MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 29 Full of scars

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Du Xiaoli threw away Zhao’s sword at the moment of the fall, and pulled out the white training tied to the waist and hit it. The white one was tied to the pillar of the pavilion.

Fortunately, she was affected by Xia Wei and had the habit of tying the white to the waist. Otherwise, she would fall directly today, not dead or disabled.

Therefore, the impact, they both hit the cliff, Zhao Hao was hit and screamed.

Du Xiaoli left Zhao Zhao, and the right hand was white, and the weight of the two made her right hand hurt by the white. She looked down at Zhao Wei and asked some questions: "Hey, still alive?"

"If you die, do you want to grieve for me?" Zhao Wei looked at the clenched hand and grinned, because the bloodshot of the arrow and the overflowing blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, making his smile somewhat abnormal.

"Awkward? Forget it, both of them are ruthless." Du Xiaoli said.

"Well, it’s also a lifetime of death, so there’s no love?” Zhao Wei smiled.

"If you gave Beiyuan to me, the two of them have love." Du Xiaoli replied without thinking.

Zhao Wei likes her to use the word trick. He still wants to answer her words, but she doesn't even have the strength to speak. Some people fall down like some force.


The sound of the above-mentioned white training bursting seems to be unable to bear the weight of the two.

She glanced at Zhao Wei and sighed and said helplessly: "I really want to throw you down."

However, to say that she still pulls her left hand before the white practice breaks completely, and pulls Zhao's body to balance with herself, and the right hand takes his waist. Bai Lian because this pull is completely disconnected, and the remaining half goes down with them to the cliff.

Du Xiaoli took Zhao Wei, and her foot stepped on the stone wall. With the landing point, she could make up her strength and luck, take him to a small tree in the middle of the cliff, and then borrow on the small tree. With him safely fell to the ground.

Practice has proved that not all cliffs have water pools, at least the place where they fell this time is a stone, not even a grass.

The white practice fluttered behind them and flew to the far branch, and the wind blew with the branches.

At the moment of landing, Du Xiaoli found that his body was not right. The pain in his right foot was hard, and he must have gotten his foot when he stepped on the cliff.

She looked at the confused Zhao Wei, cursing in her heart, letting him down, and then turning around and smashing the sword that had fallen before.

When she came back with the sword, Zhao Wei suddenly woke up and stood up in an instant, ready to attack. It was only when she saw her that she was soft.

It seems that even at this time, his body still maintains a high degree of vigilance. What kind of experience is it that makes him react like this?

"We can't get out now, your arrow must be pulled out as soon as possible, or it will be dead." Du Xiaoli said.

"There is a river over there, and there is a cave on the other side of the mountain." After these two sentences, he was completely in a coma.

Du Xiaoli didn't know that he was sighing for the first time. He helped him up and took him to the river. If it is not that her foot is hurt now, she will definitely lick him.

She endured the pain, she took the big man to the river and saw the cave he said, but the distance between the two is not far, or she does not know if she will throw him directly at the river.

She put him down on a large rock, then untied his clothes, and the coat and coat were soaked in blood.

Now that she has not taken care of the infection, she pulled out the dagger tied to her calf and made two strokes to the wound.

"Now there is no way to give you a needle, so you have to be patient." Du Xiaoli did not listen to Zhao Wei and continued, "This short arrow is barbed, so you must cut the wound, but look It doesn't matter if you have so many wounds on your body and fill in a wound. If you don't have any opinions, I will start."

The unconscious Zhao Wei would certainly not answer her, so she slid across his shoulders and slashed the two arrows, pulled out the short arrow, and quickly pressed the acupuncture points around him with one hand, and the golden sore powder in one hand. Sprinkle it, press it for a while, and feel that the blood does not flow out until it is released. Then she tore his clothes into strips and wrapped around his shoulders.

After doing all this, she had the heart to look at the scars on Zhao Wei.

Han Mingqi also had some scars on his body, but it was almost all the arrow wounds or knife wounds left.

However, Zhao Wei's body has a variety of scars, knife wounds, burns, whiplashes, and even bites, especially the scald wounds, almost all of his upper body.

It can be said that his upper body is covered with scars except for the face and hands.

And those scars seem to have been around for a long time, and it should have been left since he was a child.

Who is the wound left on him? Who can commit such abuse to a child?

She remembered that Zhao Wei said that he grew up in the Qingfeng Temple. Is it done by people inside the stone temple?

No wonder this guy looks a bit gloomy, and anyone who encounters such a treatment will leave a shadow in his heart.

"Look at what you have suffered so much, I don't care about what was forced to protect you this time." Du Xiaoli put the clothes on him and put him in the cave. It is a cave, but it is just a piece that is recessed inside. There is probably a half-room laugh. Seeing a lot of hay inside, she put him on the hay.

Seeing that Zhao Wei was really in a coma, she turned and pulled the skirt and saw that her right ankle was already swollen.

"Oh - **** it!" She reached out and touched the swollen and painful place, and it hurt to die when she touched it.

