MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 99 So strangling gave up betrayal

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"...D-Of course!"

Hearing Russell's words, Xiaoya subconsciously showed a look of joy. But she suddenly thought of something, glanced at Stretch, with a hesitant and worried look in her eyes: "It's just..."

Russell knew what she was worrying about.

"Don't worry, it won't bother me in any way."

He smiled gently, and said, "Because I'm not short of money at all, and I don't need 'money,' this kind of thing at all. Strangling... Or, Mr. Mahavira doesn't need to pay any price for it."

Of course Strangling knows that "Ultramarine" does have the capital to say such things.

But he is somewhat instinctively allergic to this kind of pure kindness—Mahavira grew up in a malicious environment since he was a child. If he easily believes in anyone's "goodwill", he may fall into the abyss of eternal doom among. But now, with his not-so-stupid brain, he can clearly understand that the present is different from the past, and the environment he lives in is fundamentally different from before...

However, things like instinct are not easy to change easily.

He didn't want to be like a hedgehog showing off his spikes, which were useless and would only hurt his friends, but he couldn't help himself either. So he will choose to stay away from the crowd.....

Normally, he would unconditionally reject Qunqing's kindness.

Any favor will come at a price—even if the other party has no intention of asking for it, strangulation still needs to find an opportunity to repay the favor and repay the favor. And the heavier the kindness, the harder it is to repay it. If you look for things like "spiritual grooming surgery" in high-end matches, even if you have the knowledge of strangulation, you know that the surgery fee will cost at least hundreds of thousands of credits, and even more than seven figures. That’s not counting finding connections with good doctors. It is said that priceless contacts are more expensive than valuable surgery fees.

How could he repay this kind of favor?

He doesn't want to die. So he dare not ask for it.

...But now, this matter involves Xiaoya. Strangling has never done anything for others in his whole life. In order to protect Xiaoya, she sacrificed her life—this was the first time in her life.

For the first time, I didn't retreat, but stood to the end.

It's like some kind of sunk cost. He thought, since Xiaoya had been saved by him at the risk of his life, if she couldn't get happiness, the risk he had paid would be in vain. Even if it's just to make the risk she has paid more valuable, Xiaoya should live with a more magnificent posture.

She wants to get a pair of legs.

—Ashamed to say, strangling really can't appreciate the "fishtail" aesthetic. He felt ashamed of his mean and vulgar thoughts, but he really wanted to see Xiaoya with a pair of beautiful and fair long legs. And just being aware of the hidden desire in his heart made him angry with himself.

What a beast, me bastard. he thought.

His inner desire overlapped with Xiaoya's thoughts, and he couldn't refuse Qunqing's kindness no matter what. This gave him the illusion of being bound and putting a collar around his neck. This made him feel a touch of sadness. Once upon a time, he would mock those who were pinched by the company like this?

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【Overturned Tower】【】

He thought he was noble, virtuous, and different.

Now it seems that he is just too selfish. Because I don't care about anything, so I have no weakness.

"I agreed on Xiaoya's behalf, Mr. Qunqing," he said suddenly, bowing his head slightly to Russell, "really...thank you very much. Thank you."

Mahavira has never expressed his gratitude to people so formally and solemnly.

This "thank you" weighed more than a thousand catties in his mouth, and he felt like he was kneeling down, which made his face a little red. Fortunately, he has thick white hair on his face, temporarily covering up a little bit of embarrassment.

"If you really want to thank me, please answer my question sincerely, Mr. Mahavira."

Russell looked at Strangling, and said softly, "Please answer from the bottom of your heart, and tell the most truthful answer."

"I swear by my name," Mahavira was silent for a while, slowly

Said, "I will never lie to you."

"Mr. Mahavira, what do you think of the barber now?" Russell asked with a smile.

The sly but not annoying smile on his face made Mahavira think he was talking to the barber.

...Ah, speaking of it, Ultramarine and the barber are close friends.

At this time, Mahavira realized this setting belatedly. Although he

He knew about this matter half a year ago, but because the two of them had never shown any intimate gestures in front of him, he subconsciously ignored it—or, in other words, he also regarded it as the "ultramarine" The character set played by the hero.

In other words, Mahavir actually thinks that "ultramarine" and "barber" are not that familiar.

He just used a mentality of investment and protection to declare the barber as his friend and the relief society as his power. And there must be his own purpose in it—after all, the so-called "professional heroes" are just some "stars" and "businessmen". They don't do things that are not good.

But now it seems...they may be real friends. Just like myself and the bad guy

Mahavira was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "If you gave me this money to prevent me from betraying the godfather, then you may be disappointed."


