MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 17 Pack up the chop!

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Feng Yunhai heard that the monsoon wind was self-proclaimed to him, and he was more angry and wicked. He said: "A big tone, I dare to scatter on the land of the Lord! This young master wants you today to go away! You several, Give it to me!"

Feng Yunhai pointed to his newly hired bodyguards. It is said that the martial arts people who are very good at martial arts let them go to clean up the season.

The few people didn't go into the store outside, didn't see what was inside, and didn't see the monsoon wind if they hit the people on the ground. Looking at the horrors of those people, I also guessed that his martial arts were not weak.

However, the five of them are not general, and they are also famous in the rivers and lakes. The employment of Feng Yunhai is only due to the generous rewards he gave. I just followed him, and I almost never played it. It seems that they have to go out in person today.

The five people came to Feng Yunhai and looked at the monsoon. I said: "The men don't kill the unknown, you sign up!"

The monsoon laughed and said, "Let you, know the name of your grandfather?!"

Du Xiaoli was facing the door and saw the few people and said, "Is this a lot of people to bully? Xia Wei, you also go out to add popularity to the wind!"

"Yes, Miss." The three Xia Wei came out of the door and faced the people with the monsoon.

"Hey, this is a big girl with water!" The boss saw Xia Wei, they came out, and smiled cumbersomely.

"The girl who is so marked, this fine and tender meat, can not beat the heart to fight, or you will follow the men, pack you to drink spicy, how?" said the second child.

"Drink your big head ghost!" Acura tempered the most, and heard the words of their inferiority, plus the anger that had just accumulated in their hearts, suddenly broke out and took the lead to the boss.

Xia Wei and Qiao Zhu also selected an opponent to fight.

"Hey, hello, you don't wait for me!" The monsoon wind saw Xia Wei, they said that they started to do it, and rushed up, one person to deal with two, from time to time to deal with those dog legs.

Both the boss and the proprietress are civilians. When they saw this battle, they were scared for a while.

"Hey, you guys played Feng Young, the trouble is big!" The boss patted her thigh and said.

"The boss wife, you haven't seen it yet. Who is causing trouble?" Bai Ningyuan said, biting the buns.

"I think you are still taking the boat and going. If they go to inform the county magistrate, you can't go!" the proprietress suggested.

"This day things are not solved, how can I go?" Du Xiaoli said, "The boss wife, you can rest assured, there will be nothing!"

She looked out and happened to see a dog's leg holding a wooden stick to sneak up on Qiaozhu, and Qiaozhu was playing against the people in front of him, and did not find anyone close behind.



Just when the man raised the stick, the man's hand was suddenly pierced by a chopstick, and he screamed in pain.

Qiaozhu heard the body behind him, and the body moved, grabbed the hand of the person in front, and turned to face the dogleg. He kicked the ball and died. He just kicked his life, and he also took a hand. The pain, the pain below, the man screamed twice and fainted directly!

The boss also noticed the situation of Qiaozhu. He saw the chopsticks on the dog's leg and turned to look at Du Xiaoli. They found that there was only one chopstick in Du Xiaoli's hand.

The man who just pierced the palm with chopsticks, is that lady? !

Who are they? The people around me actually have such powerful martial arts.

Seeing that everyone around me was beaten, Feng Yunhai wanted to run, but was kicked back by the air in the season.

"Go to the brother-in-law!" Feng Yunhai shouted to the people around him.

The man saw Feng Yunhai kicked to the ground and ran away.

The movement here has attracted a lot of visitors in the morning. Whether it is the owner of the shop on the dock or the worker who is working, they are not far away to see the excitement. Seeing that Feng Yunhai’s people are being beaten, they all secretly say that they are good. .

Soon, all the people brought by Feng Yunhai were hit on the ground and couldn’t get up. They didn’t hold their stomachs or they yelled at their heads or legs.

Du Xiaoli saw the people outside and solved it. He got up and saw the doglegs in one place and said, "It took so long."

After venting a pass, Xia Wei was in a good mood and smiled and came to Du Xiaoli. Qiaozhu spit out his tongue and said: "The master did not say that the quick fix, we will slowly clean up and vent their anger."

"But is it comfortable?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Hmm!" Shadowsong and Qiaozhu nodded hard.

"Then I will also vent it." After that, Du Xiaoli came to Feng Yunhai and stepped on his face. He stepped his face to the side and said, "This face is long and can be seen. How is this heart so poisonous?"

The trailing Han Ming’s brow wrinkled, pulling Du Xiaoli’s hand and pulling her back to her side.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiaoli looked at Han Ming.

"The guy looks like a thief, where is it?" Han Ming said faintly.


The people present suddenly felt a sense of disharmony. Bai Ning far wants to say: Brother, can you look at the occasion?

"You, you dare to beat the young master, wait for my brother-in-law to come, you must not eat and go! As long as you put the Lord now, the Lord will not pursue it!" Feng Yunhai was beaten down However, the dead ducks are still hard, trying to threaten them with their brother-in-law.

