MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 43 White family

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Because I didn't know the strength of the other party at the beginning, Du Xiaoli didn't use all her strength, but even if she used the same strength as the water fairy, it would surprise the other party.

A little girl who was a teenager and a half-way, actually had the same strength as the Shuiqing Fairy.

However, if you know the true strength of Du Xiaoli, I am afraid that the two will not be so calm.

The black guardian heard that Du Xiaoli began to blow the phoenix flute. After a short surprise, she also began to move the strings to Du Xiaoli.

I thought that Du Xiaoli was just such a strength, so the black guardian law did not use all the power. Even so, the two people's sound attacks caused the surrounding airflow to flow rapidly, so that the small stones paved by the lake flew up, and the willow branches fluttered in the air.

Bai Hufa saw the battle between the two men. He felt that his sisters were definitely playing Du Xiaoli. They saw the water fairy who stood on one side, and collected the long scorpions in their hands and flew toward them.

"You step back!" Shuiqing fairy saw the white guardian attack, hurriedly blowing the flute in his hand, and sent two singles to attack his face.

Her internal strength is far worse than him. She can't directly take his hand, but she knows that this guy is extremely narcissistic and beautiful, and certainly not willing to let his face break.

Sure enough, the white guardian saw the sound wave flying toward his face, and the body turned backwards, avoiding the attack of the sound wave, and then he flew back and returned to the willow tree.

"I want to ruin my content, it is unforgivable!" Bai Hufa said with anger, and he gave up a gloomy breath. He took out the long scorpion and took a look at them. The pressure from the eyes made them feel like a moment. It was fixed in general.

Du Xiaoli Yu Guang saw the scene here, continued to play the flute and the black guardian method, and the foot gently stepped on the willow branches, and the people flew toward them in the summer, and they fell lightly in front of them, and the ten fingers flipped over them. A layer of protection was built in front of it, and the attacks of black and white guards were blocked.

"They actually took the attack of our two together." The black and white guards stopped and looked at Du Xiaoli with surprise.

"The two old guys are just like this." Du Xiaoli put down the flute and glanced at the two.

"It seems that the wind is far more powerful than we think." Bai Huo said, "But we have not used all of our strength, and now and will not let you!"

"Exactly, I just teased you to play, and my grandmother is now trying to compare with you!" Du Xiaoli angered two people to vomit blood.

She was just teasing them to play? !

"I like people who are arrogant, but they are too arrogant, but they are destined to be early!" Bai Huo said, "Sister, don't play anymore, solve it early and go back soon. If it is discovered, then it will be To cause unnecessary trouble."

"I have my own ideas!" After the black guardian method was finished, the strings were again moved toward Du Xiaoli.

However, Du Xiaoli seems to be really blacking up the law. The black guardian law raises his strength little by little. She also improves it bit by bit. The black guardian method speeds up the movement of the strings. Du Xiaoli also speeds up the movement of the fingers. The black guard method is a little pressed!

And the two of them unconsciously raised the attack to the fifth floor of the sound attack!

"The fifth floor!" Bai Hufa looked at Du Xiaoli, and the eyes were shocked to conceal.

The black guardian method has already injected all his skills into it, and his face has even become pale, but Du Xiaoli is still just like that.

The skirt fluttered and the long hair fluttered. She just blew the flute in the whirlpool, and there was no pressure at all!

"I didn't expect your strength to be so strong, then we don't have to worry about the righteousness of the rivers and lakes." After that, the white guardian law will slowly blow up the long raft.

Unlike other battles, since he wants to be with the black guardian, he must first slowly insert it in. If it is too direct, not only can't help her, but it may also hurt her.

"Where, the two old things dare to unite to bully people! Grandpa, can't wait any longer! I want to help her!" The people watching the pavilion in the pavilion saw that they actually joined forces with Du Xiaoli, a younger younger man said I flew out of the window.

"I am going too!" Another young man followed closely.

"Oh..." The woman also looked anxiously at the old man, watching the old man still not talking, and regardless of his opinions, flew directly out.

