MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 51 Public confession

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I saw that my nephew admitted that I was not convinced in my eyes.

"The red leaf is also what you killed?" asked Han Ms.

"It was a slave. The slave asked her to poison the queen. I didn't expect her to actually want to be a slave. The slave would kill her." The nephew admitted. Then she smashed her head and said, "The goddess, the slaves can only do so much for you, but I didn't expect things to be revealed. The slaves don't want to be beheaded, and they will serve the goddess again in the next life."

After that, she pulled out the knife around the waist of Yulinjun, and turned her body and smothered her neck.

"Don't--" You looked at the scene of blood splattering and screamed.

Du Xiaoli moved his fingers while he was robbing the knife, but in the end he did nothing.

A good palace feast did not expect to be like this, but fortunately most of the son-in-law had left, and did not see this **** scene.

Du Xiaoli looked at 懿贵妃, she sat on the floor, looking at the corpse's body and laughing.

The child’s words have already been settled. She is the mastermind of the matter tonight. She had already admitted that she had poisoned the Queen’s doctor to the Queen. Now she has her own words before her death, saying that she did not do it. I will not believe it.

She looked up and looked at the emperor, faintly asked: "The emperor, the courtier said that the things tonight are not made by the courtiers, do you believe?"

"How do you let 朕?" Han Mingze looked at 懿贵妃, faint words shattered her last hope.

"Ha ha -" 懿 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 懿 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇 皇The red face is not old, the first break, the reclining smoked cage sits to the Ming. Poor red face is always fat, the most ruthless emperor. Hahaha, the most ruthless emperor..."

"Come, come to the prison," said Han Mingze.


Several of the Guardians of the Imperial Army came forward and took him out.

"The most ruthless emperor's family, hahaha..." After being taken out, Yan Guifei repeated this sentence.

Du Xiaoli gaze, this first word she knows, the poet Bai Juyi wrote in the Tang Dynasty, the phrase "poor red and more fighting, the most ruthless emperor family" has been widely circulated, it should be the old guy of Yao Wanggu.

What is the most ruthless emperor...

She used to think so, but now she is very fortunate that she has met him with affection.

Fang Shuzhen was finally ordered to be in his own harem, and was not allowed to come out until the whole thing was over, and other related people were also imprisoned.

Because of this change, the banquet ended prematurely, all officials went back, and Han Mingyu and Du Xiaoli left.

Outside the palace, Du Xiaoli found that the sky was floating again with heavy snow.

"Let's go, let's go for a while." Du Xiaoli came to the carriage and suddenly said.

Han Ming looked at Du Xiaoli and nodded: "Good."

So they abandoned the carriage and walked out of the palace. The cold one and the carriage were far behind.

"The snow tonight is really big. It must be a thick layer tomorrow. It will be white everywhere." Du Xiaoli looked up at the snow, and said with emotion.

Han Mingqi took Du Xiaoli's hand and the two walked quietly.

"Is feeling something tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah." Du Xiaoli admits, "When you look at the palace, how many people yearn for it, sharpen their heads and want to go in, but how many people can live happily inside? Although you may have thought about how to be a queen, but finally The action of the nephew was also somewhat suspicious. She seemed to be waiting to point out that the person behind the scenes was squatting and then dying. The nobles put the last hope on the emperor, and the emperor’s distrust made her die. I will say the most ruthless emperor."

"Do you think so?" asked Han Ming.

"I can only say that I am very lucky and met you." Du Xiaoli said, "But for other harem women, it is not necessarily the idea. Their life is waiting, waiting, waiting for the emperor's little gift, the favor I can still see the emperor's face, but some people may not even know what the emperor looks like. Otherwise, there will be no more than one hundred women buried when the emperor is out of date. Those who are not pets have no expectations, they are favored. To fight for favor, to prevent others from being framed, to live in such an environment, no matter how simple people are, they will become different from themselves."

"You are right, you don't know how to go against the current, and you will eventually be eliminated." Han Mingxi said, "Like the mother-in-law, I was killed at my age. Although I had a father before my death. Pamper, but it should also be the poor face of the poor."

"I am really lucky, thank you mother for giving birth to you." Du Xiaoli clenched Han Handi's hand.

"I also thank God for bringing you to me." Han Mingxiao said with a smile.

The two smiled at each other, although things tonight were a bit unpleasant, but they did not affect their feelings. She wouldn't ask him if he believes or not, and he won't let her three wives and her sisters add her. Their love is only one another.

The two held hands and walked in the snow, the snow fell on the heads of the two, and they quickly dyed their hair.

I want to walk with you on a snowy day, accidentally whiteheaded...