She mobilized her internal force and squatted at her ankle for a while, but the pain was alleviated, but she still couldn't move.

She leaned against the wall and looked at Zhao Wei on the haystack and said, "I really have no good things when I meet you. I hope that Xia Wei will find out earlier that I am missing. Come and find them."

Then she closed her eyes against the hard wall.

Practice once again proved that the white ball is not such a clever animal. After it solved the assassins, it was found that Du Xiaoli was no longer on the top of the mountain. It did not find Du Xiaoli in a circle. She did not know that she had fallen off the cliff. I don't know to inform them about Xia Wei. They just violently stalking on the top of the mountain. Then they turn their eyes and ran down the mountain. They ran from the other side of the mountain to the cliff.

So, soon after the evening, Xia Wei found that Du Xiaoli had been out for a long time. When he was worried about it, he saw the body of the top of the mountain, and Du Xiaoli’s half-white practice tied to the gazebo.

Needless to say, everyone has guessed that Du Xiaoli must have been killed and fell under the cliff. Although he couldn’t figure out why Du Xiaoli’s martial arts would fall under the cliff, he could not guess why Du Xiaoli did not use the sound attack. But they still hurry down the mountain and go to the cliff to find Du Xiaoli.

When Han Ming was late in the evening, they came to the Qingfeng Mountain with a cold one. They also saw the Xia Wei and the cold two who flew down the mountain from the mountain.

"What happened?" He looked at Xia Wei and they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Ye, Wang Hao seems to have fallen under the cliff." Xia Wei said.

"What?!" Cold one was surprised when they heard Xia Wei’s words.

"Wang Hao's martial arts is so good, how can it fall off the cliff?"

"What happened?" Han Ming asked with a calm face.

"After lunch, the slave and the master walked in the temple. The master asked for a sign. After the signing, she was not in a good mood. She said that she would go to the mountain and let the slaves go back." Xia said, "It’s late, I When I saw that the master had not returned, I went to find her. I saw a lot of assassin's bodies on the top of the mountain. The pillars of the pavilion were still wrapped around the master's white, but only half. So we guessed that the master might fall to the cliff."

"Wang Hao used the sound attack to deal with the assassin, you should listen to it." Cold said.

"Wang Hao did not use the sound attack. Some of the assassins were stabbed to death by the sword, and some were killed by the white ball." Leng Er replied.

Han Mingqi had no time to think about why Du Xiaoli didn't need a sound attack. He observed the direction of the mountain and flew from the side.

Others quickly chased it up.

In the cave, Du Xiaoli didn't think that she actually slept in the past. When she woke up, she saw Zhao's face not normal red. She carefully moved over and reached out and touched his face and found him hot.

"It seems to be a fever!" She picked up his hand and gave him a pulse. The result was very bad.

"The poison in the body is not completely clear and clean. No wonder it will be said that the body is weak." Du Xiaoli took back his hand. "The body fever causes the toxins to smash, you are really looking for death!"

Seeing that Zhao Wei was burned and began to talk, his face became more and more red, as if all the blood was collected on his face, and it would flow out when he poked it.

"No, if you go on like this, this guy will die. It seems that the silver needle still has to be carried by himself." Du Xiaoli looked at Zhao Wei and made a decision. "You really earned me when you met me!"

She took out the dagger and cut the index finger of her left hand into a hole. She stuffed her finger into Zhao's mouth, and Zhao, who had been confused, sucked up subconsciously.

Feeling almost the same, she pulled her fingers out, and Zhao Wei, who sucked the blood, continued to sleep, but now the flushing on her face slowly receded and the people were quiet.

She gave him the pulse again. I didn't expect my blood to work very fast. The toxins in Zhao's body were almost solved.

No toxins were messed up, and his burning was not so powerful. When the sun was slanting, he woke up.

He blinked and saw the beautiful side face under the sun, bleak and tranquil, and he even saw the shadow cast by her eyelashes on her face.

Little White Ball didn't know when it was coming, nesting in her arms, she had a ride that didn't touch her back.

"You wake up." Du Xiaoli saw him blink and leaned against the stone wall. "You are in good health, wake up so long than expected."

Zhao Wei moved and found that his internal strength had recovered, and his body no longer had no strength. He sat up and touched the wound on his shoulder.

"You detoxify me?"

"Otherwise, can you wake up so quickly?" Du Xiaoli said.

"You didn't bring your tools, how did you detoxify?" Zhao asked faintly.

"The way I detoxify is that you are poisonous, just give you a detoxification pill." Du Xiaoli said, I don't want him to continue to get to the bottom, and then open the topic and ask: "The ones on you." What is the scar?"

"Do you see it?" She thought that her injury was seen by her, and Zhao's face was a bit unsightly.

"To treat the wound for you, naturally you have to untie your clothes." Du Xiaoli said with a sigh. "It is a loss."

When Zhao Wei heard Du Xiaoli's words, his face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

"The person who is being seen is me, and the person who suffers is also me. Where did you suffer?"

"I didn't say me, I said I am a man."

Du Xiaoli’s answer made Zhao Xi’s anger, and he always made others speechless, and he had not encountered such a situation.

"That said, you haven't answered yet. How did your scars come from?" Du Xiaoli sat up straight and said, "I have seen those scars for many years. Did you get them when you were young? You said that you grew up here. Are your scars made by the old monks in the temple? I have heard that the monks who lived in the mountains all the year have some psychopaths, especially those who are old, if they are..."

"No." Zhao Wei heard Du Xiaoli said that the more outrageous, out of the channel.

"Who is that?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"You will be curious about these?" Zhao Wei leaned against the wall and looked at Du Xiaoli.

"I just want to know who made you such a person." Du Xiaoli said, "I am curious by the way, how do you have a high weight, how was it hurt like this, and most importantly, why are you at Qingfeng Temple? Growing up."

Seeing Zhao’s emotions become a little excited, she shrugged and said, “If you don’t want to say it, you don’t have to say it.”

"I came here when I was eight years old." Just when Du Xiaoli thought he wouldn't say it, Zhao Wei slowly opened his mouth. "My scars were left before the age of eight."

"Who? You remember that you have said that your father is also a prince..." Du Xiaoli thought of the body's burns and whiplashes. She was angry and who would have such a poisonous hand for a child.

"Yes, it’s the prince." Zhao said, "With your intelligence, can you still think of who?"

"Is it the first North Emperor?" Du Xiaoli said with surprise.

Zhao Wei did not deny it, but closed his eyes. It seemed to recall the painful memory, and the body shivered slightly.

"Well, if you don't want to say it, don't think about it." Hey, after saying this, she spurned herself in her heart, how suddenly she felt a little soft on this guy.

Zhao Wei looked at Du Xiaoli and saw the annoyance on her face. He laughed.

"In fact, there is nothing, but I met a metamorphosis of the old emperor, and then met a shackle that contributed his son to his position." Zhao Wei said faintly, it seems that there is really nothing big deal. .

"I heard that you are killed by you," Du Xiaoli said.

"Yeah, he sent me out personally and sent it to the dirty place, so that I would be played by the old guy every day. It was a common practice to drop wax and whipping, and there was a lot of things you couldn’t think of. Later I I escaped and met the master when my life was dying. He brought me back and let me grow up safely.

When I was sixteen years old, I went back to Beiyuan. The first thing was to kill the old guy in my house, control his power, and then kill those who abused me that year. At that time, they gave me a nickname, bloodthirsty devil, huh, huh, in fact, I really like this nickname. ”

Zhao Wei said that it was extremely simple, but Du Xiaoli still heard his pain and difficulty from inside. The horrible encounter faced by a young age was also sent out by his father, and what kind of fear he should have in his heart.

He was smacked with scars, but escaped from a heavily guarded place, how clever he was at that time.

Did not grow up in the North, he should not have much power in the North, after returning to the North, killing the father to seize power, step by step to the camp, step by step to the present level, the shock is self-evident.

Zhao Wei saw Du Xiaoli not talking, laughing at himself and saying, "Why, is it scared by my experience?"

"I was really shocked." Du Xiaoli nodded and said, "But I know why you will grow into such a person. Because of the fruit, you kill those people, but there are also reasons for you, perhaps because of the abuse. I am passing you, maybe because they want to kill you. So, I have some sympathy for you."

Zhao Wei did not expect Du Xiaoli to say this, a glimpse, and then turned his face to the side, coldly said: "Who wants you to sympathize."

"Compassion is a woman's nature, just like they like to go shopping," Du Xiaoli said.

"Do you have compassion?" Zhao said disdainfully.

"Of course! I just don't sympathize with the enemy."

"But you haven't always regarded me as an enemy? Isn't it now?" Zhao said.

"Yeah, if you can put the fragrance back, and I have a good relationship with Fengming, I can consider not to treat you as an enemy." Du Xiaoli said seriously.

"Oh, since she married me, it is my person, what is it that I put it on?" Zhao said, "That is the powerful piece that I restrict you and Han Ming."

"Then you have to look tight." Du Xiaoli said faintly, "Don't let me have a chance to marry your nest."

"Oh, I am waiting for you to come."

Du Xiaoli looked at Zhao Wei and couldn't understand the flashing light in his eyes. What kind of meaning is there.

"Hey--" The white ball in his arms suddenly jumped out of Du Xiaoli's arms and ran outside.

When I heard someone coming, Du Xiaoli was happy to get up from the ground. For a moment, she forgot the wound on her foot. When she walked, she remembered that the pain of the heart made her breathe a cold breath.

Zhao Wei discovered that Du Xiaoli’s foot seemed to be hurt. She thought that she would hold him here with her feet and treat him with wounds. His eyes were slightly stunned, and the ice in his heart seemed to melt again.

------Off topic ------

At the end of the month, so... the ticket will not expire soon (( ̄) ̄)

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