MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 70 Bitten by a snake

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As soon as he heard the millennium drug-blocking forest, Fan Nuer’s feet seemed to be nailed in place.

She looked at the black fog and looked at the sleeves that were squatting, hesitating.

"Master, don't worry, Wang Ye has a heart to protect his body. A poisonous obstacle like this should not hurt him." He comforted. "If the master goes down, so he gives his life, the prince finally has nothing to do, then Didn't it be sacrificed in vain?"

"Wang Ye, is he really going to be okay?" Fan Nuoer wants to seek a guarantee to grab the sly hand.

He was caught and hurt, but he still smiled and said: "The heart is so powerful, the poisonous obstacles naturally hurt him."

After hearing the affirmation, Fan Nuoer released her hand and turned her eyes to the valley. She thought that Du Xiaoli had chased it down and sneered: "I didn't expect her to chase it. This poison is only going to kill her life." It’s all dead, and he’s all in his heart. It’s a pity that she can’t send her to Huang Quan!”

"Master, I think Wang Ye will go back for a thousand years of dysfunctional forests. We should not wait to go out and wait. It will not be discovered by people over there, causing fighting and delaying the rescue of the prince." He looked at Du Xiaoli just flying. The direction, afraid of someone coming over.

Fan Nuoer thinks that she is not unreasonable. If she misses Han Honghong because she is fighting with Du Xiaoli, it will not be worth the loss.


The two quickly left in the direction of the direction.

After a while, Luo Qi Bai Ningyuan also chased them over and saw the mess on the top of the mountain, knowing that the fight was just here.

"That is the clothes of the master." Cold saw the cloth scraped on a stone.

Liu Mo’s body leaped and fell to the edge of the stone, picking up the fabric, and it was the fabric on Han’s clothes.

"Look at this, it should be that he was caught by the stone when he rolled down the cliff." Luo Qi also flew over and looked at the direction of the cloth.

"He is so powerful in martial arts, he actually rolled down the cliff." Liu Moxiao said with surprise.

"Let's go down and find the master." Cold seven, they said they were going to find Han Ming.

Bai Ningyuan stopped in front of them and said, "You can't go down."


"Bai Gongzi, what are you doing with us?!"

Miao Wangfei came over and looked at Bai Ningyuan and said: "Bai Gongzi is right, you can't go down. If the average person goes on, he will die!"

Miao Wang’s words surprised everyone.

"Why do you die?"

Miao Wang looked at the black mist that filled the whole valley and said: "This is a thousand years of poisonous forests. Those black fogs are very poisonous. If you go down, I am afraid that I have not found the prince, and I have been poisoned and killed."

"What about the master?"

"The master has already gone." Xia Wei and Yangge flew over another hill and said.

Upon hearing this, the face of the person on the scene was even more ugly, and Liu Mo’s brow was crumpled, and Luo Qi squeezed his fist.

"Wang, she is not going to be more..." Xia Hong said with concern.

"Let's go find her." Luo Qi said.

"Luo Shaoye." Xia Yushen grabbed Luo Qi, saw the fear and firmness in his eyes, and the anger that was stopped, took a breath and said: "Luo Shaoye, the master son, she is not invading, this The drug barrier has no effect on her."

Conservatively, she did not say that Du Xiaoli's blood can detoxify. But this also surprised others.

"It's no wonder that she hadn't had anything to do with A Hong's poisonous blood before." Liu Mo Xiao thought of the things surrounded by snakes on the Miaojiang road.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Qi looked straight at Xia.

"Lord Luo, we are naturally worried about the safety of the master." Xia Wei answered.

"What do we do now?" Liu Mo Xiao asked.

"You are waiting here, I will go down and look for them." Bai Ningyuan said.

"You?" Luo Qi looked at Bai Ningyuan and found that he was not joking.

"Don't forget, I am also a drug that does not invade." Bai Ningyuan said.

"If this is the case, then it will be handed over to you, we are here waiting for you to come up." Liu Mochen nodded and said.


Bai Ning responded with a bang, flew down the mountain, and quickly flew into the dark fog. The rest of the hills are waiting anxiously.

Han Mingxi was pulled down by the hills by Han Minghong. After inhaling the black fog, people fell into a coma. When they were halfway down the hill, they were separated by a stone and rolled down on both sides of the ridge.

When Du Xiaoli followed the flight into the black fog, he just saw the two separated. On the other side of Han Minghong was a gentle slope, but Han Ming was a cliff.


She speeded up and rushed over, but still couldn't stop Han Ming from falling off the cliff. In desperation, she solved the white practice, tied the unconscious Han Mingqi, and strove to pull herself, but because she had left the ground, she fell with him.

Fortunately, at the bottom of the cliff is a dense canopy, dragging the two, but still not slowed down, Han Mingqi's inertia with Du Xiaoli rolled two times, rolled out the crown, and continued to fall to the ground.