Russell raised his eyebrows and showed a gentle smile: "How should I say it?" "You should have heard from the godfather. I have told him many times to his face—'When he declines, I will betray him." , That's why I feel worried about him.

"That's not a lie, and it's not a duplicity."

Mahavira replied calmly: "Even so far, he has not been fully recognized by me. He is not overbearing, ambitious and aggressive, nor aggressive enough—if I want to serve someone from the heart If he is a lord, he should show me his almost absurd ambition. The kind of madness that if it is not to rule the world, it will destroy the world, and it will never retreat half a step.

"Only in the hands of that kind of person can I feel at ease. Because I can know that he will accept me no matter what—his ambition is too great, so as long as I am useful enough, no matter how bad I am, no matter what I do to him Respectful or not, he must respect me too,

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"But... Godfather guy, he is too rational. Unlike us **** who were born in the mud, his heart is clean but his hands are dirty. This kind of person will never give me a sense of security... Because I'm not as clean as he is. If I can't change myself, he will eventually give me up. He controls it like a watchdog - not to kill someone, but to watch the gate nursing home.

"But I'm not stupid, Mr. Qunqing. I don't think I can change myself... If the watchdog kills the thief, he may be punished or even lose his life. Because in that case, I am nothing more than a dog.

"That's why I want to be king—if I am the leader, then I can give him enough trust, or the highest trust. Just like when he was under my command at the beginning. He will become my brain, I will give him all the power I can give him until there is no seal left.

"—That's why I told him that I will eventually betray him."

Mahavira sighed slowly, as if smoking a cigarette. But he never smokes. "But I will say this, it's not that I really want to betray him. I never planned to betray him. It's just a safety plan... If one day, someone wants to kidnap him to threaten me, I can escape calmly— Because I have already declared that, it is not a betrayal. Because I have declared that I will betray him, so we are not friends."

If because of this, the godfather is captured or kidnapped, he does not need to risk his life to save it; if the godfather is disappointed in him, or decides to punish him, he will not have any position to defend;

If the godfather decides to abandon him who has become useless, he can also pack up his things and leave without feeling sad;

If the godfather died before him, and he could do nothing—no need

And feel pain and regret.

—Because they are not that familiar. Because they are not friends, but hidden enemies.

"But I've given up now."

Hang Hang sighed and said, "I don't want to be a 'king' anymore. I'm already twenty-nine years old this year, and some people even think I'm thirty or forty. But now, I'm finally out of my 14-year-old youth.

"I don't want to care about any path, any ambition, and I don't care about spells. I don't have that kind of confused anger anymore, and I don't need to do anything in the name of the 'White Lion Group' anymore. I just want to be good live...

"Compared to those lofty but empty "great ambitions", I now have more things I want to do."

As he spoke, he subconsciously looked at Xiaoya.

In the lion's dark golden pupils, there was a softness like a cat.

"I have no reason to betray him."

Hanging took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

His tone was clear and calm, and the ever-present atmosphere and sense of alienation from the world had faded away like a phantom: "Because I'm... no longer afraid. On the contrary, I want to thank him—precisely because of him Only by giving me this task can my life change. Even if he doesn’t regard me as a friend, I already regard him as a friend. It’s ashamed to say, but now, when I look back and think about it, I realize that he It has helped me a lot. Before, I was too stubborn and not sensible.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"So, Mr. Qunqing—please change your request. I can't use what I have agreed to do in my heart, and sell it at an expensive price that makes me feel guilty." Hearing the words of strangulation, Russell and the inferior exchanged a glance, and then Looked at the delphinium.

The faces of the three of them showed a strange smile at the same time... It was a smile that Hang Ling couldn't understand.

"In that case," Qunqing had a sly smile that belonged to the godfather, "then let it be an advance dowry gift to 'my friend...'"

Halfway through his speech, his features began to melt like wax.

In just an instant, the "ultramarine" who was originally 1.69 meters became the "hairdresser" who was 1.76 meters.

Under Strangling's astonished gaze, the blue-haired young man honored as "Godfather" by the protesters of the Seven Islands showed a cheerful smile.

"If there is anything I can do in return..."

The godfather raised his finger to cover his lips, and tilted his head slightly. He closed one eye and gave a mysterious, deliberate smile.

That smile was so standard that it looked like some kind of painted skin. But the comfortable affinity exuded in his words endows this "standardization" with an indescribable magical charm.

"—Then let your future children recognize me as godfather."

The godfather said gently.

Hang Hang's eyes widened, watching the scene that overloaded his brain.

