MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 48 Visiting the Qufu

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On the second day, Du Xiaoli went to the palace to meet the queen. The Queen already knows that Du Xiaoli is back. She is going to see her in the palace today, so she will meet her early in the morning.

After a few months, the Queen seems to have grown a lot more than before. It seems that the palace has not been calm recently.

Du Xiaoli sat in the middle of the palace for a while and then resigned, went home and changed clothes, and hurried to the military camp.

The guys in the barracks were excited when they saw her. When they were concerned about her, they did not forget to ask themselves when they could go out.

Du Xiaoli and their hip-hop for a while, and Tang Yu went to the conference room.

"General, this is the news that the season general just sent me back." Tang Yu handed a letter to Du Xiaoli.

Du Xiaoli took the letter out and quickly browsed it again. He said: "Lu Dahai, they have been ordered by the idle king now, and they have been dealing with the **** snake. Seeing what they said, the result is very good."

"They are the first to follow the generals, and the ability is naturally beyond doubt." Tang Yu said.

"Well, the people I brought out with my own hands, I know their abilities, or they will not stay in Jiangnan." Du Xiaoli said, "The rest of these people, you have to step up training for them recently, I thought about it soon. There will be their mission."

Tang Yu was a little surprised and asked: "Is there something wrong?"

“Miaojiang has recently frequently harassed the southwestern region. Renwang also called the old forces to prepare for the resurrection. The emperor has sent some troops to go there. He said that if those troops are unable to do anything, they will have to deal with them.” Du Xiaoli said.

"The situation in Miaojiang is dangerous. If the general army goes, I am afraid there will be no result." Tang Yu said.

Du Xiaoli raised his eyebrows: "Are you familiar with Miao Xinjiang?"

"Back to the general, my hometown is a small village in the southwestern region, not far from Miaojiang." Tang Yu Yingdao.

"This way." Du Xiaoli nodded and said: "Then you hurry and recently give them some training."

"Yes, general." Tang Yu should be.

"You go on, I will write a training plan for you later."

"Yes, the end will retire."

Du Xiaoli stayed in the military camp for a day, modified the previous training program, strengthened their field training, and went back until the evening.

Because Bai Qiyuan was in Dufu, Du Xiaoli also lived in Dufu in the past few days. Han Mingyu did not come over after the first night.

The next day from the palace, Du Xiaoli handled some trivial matters, gave Bai Qiyuan a needle, and took Bai Ningting. They went to Fengxuelou to eat, and by the way they read the books.

Seeing that Du Xiaoli was busy in the past few days, Bai Suzhen felt that Du Xiaoli was busy every day. Compared with the average woman, she really had to do a lot and work hard.

After living in Dufu for two days, Bai Bin set off and went back. When he left, he originally wanted to bring Bai Ningting back together. As a result, the two guys went outside in the morning and did not return until Bai Bin left.

It’s hard to come here, of course they have to have fun, how can they go with him.

Du Xiaoli sent Bai Bin with Du Yunhan and Du Xiuheng early this morning. After going back, he went to Qufu with Fu Yalan.

The two men led by the scorpion to the courtyard of Ji Liu Xia and Qu Yi, and heard the cry of a baby before they even entered.

"Young women, Wang Hao and Mrs. Du Shao came." Ji Liu Xia, who was opposite to the opposite side.

Ji Liuxia is watching the milkmaid feeding the little guy, and when he hears it, he comes out from the inside.

"I heard that you came back two days ago, but I have never had time to see you. Sit."

The three of them sat down on the donkey and the tea came up. Xia Wei gave the gift prepared by Du Xiaoli to the donkey.

"Is this a gift for my family? Haha, I will be on her behalf. When she grows up, tell her that it was sent by Wang Hao, and later her amulet!" Ji Liuxia said with a smile.

"Oh, what about your girl? Just heard her crying outside." Du Xiaoli asked.

"When feeding inside, wait for her to eat and then bring it out to you." Ji Liuxia said, "The girl is really the master of tossing people, and she has been crying since the beginning of the month."

"Baby loves to cry is normal. I didn't like to cry before my family toot." Fu Yalan said.

"It’s much more crying than the guy in your family. I wonder if she has any disease. Let the doctor see it, but she said that there is nothing wrong with it." Ji Liuxia said with some headaches. "Xiao Li, just when you are back, give me a look at the house for a while."

"Good." Du Xiaoli nodded.

"Xiao Li, can you have any fun to see Jiangnan this time? Is Jiangnan very beautiful?" Ji Liuxia curiously asked: "Is there a sister Jiang Zhuo?"

"See." Du Xiaoli said with a smile. "You two, it’s really a problem. Is this what I want to say to the nephew before?"

"Of course, Yalan sister has heard it, of course I have to listen." Ji Liuxia said.

"Well, then I will simply tell you about it..."

"Don't be simple, you have to be detailed." Ji Liuxia interrupted Du Xiaoli's words.

"Oh, okay."

Du Xiaoli began to talk about his own things after leaving Beijing. He just talked for a while, and the milkmaid took Qu Xinyi out.

