MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 32 Save people

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"Monk I know everything!" Hui Ming smiled proudly.

He came to the bed and grabbed the wrist of the Valley of Fire. The smile on his face slowly solidified and said, "You kid has nothing to give him what to eat!"

"But don't eat the life-saving pills, the master is dead." Bai Ningyuan said.

"This old guy, there is such a robbery in the hit! Can you survive this robbery, see his creation. Amitabha..." Hui Ming put down the hands of the Fire Valley Lord and sighed.

"Master, the master can have a solution to this robbery?" asked the north wind.

"Beifeng kid, this robbery can also be interpreted as a solution. The solution is also robbery. There is no solution to the robbery. You can't say it. You can't say it." Hui Ming was pretending to be a sorghum.

"Old monk, you will give pointers to one or two. When I am too big, I will ask you to eat delicious food." Bai Ningyuan said.

"I have eaten all the places around here. You can ask me what to eat," said the old monk.

"Nature is asking you to eat and have not eaten." Bai Ningyuan said, "If you don't believe it, then."

“Really?” Hui Ming said with suspicion.

"of course."

"Well, then, if that's the case, I will reveal to you that there is no solution to this robbery. I think about the nobles he met," Hui Ming said.

"You?" Beifeng and Bai Ningyuan took a look at each other.

"Haha, there is another way." Hui Ming said.

"any solution?"

"That is why your kid hastened to study the antidote in the past. If you research the antidote, your master will solve it." Hui Ming said.

Bai Ning far mouth corner micro pumping, this old monk...

However, he nodded and said: "The old monk you said is reasonable. I will go back to the master to study the antidote. If I research the antidote, I don't have to ask you to eat delicious."

"Oh, you kid, you can't eat any loss." Hui Ming grabbed Bai Ningyuan, who left the fake, and said, "Tell this to you. Your master can save this time, you are not the main cause. Everything looks at the squatting door next door. Amitabha, don't forget my things."

"I can't say it early." Bai Ningyuan was a bit surprised, but he knew that his old monk spoke more than the appease abbot. Since he said that he relied on Du Xiaoli, he said that there is a solution, then his heart is also Put it down slightly.

Then he went back and continued to study the antidote with Du Xiaoli. When he entered the door, he saw her and Han Mingxiao’s unhappy smile. Just when he felt that something bad happened, Du Xiaoli suddenly called out: "Xiao Ningning..."

Bai Ning's footsteps suddenly froze, and the whole person showed a petrochemical state. After a while, he shouted loudly: "Don't let the old monk get worse! I am your cousin! You dare to call Xiaoning. !"

"Xiao Ningning, Xiao Ningning!" Du Xiaoli called two more, saw Bai Ning Yuan Tieqing's face, smiled and said, "Why, do you want to poison me or what? I am not afraid!"

"I am your cousin, don't be big or not," Bai Ningyuan said.

"I am still the owner of Anle County!" Du Xiaoli said, "Moreover, this cousin's cousin, wait for us to get out the antidote and then tell you."

Bai Ningyuan thought of Hui Ming’s words, looked at Du Xiaoli, and bent down to give a big gift.

“Hey—” Du Xiaoli was shocked by Bai Ningyuan’s hand and said, “What are you doing? Don’t think that I will let you go.”

Bai Ningyuan said: "Although I am a white family member, I spent most of my time in Baixugu. The master took me very well. He is not as bad as the rumors outside. Wang Hao, please be sure to save my master. ""

"Amount, you will give me the first place. Don't have anything to give me such a big gift." Du Xiaoli said, "I want to save your master, but not to study antidote together."

Bai Ningyuan knew that Du Xiaoli had promised to do so, and got up and studied with her.

He originally thought that there was Huiming's sentence, Du Xiaoli could definitely study the antidote, but they didn't study antidote until late at night, and he and she had not slept one day and one night.

There are less than two hours of time, not to mention that they have no eyebrows, even if they are clueless, it is impossible to find a way in such a short time and make an antidote.

Bai Ningyuan’s heart has been inconspicuous, and he has not been able to study it.

