MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 64 Miaojiang interior

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"See Ding Wang, Wang Hao!" Everyone else in the room got up and bowed to the Han Dynasty.

This Miaojiang was part of Fengming State before. Miao Wang was given by the former emperor. It was only because the Emperor of Heaven was far away, Miao Xinjiang was surrounded by nature, so there was not much contact with the court. As time went by, Many people have forgotten this relationship.

Only those who have managed Miaojiang in the past have known, so they will see that Han Miao Miao Wang will bring their own subordinates to them.

"Imperial." Han Mingxiao nodded faintly.

"Ding Wang, please take a seat." Miao Wang shook his wheelchair and let the road out.

Han Mingqi and Du Xiaoli came to the front chair and sat down, Bai Ningyuan, they also found their own position.

Wu Yimu came to the back of Miao Wang and pushed his wheel to the side of Han Ming, facing other people in the house.

Miao Wang looks like he is in his forties, and his skin is whiter than other Miao guys. It should be the reason why his legs can't go, and he is at home all the year round.

"You continue." Han Ming said.

Miao Wang nodded and turned to the old Miao doctor: "Uncle Shu, this time you have worked hard. Can you be in danger all the way?"

"Back to Miao Wang, we encountered three sneak attacks when we came, but there is no big danger." The old Miao doctor said, "Not only that, but the other party also lost a general."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"A Hong." said the old Miao doctor.

"What? Ahong!" The people in the room were amazed when they heard that Ahong was dead.

"A Hong is so strong, he is going to deal with you. You can make a mistake and you are wrong. How is it that he is killed?" Someone raised questions.

"This is thanks to Wang Hao's pet, it will kill A Hong." Lao Miao doctor Du Xiaoli arched his hand.

Everyone noticed the little white ball in Du Xiaoli's arms. They thought it was just an ordinary pet. I didn't expect it to even kill Ahong.

"Wang Ye, you personally came to help us deal with civil strife. On behalf of the Miao people, I thank the prince and the court for their help." Miao Wang said.

"Miaojiang, as part of the territory of Fengming State, once had the father of the emperor's father, Miao Miao Wang, and now there is civil strife, and the court will naturally not sit and watch it..." Han Mingxi said.

Du Xiaoli sat on the side and listened to Han Mingqi, playing the official chamber and Miao Wang, talking to them, holding a small white ball to touch its back.

She gradually understood that Miaojiang is actually not big, mainly 18 villages, adding up tens of thousands of people, including seven Miao Village people who followed the saints and the high priests, the remaining 11 Miao Village maintenance Miao Wang.

In fact, there are not many Miao people, but because of the terrain and the martial arts, their problems become troublesome.

"If they didn't make the king hurt three years ago, why should we fear them now!" said a 30-year-old man.

"The old priest was so scheming and surrendered that he would take the opportunity to get close to the king's body and wound the king into this. But he did not expect that he would eventually be taken by others to take advantage of the fishermen." Another person was also very angry.

"Wang Hao, I heard Grandpa said that your medical skills are unparalleled in the world. Can you please show it to your righteous father?" Wu Yimu looked at Du Xiaoli, his eyes full of hope.

If her medical skills are really as great as my grandfather said, is it possible for the father’s legs to stand up? !

"Yimu, what to say!" Miao Wang scolded, "How can you say such a disrespectful word?!"

"I..." Wu Yimu saw Miao Wang angry, biting his lip and not speaking.

"Wang, if your legs are good, our grasp of the rebel party is a big one!"



"Stop in the mouth!" Miao Wang yelled at them, and then handed over to Du Xiaoli, saying: "Wang Hao, they are all living in the mountains, have not been to the outside, do not understand the rules, please Wang Hao do not blame."

Du Xiaoli did not expect that this Miao Wang was actually a person with such a strong class concept. She looked at Han Mingyi and saw that he had no objection. He smiled at Miao Wang and said, "I am Wang Hao, but I am also a doctor. If you can help Miao Wang stand up, it is also the responsibility of the doctor."


"Yifu, Wang Hao agreed, you should have it, don't smash Wang Hao's kindness." Wu Yimu said, "If your legs are better, we will have a better chance of dealing with them."

"This..." Miao Wang thought for a moment and said, "Well then. Then trouble Wang."

So they ended the meeting ahead of time and asked Du Xiaoli to check with Miao Wang.

Du Xiaoli asked Wu Yimu to open the blanket on Miaowang's leg and pull up the pants. A pair of black legs appeared in front of everyone, and several big bags appeared on the legs.

"This is..." Bai Ningyuan saw Miao Wang's leg and stood up in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Du Xiaoli looked at Bai Ningyuan's reaction and guessed he should know this.

Sure enough, Bai Ningyuan came to Miao Wang, pulled his hand to give him the pulse, and then said incredulously: "I didn't expect you to be in the fairy, you can still survive!"

"How do you know that this is a **** fairy?" Wu Yimu looked at Bai Ningyuan. "At the beginning, the traitor said that this is a **** fairy, even if the gods came, they could not save the righteous father."

