MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 45 Call him a brother

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Bai Suzhen and Bai Bin estimated that Du Xiaoli and Bai Qiyuan had talked about it almost, and the two passed.

Knocking on the door, Du Xiaoli is giving Bai Qiyuan a pulse, so the two stood quietly.

Du Xiaoli's expression after the end of the pulse is very bad, pulling his face and said: "The grandfather did not pay attention to the body before, although there are internal forces to protect the body, but there are also many places of strain, and a lot of stubborn illness. How did you not find someone to look at before? ”

"Xiao Li, is your body very bad?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"Well, if it is not for him to have a deep internal force, I think he is not expected to wait for me to call her grandfather." Du Xiaoli said, "You should not go back this time, I will give you a good conditioning here. ”

"Good." Bai Qiyuan agreed.

"Although it is often said that walking on rivers and lakes can not be avoided by killing and killing, it is also necessary to deal with those wounds." Du Xiaoli said, "Does your arm often hurt?"

Bai Qiyuan nodded.

"It's a bit late today. I will give you a few shots tomorrow. It is estimated that your body has not had much effect on the body several times. It takes a few more times." Du Xiaoli said.

"it is good."

Bai Suzhen and Bai Bin were surprised to see Du Xiaoli, Bai Qiyuan’s arm often hurts things they all know, but after looking for a lot of people to say that time is too long to cure, I did not expect Du Xiaoli to take the pulse, I know The injury on his hand.

It seems that her medical skills passed by others are not groundless.

"Xiao Li, your grandmother is also very bad recently. If you have time to go, give her a good look." Bai Suzhen said.

"Good." Du Xiaoli nodded and said: "When you are in Fengmingguo, I will prescribe a few medicines for you first. Don't take advantage of your internal strength and don't take it wrong."

Bai Bin and Bai Suzhen both listened to Du Xiaoli and Bai Qiyuan. They couldn’t help but smile. They saw that the two eyes of Bai Qiyuan’s cold eyes had converged and did not laugh again.

Du Xiaoli went back to his room and wrote a pharmacy, let Bai Ningyuan take the medicine, and wait for him to come back. Almost at the summer, they will also prepare for dinner.

At dinner, Du Xiaoli introduced the water fairy and the fire phoenix to Bai Qiyuan to know them.

"Phoenix is ​​the preferred younger sister, Shuiqing fairy is the person of Shuiyuetian. Although we have not seen it, the names of both have been heard." Bai Suxiao said with a smile.

"I also heard from my brother that he has a few beautiful aunts!" Fire Phoenix said, "I really envy him with such a beautiful aunt!"

"Haha, the little girl is really sweet." Bai Suzhen heard the words of the Phoenix, and said with a smile.

"The phoenix is ​​like a fire, it can make people feel her vitality." said the water fairy.

"You are like water, one is like a fire, all are big beautiful women." Baiyun Ting said.

"When you think about it, you still have to close it up. Both of them are famous and famous." Bai Ningyuan said.

"I would like to praise them, but not very good!" Baiyun Ting's temper is some game world, but he did not want to start with the people around Du Xiaoli.

"Ding Wang is in Beijing?" Bai Qiyuan looked at Du Xiaoli.

When the old man opened his mouth, everyone was quiet.

"Well, he said that the court and the rivers and lakes should unite to deal with the people of the gods, so they came to Jiangnan." Du Xiaoli replied.

"Since it is here, see you. How can the granddaughter look at what it looks like." Bai Qiyuan said.

Du Xiaoli stunned and then said: "Yes."

So, someone who was dealing with something hit two sneezes, and I don't know that I was being remembered.

After dinner, Du Xiaoli accompanied the father to go to the lake for a walk. The town has been quiet at the moment. Whether it is playing or the local people have returned to the house, the afternoon war has not caused much repercussion, many people even I thought this was just the emotion of a group of people playing the flute in the beautiful scenery.