Du Xiaoli saw the anxious or **** eyes on his face and sighed and said, "You have to go to the Fire Valley Lord's room to see it again."

"No, I must study the antidote. I can't let the master die." Bai Ning far wiped his face, sucked his sour nose, and sat down again.

At this time, the north wind suddenly knocked on the door, anxiously shouting: "Far."

Bai Ning’s distant look stood up and the stool was picked up by him.

He ran over and opened the door and asked, "What happened?"

"You come, the master began to vomit blood!" said the north wind.

Bai Ningyuan immediately ran out, and then Du Xiaoli heard Bai Ning far like a violent wild beast.

She looked down and saw the black blood inside the vessel, gathering the internal force, and the right thumb and nail on the middle finger, and the blood flowed out.

She dripped her blood into the utensils. The black and smelly blood slowly turned red. She picked up a silver needle and put it in. Nothing happened.

"Glass." Han Ming screamed Du Xiaoli.

"Mind, no matter what happens, you will protect me, right?" Du Xiaoli looked up at Han Mingqi and asked with a smile.

"Nature." Han Mingqi answered without hesitation.

Du Xiaoli saw Han Ming’s firm expression and smiled. Then he nodded and said, “I will protect you too!”

Han Mingyu reached out and touched her face: "Well, we are with each other and protect each other."

"Okay." Du Xiaoli opened his arm and said, "Now you hold me over."

When Han Mingyu came to the main room of the Valley of Fire with Du Xiaoli, the room was full of people, those who were in the yard before, and some were coming in during the day.

Bai Ning was in front of the bed, and all the hands were black blood from the fire valley.

"Master, master, you hold on!" Bai Ningyuan with a cry, wants to reach out and hold the mouth of the Valley of Fire, to stop the blood from continuing to spit out. But because of fear and panic, his hands kept shaking.

The appeasement abbot and Hui Ming who came to hear the news came in and saw the situation of the Fire Valley Lord. The two men said together: "Amitabha."

Du Xiaoli looked at Bai Ningyuan, remembering that he used to be rogue, or arrogant, sometimes serious, and sometimes debauchery. No matter which one is the representative of the poison king, she also appreciates it, but now she is not happy with this desperation. Thinking of his goodness from the beginning of his knowledge, she said: "Cousin, I want to solve the antidote."

An antidote made the atmosphere in the room instantly solidify, and everyone in the Baidu Valley turned to look at her in the arms of Han Ming.

She just called her cousin, isn't she the daughter of the prime minister? Who is her cousin?

Bai Ningyuan turned and looked at Du Xiaoli and said, "Really, do you really think of the antidote?"

Du Xiaoli nodded and let Han Ming hold himself, saying: "I have already prepared the antidote, but it is not convenient for people. You let them go out."

"Ding Wang Wei, you have been with Xiao Shishu, just have not solved the drug, how can you study the antidote now?" said a disciple of Baidu Valley.

Du Xiaoli did not speak, just looked at Bai Ningyuan.

Although Bai Ningyuan also knows that Du Xiaoli did not actually develop an antidote, but thinking of Huiming, Du Xiaoli can be said to be their last hope.

"You all go out," Bai Ningyuan said.

"Little teacher."

"Go out!" Bai Ningyuan said firmly.

Although not reconciled, but seeing Bai Ning far angry, they only got it.

"Amitabha, Hui Ming's younger brother, let's go out too." Yujing abbot said.

"Good. Amitabha."

When there were only a few of them left in the room, Du Xiaoli asked Han Ming to put himself on the stool and said to Bai Ningyuan: "You have to close all the doors and windows."

Bai Ning far puzzled, but still went to close the doors and windows, turned and saw Du Xiaoli took out a dagger and cut a knife on his wrist.

"What are you doing!" He rushed over and shouted. "Han Ming, why don't you stop her!"

Han Ming took a look at Bai Ningyuan and did not speak. He can't do it himself. If there are other ways, he will definitely not let Du Xiaoli do it.

"Cousin, you go to the most open of your master." Du Xiaoli said, seeing Bai Ning far from moving, frowning: "Not yet!"

Bai Ningyuan saw Du Xiaoli's blood flowing out of his hand and wanted to stop her bleeding, but when she heard her words, she came to the bed and opened the mouth of the Valley of Fire.

Du Xiaoli put his hand on the main mouth of the Valley of Fire, letting his blood flow into his mouth.

"You..." Bai Ning looked at the practice of Du Xiaoli and stunned.

Du Xiaoli, regardless of Bai Ningyuan's strangeness, saw that the Fire Valley Lord no longer vomited blood, his face was slightly relieved, and he used his right hand to hold the acupuncture point on his wrist.

Han Mingyu tore off a piece of lining and wiped the blood of Du Xiaoli.

"Nothing, I have been pressing here, and I will stop bleeding in a while." Du Xiaoli saw the distressed face of Han Mingqi, smiling slightly.

"Cousin, your blood..." Obviously felt that the situation of the master of the bed improved, and Bai Ning far looked at Du Xiaoli.

"Remember to give me some big things to give me blood back." Du Xiaoli said.

"Thank you." Bai Ningyuan sucked his nose, pulled his mouth and tried to laugh, but it was ugly than crying.

"Okay, I will always pay you back when I pay." Du Xiaoli said, "You still have to look at your master."

Bai Ningyuan gave the Fire Valley Lord a pulse and said: "It is already getting better. But it will take some time to completely solve it."

"That should be no big deal." Du Xiaoli said, "Let's go to the room to sleep, we have not slept for two days and two nights."

"When I give you the wound, I will take a rest." Bai Ningyuan said.

"No, you are here with your master, Xia Wei will deal with me." Du Xiaoli said, "In addition, this thing..."

"I won't tell anyone." Bai Ningyuan immediately promised.

Although he did not know why her blood could be detoxified, he knew that if the news spread, it would cause her a lot of trouble.

Han Mingyu went out with Du Xiaoli. When she left the door, Du Xiaoli put her wrist inside, and did not let those people see their wounds.

"Master, can you prepare a room for us?" asked Han Ming.

"Amitabha. A room is ready, Wu Wu, with the king and Wang Hao to go to the wing to rest." Auntie abbot commanded.

"Yes, presiding over the abbot." A small monk should answer, and then they waved to Han Ming: "Wang, Wang, please come with me."

Wu Xu with Du Xiaoli, they came out of the small yard and went to the big wing room outside.

Xia Yange also followed them. After Wu Xu left, Han Mingyu ordered: "Xia Yan, dressing the wounds with the glass."

Xia Wei and Yangge were shocked and asked: "Is the master injured?"

"Just cut it." Du Xiaoli showed the wound on his wrist and said, "It has stopped bleeding. You can give me some medicine to pack it."

"Yes, the master." Xia Xia took the gold sore medicine, smeared it to Du Xiaoli, and then wrapped it with gauze.

"Okay, it’s too late, let’s go to rest.” Du Xiaoli said after the baggage, they said to Xia Wei.

"The slaves retire." Xia Wei left and closed the door.

Du Xiaoli was really tired at this time. He met Zhao Wei from noon the day before yesterday, and joined him to the scene of his assassination. He followed him to the cliff and was found back to the Qingfeng Temple. He did not rest well and the abbot came. It is a study of antidote that sleepless for two nights, plus the pain of pain on the feet, just so much blood, she has some overdraft now.

Han Mingyu accompanied Du Xiaoli on the bed, pulled the quilt and covered her, saying, "Sleep."

Du Xiaoli was on the shoulder of Han Ming, and his hand was on his waist, and he quickly entered a dream.

Han Mingyu looked at Du Xiaoli's tired look, kissed her on her forehead, and closed her eyes and slept together.

Du Xiaoli slept for a long time, and slept from the time of the night until the next evening. If she is not hungry, she estimates that she will not wake up.

"Is the scorpion still asleep?" Du Xiaoli just woke up and heard a familiar voice.

"Yes, if you want to go back to the leisure king, I will let you know when the master is up." Xia Wei replied outside the door.

"That's okay," said Phoenix. "After a while, the scorpion must wake up and let people know."

"The slaves will."

Du Xiaoli sat up from the bed, when the Phoenix had left.

"Xia Yu." Du Xiaoli called.

Xia Yan pushed the door in and said, "The master, you woke up."

“Is it just a phoenix?” Du Xiaoli licks his temple.

"Yes master." Xia Wei replied. "The idle king rushed to the Guanghan Temple at noon. I have already asked for three times in an afternoon. But the master should not wake up, so they all go back. Does the master still have to sleep or get up?"

"Get up, sleep again and sleep at night." Du Xiaoli said.

"The slaves let the singers bring in the washed water and bring the prepared dinner."

"it is good."

Xia Wei helped Du Xiaoli to put on her clothes, and then went out. Soon, she sang the water and brought it in, and put it on the bed with a stool.

"What about the meditation?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"When I was in the morning and I was cold, they went down the mountain. It seems that the water man has the news of the gods and snakes. He said that he might come back late at night, so that the master does not have to wait for him." Yingge replied.

"It is also a **** snake teaching, it is really annoying enough." Du Xiaoli said.

Xia Wei came in with four kinds of side dishes and rice, and the bamboo behind it was holding a soup.

"The master, the slaves help you in the past." Yangge saw Du Xiaoli want to stand up and go up to help her.

Du Xiaoli, by the strength of Yangge, jumped to the table with one foot and saw the stewed soup. He said, "Is there a yam black-bone soup, and there is no chicken in the temple?"

"The master, this black-bone chicken is the white son who went to the farmhouse under the mountain to buy it back in the morning." Xia said.

"He didn't have a rest?" Du Xiaoli sipped the soup and felt the taste was good.

"I heard that I didn't have a rest after last night. Later I took the black-bone chicken and went to sleep. He said that you are too tired these two days, and you can cook the chicken soup to make up for you." Xia Wei said.

Is to give her blood, Du Xiaoli thought.

"But when we were cooking soup, the little monk in the kitchen had been talking about Amitabha and Amitabha, and it was a sin. It was funny. Later, the elder sister couldn’t stand it and directly drove out the monks in the kitchen." Qiao Zhuxiao The monk who is learning the kitchen speaks.

"Hey--" Du Xiaoli laughed at once.

"It’s just that, the slaves are cooking soup for the master, and they are good to make up the body. Those little monks have been screaming there, watching the pain, listening to the earache." Acclaimed.

"After all, people are the land of Buddhism." Du Xiaoli said.

After eating dinner, Du Xiaoli made people go to the fire phoenix, and soon the flaming figure came over.

"You can wake up when you are blind." Seeing Du Xiaoli, the fire phoenix came directly to her to sit down.

"Well, I slept for a long time today." Du Xiaoli said with a smile.

"Xunzi, thank you for saving my grandfather, I heard the little brother said, if it is not you, my grandfather will not be saved, and I will not wait for me to see him last. I really appreciate you!" The hand that lived in Du Xiaoli accidentally got her wrist and hurt her to take a cold breath.

"How did your wrist hurt?" Fire Phoenix saw her wrist holding gauze, and asked with concern.

"Inadvertently hurt." Du Xiaoli said, "What is your grandfather now?"

"Grandpa's poison has been completely solved, and people have already woken up." Fire Phoenix said with gratitude, "I really want to thank you very much. If you have anything to do with my phoenix, whether it is a knife The mountain is still under the sea, I must not frown at the brow!"

"Since we are jealous, your grandfather is also our loved one. I am very happy to save him." Du Xiaoli said, "Are you alone or with the idle king?"

Speaking of Han Mingyuan, there was a trace of grief in the eyes of the phoenix, saying, "I am coming alone."

"Why didn't he come with you?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"He..." The Phoenix screamed and said, "I have been separated from him for a long time. He is smart now, I don't know."

------Off topic ------

Continue to catch a cold, hard to push the son ~ o (>_<) o~

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