Ji Liuxia quickly squatted, holding the heart from the mother's hands, let her kneel on her body, pat her back.

Du Xiaoli looks at the seasons and looks familiar, knowing that this action has been done many times. Her current rashness seems to have disappeared all of a sudden, and she is mature and stable.

Because of the reason for the small production at the beginning, Ji Liuxia was particularly pampered by this child, and all the love was poured on her. Even Qu Yi said that he has now been compared with the little guy.

"Mer's eyes are so beautiful, and the stream is like." Du Xiaoli saw Qu Xinyi and said.

"Yeah, the eyes are like me, the rest of the place is the same as the one carved out by her." Ji Liuxia said, "She said before, but she was born safely, otherwise he would not see himself. People like this."

When the child hit the cockroach, Ji Liuxia took her back to the squat and said, "Xiao Li, you give her a look, is it the last thing, leaving her with a disease root."

Du Xiaoli took out Qu Xinyi’s hand and took the meeting and said, “She’s fine, her health is good.”

"But why she loves crying than the average child!" Ji Liuxia heard Du Xiaoli said nothing, a sigh of relief.

"That should be the original thing that made her feel dangerous, so some of the intuition that affects her outside world is somewhat unsettling, so she likes to cry." Du Xiaoli analyzed, "This is actually very good, you and the song." Yi often accompanied her, hugged her more, and talked to her."

"Okay, then I will try." Ji Liuxia said, "Because I was hurt when I was a child, I took her less time. I will spend more time with her later, is it, my girl."

"Oh yeah--" Ji Liuxia stretched out a finger to gently poke the heart of the face, the little guy immediately grinned.

"Right, Xiaoli, Liuxia has been uncomfortable since the birth of the child, although Shen Tai doctor gave her some tonic, but it has no effect."

Shen Jingmei is also very good at this aspect. The medicine she opened has no effect. It seems that the injury suffered by the child in this stream is really heavy.

She asked Ji Liuxia to give the child to the nurse, and then check her body.

"How?" Fu Yalan looked at Du Xiaoli.

"Flower Xia has too many difficulties when giving birth to a child, causing the uterus to sag somewhat, so I can't afford it. I feel tired when I take the child a little, and the blood is also too illusory. If it wasn't for her previous physical training, I am afraid the situation will be Worse," Du Xiaoli said. "Go and show me the prescriptions that my sister used to open."


I took the prescription from Shen Jingmei before, and Du Xiaoli looked at it and said: "The medicines given to you by the sisters are all qi and blood, and the direction is correct. It is just that your uterus is damaged too much, just Simple qi and blood have no effect."

"What is the uterus?" asked Liu Xia.

"The uterus is the place where your family is shaped. It is here." Du Xiaoli pressed the belly of the season, saying: "You are serious and serious, and it is not serious or serious. I will give you a few needles first. Help your uterus contract back to its original state, and then teach you some qi and blood diet. This medicine is better than tonic, not to mention that you are still breastfeeding, it is best not to take medicine."

"Okay." Ji Liuxia nodded.

"In addition, I still don't want to go out recently, so I don't want to blow." Du Xiaoli continued to swear.

"Can't go out!" Ji Liu Xia bitter face.

"The weather is too cold now, especially in a few days, you can freeze the individual. Because the weather is too cold, the outside is too cold, although you have already passed out the month, but the body is still relatively empty, it is easy to chill when you go out. When something falls, it will be more troublesome later," Du Xiaoli said. "It’s already in November, and another month is the New Year. If you want to have a good year, you have to listen to me."

"Even if you don't do it for yourself, think about Mier. If your body is weak, you can take her with you." Fu Yalan also helped me.

"Okay." Now, as long as Qu Xinyi is mentioned, Ji Liuxia has to surrender.

Du Xiaoli wrote some herbs and ingredients and handed them to Ji Liu Xia. He said, "These are the things I use for you to get medicated diets. It's not difficult to get."

Ji Liuxia took the prescription and looked at it and said, "I have to eat so many things, I will become fat!"

"You are now a mother with children, and it is very laborious to bring children. You want to fat and you can't get fat." Du Xiaoli said.

Ji Liuxia gave the paper to him and said, "Give it to the people below to do it."

"Yes, little lady." He took the paper out.

"Xia Wei, silver needle with?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"The master, the silver needle is always with you." Xia Wei should be.

"After a while, I will give you a few needles, and then I will give you a tie for two days. After several times, the uterus should be able to shrink back." Du Xiaoli said, "I will tell you a few acupuncture points in a while, all of which stimulate the meridians. It’s helpful to press for a while before going to bed at night.”

"Well, thank you for Xiaoli." Ji Liuxia gratefully looked at Du Xiaoli. "Mother, take the rice and go to sleep."

"Yes, little lady." The milkmaid came forward and turned to her heart, holding her away.

"We went to the inner room." Ji Liuxia took the two people to the inside and said to him: "You go to the outside room to guard, if the young master comes back, let him wait outside."

"Yes, little lady."

We were blessed and went to the outside room.

Du Xiaoli let the temperature inside the house be higher, saying: "You take off the clothes outside, and then pull the clothes to your chest."