The resonance of a mage allowed him to be sure that the person who appeared in front of him was indeed the "Godfather". It's true.

The events of the past, all appearing in front of my eyes—

Strangling seemed to suddenly understand why the Godfather and Ultramarine had never appeared at the same time.

He also suddenly wanted to understand why the godfather appeared in their eyes for the first time on the day when the inferior entered the lower city; and why the barber arranged for the inferior to go to the lower city after the inferior left the executive department.

Someone once joked in the Freedom Society that "the Godfather and the Ultramarine never appeared together, so they are the same person"; but whether it was ale or strangulation, no one thought about it in that way. However, Malt Wine seemed to have expected it because her attitude towards Ultramarine suddenly became much more respectful in the past six months. It's just that Strangling didn't react and what was it for.

After all, psykers cannot become mages, and they all know this. Even if the godfather doesn't look like a downtown resident, his doubts were resolved long after he revealed his past as "Little Liuli".

But Hang Zuo never expected that the barber was actually Ultramarine!

Ultramarine's psychic power is to become someone else—

...Speaking of which, do you want to kill that guy's mouth? The lucky guy who guessed the truth unconsciously...he doesn't have any evil news channels, does he? Strangling's mind was a little confused.

He felt that if he spoke at this moment, it would be nonsense.

Moreover, since the "ultramarine" is the "barber", then what I said just now, is it in front of the barber?


Seeing the shocked expression on Hang Sha's face, the inferior couldn't help turning his head away and laughing out loud.

"The identity of the barber does belong to 'Little Liuli,'" Russell explained, "but the real 'Little Liuli' has long since died. But my psychic power has copied her personality and consciousness, and I His body can transform into a blue song robin, that was his name before he became Xiao Liuli.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"The first time we met in the dream world, I told you—'I, have a code name, and my name is Blue Robin. It's true. It's just that you didn't believe it."

This was the first time that Russell explained his ability to Strangling, and it was also the first time that he unreservedly explained his specificity to the person he met for the first time.

Prior to this, Russell had always been extremely cautious, hiding his ability to copy and transform into others. He dared not tell anyone but someone he could trust completely.

And now

Russell finally didn't need to hide anymore. This carefree feeling also let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Because he already has the confidence to be fearless.

"Don't laugh...wolf words."

Russell looked at the inferior, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "We saw the strangled first love... so, what about yours?

"Aren't you going to bring your new little girlfriend so we can meet?"

Hearing this, Strangler's eyes became sharper.

"...she can't be my girlfriend."

The smile on the inferior man's face suddenly disappeared.

He waved his hands reluctantly, and said something that he didn't even believe in: "I didn't actually think about it, who is she to me?"

"—Is it [lover]?"

Russell interrupted: "Anyway, it's your loved one.

"It's good that you have found someone you want to love. It's really good. Only when you love the world can you really live in this world. And fall in love with the first person other than yourself , is a good start.

"The emperor once said that there is no 'hero in this world who can save others, but only his own children...'"

When Russell said this, he paused slightly: "I now think that what he said is right.

"A hero is a powerless thing..."

Before his eyes, a piece of the past suddenly appeared.

At that time, he was also a "hairdresser" just like he is now.

But at that time, he hadn't completed the transfer, so he didn't realize the name of his psionic power.

The "barber" at the time spoke sad words to Morgan, who had not yet become his mask.

【... A hero is a powerless thing】

The former "hairdresser" had dim took a deep breath, as if he was about to hold his breath, or as if he was too sad to breathe.

[Something must be sacrificed and some tragedy must occur before a hero is born. Many costs are borne by the heroes' relatives and friends, some are borne by innocent people... only very few are borne by the hero himself]

【—Heroes can save many people. The only ones who couldn’t save the day and night when they made themselves heroes]

"—But if you can't even save your loved one, what's the point of being a 'hero?'"

Today's "barber" looks up at the strangulation: "The so-called 'heroes' who can't even save the [one person] they want to save the most, how can they talk about saving others and the world?"

There was a gleam in his eyes, full of confidence.

He opened his mouth slowly: "You once asked me, what is the real goal of my establishment of the Relief Society.

now i'll tell you

"I want the dead to have an immortal name, and the living to have an immortal love. Having love never makes a person makes a person stronger. Let the muddle-headed be sober, let the Confused people become firm. It starts from you, from the people around me, and then extends to the most people I can reach. It is not for any truth or justice.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

"I want you all to really get happiness—not some illusory 'happiness', but small happiness that you can really feel and within your reach." I want people to be able to remember the past, cherish the present and then dream future."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes