red line.

"This red line refers to... the giant dragon calculated that from this moment, human beings have developed technology again and returned to the space age, and the energy consumed during the long space travel, as well as the environmental transformation in the new colony. Necessary resources. And the speed of the giant dragon is too slow. The space travel they talk about is not just a few decades of sailing... but hundreds of years, or even thousands of years of wandering.

"The resources within these red lines include the resources that will completely dismantle and drain the planet when human beings finally plan to leave the planet. We only need to take a small part of them, and it is enough for human beings to live on this planet again." Lived for more than a thousand years.”

The reason why the giant dragon allows humans to live freely on the floating island is because human beings have not yet reached the limit of the dragon's endurance.

It's like young people who are unemployed immediately after graduation and stay at home with nothing to do... If it's just a few months or a few years, it's not that the family can't support you first. But if you stay like this for five, six, seven or eight years, and still can't find a job, and don't plan to go out to find a job, then the family can't bear it anymore.

The so-called sitting and eating mountains and nothing-if this goes on like this, there will always be a day when I can't afford it.

This also allowed Russell's doubts to be resolved.

Russell felt a little disobedient before...

If the resources of this planet were really completely exhausted, then their life on the floating island would not be so extravagant. From the start of the alarm to the complete exhaustion of resources... Is it possible to only have these hundreds of millions of people for a few decades?

Russell knew a common sense.

There's more to the depths than the easy-to-mine resources on the surface.

As long as the earth's crust is pierced, there are still many resources that can be used in the deep layer... Or rather, the resources deep in the earth are actually much more than the shallow resources near the surface.

Russell thoroughly understood the Cyber ​​Church... or, in other words, the reason why "Promotion" dared to carry out the werewolf project.

There are some "coffin books" on this planet that dragons do not allow humans to use. That is the "possibility" used to create the future.

What the Pope took a fancy to was the pressure box resources left by the giant dragon. He intends to use the Werewolf Project to complete his "self-employment" and defraud the resources of his family.

"The giant dragons actually have a lot of safety margin. Their calculation rule is that when the resources are exhausted to this point, they must intervene again and take over human society."

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【Overturned Tower】【】

But the giant dragon doesn't want everyone to survive, but as weapons of ancient humans, they cannot slaughter humans according to the rules.

So they planned to deceive those name-bearing elves make everyone think that the resources are about to run out, and use this to fight among themselves. Even if a few people realized something was wrong, they couldn't stop the majority from killing each other.

When the number of human beings is reduced to a certain level, they will jump out to stop all this.

It's like going out to work until you are exhausted and even want to die, and then your parents suddenly jump out and tell you seriously: "Our family is actually very rich, but we just kept it from you. Let you go The work is just to sharpen your will, and now you can come back and inherit the company.” At that time, the survivors among humans will naturally not have any opinions.

They realize the terrible consequences of running out of resources, and even obeying the rule of the dragon will be very well-behaved. as if suffered

Son, you will know the value of all this after inheriting the family business... He absolutely does not want to return to that kind of despair. It can pay for anything.

"—The dragon never gave up hope. Because the mechanical mind will never give up, the dragon intends to think instead of a human. This is the basis for what I told you before, 'The dragon cannot resist the dream,'" taught His Excellency Zong smiled self-deprecatingly: "Only we avatars who have uploaded our minds can understand what the dragon thinks.

"They love humans, but... their vision is too high. Higher than me. No, it should be said to be much higher than anyone else."

The giant dragon allowed the group of "humans" to recreate civilization, experience wars, and endure hardships from the land era... The deaths so far, including all those who died in the future world war, are for the civilization of "humans" itself. They are also "fatigue that only takes time to heal."

Not a few people, hundreds of people, tens of thousands of people...

But tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions—all can be sacrificed.

Cell apoptosis is not completely harmful to the human body. If you want to exercise stronger muscles, you must destroy the original muscle cells. For the giant dragon, the war between humans is a kind of "exercise" for the civilization of "human". The death of the inferior population is a kind of "detoxification" for the "human" civilization.

—It was a kind of "lethal love".

In terms of results, the dragon's plan made sense. And very effective.

Just sacrifice the "process".

"So, as humans, we must stop the dragon...but we may not be able to take advantage of the dragon's plan."

That is the big fusion.

His Holiness the Pope said so.

"The Great Fusion is not an unconditional fusion, but a selection of those who are worthy to be sublimated to eternity. We cannot interfere with the composition of the subconscious of the group... that is something that existed before we were born. But the 'new God,' we can do it with our own hands It is formed by choice. Only those who are qualified will be accepted into the container of God and become a part of God.

"—And the collection line I set is 20%. After the great fusion, the human beings who regained their bodies and resurrected have achieved the original purpose of the dragon. In this way, we not only completed the giant dragon After the dragon's 'screening', completed the human's 'exercise, and detoxification, the dragon will naturally open up more resource permissions for us, because we are tantamount to fast-forwarding the wrong route for decades. UU Reading www.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"The only difference is that the decisive power is not in the hands of the dragon, but by the new god."

When the Pope said this, he paused slightly.

"So far, this is my original plan. By catering to the ultimate core purpose of the dragon, try to grasp the right to speak while gaining more resource usage rights. But now I find that... I am still short-sighted."

"Are you planning to give up the great fusion?"

"No. After listening to the secret you told me, I am more determined about this goal. Because I just thought about it for a long time, and I have a new plan...

"Russell, don't you think that if the fusion is successful, the seven empty islands are really too many?

"If the 'Great Fusion,' is successful, then we don't need seven ships at all. And if we reduce the number of dragons to one, and use all the dragon hearts to power one of the dragons—

"And we can actually do that...

"—your father, Sheath."

The old pope said in a deep voice: "He can kill the dragon.

"Since dragons can 'screen humans, why can't humans filter dragons? As you said, dragons are not gods...they are just weapons."

"...You mean, dismantle the extra SSR to obtain materials and strengthen the only one you need at the moment? Don't you think it's too extravagant?" "But it's just enough."

The pope replied: "The premise is the great integration - if the great integration is successful, we only need one dragon."

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