The season flow is done according to her words, revealing the part below the chest.

Du Xiaoli gave her a few stitches. This time, the needle is relatively simple, and it will be over in a short time.

“Is there any feeling?” Du Xiaoli took the needle and asked.

Ji Liuxia pulled the clothes down and touched his stomach. He said, "It doesn't seem to be as strong as before, and it feels a little faint pain. It feels weird, I can't say it."

"That is your uterus is shrinking." Du Xiaoli said, "This is normal."


"When you apply a few more shots, the uterus should be fine. It is the most important part of a woman. There must be no big problem." Du Xiaoli said, "As for your qi and blood problems, the meals I told you. If you change the pattern and let the kitchen do it for you, even if you have been eating medicated food, you will not feel tired."

Ji Liuxia put on his clothes and suddenly fell on Du Xiaoli and said, "Xiaoli, it’s good to have you, hahaha!"

"That's why you think so." Du Xiaoli smiled. "Some people are afraid of hating me!"

I thought about the news I got before, Du Kexin and Fan Nuoer, and Han Minghong, who is ready to fight back, I’m afraid I can’t wait to unload her.

"You are a big blessing to the whole Fengming country, who will hate you." Ji Liuxia said.

"This is comfortable." Du Xiaoli put away the emotions in his eyes, smiled and went out, sat down at the table and wrote a few recipes with the paper and pen he had just prepared. “These recipes are the cooking methods of the medicinal diet. I have detailed explanations for each step. I need to pay attention to what I believe. The chefs in the house will see it when they see it.”

Ji Liuxia took it and looked at it and said, "Well, if the cooks can't do this, they can change them. Look at what you got, it seems like they are all delicious. Let them do it tonight. Come and try it. Take it down and let the kitchen people study it."


The three people talked for a while, and the heart of the nap was awake. Du Xiaoli hugged and teased. The little guy looked at her smile and groaned. Then he wowed and cried, and the heartbreaking, It seems to be abused by her.

She looked at the little guy's crying face was red, and quickly returned her to the season Liu Xia, the little guy did not cry when he arrived in the season.

"It's really a gimmick!" Du Xiaoli exclaimed.

Ji Liuxia took Qu Xinyi to take two shots, laughing and joking Du Xiaoli: "When are you also raising one, saying that we have a few children, you have not yet lived. Yalan sister, you are her now, Don't talk about her."

Fu Yalan laughed: "It is useful for us to take her temper. Since the king is owned by her, we can only watch it."

"Well, I was born when I was born," Du Xiaoli said.

However, when she was in danger, she asked Han Ming to live outside the body, so this life will be born, or can be planned.

By noon, Du Xiaoli and Fu Yalan had resigned. Ji Liuxia originally wanted to leave them for lunch, but thought that Fu Yalan couldn’t worry about the children and let them go back.

As a mother, she can also understand the feelings of Fu Yalan. As her status upgrades, she has grown a lot.

After the busy time, the days behind Du Xiaoli were more regular. It was almost the military camp, Dufu, and occasionally returned to the palace.

Because of going back to the New Year, there are many things in Baijia and the General Education. Bai Qiyuan left before they finished in November.

After living in Beijing for half a month, Bai Qiyuan’s body problems have been treated almost the same. The rest is arranged in accordance with the requirements of Du Xiaoli.

The only regret is that they did not go to Du Zhuang to see Su Suxin’s grave.

Seeing the regrets in Bai Qiyuan’s eyes, Du Xiaoli had an idea of ​​wanting to transfer Su Suxin’s grave to the capital.

She told Du Yunhan and Du Xiuheng about this matter and got support from both of them. They are all in Beijing, and Su Suxin is alone in the remote southwestern mountain village. They also have the same idea.

When Bai Qiyuan left, Du Xiaoli returned to the palace.

The days slipped through the busy hours, and in a blink of an eye, it was at the end of another year.

Perhaps it is better for the country to develop in the past two years. Perhaps it is relatively simple in the first two years of the New Year. Han Mingze decided to do a big job this year and come to a grand banquet.

It is said that it is grand. In fact, all the people involved in the royal family are invited to eat a reunion dinner together in the palace. And because New Year’s Eve is going to keep the age, the date of the palace feast is scheduled to be the day before New Year’s Eve, the twelfth lunar month.

Du Xiaoli and Han Mingqi, together barely went to the palace.

At this time, the emperor was still busy in the royal study room, and he would not pass until the banquet.

Du Xiaoli heard this and thought that there is such a diligent emperor. Even without the policies that she proposed, it is a matter of time before Fengming is strong.

On the way she and Xia Yangge went to the Queen's Palace, she saw a palace sneaking through the royal garden and quickly disappeared into a distant door.

She recognized that it seemed to be the **** in the palace.

Here is the palace leading to the Queen, the banquet is about to begin, she is not in front of the 懿 妃 ,, and what do I do here?

------Off topic ------

Thank you for the ticket of the mushroom cool to the mention of the son. I originally wanted to thank you. But the mention is round, and I can’t bend it, so I can only roll it, and then I’m gone. \(^o^)/~

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