MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 39 Good little white ball

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Du Xiaoli When they came out of the villa, Han Mingzhen was coming to the door of the villa with a few cold people.

"You are..." Luo Yunfeng looked at Han Mingqi, who would come here so late.

"Hey, this is the king." Luo Qi said.

"It turned out to be King. Qier, you are at home to host the king." Luo Yunfeng handed a hand to Han Mingqi, "The old man still has something to leave."

After he finished, he left with Liu Wenying.

Han Mingxi watched everyone look flustered and asked, "What happened?"

"This road will explain to you again, Luo Qi brother, we will go there first." Du Xiaoli said. "Mind, come on, too."

Although Han Mingqi did not know what happened to Du Xiaoli, he still started again and followed them.

When Du Xiaoli came to the ground, they had already stood a lot of people around the ground. When they heard their hooves, everyone turned around and saw that it was Luo Qi. They only went back to see the situation below.

On the way, Du Xiaoli has explained it briefly. Han Mingyu knows that they are all looking for the young master of the Four Seas Villa.

Du Xiaoli, they dismounted, came to the ground, Luo Yunfeng and Liu Wenying were full of anxiety, Mu Haoyue had already fainted in Luo Lin.

"Hey, how is the situation now?" Luo Qi asked.

"I just sent someone down, but now it is dark, I can't see the situation below." Luo Yunfeng said.


"A lot of poisonous insects -"

There was a tragic cry below, so that the above people could feel the panic at this time.

Mu Haoyue, who just woke up, heard all the poisons below, and suddenly fainted.

"The powder on our body is completely useless!" The voice came again below, but this time they all gasped, it seems that it was just a round with the poisonous insects.

"You will come up and talk about it." Luo Yunfeng heard the current situation and told him.

Those guards did not go far, Du Xiaoli they can still see the light of the ignition.

"A lot of poisonous insects, we are completely surrounded, we can't move!" The person below replied.

"Mom got a bit of money, labor and management don't believe that we can't deal with these things! Ah--" a man's scream came, followed by his screams.

That voice, the people above who heard it are creepy.

"What can be done about this, Master Mu is still below!" Liu Wenying said anxiously.

"The old man went down to see." Luo Yunfeng said that people would sprinkle some deworming powder on themselves.

"Hey, you can't go down. Just the people below have said that this powder doesn't work at all." Luo Lin said, "I still go on."

"Luo Qi brother, why not try it?" Du Xiaoli said.

Du Xiaoli wants to hear that Master Mu is below, Luo Yunfeng said that he wants to go down, and he and Mu Yuyue have a surname. Presumably, their relationship with them should be unusual.

"You..." Luo Qi saw the phoenix flute in Du Xiaoli's hand and said, "Then please, please! Hey, brother, let Xiaomei try it first."

Luo Yunfeng, they looked at Du Xiaoli, only to see her go to the front, put the phoenix flute on the lips, and the whistling flute sounded in the night.

Mu Haoyue listened to the flute and fainted.

"You are awake." Luo Lin looked at Mu Xiyue's bloodless face and said.

"Well, you and Junyi..." Perhaps it was slowly accepting the current situation, and Mu Haoyue did not faint again.

"It is still watching the situation," Luo Lin said.

"The poisonous insects have all returned!" There was a cry of joy.

"Then you hurry up!" Luo Yunfeng shouted.

Du Xiaoli continued to play the flute, and soon, the people who went below went flying.

"Hey!" Mu Haoyue saw the last person who came up, and the worried heart fell in half.

"People are all coming up." Someone said.

Du Xiaoli put the flute down.

"Someone was bitten by a poisonous insect and must be treated quickly." Someone said.

Fortunately, they prepared the powder as soon as possible, and brought the doctor in the village to come over. Others quickly carried the wounded to the back and let the doctor treat them.

"Thank you for the rescue of Wang Hao." Luo Yunfeng thanked Du Xiaoli.

"Uncle is not welcome," Du Xiaoli said.

Mu Haoyue got up from Luo Lin and came to Du Xiaoli. He suddenly went down and said, "Wang Hao, your flute can dispel the poisonous insects, and ask for your happiness."

Du Xiaoli quickly pulled Mu Haoyue up and said, "You must get up first."

Mu Haoyue was pulled up by Du Xiaoli and grabbed her hand and said, "Wang Hao, please save the Lord."

"I really like the two children of Junyi and Xiaofei. Since I am here, I can help. I am naturally willing." Du Xiaoli said.

"That will send some people to go down with Wang Hao." Luo Yunfeng said.