When walking, Bai Qiyuan asked Du Xiaoli to talk about their previous life in the mountain village. Du Xiaoli said some good things, and then said that he found grapes and oranges and developed Duzhuang into a fruit mountain village.

Bai Qiyuan thought of an eleven-year-old child living alone in the countryside with a child of seventy or eighty. He was a little embarrassed to their brothers and sisters.

The next morning, after everyone had used breakfast together, Du Xiaoli went out with Xia Wei, and came back at noon. The two went directly to Bai Qiyuan’s room.

Du Xiaoli crushed the fresh herbs that had just been picked into pieces, and gave it to Bai Qiyuan for drinking. Then he was ready to start applying.

Bai Suzhen rushed Bai Ningyuan to the outside, leaving her and Bai Bin looking in the room.

Du Xiaoli let the old man take off his shirt, and then Xia Wei came to his back and began to give him a needle.

Bai Qiyuan is tall and thin, his skin is already slack, and there is almost no excess meat. Du Xiaoli, who sees the wound from the left shoulder to the right waist, feels a little distressed.

"My grandfather, I want to start." Du Xiaoli said, "If you have blood and blood for a while, don't suppress it, just spit it out."

"I know." Bai Qiyuan nodded.

With the help of Xia Wei, Du Xiaoli inserted a needle on the back of Bai Qiyuan, and saw Bai Su’s heart pumping.

"No problem?" She whispered to Bai Bin.

"Ning Yuan said that her acupuncture technique is very powerful and should be no problem." Bai Bin said.

"Hey... Hey--" Bai Qiyuan spit out a large blood, the blood fell on the ground, the color is much deeper than the average blood, and some are close to dark red.

Du Xiaoli then took a few more shots before slowly taking the needle down. She wiped her sweat and said, "You will handle the silver needle in the summer, and you will give the grandfather's arm a needle."

"Yes, the master." Xia Wei took the silver needle and went out.

"Xiao Li, this is..." Bai Bin looked at the blood from Bai Qiyuan and asked.

"There is a lot of gas in the body of the grandfather. These gases have not been discharged in the body. After a long time, they accumulate blockages in the meridians and blood vessels, causing the gas to be out of order. These bloods are brought along by the way. But it doesn't matter, it will be discharged." Du Xiaoli said, "Grandfather, do you feel comfortable now?"

Bai Qiyuan took the tea from Bai Suzhen and sipped his mouth and said, "It is true that the body is more comfortable, not as heavy as before."

"There are still many problems in your body. If you are well conditioned, it will not be a problem to live for another 20 years." Du Xiaoli said.

"Ha ha ha, if you can really live until that time, I am afraid that you can still see your children!" Bai Qiyuan said with a big smile.

"I am afraid that you will not do what I said." Du Xiaoli said, "You can put your clothes on now, just expose your right arm."


When he got dressed, Xia Wei was back, and Du Xiaoli gave him a few more shots.

"This effect is obvious." Bai Qiyuan put his hand on the table and looked at Du Xiaoli's needle on his arm. He said: "I used to think that the temperature of this arm is relatively low. If you go down, you feel that your arm is warm. ""

This is not as wide as the scope of the needle application, so Du Xiaoli does not need to be too nervous. When he hears Bai Qiyuan, he replies: "You have blood in your arm joints. When the blood is blocked, the temperature will be lower and they will accumulate at the joints. So, it will cause pain in the arms on weekdays. So now I use needles to make your meridians blocked, and you will have a warm feeling."

"It turned out to be."

"But you have been here for too long, it is not good to have a needle twice." Du Xiaoli said, "But you are not in a hurry to go back now, we have time."

"It’s good to have a granddaughter who knows medicine. Unlike the individuals in the family, one does not learn anything." Bai Qiyuan said.

Bai Suzhen and Bai Bin looked at their old man without words. Bai Ningyuan’s generation is also a good person. This is biased, I am afraid that Du Xiaoli is good in his eyes.

But this is not bad, except for the younger sister, who has not seen him so much for a long time, he has not been so happy for a long time.

Looking at the appearance of Du Xiaoli's calming needles, they also had to be convinced. Only she and her mother could make the old man laugh like this.

"All right."

The needle application time on the arm was relatively short. Du Xiaoli took the last needle and put it in the box. Xia Wei took the box and went out.

Bai Suzhen has already come to Bai Qiyuan to dress him. He has to say that his daughter is indeed more intimate than his son.

"What plans are there next?" Bai Bin asked.

"Tomorrow, we will return to Beijing, Xiaoli, you will bring us to see the king." Bai Qiyuan said.

"Ah?" Du Xiaoli did not expect Bai Qiyuan to meet and see, seeing that the old man was eager to know what the guy was taking with his baby granddaughter. She nodded and said, "Oh, good."

In the afternoon, Du Xiaoli went to see Siqin. When she saw her injury, she was no problem in the carriage. She told them about the things going back tomorrow.

Since they met Bai Qiyuan, they had already made plans to cancel the trip, so Du Xiaoli came to tell them that everyone had no objections.

So, the next morning, everyone took the carriage back to the city.

This day happened to be the day of the martial arts conference. When Du Xiaoli went back, Han Mingyu had already rushed to the Four Seas Villa, so Du Xiaoli arranged the Bai family in the inn and told him to come back at night. .

When Han Mingqi got the news, he was still wondering, saying that he had to go out for a few days, and he came back in two days. He thought that she had something wrong, but the person who sent the news said that he had a peace of mind for Du Xiaoli. When he finished, he would go back and he would wait until the end of the first day of the meeting.

Han Mingqi came back with Han Mingyuan in the evening and left the monsoon in the Four Seas Villa. If he didn't go the next day, he would attend him on his behalf.

As soon as I said the good inn, Han Mingyu found a different general atmosphere. The master who stayed outside the inn, the atmosphere of the master inside the inn, made him feel a little uneasy, how could Du Xiaoli let him come here? What are these masters?

At this time, Du Xiaoli was also speechless and looked at the old man sitting in the lobby waiting for Han Ming. She thought that they had come here for a few people. When they arrived in Beijing, they knew that there were a few of them, except for the outside. There was still a lot of standing in the house. Together with these masters, they will soon circle the entire inn.

When they heard their voices of Han Ming, she got up and said, "The grandfather, I am coming, I will bring him in."

Outside the inn, when Han Mingyu was wondering, Du Xiaoli came out from the inside and saw that she was safe and ignorant, and the faint worry dissipated.

"How is this going?"

"Yeah, little nephew, who are these people, when did you have so many masters?" Han Mingyuan was also full of doubts.

"Someone wants to see you, come in with me." Du Xiaoli took Han Ming's hand and took him into the inn.

When Han Mingyu entered, he saw Bai Qiyuan sitting in the lobby with his face, and Bai Bin and Bai Suzhen on both sides of him, as well as Bai Ningyuan and Bai Ningting and Bai Ningpeng standing behind him.

The second floor of the first floor is full of masters of black and black uniforms.

Du Xiaoli took him and went over and said, "Grandfather, this is a meditation. This is the idle king. It is a grandfather, a grandfather, aunt, aunt, and a few cousins."

"You are Han Ming, the king of Fengmingguo?" Bai Qiyuan looked up and down Han Ming.

Du Xiaoli looks at him like a former X-ray.

Good looks, good enough, these two points can barely qualify for their granddaughter.

Han Mingyu bowed to them and said: "I have seen my grandfather, five aunts, Xiaoyan, and my cousin."

I can follow the name of my wife and explain the woman who hurts me. This is also barely qualified.

"Hah, I said that one day you will call me a brother, how are you, I am not wrong?" Bai Ningyuan said proudly.