"Stupid!" Du Xiaoli could not help but swear. Turned around and looked at the boss couple who came out and asked: "Boss, do you have a rope?"

"Rope?" The proprietress did not respond for a moment, but the boss said: "Yes, in the house. His mother, you go."

"Good." Although the boss wife was hesitant, she still went in and took the rope.

Bai Ningyuan looked at Du Xiaoli and said, "Isn't it just good to take drugs directly?"

Du Xiaoli glanced at Bai Ningyuan and said, "Can this be killed casually? How can I wait for the people above him?"

"Madam, rope." The proprietress took the rope out and looked at Du Xiaoli.

"Xia Xi, bundle them all." Du Xiaoli said, "The rope is not enough, it is tied together."

"Yes, Master." Xia Wei took the rope and tied them up with the songs.

"Mrs. What should I do when the county magistrate comes in a while?" asked the proprietress.

"Do you want to avenge meagua?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Think." The boss said without hesitation.

"Then wait for a good show." Du Xiaoli laughed.

"But the power behind the county grandfather..." the boss said with some hesitation.

"Is it not easy to provoke?" Bai Ningyuan said, "Do not worry, you meet them, this must be the blessing of the last generation, they are coming to justice for you!"

"Thank you, madam, thank you young master." The proprietress said with tears.

There are such servants who reach out, and their identity is certainly not the same. This allows them to see hope.

"Master, sit down and wait." Qiaozhu moved a bench and placed it behind Du Xiaoli.

Du Xiaoli and Han Mingqi sat down and waited outside the shop for the hand of the county magistrate.

The county grandfather had been enjoying flowers in the garden with his own little sister, but soon he saw a servant with Feng Yunhai's follow-up.

"County grandfather, madam, save the young master!" The man fell to the ground and said.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yan saw the injury on the man and was shocked.

"Madam, we went to the dock today to collect the protection fee, but I met a few foreigners in the buns shop. They beat the young master and beat everyone else! Adults, madam, you are going to save the young master. !"

"Which people dare to bully the official's little sister!" Xu Hang stood up, holding the hand of Xiaoyan, patted and said: "You can rest assured, I will bring the little sister back, you are waiting for us here. ""

After he finished, he was still kneading a little on his chest.

"Master, you hate it!" Xiao Yan is not worried about his younger brother. No one dares to move their family in Fengjie County.

"Look at you like this!" Xu Hang looked at her in a wretched manner and said, "When the master comes back and cleans you up!"

"Master, you have to bring your brother back!" said Xiao Xiao.

"You can rest assured." Xu Hang said, he took the dog leg with the servant and the letter.

I learned that Du Xiaoli had several people who would have martial arts. He took the county government’s servants.

Du Xiaoli When they were bored, Xu Hang finally came with a group of people. Those who had been watching the excitement suddenly retracted into their own shop, and when Xu Airlines passed them, they extended their heads and looked at the buns.

"Sister husband, brother-in-law save me!" Feng Yunhai saw Xu Hang come over and called him.

Xu Hang took people to come over and saw the people on the ground tied with hands and feet, and saw a man with a bruised face in the middle. If he didn't call his brother-in-law, he really couldn't recognize it, it was his own little sister-in-law!

"Put them to the official!" This Xu Hang is really a bit of an official, with a wave of his right hand, the servant will put Du Xiaoli on them.

"A big battle!" The monsoon saw them and didn't blink.

"Bold and clear, I dare to beat the people on the official site, and they will all be arrested by the official!" Xu Hang shouted.

"Xu Daren, why do you catch us?" Du Xiaoli asked, "It is their first offense to us, we are just a hand off! To catch, you should also catch them!"

"The people in this county have always been good, how can they pick things up? It seems that you not only beat others, but also dare to frame others. It is really a sin plus. After you go back, you must intervene to ask you!" Xu Hang's ability to speak swearing Quite powerful, this black is said to be white.

"Oh, he said that he wants to interrogate us, what should I do?" The monsoon turned and looked at Han Mingqi.

"Cool." Han Mingyu simply returned to the monsoon two people.

The deeper meaning is that you look at it!

"Xu Daren, obviously he wants to be light and thin, my wife is only beaten. How can we live with us to pick things up?" Ji Liufeng said, "Even if this person is a small nephew of Xu Daren, you can't be so partial to him." ?"

"You know this is the official's little nephew, so dare to take this hand. It seems that your next step is to beat the officer?" Xu Hang said, "It seems that you are planning to beat the court, this is unforgivable. Waiting for you to catch up, this official is going to report to the court!"

"Oh, I am so scared!" The monsoon patted his chest and was scared.

"Any kind of crime, how do you do things for the people on weekdays?" Han Mingyu looked at Xu Hang and asked coldly.