Cold one, they followed behind, and looked at the two people walking hand in hand, they were somewhat envious, and even for the first time had the idea of ​​wanting to marry a wife to get married.

Cold two and Yangge walked behind them, and somehow, his hand clung to her shoulder.

Yangge looked at him. He smiled and fell in her ear. He whispered, "I can't give you the status of Wang Hao, but I can give you my life."

Yangko smiled with tears.

Cold one and Xia Wei walked in the end and walked slowly.

As soon as he came out of the palace, he said that something had to be said to Xia Wei, let her and herself go slowly at the end, but it has been gone for so long, he has not said what is going on.

"Cold one." Xia Wei shouted softly.

"Well?" Cold looked a little surprised at Xia Wei.

Xia Wei looked at his expression and his eyes rolled over. "You said something told me that we have been away for a long time, you haven't said it yet."

"Oh." A cold faint response, seeing the small face that Xia Yan looked up, he opened his mouth a few times and did not say a word.

"If you don't say it, I will go to the front." Xia Wei saw the cold look, and he seemed to guess what he wanted to say.

"I, I want to say, I want to say..." The face of Leng Yi was a little red, and he couldn’t say it when he said it.

Even if he followed Han Ming on the battlefield, he had never had such a time. Now he is awkward to face a small woman.

Xia Wei looked at Leng Yi. He did not find that his heart had something to say to him. He just looked at him and he never talked. He was a little bit angry. He said, "I see you have nothing to say to me tonight. In this case, I will go to Wang Hao first."

After she finished, she strode forward.

Cold one by one, Xia Wei was angry, thinking that she felt that she lied to her. She was anxious and saw her back suddenly shouted out: "I want to tell you that I like you, are you with me?"

Xia Wei’s body suddenly stopped, and turned to look at the cold one.


"Oh, this is a public statement!"

"I didn't expect the sullen one to come to this hand."

"Summer girl, do you want to promise?"

"We are definitely a peerless man, you should kneel -"

When the cold three people heard the cold one in front, they all looked back at them and kept screaming.

Xia Wei stayed in the same place, watching the cold step by step.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time. Although we meet almost every day, I have never had the courage to tell you." Cold said, "I have a lot of feelings tonight, I don't want to waste time again." I wonder if you like me too, and don't want to miss our every day. I like you, want to marry you, would you like to marry me?"

"Haha, it’s rare to hear that the cold one said so long."

"The power of love is really powerful!"

"Hey, I want to find a woman to confess."

"Go, I heard that a number of girls have arrived in Yihongyuan."

"You go!"

Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu also stopped and looked at the two people standing in the middle of the street.

"You said, will Xia Wei promise?" Du Xiaoli leaned in Han Mingyuan's arms and asked with a smile.

"It’s awkward for me, I can guess it." Han Mingyu scraped the nose of Du Xiaoli and said, "Isn’t Xia Wei is your gimmick? You should know it. It’s better than you said, will she promise? ?"

"If you want me to say, you should not agree." Du Xiaoli said with a smile.

"I won't all promise, what is it?" Han Ming asked, "Is it promised or not?"

"You can't see it." Du Xiaoli turned his eyes to Xia Wei and stopped talking.


Funny than not funny 2014/12/1715:37:24

Xia Wei looked at the cold and didn't talk, which made him always flustered.

Does she really like it already? Or did she scare her if she just got it? Still, she is shy in front of so many people?

Just as cold and cranky, when they were worried about him, Xia Wei finally spoke.

"You just said that I like me, is it true?"

Cold nod.


"I don't know, it seems that I like it." Lengyi wanted to find a reason, but in the end he answered it honestly.

He is a close-fitting bodyguard of Han Mingxi. She is a close-knit niece of Du Xiaoli. As long as Du Xiaoli and Han Mingqi together, the two meet almost every day. Over time, he is used to being with her every day.

If you really want to say the reason, it should be a long time.

Seeing that Xia Yu was silent again because of her own words, the cold one was even more nervous. Did she hear her own words angry?

When they heard his words, they gave him a blank eye. This is a woman who will not be happy to listen to it? !

Xia Wei looked at the cold and anxious look, could not help but rise his mouth. The two are often together. She naturally knows what kind of person Cold One is. She can see his appearance and should care for himself.

"I don't want to marry you now." Xia Yan said seriously.

Her words made the heart of Leng Yi instantly drop to the freezing point, and sure enough, she insisted!

"However, we can talk about it and see if it is inappropriate. Wang Hao said that there is an adaptation stage before the marriage, called the love period. If you can get along with each other, we will talk about marriage." Xia Wei said, "And you still I have to get approval from my brother. If he doesn't agree, I won't agree. The most important thing is that I followed Wang Hao for so long, naturally it was also affected by her. This life will never accept a third party, if you want If you want to take care of something, it is best to make a decision now."