Although this poison barrier did not make Du Xiaoli lose consciousness, but inhaling too much, it also made her somewhat dizzy and weak. Seeing that she was about to land, she tried her best to turn Han Ming to her, and she sustained the weight of the two and fell heavily on the ground.


Du Xiaoli felt that the internal organs were shaking, but the lawn here was thick enough, otherwise she had to break a few bones. Regardless of the burning pain behind her, she gently pushed Han Mingqi aside, took two pills from her waist, ate one of her own, and then gave another one to Han Ming.

The pill made her wake up and her body regained her strength. She sat up and hugged Han Ming, and put her head on her lap.

"Mind, mute -"

Even after taking the medicine, Han Mingyu did not respond, his eyes were still closed and his lips were black.

Du Xiaoli gave him the pulse and found that the pill just had no use for him. He had a toxin in his body. She quickly bite her finger and see the blood rushing out before she put it in his mouth.

"Move, suck."

However, Han Mingqi seems to know that it is her hand, and she refuses to smoke.

Du Xiaoli saw that he was not sucking, he had to take his hand out and took a sip of blood, and then he was fed into his mouth. So many times, the blackness on Han Ming’s face faded and she stopped.

After a while, Han Mingyu woke up and saw Du Xiaoli, and asked her forehead: "Glass, how are you here?"

"You finally woke up." Du Xiaoli helped Han Mingqi. "I don't worry about you, I will chase it and see it. Just seeing you roll down with him, I will come to you."

Han Mingqi looked up and looked around, and the dark fog of the fog made the surrounding scenery a bit horrible.

"Glass, this millennium drug-blocking forest, how did you follow it?" Han Mingqi stood up and said, "What if it is poisoned?"

Du Xiaoli also stood up and said, "If I didn't come, I would regret it for a lifetime. Then again, you forgot what I am now?"

Han Mingyu felt full of mouthfulness, her hand, saw the wound on her finger, and said with distress: "I got it?"

"Not counting." Du Xiaoli took back his fingers. "If you want to **** it, you can't move it. Finally, I have to **** it into your mouth to feed you. It's not obedient."

Han Mingqi hugged Du Xiaoli and chin on her head and said, "Thank you, glass."

Du Xiaoli groaned on his chest and said, "We are husband and wife, and we still say thank you. Although your poison is solved, but the barrier is too strong, and there are too many toxins, we are still hurrying to find a way. Go out."

"Okay. Let's go from the place where we fell." Han Mingyu released Du Xiaoli and took her hand instead.

"This, we can't go down the place." Du Xiaoli said.

"what happened?"

"We fell from the cliff."

Du Xiaoli’s words made Han Ming’s glimpse. He remembers that he lost consciousness after inhaling the poisonous mist. It is almost impossible for her to land with the unconscious.

Looking at her light and light, he touched her face with another hand.

"Where is it hurt?"

Du Xiaoli did not marry him and said: "Back."

Han Minghao turned her over and gently slid her clothes. She saw her sleek and tempting back with a large area of ​​redness and swelling. Several places were worn and the bones were visible inside the shoulder bones.


He reached out and tried to touch her injury, but he still stopped in the air and did not fall.

He only had the wound left by fighting with Han Minghong. Her wounds were on her back. He was as clever as he was, and he suddenly guessed how they landed.

Du Xiaoli pulled the clothes up and turned and said, "I don't feel much pain, but I was infected with poison gas. I don't know if I will leave scars."

Han Mingqi reached out and tied her clothes belt, knowing that she was comforting herself and barely holding the corner of her mouth.

"If you drop a scar, you will stay in your next life. If our appearance changes, let me find you with this scar."

Du Xiaoli glanced at him and reached out and gently beat him on his shoulder: "I have a nonsense. If my scar is left in my next life, it is also on my back. Wearing clothes, you can still go to a girl." Their clothes? Really, you must dislike you when you see them."

"Oh..." Han Mingqi reached out and grabbed her powder punch and said, "Since the road to the next can't go, let's find another way out."

"Yeah." Du Xiaoli nodded, and Han Qiang took his hand and walked forward.

Although the two were injured, although the danger in the poisonous forest is unknown, although they do not know whether this road is a way out, but with each other's hands, they have enough confidence and strength to go out.


The sound of the white ball came from a distance, and it echoed twice in the valley. Du Xiaoli, who had been spinning around the valley, heard an excited smile on his face.

"It's a little white ball!"

She took out the whistle and blew it twice. After a while, the white ball smashed out of the black fog and threw it into the arms of Du Xiaoli.

“啾啾——啾啾——” People are worried about you! You don't bring people out!

Xiao Baiqi knew from Du Xi that Du Xiaoli had an accident. He ran in at once and heard her whistle and ran over.

"When you came out, you don't know where to run." Du Xiaoli couldn't understand the words of the white ball, but he felt its meaning and explained.

The white ball that was being planed in the arms of Du Xiaoli was stiff, then softened, shook his head, and made a wrong look.

"Don't blame yourself." Du Xiaoli licked its head and said, "Do you remember the way to come, take us out."