"I want to go down," Mu said.

"I have to go down," Luo Lin said.

Han Mingqi went to Du Xiaoli's side, although he didn't speak, but the meaning is self-evident.

They also stood up during the monsoon and cold.

"Hey, I will go with them," Luo Qi said.

"You are waiting on it, and your second brother will bring a few people down." Luo Yunfeng said, "Since those people can live well below, there must be certain means. You must bring martial arts together, and pay attention to it. Safety."


"I will make sure that the white ball is not there." Du Xiaoli took out the whistle and blew it twice, then closed his eyes and listened, then said: "The little white ball is really inside, we can go down if we are ready."

"Quickly determined people." Luo Yunfeng said.

The land is like a huge tiankeng. From them to the opposite side, it is almost a kilometer wide, and the length is several kilometers. They are going to go down from here, searching for the whereabouts of Luo Junyi in such a large range. Come, this is quite difficult.

In a cave in the ground, the drunk Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes, and the purpose was the dim light.

"It hurts." He patted his head and saw Luo Junyi, who was still asleep, and hurriedly called him: "Little Master, Little Master!"

Luo Junyi was woken up and said: "Lin Fei, my head hurts. Hey, where is this?"

"Hey--" Lin Fei put his finger on his lips and made a squeaking action. He whispered: "Little Master, we don't seem to be in the mountain."

"How can we be here?" Luo Junyi looked around for a moment. They seemed to be in the cave, but how did he remember that they were asleep in the practice room?

"I just heard someone talking outside." Lin Fei said, "We seem to have been caught from the villa."

When Luo Junyi heard it, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he said with two eyes: "Are we encountering the legendary kidnapping?"

"Hey, young master, you whisper." Lin Fei grabbed Luo Junyi's mouth and heard the two big men outside said that he was awake. When he came in to see it, he pressed Luo Junyi down and said : "Loading sleep."

Seeing Luo Junyi closing his eyes, he also fell backwards, pretending to be awake.

The two great men walked in and saw the two men lying on the ground and said, "I didn't wake up."

"But I just heard a voice." Another person said, "Did I listen?"

"Don't your kid listen to the sound of the outside world as their voice?"

"It's possible. Since they didn't wake up, we went out to watch it. If the powder was blown away by the wind, the poison ran in, and we were miserable."

"Well, what I said. Hey, I really don't know what the Seven Lord thinks. I want to see it. It doesn't help the people who are taught by the snake."

"Fart, the benefits are very good, but you don't know. I heard that there is the first chair of the Seven Hills Villa!"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true!"

"Why did you bring these two guys here? It’s not good to kill them directly!"

When they heard that the other party said they would kill them, Luo Junyi and Lin Fei looked at each other, and the excitement and calmness in their eyes were no longer replaced by deep fear.

"Kill? The Seven Lords want to kill them, but they said that, when it is not yet, they should use them to threaten the owner and the second master. Otherwise, how can we let us stay here. Hey, here is Death is trapped, if there is not the powder given there, we are dead!"

"But the owners have already found them. What if they find us?"

"What are you afraid of! There are so many poisonous insects here, and we are so hidden here, we poisoned them before we found them! It is not poisonous, those people have not stopped, they will be good to entertain the owners." ”

"Hey? How do you have the sound of a flute?"

"Who is this playing the flute?"

"Would you like to go out and see?"

"No, our mission is to guard them."


Although Luo Junyi is somewhat precocious and precocious, he is only a four-year-old child. Hearing that he wants to kill them is not too scary.

Lin Fei slowly moved to Luo Junyi's side, reached out and hugged him, whispered: "Little Master, don't be afraid, the masters will definitely come to save us."

"Hey, Master, will they come?" Luo Junyi asked.

"Yes. We can't be afraid now, don't let them think that we are awake, they just said, the owners have come to us, just wait for a while and find us."

"Well. I don't know if we were caught, how is the white ball?" Luo Junyi remembered the white ball with them. Now they are caught. I don't know where it is now?

"Hey--" The sound of the little white ball came from the outside, it seems to be on the side of the hole.

"Little white ball -" Luo Junyi just wanted to call the little white ball, Lin Fei suddenly stopped his mouth, then he reacted and swallowed the sound again.

"Hey, what kind of animal is this?" The two outsiders saw the white ball suddenly coming into the hole, doubting.

"Is this what?"

"The long is pretty cute. Anyway, it’s cold and nothing to do now. Is it better to kill it and eat it?"

"Okay! The little things come over, and I ate it to the Lord." He said that the man rushed toward the white ball.