"Five sisters..." The middle-aged man watched them leave one by one and wanted to stop them, but one ignored him.

"Let them go, anyway, it is white." The old man said faintly. Although he is still sitting like that, but his body is not as cold and proud as before, and the joy is revealed.

"They are too worried, and the black and white protection is obviously not her opponent." The middle-aged man said, "I didn't expect her to be a young man, and the kung fu was so powerful. Looking at the rivers and lakes, there are not many of her opponents."

"Not bad..." The old man nodded with satisfaction.

"You two old guys actually unite to bully people, it is abhorrent!" The youngest man who left first flew directly to Du Xiaoli, and muttered in his mouth.

The three also flew over, because the scope of the sound attack was too large, Du Xiaoli they were fierce in the battle, they had to fall a little farther.

But because of them, Du Xiaoli and they all stopped slowly. However, the black and white protection method is because I want to take a break, and Du Xiaoli wants to see who these people are.

I watched it in the attic for so long, and finally couldn’t help it.

She was still wondering who these people are, and she is worried about being a Mandolin accomplice. It seems that it doesn't seem like it now.

"Are you okay?" The lady looked at them and stopped, flew to the side of Du Xiaoli, and asked with concern.

Du Xiaoli felt that the woman was familiar, but she had never seen her before. And she cares about herself when she comes. What does this mean?

"Hey, you two are not dead, you don't want to die, you are united to bully her, let the younger brother come to meet you today!" After that, the man flew over to the black guardian.

"Grandma has not been so wrong in this life!" Fire Phoenix took out the whip that was not at the waist and attacked the White Protection Law.

"Phoenix is ​​back!" Du Xiaoli saw the fire phoenix flying, and quickly chased the past.

Although the white guardian law has just been a little tired, but the internal force has not been exhausted. When the fire phoenix attacked, the left hand grabbed her whip, and the right hand was rushing toward her.

When the millennium was in the air, Du Xiaoli pulled the fire phoenix and greeted him with a palm. He directly hit the other two backflips and landed on the ground.

Although he caught his hand, but the other party after eating more than a few decades of rice, the internal force is not covered, Du Xiaoli took the fire Phoenix back, and stepped back two steps on the ground.

The man was also beaten back by the black guardian.

"Your Mantras dare to disobey the command of the General Church." The woman looked at the black and white law, and screamed.

The black and white guardian looked at each other. I didn't expect the other person to know that they were mantras, and it seemed to be the general teacher.

"Go." Bai Baofa said to the black guardian law that although the two were not reconciled, they could only give up first.

"Want to come, want to go and leave?" Du Xiaoli saw the two left, let go of the phoenix, and jumped into the gazebo and began to play the flute.

The two men who had turned and fled felt the attack that was approaching and they turned and took the move. However, this time Du Xiaoli used all his skills, and the sound attacked six layers. It was not something that ordinary people could accept. Not to mention the fact that they have spent a lot of energy before.

Both of them were hit by sound waves and landed on the ground.

"Sound attack ... six layers ... 唔 -" Bai Hufa spit out a blood, one hand on the ground, one hand holding his chest, unbelievably looking at Du Xiaoli.

"How come, she is only a teenager, how can she reach the sixth floor..." The black guardian is like watching a fairy like Du Xiaoli.

Not to mention that she is only a teenager now, even if it is the entire rivers and lakes, no one has reached this height.

They are also stunned by the Shuiqing Fairy. The last time they saw the hands-on is the fifth floor. Now it is already on the sixth floor. What speed is she?

The people in the inn of the inn were also stunned, and the old man couldn’t hold it anymore. He flew out and fell to the lake.

The three of them just saw the old man and shouted: "Hey."


Du Xiaoli glanced at them, grabbed the flying willow branches, took off two willow leaves, and threw them toward the black and white guardian. The soft leaves became sharp and flew toward the two people who were still surprised.


The willows brushed their necks and ended their arrogant life.

"You killed them?!" The man who just shot shouted to Du Xiaoli.