"Of course I know that this should be the poison I have studied." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Your poison? Why don't I know that you still have this poison?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Because this poison has not been done in recent years, there have been no rivers and lakes. You don't know it is normal." Bai Ningyuan said, "This poison is extremely overbearing. The poisoned people are immediately dying. I didn't expect Miao Wangzhong. The gods are scattered, but they can still live to the present. They can also push all the poison to their legs. I don’t know how Miao Wang did it?"

"Hey." Miao Wang said, "I have a sputum in my body. After poisoning, the mites control the poison, so I didn't immediately die. I have been able to linger in these years, because I have been using it. For this reason, I have lost a few cockroaches."

Du Xiaoli they were a little surprised, I did not expect this technique to be so powerful, even such poison can be controlled.

"Since this is your poison, can you make an antidote to your cousin?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"This depends on whether there is any change, but since it is controlled by locusts, what will happen after detoxification, I can't guarantee it. And his pulse is a bit strange." Bai Ningyuan said.

"I look." Du Xiaoli grabbed Miao Wang's hand and gave him the pulse.

The old Miao doctor said on the side: "Miaowang's poison and phlegm have merged with each other. If the cockroach is taken out, the poison will immediately attack. If it is poisoned, the mites will now be poisonous, and they will also want Miaowang's Life."

The old Miao doctor also saw Miao Wang before, but because the poison was too difficult to heal, he did not study the antidote.

Du Xiaoli finished the pulse and said: "As the master said, this poison and mites have already affected each other. If the poison is dissolved, the locust will have the life of Miao Wang."

"What should I do? Is there really no way for the father's poison?" Wu Yimu said disappointedly.

Miao Wang is relatively indifferent, patted Wu Yimu's hand and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, after so many years, I have become accustomed."

Du Xiaoli stood up and saw Wu Yimu’s depressed face. He said, “I haven’t finished talking. Although it’s very troublesome, it’s not incurable.”

"Really?" Wu Yimu looked at Du Xiaoli with his eyes wide open, and even Miao Wang’s eyes also raised hope.

"Wang Hao, so to say, can Miao Wang be cured?" said the old Miao doctor.

"It should be no problem." Du Xiaoli said, "Let the cousin get the antidote first. Before detoxification, I will use the silver needle to seal the poison on his feet. I will relieve it and then give him the antidote. ""

"Can this be done?" Wu Yimu said with no confidence.

"This is already the only way I can think of it now. I can only try it if I can't do it." Du Xiaoli said, "But because the toxins have been deposited on his legs for so long, even after detoxification, it takes a while. Come back to recovery."

"As long as this can be poisoned, it will be easier to do later." The old Miao doctor said.

Du Xiaoli knows that there are some secrets in Miaojiang. The old Miao doctors should say that they are on their side.

"Cousin, how long can you make this antidote?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"If there is no variation, the medicine is complete, then one or two hours will be fine. If not, it is estimated to take one or two days." Bai Ningyuan conservatively estimated.

"Then wait for you to study the antidote and we will do the rest." Du Xiaoli said.

"Good." Miao Wang said, "Now let Yimu take you to rest."

"Then we will leave." Others got up and said.

Han Mingqi took Du Xiaoli and was ready to leave.

"Ding Wang, can you stay, I still have something to discuss with you." Miao Wang said.

Du Xiaoli let go of Han Ming’s hand and said, “Let’s go back to rest first. You will come back soon after talking about things.”

"Yeah." Han Mingxiao nodded.

Wu Yimu took Du Xiaoli and they left the house of Miaowang and went to a wooden house under the mountain. They said, "Wang Hao, here is the place for you to rest. These are the villagers' houses, but they have all been cleaned up. They also moved. I went to live elsewhere. There are very few outsiders here, so there is no special housing, and Wang Hao is forgiven."

"It doesn't matter." Du Xiaoli felt that it didn't matter. He had never lived in his previous life. Even if he had just arrived here, he still lived in a half-mountain-breaking house. Now it is better than before.

"That Wang Hao, take a good rest first, the sister of Shuiyuetian is in the house below. Bai Gongzi, Liu Dianzhu, your man's house is in another house, please come with me." Wu Yimu finished, with Bai Ningyuan They left.

Du Xiaoli and Xia Wei entered the house and found that the house inside and outside was made of wood. Even at the intersection, they only made a hole in the wood or connected with wooden nails.

After visiting the first floor and seeing the stairs, they went up. The small balcony of the railing is somewhat similar to her Tsui Chuk Court.

"The room here is really clean, there is no dust inside, and there is no dust outside the house." Yangge looked around and said.

"There are no dust in the family," Du Xiaoli said.

"Do you have this effect?" Acura said curiously.


At this time, there was a commotion under the stockade. Du Xiaoli looked at it and vaguely heard that someone had become a hole-dropping woman, so that she could quickly find a god-in-law to save people.

"Master, what is a female hole?" Xia Wei also heard the words of the mountain, asked.

------Off topic ------

It’s even late today, I’m sorry. Today is the last day of 2014. Whose mushrooms are together with them for the New Year? Some people will remember to mention the sons @( ̄— ̄)@

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