The little white ball went to the side and succeeded in hiding.

"Oh--" Stupid, who will be stupid to be eaten!

"This little thing is still very sensitive. You come over there, let's get a pinch."

"it is good."

Luo Junyi, who was listening inside, suddenly rushed, and refused to be known that they woke up, climbed up and ran out, shouting at the white ball: "Little white ball, run!"

The little white ball suddenly went to Luo Junyi and jumped into his arms.

Although it does not distinguish between good and bad people, it can sense the emotion of Du Xiaoli. She is better for whom, and it is better for whom. Moreover, they also gave it wine and drink. In its eyes, Luo Junyi is their own person, and it should be the person that Du Xiaoli wants to protect.

"Hey, wake up?" The two men looked at Luo Junyi and ran out. Lin Fei also came out behind him, and said with a smile.

"It seems that they just woke up," said another.

"I have seen you two, you are the people in the villa, and you dare to tie the young master, you must be the ghost!" Luo Junyi looked at them with a small white ball.

"Little Master, don't say it!" Lin Fei came to Lu Junqi and blocked him behind him.

"When grandfather comes, I must tell him that Grandpa is a bad guy!" Luo Junyi said.

"It seems that the conversation just happened to them." The two put away their smiles on their faces and they looked a little embarrassed.

"The seven masters have told me that they must not be exposed now. It seems that only kill them."

"Will those people come back and don't say anything?"

"They are all transferred to the seven masters, can you have any opinions?"

"The sound of the flute is getting closer! Quickly!"

"Little Master, I dragged them for a while, you run with a small white ball!" Lin Fei said.

"Want to run? Haha, tell you, all outside are poisonous insects, you run out, or you will be killed by poisonous insects in a while!"

Lin Fei's face sank and he watched the two approaching them. He and Luo Junyi stepped back step by step.

"Oh--" felt the killing of the two men, and the white ball left Luo Junyi.

Lin Fei only felt that his eyes had flashed in front of him, and then there were two screams, and then he saw two people squatting on their necks with their necks.

"What happened to them?" Luo Junyi looked out from behind Lin Fei and saw the two fell to the ground, asking questions.

"Hey--" The most powerful people!

The little white ball is on one person, cheerfully groaning.

"They seem to have passed out," Lin Fei said.

After waiting for a while, seeing them on the ground, the two talents slowly came over.

Lin Fei reached out to the nose of a man and found that he did not breathe. He was scared and took two steps and said, "Are they dead?!"

"Dead?" Luo Junyi also learned Lin Fei's movements to explore their breathing and said: "Really dead!"

"啾啾-啾啾-" is awkward, all dead! The best people!

"I remembered, Aunt Lai has said that the teeth of the white ball are poisonous." Luo Junyi thought of the words of Du Xiaoli during the day, and looked at the small white ball on the body and asked: "Are you killing them?"

"Hey--" is awkward!

I can't understand the little white ball's animal language, but it nods and they still understand it.

"Wow, you are a little white ball!" Luo Junyi picked up the white ball and said excitedly.

"Call--" Lin Fei sighed, and the bad guys died.

"Little white ball, how come you are here?" Luo Junyi asked.

"啾啾-" was caught together.

It turned out that the little white ball was drunk. After being caught, they fell asleep with them. They heard that Du Xiaoli’s whistle sounded at night, because the speed was too fast, and the talents did not find it when it ran out.

When it went out, it found that there were poisonous insects everywhere, and it turned back.

"Little Master, we have to get out of here quickly," Lin Fei said.

"But those people just said that there are poisonous insects everywhere. If we go out, we will be killed." Luo Junyi said.

"This is also true." Lin Fei said, "What do we do now?"

"Grandpa, aren't they coming to us? Are we waiting here?" Luo Junyi said.

"Okay." Lin Fei sat next to Luo Junyi, and now there is no other way.

"Oh, I don't know when they can find us. I am so hungry." Luo Junyi touched his stomach and ate a breakfast today, and now his stomach is screaming.

So they waited in the cave, and when the two were dizzy, the footsteps of a group of people rushed.

"They are looking for it, and they will take the two little guys to other places..." When they came to the hole, they shouted inward, and when they had just finished speaking, they were shocked by the sight.

"This is..." The people who came behind saw the two bodies on the ground, surprised.

"It seems to be exposed." The first person said, "I don't care, take them away and say."


Now they have no time to study how the two men died, and it is true to take people away.

Seeing the people who came to catch themselves, Luo Junyi said: "Little white ball, kill them!"

"Hey--" Look at me!