Du Xiaoli flew down and fell to the Phoenix side. He looked at him and said, "They want to kill me. Naturally, there must be a consciousness of leaving a life!"

"I am not saying you, I mean, you are not giving me one, but they have hurt me, my brother!" said the man.

Du Xiaoli ignored them and came to Siqin. She pulled her hand and took the pulse. She said: "It seems that we can't continue playing for a while. She hurts a bit and needs to be conditioned for a few days."

"Teacher, I am fine." Siqin pulled the corner of his mouth and barely smiled.

"There is nothing wrong with you. Now go back to the inn, I will give you two medicines to eat." Du Xiaoli got up and said, "Xia Wei, will clean up here, such a beautiful scenery, can not leave anything dirty thing."

"Yes, the master."

Xia Wei came to the black and white guardian, took out a bottle, dripped a few drops of potion, and the bodies of the two men slowly turned into a pool of blood, then she came to the lake, attacked the lake, and then long sleeves The dance, the water that had just been splashed, was led to the shore, just flushing the two blood pools and slowly blending into the cracks of the stone road.

"I just thank you for your concern." Du Xiaoli looked at the woman, politely said.

"Xiao Li, you are amazing!" The woman looked at Du Xiaoli and said with great gratification.


Du Xiaoli heard her name, and she wanted to ask who she was. She suddenly heard the movement behind her and turned and saw that it was Bai Ningyuan and Beifeng.

"Xiao Li, are you okay? What happened just now?" Bai Ningyuan came to Du Xiaoli and asked urgently.

"How are you here?" Du Xiaoli looked at Bai Ningyuan. Isn't this guy tracking them?

"I and the North Wind are just chasing a few people who are taught by the gods to the neighborhood. I suddenly heard the sound of a flute. I thought you were here to play. I guess it should be something dangerous. You rushed over. Bai Ningyuan said with some breathlessness.

"So slow? I have put people together." Du Xiaoli said.

"Where is it slow, we chased people over and heard the flute and rushed over. There was no gasping in the middle of the atmosphere. I don't believe you asked the north wind." Bai Ningyuan pointed to the north wind.

At this time, the north wind came to the old man and respectfully bowed and said, "Master."

Bai Ningyuan only noticed a few of the old people, and shouted with wide eyes: "Grandpa, hey, five aunts, how come you?"

"It’s been a long time since your kid found us, isn’t it going out to play?” The woman laughed and teased.

Du Xiaoli heard that Bai Ningyuan’s guy was called Grandpa. He snorted and turned to look at the old man. He pulled the clothes of Bai Ningyuan and said, “Hey, you just called his grandfather?”

"Yeah, he is your grandfather. This is your five sisters, this is my sister, you are awkward." Bai Ningyuan said, "As for the two guys, you are your cousin."

"You recognized me early in the morning?" Du Xiaoli thought that they had just flew out to help themselves, and asked if they had anything to do with them. They had already known their identity!

"As soon as I saw you, I recognized it." Bai Suzhen came over and looked at Du Xiaoli and said, "You and your mother are so young, even if you didn't get your news before, we will recognize you when we meet in the sea. of."

Du Xiaoli looked at Bai Qiyuan who had not spoken after coming. He asked, "Is you driving my mother out?"

Du Xiaoli’s words came out. The atmosphere of just a little joy suddenly became a bit heavy. Bai Suxiao smiled and said: “Xiao Li, the things of the year are now unreasonable. Anyway, he is also your grandfather. ”

Du Xiaoli glanced at Bai Suzhen and said, "You are together. Naturally, I will say this. I remember that my mother had a look that her mother could not return and when she fell home."

"Cousin--" Bai Ningpeng, the man who had just been injured, heard the complaint in Du Xiaoli's words, and shouted at her with helplessness.

Although Du Xiaoli thought about how she met her mother's family many times, she didn't expect it to be so fast, and she didn't expect it to be at this time.

"I want to take my people back to the treatment, I will not accompany you." Du Xiaoli finished, pulled the fire Phoenix over Bai Qiyuan and they left.