Xu Hang was looked at by Han Mingqi's gaze, but his face was not revealed. It seemed that the bad things were usually done, and the courage was also practiced.

"How can the official do not need to blame you for these ambiguities!" Xu Hang said, "I advise you to hurry up and smash it, or you will rule against you, and you can kill you directly!"

"The chaos is killing?" The monsoon chewed Xu Hang’s words and said, "Is this your purpose?"

"What purpose?"

"We have heard about it for a long time. You are arrogant that you are a county magistrate, greedy law, tolerate your nephew to ruin many people, so that the people here are not living, no hundreds of survivors live in dire straits. Today we hit your little sister, you give We are so guilty of so many crimes, isn't we just trying to put us to death?" Ji Liufeng said that the analysis of Xu Hang's mind is clear.

"Haha, I thought you were ignorant foreigners. I didn't expect your news to be well-informed!" Xu Hang said, "Is these two people telling you? It seems that it is a mistake to leave their lives before!"

"Yeah, it is a mistake. It is because of this mistake that you will not only lose your black hat, but I see that your life is coming to the prince Wang Ye!" Ji Liufeng said.

"Ha ha ha ha, you have a big tone!" Xu Hang clearly did not put the season wind in his eyes. "Since leaving them always leads to trouble, then deal with you!"

As far as he has been an official for so many years, these people are just because they have heard the boss’s crying and want to come out. This kind of person has seen more and he has handled more. He simply did not look at it.

"You are so ruthless, is there any Wang Fa?" asked the wind.

"Wang Fa? In this Fengjie County, the official's words are Wang Fa! Go up and take them back and take them back!" Xu Hang ordered.

Those who were given orders were besieged the past.

"It seems that your frog at the bottom of the well really thinks that this Fengming country is not Wang Fa!" The monsoon kicked a person who came to him and took out a sign and lit it to everyone. He said, "I don't know. Who is this brand and your brand bigger?"

"Will, General?!" The person present was shocked by this change. Is this man a general? !

"Hey, it seems that Xu Daren, you know the brand of this general!" Ji Liufeng laughed.

The boss and the proprietress of Baozipu were frightened. Is it a general to eat here today?

Does that mean that they can really help them?

Xu Hang’s face changed and changed like a palette.

Now this thing doesn't know how much the season wind knows, but he made the worst plan and thought they knew it. In this case, he can not even keep him!

No one else now, he just needs to solve all of them, and then pretend to be ignorant, and then check it out, he has not seen him in a bite, who can take him? !

"Hey, I don't know what brand, you actually dare to pretend to be a court officer, this is even more forgive you! Grab it!"

Those servants have hesitated a bit. If they are really generals, the county magistrates have no background, and these little shackles may not be completely out of scope!

"I don't want to give it to me!" Xu Hang saw that everyone didn't understand and yelled at them.

"Adult, if he is really a general..." said the person around Xu Hang.

"What general, that is a counterfeit!" Xu Hang yelled, "When the official said, when will you miss it! You doubt the official again, carefully your head!"

"Yes! Yes, how can adults say it is wrong! That person must be a fake! You are not going to catch them!"

Those servants were forced to help, although this person may really be a general, but their top boss is Xu Hang, they still have to listen to Xu Hang's words, they rushed toward the season.

"Just as the general has not played enough, you will give me a practice! I think you will not do bad things with this chop, and few people are clean!"

The monsoon winds hit again, and Xia Wei also joined the battle when they saw it. Even Bai Ning far ran to join the foot.

Although there are many servants, they are not their opponents in the season. Soon, a group of people were all beaten, and they didn’t even have a breath.

"Now you are left!" The season is fascinating and watching Xu Xuan.

Xu Hang didn't think that his own people were solved so easily. When he saw the smile of the monsoon, he subconsciously stepped back two steps, and his voice trembled: "You guys who pretend to be court officials, it is difficult, but they still want to attack this official." !"

"How are you playing?" Yangge looked at Xu Hang and said, "We are playing you!"

After saying this Xu Hang, he was beaten and kicked by several people. However, in order to cooperate with Du Xiaoli, they are all playing, and they will never be killed.

"This official is the relative of Xu Yunxing, the governor of Jiangbei. You dare to treat me like this. You will definitely not be able to eat it!" Xu Hang was slammed on the ground after being beaten, and his eyes were stunned by the monsoon. The adult recently was the red man in front of His Royal Highness. If he knew that I was being bullied by you, he would definitely have your head!"

"Oh? The red man in front of the king can do whatever he wants?" Han said quietly.

"If you are acquainted, you will let me go. If I have something, they will definitely tell him, when, oh!"

I have to say that this Xu Hang and Feng Yunhai are still somewhat similar, and this is all dead, and they still threaten others.

“Xu Yunxing?” Du Xiaoli smiled at Xu Hang and said, “You will see him soon, but you don’t know if you can see him after seeing him!”

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