MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 93 my name is camarth

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Can't go on like this!

- I'm his father... mother, I need to gain dominance! The girl suddenly took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and tried to cheer herself up. Don't get caught up in this kind of melancholy that belongs only to young girls.

Although her body was not occupied by Kamalthe's original personality, it meant that she had not matured due to her inheritance.

The memory of the past is perfectly accommodated only as a kind of knowledge, without disturbing itself at all. This may be the first name ceremony designed by the ancestors.

Just as the girl was thinking about how to strike up a conversation more naturally, the inferior one looked around and asked in surprise.

[Is this a hotel? 】

The bad man's words are very conservative and polite - just looking at the translucent glass of the bathroom in the room and the soft heart-shaped red bed under him, you can tell that this is a love hotel.

After the fragment, waking up from the love hotel sounds like being picked up.

— But he is not an ultramarine, so there is really nothing to be afraid of.

The bad guy laughed at himself. No one would want to do anything to a man like him who would be hated by everyone.

"Ah, yes."

When the girl heard this, her cheeks turned slightly red.

In order not to be discovered by Chairman Sai Lun about her abnormal behavior, she did not bring a secretary with her when she traveled this time, nor did she contact the office of Tianen Group's branch in Yongquan Island.

She was trying to carry the wet, unconscious (actually dead) poor man, trying to find a quiet place where he could rest. But the dead are as heavy as a drunk, not to mention that the inferior is almost 1.8 meters tall, but she is only 1.5 meters tall.

So she could only carry the inferior to the nearest hotel. It was a love hotel.

Although she looked too young, fortunately, the identity of the director of the head office can be automatically read out by the hotel system. Therefore, the hotel directly arranged the room on the highest floor for them—although the waiter who helped carry the inferior man also felt that the man seemed to be dead, but she didn't dare to ask.

Then she calmed down and thought about it, she seemed to be able to sail. But she thought about it again, the boat on Yongquan Island was really too slow. When she picked up the bad guy, he was already dead—she was already panicking at that time, and only wanted to revive him as soon as possible.

Anyway, it doesn't matter now. The girl thought desperately.

But she still wants to struggle hard, at least not to let the inferior think that she is a strange person: "Accordingly, I should have sent you to the hospital. But you had no breathing or heartbeat at all, and This is not the Island of Happiness, we can't get such good resources right away, we might as well find a quiet place, and I'll bring you back to life."

Hearing this, the inferior suddenly opened his eyes wide.

A certain conjecture vaguely emerged in his mind, but he was not sure.

He was silent for a while, but still couldn't help asking—

【Excuse me, your name is】


The girl with beautiful long black hair like satin, wearing a short white skirt that is almost transparent, and white **** above the knees, made a cool and soft voice: "I am your new mother .”

"At that moment, some kind of black, slushy emotion welled up in me."

The poor man bit his half-burned cigarette, closed his eyes, and whispered, "Furious. Desperate. Wanted to cry. Full of obsession with her. I feel like I'm sinking into some kind of swamp. itch."

He hardly took a few puffs of this cigarette after he lit it, and just let it burn slowly. And just smoking a cigarette, he would think of the past when he stood beside "Camalthe" and exercised his endurance.

He did not open his eyes to see the ultramarines and delphiniums.

Because he was very sure that the moods of his two friends at the moment must be as complicated as their expressions.


Delphinium was extremely focused and cautious, and asked impatiently, "What did you do to her?"

Even if the bad guy doesn't look at it, he knows that she will probably lean her upper body forward and straighten her back at this moment.

"I didn't do anything."

The voice of the inferior was slightly louder, and he emphasized: "My blue shift has always been higher than the red shift. The impulse of a moment, but it was contained in a moment."

"Then what did you want to do?"

delphinium asked.

"For a moment"

The inferior one paused, focused on recalling his memory, and shared his feelings without reservation: "I want to rush over and grab her by the neck.

"I don't know why I think so. Maybe it's because I heard that name suddenly, or maybe it's because she doesn't seem as strong as that man.

"Maybe it's because I feel some kind of throbbing from her that makes me lose my mind.

"But in the end, I got myself under control.

"I didn't do anything, I'm glad I did."

The underdog whispered, "I just regained my ability to speak."

When I heard these words at that time, the dark desire welling up from the bottom of my heart seemed to have broken some key. It's like a patient with rhinitis suddenly breathing smoothly, or like a diver breaking through the water in a lake and taking a big breath.

"...Tell me, what's your name, name?"

His voice, which had become hoarse and somewhat broken due to not speaking for a long time, subconsciously let out a sound that he hadn't even noticed.

"I am Camalthy but I am not him."

The girl looked at herself with a complex expression, and the inferior caught the mother's love in her eyes.

Love, guilt, apology, sympathy, admiration... But there is no coldness and rationality that he is familiar with.

— Did you send someone to kill me?

The bad ones used to want to ask questions like this.

But he finally paused and swallowed the words back.

Because he suddenly remembered one thing... Qunqing told him that the new Kamalthe will no longer be the old him, but a brand new person.

In this case, it seems a bit too hurtful for her. What Karmasser hopes is that he dies due to fate. He doesn't have any need to turn back time and save himself. The one who will save himself will only be another person who has nothing to do with it.

The innocent who was forced to become entangled in Camalthy's fate.

So the inferior paused, and changed to another sentence that was also somewhat cold: "I have nothing to do with you, and I don't even hate you."

But hearing such words full of rejection, the girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

She sat on the bed, then thought about it, and moved her buttocks again, bringing herself closer to the inferior.

She turned her head to one side, and the faint fragrance of her hair made the poor one turn away with some discomfort.

"...You really know what happened to me."

the girl asked affirmatively.

"You are not him."

The inferior replied affirmatively: "You are just yourself, UU Read Book So... There is really no relationship between us."

At that moment, she felt a little emotional—the life that had confused her for a long time, and even felt confused and painful, finally had an understanding person at this moment. Originally, she had to be wary of the whole world, and even wanted to cry for a moment... because she finally met a companion who could let her feel at ease and tell all her secrets.

Although this fellow traveler doesn't seem to like himself very much.

Thinking of this, she really cried.

Not a feeling of sadness or pain, but a sense of relief. The sudden release of pressure made tears flow from her eye sockets uncontrollably.

The tears that flowed out silently seemed to frighten the poor. The man looked at himself motionless, his body was stiff because of this, and his expression looked like he had seen a ghost.

And the girl wept freely and quietly, lowering her head and quietly wiping her tears. But at this moment, she suddenly

Suddenly felt an inexplicable grievance.

A kind of courage mixed with grievances came to her heart—she suddenly lost most of her rationality, and without warning, she threw herself into the still wet arms of the inferior, crying loudly.

The inferior subconsciously raised his hand, almost instinctively wanting to hug her. But the moment he raised his hand, he noticed that his cuffs were still wet and soaked in water. The worry at that moment stopped his instinct, and after he calmed down, he remembered the identity of the girl in his arms.

So he thought for a while, but remained silent and motionless.

He neither returned a hug nor pushed the girl who was supposed to be his mother away. He just turned his head sideways, quietly looking out the window.

—If only I had a cigarette now, he thought.

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