MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-Chapter 8 Meet for the first time

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The next day, at noon, Du Xiaoli came to Niujingjia.

"Grandfather, are you at home?" Du Xiaoli shouted in the rushing house outside the fence of Niujing.

Niu Jing came out of the house and saw Du Xiaoli. He smiled and said, "It’s Xiaoli, come on."

"Good grandfather." Du Xiaoli sweetly responded. The door that opened the fence went in and saw a chaise longue in the hall, with a 12-year-old boy lying on it. There are also two 18-year-old men standing next to each other, all in black. She glanced at it and knew that the boy was not physically normal, but it didn't matter to her. She looked at Niu Jing and said, "Hey grandfather, are you busy now?"

"It’s already busy. Xiaoli, aren’t you busy moving things? How come?” Niu Jing just gave Han Ming’s illness, and now he is resting.

Du Xiaoli handed the half of the hare in his hand to Niu Jing and said, "This is what I caught when I entered the mountain yesterday. My brother said that the mountain hare tastes good. I specially took half of the cow grandfather. By the way, let me put The previous owed drug fee was paid."

Niu Jing took over the processed hare, and a black man behind Han Ming’s body took it up and took it to the kitchen.

Du Xiaoli took out a piece of broken silver and handed it to Niujing. Niujing was not polite this time and accepted it. Then I poured a glass of water on Du Xiaoli and asked, "How is your treatment?"

"Most of the things are almost the same. Stone Uncle and Shi Ershu are helping us to move. That is the house on the mountain is too small, and it can't be put down." Du Xiaoli is also thirsty, taking over the cup and making a big mouthful. Drink it and wait until the drink is over to answer the words of Niu Jing.

Yesterday evening, because the time was too short, everything was not moved up. But fortunately, there are many people. After moving twice, there will be less. This morning, Shi Dahe and Shi Er have several other neighbors who have come to help them move. Now it is almost the same.

Han Mingxi was lying on the chaise longue, never talking, heard the crisp voice of Du Xiaoli, looked up at her eyes, and then closed her eyes and rested.

Du Xiaoli relied on the sharp feelings of previous life, knowing that Han Mingyi looked at her own eyes. She returned the cup to Niu Jing and said, "Hey grandfather, you have a guest, I will go back first. Grandfather, goodbye."

When she finished, she left and went to the old house to see if anything was missing.

Du Hai’s original house was a relatively large one in the village. At that time, he came back from the outside and had some money in his hand. Du Xiuheng said that Du Hai did not want Su Suxin to live badly, only to repair such a house.

Today is not as busy as yesterday afternoon. Du Xiaoli stood outside and took a good look at the design of the house. Looking at it, I suddenly felt that the house was not the same as the village house. It was like the old town I had seen in the north. The structure of the house.

"This is designed by Niang." Du Xiuheng came to Du Xiaoli and said.

Du Xiaoli looked at Du Xiuheng and asked: "Is the mother a northerner?"

Du Xiuheng’s body suddenly stiffened and said unnaturally: “Yes, the mother is a northerner. Let’s go, let’s see what else to move.”

Du Xiaoli felt that Du Xiuheng was unnatural, but he did not say it. He followed him in the yard and found that there was nothing needed. The two talents returned to the mountains.

At noon, I ate some wild porridge, and in the afternoon several villagers came to repair the house.

Everyone knows that this abandoned house on the mountain is very old, but I haven’t seen it anymore. This time, I helped Du Xiuheng to move things up and see the look of the house. Some places in the house are still wet now. I thought about the last time. After a few days of rain, there were still more rains behind, and several man of the crops negotiated to give them a repair in the afternoon.

After a busy afternoon, the holes on the roof were covered with straw. In order to be firm, the shelves were tied with thick bamboo rafts before laying the straw, and then the shelves were fixed on the roof, and finally the straw was laid.

The original straw in the house was cleared out, and now there are furniture everywhere.

After a tired day, the bones will be scattered. If I have a bed to sleep, Du Xiaoli is lying on the bed.

There are two rooms in this house. In the previous room, because the roof was all empty, there was no way to live. Now that the roof is finished, Du Xiuheng moved the bed and the two brothers and sisters were alone.

Du Xiaoli lay down on the bed for a while, and Du Xiuheng came in. I saw Du Xiaoli lying still in bed and said, "I am going to order some porridge. I will eat it tonight."

Last night, because it was too late to get the hare, I just took some wild porridge and ate it. Fortunately, I took the seasoning back yesterday. Although it was still porridge, it was a bit of other taste.

Thinking of such a hot weather, the hare meat was not good for a long time, Du Xiaoli got up and said to Du Xiuheng: "Brother, the rabbit meat will be broken if you don't eat it again, the mushroom will be bad, and you will get it tonight." Let's go."

"Okay." Du Xiuheng turned and went out. After Du Xiaoli came out, he had taken out the soaked mushrooms from the water tank. After a day of soaking, there were some mushrooms that had just been opened before, and yesterday’s It is just right now that it is opened.

The hare was also taken out and placed aside.

"Brother, let me come." Du Xiaoli looked at Du Xiuheng and didn't know how to start, said.

"Do you know how to do it?" Du Xiuheng knew that his sister had not been to the kitchen and should not do it.

Du Xiaoli took the knife in his hand and said, "Do it by feeling."

After that, she used a knife to cut the hare into small pieces. Because the current physical strength is relatively small, she has to find the gap between the bones to cut the knife. After she cut the meat, she saw Du Xiuheng, who was stunned.

She sighed in her heart. She saw that she killed the hare, peeled it, and then dissected it. He also had such an expression. Now it is like this. She looked at the sky and estimated that it was getting dark. She thought about moving faster. Otherwise, the meal was dark after she had not finished the meal. She had to raise a fire in the yard like yesterday to illuminate. It is.

Knowing that you want to stew the soup, Du Xiuheng went back to the fire-burning pot after returning to God, and filled in the pot with water. After Du Xiaoli cut the hare, he put it in the pot.

Then Du Xiaoli tore the mushroom into a small piece and a small piece. When the hare meat is quickly stewed, put the mushrooms in the pot and cook together, and finally put some salt.

"Brother, you can." After about half an hour, Du Xiaoli took a piece of rabbit meat and tasted it, said to Du Xiuheng.

Du Xiuheng retired all the fire and asked: "How are you going to drink?"

"Alright," Du Xiaoli said, using a spoon to give Du Xiu a large bowl of meat and soup, and then gave himself a night. Although there is nothing in ginger, but with salt, this taste is good, especially mushrooms are fresh, the taste is different from the wild porridge that was eaten before.

After Du Siheng took a sip, he was attracted by this taste. He ate all the meat in his bowl and drank all the soup. He then ate the second bowl.

Du Xiaoli looked at Du Xiuheng and did not care about the hot mouth. He couldn’t help but rise up. This kind of warmth and tranquility is the life she wants!

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