"Hey--" Come with me.

The white ball jumped from Du Xiaoli's arms and opened the road ahead. However, it did not pay attention to the way to come, only to try to go forward. But there is it, before those poisons dare not come to find them again.

Du Xiaoli and Han Mingyu supported each other. The more they walked, the heavier the breathing of Han Ming, and the higher the temperature on his hands.

"Mind, what's wrong with you?" Du Xiaoli felt that he was not right, asked.

"I'm fine." Han Ming swayed his hand, but the hot, flushed face didn't think so.

Du Xiaoli quickly gave him the pulse, then pulled down his trousers and a pair of teeth appeared in front of her.

"Acacia Snake!" Du Xiaoli did not know when he was bitten by a snake. He saw his breathing more and more, and quickly tore the wound of his finger and stuffed it into his mouth. "The poisonous general antidote of this acacia snake is useless. I can only try this now."

Han Mingqi guessed from the name of the snake what poison it was. The finger with Du Xiaoli sucked two times and swallowed her blood. When he was finished, he also subconsciously put out his tongue and added a little on her finger.

Du Xiaoli was a little bit stunned by his shackles, and quickly pulled his fingers out.

"How do you feel now?"

Han Mingqi shook his head and still felt that the body was burning and uncomfortable.

Du Xiaoli helped him to continue for a while, and saw that his condition had not been alleviated, but his body was even more uncomfortable. He said: "It seems that my blood has no effect on this poison. If this doesn't work, then dragging on will hurt your body. !"

She looked around, all of them are dense woods, and the taller trees of one person, if it is a good barrier outside, it is a pity that the vegetation here is poisonous.

"Little white ball, are you going to see if there is a cave nearby?" Du Xiaoliang said.


The little white ball screamed twice and ran away like lightning. I will come back later and point to the direction I just made.

Du Xiaoli saw that Han Mingqi’s consciousness began to blur, knowing that he couldn’t wait now. He put his hand on his shoulder and grabbed his waist with his right hand and said, “You lead the way, we fly over.”


The little white ball flew forward with Du Xiaoli, and soon came to a cave. The grass in front of the cave was like a natural barrier, which isolated the cave.

"You are here, don't allow any creatures to come in, you know?" Du Xiaoli told the white ball. She didn't want to be attacked by the poisonous insects when they were there.

"Oh--" Ok.

Xiaobaiqi nodded very seriously. Du Xiaoli helped Han Ming into the cave.

There was moss in the hole, and Du Xiaoli took off Han Han’s coat and laid it on the ground, then slammed him down.

"Glass..." Han Mingqi recovered a little consciousness, but soon the consciousness was annihilated, and the body was dominated by Du Xiaoli.

But fortunately, when he regained consciousness, he remembered the injury behind her and let her be on it, avoiding her back being hurt again.

"Oh--" I didn't hear anything.

The little white ball squatted in front of the cave, licking his ear, suddenly it stopped, and watched as he watched the front.

A figure slowly came out of the thick fog, and when he saw the people, the white ball relaxed his vigilance, but he stood firmly in front of the cave.

"Little white ball, have you found the cousin?" Bai Ningyuan saw the white ball and breathed a sigh of relief. He heard the movement here and thought that he would encounter any poisonous beast.

"Hey--" found it.

Little white ball nodded.

When I heard the sound inside the cave, Bai Ning went up and asked: "Is the cousin in the cave?"

"Oh--" Yes.

Little white ball nodded.

Bai Ningyuan couldn't understand the words of the white ball, but knew that it could understand people's words, watched it nod, and knew that Du Xiaoli was inside, and they would go in.

"Hey -" is not allowed to go in!

The hairs on the white ball were all raised, and the white-necked fangs licked their mouths, and the two short claws stretched out to make an interception.

Bai Ningyuan was stunned by the action of the white ball, and then he heard the low-pitched and shy voices coming from inside, and suddenly understood the scene inside.

"Cough--" He coughed for a moment and said, "Since they are here, I will go and see if I can find Han Honghong."

After he finished, he turned and left. As for whether he went to Han Honghong to go to the little white ball, he did not care. After two rounds of in situ, he continued to squat.

In the cave, Du Xiaoli heard the voice of Bai Ningyuan and Xiaobaiqiu, but the face was like a fire, but she could not stop until Han Mingyu released herself in her body, and she was tired of him.

Han Mingqi’s consciousness has recovered, but the poison on his body has not been solved. Du Xiaoli feels his change and has no choice but to continue.

Time has slowly drained. She has not known how long she has been. At the end of the day, she has been unable to hold on. She would rather suffer a little injury from her back, and she would have to go to the top and let him come.

"Hey--" After the last release, Han Mingyu gasped on Du Xiaoli and his body trembled. Seeing a group of purple-green that she had made from him, she leaned over and kissed.

"Glass, hard work for you..."

------Off topic ------

I didn’t sleep for almost one night last night. This is definitely the worst train experience ever. People are already tired, crying %>_<%

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