"Xia Hao girl is very domineering!" said Cold Seven.

"Will the cold will become the wife of Wang Hao?" Cold Six worried.

As soon as I heard what Xia Wei said, the cold heart warmed up and saw the smile in her eyes. She walked straight and took her in her arms and told her the answer with her actions. .

"Hey, it's not suitable for children!" Cold three reached out and blocked the eyes of the cold seven, shouting loudly.

"Wow, I want to see!" Cold Seven wants to avoid the cold three hands, but he does not rush him, just knocked his hand again.

Once and for all, the two men fought on the street.

Xia Yan broke away from the cold one, and said with a red face, "Don't talk, they all look at it!"

When I saw that Xia Wei looked like this, my heart was itchy. I looked up at the awkward faces in front and said loudly, "Wang Hao, Xia Wei, I took it first!"

After that, he flew away with Xia Wei.

"Rely, how is this guy like this!" cold four they shouted.

Du Xiaoli smiled and said, "Let's go back."

"it is good."

"Take a carriage."

"it is good."

As long as it is what you said, everything is fine.

On the second day, in the 30th year, Du Xiaoli was called to the palace early, because the poison in the Queen's body had not been completely removed. In order to be safe, Han Mingze hoped that Du Xiaoli would personally help the Queen.

When Du Xiaoli came to the Queen's Palace, the Queen had already woken up, lying weakly in bed, and Han Mingze actually took the medicine bowl and gave her medicine!

It seems that this time she suffered a lot of crimes, but in exchange for the emperor more favor.

"See the emperor, the emperor." Du Xiaoli Fu said.

"Are, you are here, you still have something to deal with, the Queen will bother you." Han Mingze put the medicine bowl on the tray of the woman's hand, and got up and said.

"The emperor said it was heavy." Du Xiaoli got up.

Han Ms. Nod nodded to her and strode away.

"The emperor's clothes haven't changed yet. I think it's just coming down early in the morning." Du Xiaoli walked over and said, "The emperor really cares about the maiden."

"The emperor said that today is the last day of the year, and the early morning has ended earlier." The Queen said.

"Anniling, I will take the pulse for you." Du Xiaoli came to the stool and sat down, took out the Queen's hand for her pulse, after a while, said: "The poison of last night has been cleared, another kind of poison, although It's chronic, but it's not good for a long time in the body. But it's good to have a lot of discharges when detoxifying last night. The rest of the medicines should be okay."

The Queen looked at Du Xiaoli and told others: "You all go down."

"Yes, the goddess."

Both the palace lady and the **** went out, leaving only Du Xiaoli and the empress in the house.

"You are alienating the palace." The Queen said that she was helpless when she said this.

"There is no happiness." Du Xiaoli said.

"You didn't call me a goddess before, and you won't call yourself happy." The Queen said, "You all call me or Xiaoli."

A singer, a happy, will open the distance between the two.

Du Xiaoli smiled lightly: "The niece is hearty."

"This palace is just self-protection." The Queen looked at the top of the account and his eyes became sharp. "By the way, I will avenge the children of this palace!"

"Is it..." Du Xiaoli said with some surprise.

"Yes." The Queen said, "When you said this to the palace, that small production was not an accident. Later I checked it and finally found out who was secretly making it worse."

“懿贵妃?” Du Xiaoli asked.

"Yes." The Queen said, "The Palace has never believed that since the emperor was enthroned, there has never been a shackle. Although there were occasional abortions, it was not done by the palace. It is even more trusting for the palace. Printed in this palace, but many things are also let her in charge. Especially the last palace change, this palace to see her sincere heart to the emperor, after returning to the post, she is more dependent on her. However, this harem, not you do not go If you harm others, others will not harm you."

Du Xiaoli understands, so more than once she feels sad for the woman in the palace.

"The children of this palace died early in ignorance, and even the world did not have time to take a look." The Queen continued, "Do you know, if you didn't have this thing last night, you can't see this today. Palace."

"This is what you said is self-protection?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Yes." The Queen said with a wry smile. "Do you really want to be like this palace, not all of them are forced."

"Even me is also a piece in your plan." Du Xiaoli said.

"No, you are not a chess piece. You are the last resort of this palace." The Queen said, "If you didn't attend the banquet last night, this palace would not dare to take this step. I gave my life to you. ”

Du Xiaoli looked up strangely and saw the weak smile of the Queen.

------Off topic ------

It’s so cold... it’s so cold...

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