Xia Wei and Shui Qing Xianzi also left Shi Qin after the first ceremony of Bai Qiyuan.

"Cousin--" Bai Ningting watched Du Xiaoli really leave, shouted, but Du Xiaoli even owed a positive face.

"It seems that this child is still blaming us." Bai Su sighed and said.

"I think the younger sister must have suffered a lot in the past. She was framed and took her children to live in the countryside and pulled up two children. When she died, Xiaoli was already seven years old, and she certainly understood the younger sister, so Will there be complaints," Bai Bin said.

Bai Ningyuan saw the bleakness on Bai Qiyuan’s face and said, “Grandpa, Xiaoli, she has been looking forward to meeting you. Now I am a little surprised, so it will be like this. It will be fine after a while.”

Bai Qiyuan said nothing, just walked along the lake to the inn.

As soon as he left, others quickly followed up and saw Du Xiaoli walking in front of them and following her back to the inn.

Du Xiaoli returned to the inn and asked about the whereabouts of Qiaozhu. Thinking of this girl, even if she started to open her, she should have rushed to hear the movement.

"Master, hey, you can count it back!" Qiaozhu ran downstairs and hugged Du Xiaoli.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Master, I saw that you were scared to death with those people, but they were given a certain life, and they could not pass. Fortunately, you are all safe and sound..." Qiaozhu cried.

It turned out that when she went to the inn to give Du Xiaoli the cloak, I saw Bai Qiyuan who was watching the situation of Du Xiaoli. When I saw someone and Du Xiaoli, I subconsciously yelled, but I was beaten by Bai Ningting in the house. Come, set her in the same place, until she just moved, I did not expect to see Du Xiaoli they came back.

"Well, I am fine. Siqin is injured, I will give her treatment." Du Xiaoli said.

They came to the room of Siqin, Du Xiaoli gave her the pulse, and then wrote a prescription to let Xia Wei go to the pharmacy in the town to take medicine.

"Xiao Li, those people are really your grandfather?" Fire Phoenix sat in front of Du Xiaoli, watching her busy, only curiously asked.

"It should be." Du Xiaoli said.

Bai Ningyuan is called Grandpa and Hey, and this is not to be confessed. Moreover, she felt that Bai Suzhen was familiar before. Now she wants to come because she and Su Suxin are somewhat similar, but I didn't know the strength of the two old guys at the time. The attention was not on this, and I didn't think about it for a while.

"Then how do you plan?" Shui Qing fairy glanced at the door, Bai Ningyuan, the guy with his two brothers waiting for Du Xiaoli to go out at the door.

"I don't know, I feel that there is a sudden sudden appearance. My mother thought about them for a lifetime, but I can think of my mother's suffering, I will still blame them." Du Xiaoli sighed and sighed on the table.

"In fact, you can think about it from your mother's point of view." Fire Phoenix said, "I don't have a family member except Grandpa. I see that you have many relatives who feel envious. Although they may have made a mistake, no matter how It is said that blood is thicker than water and cannot be changed."

"Yeah, how do you keep the blood of the old man in your body." Shuiqing fairy said.

"Hey, look at it again," Du Xiaoli said. "But you can't go out to play now. What are your plans for Phoenix?"

"You can't go anywhere else and stay here. Anyway, where are you these days, I am where." Fire Phoenix said.

"Then we stayed here for two days, let's talk about the situation of Siqin." Du Xiaoli said.

"it is good."

"Then I will go back to the house first." Du Xiaoli got up and faced it.

If your brother is here, you can ask him what he means.

Opening the door, seeing three screaming smiles, followed by a pitiful tone.


Du Xiaoli was so confused by them that he was so funny, but he still pulled his face and said, "Let’s go to my room."

After she finished, she turned to the floor, and Bai Ningyuan’s three people looked up and followed.

Her attitude shows that she is not angry, and has accepted them...

------Off topic ------

Nozuonodiewhymetry, heart stopper~

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