"My cousin said it." Han Mingqi did not argue, saying: "I don't know if my grandfather and we are coming, let you wait so long, I am sorry."

"We are not letting Xiaoli say it to you." Bai Suzhen said with a smile.

"Your boy, I heard that you asked the emperor of Fengming to ask for help, and you want to marry our family?" Bai Qiyuan asked.

"Yes." Han Mingxiao admitted.

"Hey, since you are already married, and you have cooked rice for cooking, we will not say anything. If you dare to be bad for our family one day, don't blame us for not giving you a wake up. Even if you are You are a king, we can also let you eat and go." Although Bai Qiyuan thinks this man is good, but when he thinks that he has dubbed Du Xiaoli, he feels that he is somewhat unsightly.

"It is the luckiest thing in my life to get to Xiaoli. How can I be bad for him?" Han Ming looked at Du Xiaoli and saw the same firmness in her eyes and gave her a smile.

Bai Qiyuan saw the two men look at each other and snorted.

"Oh, since they have arrived, let's have a meal." Bai Suzhen said, "There are some dishes for dinner tonight, which Xiaoguang has done for you personally. It is good for your body conditioning."

"Then open the rice." Bai Qiyuan said.

Han Mingqi and Du Xiaoli and Bai Qiyuan were at the same table, and Han Mingyuan went to Bai Ningyuan’s table.

When Han Mingyuan was seated, he glanced at him with sympathy and was being screamed by Bai Qiyuan and Bai Bin, changing the image of the usual king, listening carefully, and Han Ming, who nodded from time to time, and some sympathize with his brother.

This mother family can be bigger than the capital Dufu!

Until the evening meal came up, when everyone started to eat, Bai Qiyuan let them go through Han Ming.

After dinner, everyone went back to their room to rest, and Han Xiaoyu and Du Xiaoli had time to be alone.

"Is there a bit of an accident today?" Du Xiaoli looked at Han Mingyu as if he was on the verge of an enemy, and asked with a smile.

"It’s an accident." Han Mingyu scraped Du Xiaoli’s nose and said, “You don’t give me a wake up beforehand, so I have a mental preparation. I saw the outside guard at first, I thought you were out. What happened, I went in and knew that it was my business."

"The grandfather won't let me say, I want to see what you look like the most." Du Xiaoli said, "But I thought it was just a grandfather who came, but after I got here, I realized that they had already been two days ago. It was wrapped here, and there were so many guards coming over. I saw them when they thought it was the gangster."

What is the gangster boss Du Xiaoli once explained to Han Mingyu, naturally understand her meaning, he hugged Du Xiaoli to the bed, pressed her under the body, said: "When did you meet them with your grandfather? I didn’t tell me secretly."

"I also met them this time." Du Xiaoli poked Han Ming's chest and said that he had encountered black and white protection in Cuihu, and he had something to say to the old man.

"You mean that the fathers are the people of the Northern Qi State?" asked Han Ming.

"Yes, they and the Mantra are both in the north." Du Xiaoli nodded.

"No wonder I asked people to check it. I didn't even find a white house, but I didn't expect it to be in the north." Han Mingxi said. "But the Mantras dare to send people to kill you, and it seems that they don't want to exist."

"Well, I think." Du Xiaoli was tired and grabbed Han Xiaoyu's hair and played it. "So I decided to let the water fight back. They didn't want to swallow the water moon? I want to let the water moon They will eat them."

“Do you need to be a husband?” Han Mingqi raised his eyebrows.

"No," Du Xiaoli said affirmatively.

"Okay." Han Mingxi knew that Du Xiaoli had the ability to deal with these things, and he no longer insisted, but the hand began to walk in the middle of her body.

"I have enough to eat." Du Xiaoli reminded.

"You said that exercise after meals is good for digestion." Han Ming began to strip clothes.

"The sport I said is not this sport!" Du Xiaoli protested that someone misinterpreted himself.

"In my opinion, it means something..."


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