The white ball not only killed the two people in the future, but also solved the problem with other people. The speed, watching Lin Fei and Luo Junyi pumped one.

"Hey--" Get it!

"You are really good at the white ball!" Luo Junyi picked up the white ball and praised it.

The last second is still worried about the emergence of so many bad people, the next second these people are all in front of themselves, this experience is really ... too exciting!

After Du Xiaoli and Luo Lin fell into the ground, she played the flute to drive away the poisonous insects. Others were responsible for exploring and searching.

"There are traces of people here!" Cold one saw some traces of weeds being trampled.

Luo Lin put the torch down and looked carefully, then pointed to one of the directions and said: "This side."

So everyone walked in the direction he said, because it was easier to find it because it found the trail.

"There is light there!" Mu Haoyue said in the direction of the cave.

"We used to look at it, the enemy may be there, everyone should be careful." Luo Lin said.

Du Xiaoli put the flute down, and now it is almost no need to blow. Everyone is cautiously approaching the cave. I thought it would have a big fight, but I didn’t see a bit of wind until I arrived at my destination.

"Look!" The guards in front of the mountain guard pointed at the light at the entrance. "The lights are a bit strange."

Du Xiaoli thought that there was any organ, and they were worried about it, but slowly walked over and sent out a pile of corpses blocking the hole and blocking the light.

"Hey, mother? Are you here?" The voice of Luo Junyi came from the cave.

Mu Haoyue heard Luo Junyi’s voice, and the tears fell.

Luo Lin said to the follow-up guard: "Go and remove those bodies."

"Yes, two young masters."

The guards stepped forward and determined that they were actually dead and pushed their bodies to the sides of the hole.

With the reliance of the corpse, everyone gradually saw Luo Junyi and Lin Fei sitting in the cave, and the white ball was squatting in his arms.

"Hey--" Xiaobaiqi saw Du Xiaoli, and suddenly he came out and ran to the arms of Du Xiaoli, screaming, a little excited and excited.

"Jun Yi!" Mu Hao came to the cave in a few steps, and Luo Junyi, who stood up, hugged.

"Mother, I am fine." Luo Junyi said in the arms of Mu Haoyue.

"Two young masters, they seem to be poisoned and dead." The bodyguard who checked the body said.

"Not!" Luo Junyi came out of his head and said, "Those are killed by white balls!"

"Yes, it's all white **** killed!" Lin Fei added to the side.

Everyone's eyes were transferred from the cave to the little white ball in Du Xiaoli's arms.

Little white ball seems to enjoy such an eye-catching, screaming in Du Xiaoli's arms.

"啾啾-啾啾-" is what people do! La la la! Quickly praise me! Quickly praise me!

Du Xiaoli saw the gaze of Xiaobaiqi, licking its small head and said, "Well, this time you have contributed, go back and eat for you."

"Hey -" I want you to do it!

The little white ball climbed to the chest of Du Xiaoli and went to the chest. He was picked up by Han Ming, who was on the side, and threw it out.

"Hey -" bad guys!

The little white ball turned around in the air and came back with lightning.

Han Ming also wants to throw a small white ball, Du Xiaoli said: "Well, what is more true with you."

Luo Lin came to Du Xiaoli and said, "Thank you for your pets to save the dog. Thank you, Wang Hao."

Du Xiaoli smiled and accepted this gratitude for the white ball.

"Mother, I am so hungry." Luo Junyi said.

"I am so hungry." Lin Fei touched his stomach and saw a middle-aged man who came to him. He bowed his head and shouted: "Master."

"Xia Yu." Du Xiaoli shouted.

Xia Wei came to the cave and took out two pieces of pastries and said, "This is the main son who brought the slaves temporarily. Let's eat the mat first."

"Osmanthus cake!" I saw the sweet-scented osmanthus cake wrapped in paper by Xia, and Luo Junyi and Lin Fei were divided into half.

"Two young masters, this is the clothes of the villas." The two men who saw the innermost, said.

"They said that they are the seven grandfather's people." Luo Junyi ate the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand and said: "They thought we were asleep, we heard it when we spoke. They said that the seven grandfather and the collusion."

Seven grandfather?

Du Xiaoli is dark, isn't that the Seven Lords of Sihai Villa? At first it seemed that he asked Bai Ningyuan to buy two different poisons of ice and fire. Is it still in the mountains for so many years?

------Off topic ------

Thank you for your resistance to the autumn and autumn, and the wh520301 drop ticket, the weather is cold, have come to the Lunjia warm bed wow, or will the small white ball sold a warm bed? (^?^*)

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