MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 74 The true love of the little white ball

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Du Xiaoli has not heard the sound of deafening sounds before Han Ming’s valley in which they live. The power seems to be to cut the whole mountain to the ground.

"A good and powerful showdown!" Luo Qi felt the energy of the showdown and exclaimed.

The heart of Du Xiaoli was raised in an instant. This power is only afraid that she will use all her strength to catch it. When I thought of Han Honghong’s heart and great achievements, I didn’t know how powerful it was. Han Mingqi had been injured when he played against him last time. Now, once again, Han Minghong will definitely kill him.

She did not consciously speed up the effort and flew anxiously toward the battle.

When they arrived at the valley, Miao Wang had solved the high priest and took the rest to help out.

Seeing Du Xiaoli, they came over, and Miao Wang and others were quite surprised.

They solved the high priest. Just after coming here, the red tears where Du Xiaoli is located are some distance away from here. They are only one step slower than themselves, indicating that their battle is over!

"Wang Hao." Miao Wang took the person and walked over.

"The high priest has already been solved?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"Yes, the rest of the people have already caught it," Miao Wang said.

"Yeah." Du Xiaoli nodded and looked up at the two men on the mountain. They couldn't help but worry.

Han Ming has already had several wounds on his body. The blood stained his clothes and locked her eyes in the sun.

Han Minghong’s clothes were also cut through a lot of holes, obviously cut by the sword, but his body was not injured, it seems that the sword is not true. In this case, the result of this battle is unpredictable.

"Han Ming, I said that these things are not useful to me. Today I must take your first class!" Han Minghong put his hands behind his back and stretched a few times to relieve the pain of his palm.

He didn't expect Han Ming to be so powerful, even if he was invulnerable, he would hurt himself.

Han Mingqi held the sword in his right hand, and his left hand was also shaking. He had just suffered a lot of damage from his palm.

"Whoever wins and loses is still unknown." Han Mingyu finished, carrying the sword and attacking Han Minghong again.

The two men fought again together, and the confrontation between the masters made the following people dazzled.

"I didn't expect the rebel king to become so powerful in the past few years!" Yangge looked at the confrontation between the two, and immediately felt it.

Du Xiaoli clenched the phoenix flute in his hand and his breathing became slow. She saw that Han Minghong had added several wounds to Han Mingqi, and she could not wait to rush to fight for Han Ming. But she can't, and the battle between them still needs to be solved by themselves.

"What about Jin Jin?" Seeing that Han Ming's **** sword had no effect on Han Honghong, the stab was turned back on him.

The cold one took the cage up, and it was the golden dragonfly.


Xiaobaiqi saw Jin Hao immediately excited, and suddenly came out from Du Xiaoli's arms and ran to the cold side. Cold one felt that the white light flashed in front of him, and the cage in his hand was taken away by the white ball.

"Golden 蟾!" The cold white ball chased the past, but the little white ball ran away a few times.

"The master, the white ball will take the gold smashed away!" Xia Yan exclaimed.

Du Xiaoli took the whistle and blew it a few times. After a while, the little white ball came back reluctantly.

"Hey--" I just wanted to play with it for a while.

The little white ball grabbed the gold plaque and complained that the cage had no idea where it was thrown.

Du Xiaoli doesn't know why Xiao Baiqi likes Jin Hao so much. Is it because they are poisonous?

"Now is not a time to play, you don't make trouble, or you will buckle your snacks later." Du Xiaoju threatened.

"Hey--" bully! No, bully!

Little white ball grievances looked at Du Xiaoli, I did not expect her to be so angry with her.

It must be because of the bad man! It is going to kill him!

The white ball smacked the grievances on Han Minghong and turned and ran to the mountains. Du Xiaoli wanted to catch up, but it happened to meet the two men again, and the power released made them subconsciously reach out.

Just in this gap, the white ball has already arrived at Han Minghong, and it is a bite to kneel up and hold his neck.


I can't bite at all!

"Hey--" It hurts!

Han Minghong grabbed the little white ball and subconsciously squeezed it.

"Little white ball!" Du Xiaoli saw the white ball being caught and shouted.

Han Minghong heard the voice of Du Xiaoli and saw the worry on her face. She remembered that this was Du Xiaoli's pet. His eyes sank and he gave up his intention to pinch it and threw it into the valley.

Du Xiaoli saw that the white ball was thrown down and jumped and caught it.

"Little white ball, are you okay?" Seeing that the white ball was caught by Han Minghong, she had a slight distress in her eyes.

The tears of the white ball hurted, and they burst into the arms of Du Xiaoli, without making a sound.

Du Xiaoli touched its head and held it back.

"The master, Jin Hao is gone!" Xia Wei saw the shadow of the golden dragonfly in the paw of the white ball, said.

Du Xiaoli remembered that the white ball had just caught the golden gong when he ran out, but now Jin Hao has disappeared. It seems that it fell to the mountain when it was biting Han Honghong.

"Hey--" The little white ball screamed pitifully.

"Forget it." Du Xiaoli sighed. Jin Hao now doesn't know where to go. Maybe he has been killed by Han Mingqi's fighting power. She put the white ball in Xia Yu's arms and said, "Have a good white ball."

"Yes, the master."

Du Xiaoli took the phoenix flute and looked nervously at the mountain. Once Han Ming was in danger, she also refused to take care of the other and must save him.

Han Minghong’s blood is getting more and more, and the robes have been smashed. Although Han Honghong suffered internal injuries, he was much lighter than him.

The battle between the two men has been going on for nearly an hour. Han Minghong has already consumed Han Mingyu almost, accumulating all the power on his body and saying, "Let's finish it..."

Han Mingxi also injected the last strength into the **** sword, still not giving up looking for weaknesses in him.

They all know that this blow will be their final matchup.

Han Honghong ran to Han Honghong, and the golden dragonfly that had been hiding under the stone suddenly jumped out. The hurricane that he brought up was blown up, and he was right and fell on him.

The rapid running made Jin Jin scare and did not lightly grasp the clothes of Han Honghong.

Han Minghong felt that he had fallen on his body, but at this moment he had already refused to see what it was because Han Mingyu had already attacked with a sword.

Unfortunately, his only chance to survive was ignored by him.

Feeling dangerous, Kim called Han Honghong's clothes and called twice.


When I heard the sound of Jin Hao, Han Minghong’s body was shocked, and the heart was cramped, and the pain instantly filled the whole body.

"Oh--" The sound of the sword stabbing into the body is clearly clear at this time.

Han Minghong looked down at the **** sword running through the heart, and saw the golden dragonfly jumping from him and jumping off.

"Golden... oh... actually there is gold..."

It is actually a golden scorpion, a heart-felt nemesis. It just screamed, and it scared the heart, and let his body suddenly change back to its original appearance.


Han Mingyu took the sword out and Han Minghong softened it.

This change shocked everyone, and I didn't expect the final result to be so dramatic.

Du Xiaoli has already flown halfway, ready to save Han Ming at the last minute. Seeing this, she fell to a stone halfway up the mountain.


Upon hearing the sound of Jin Hao, she glanced at Han Ming, and then flew toward the golden dragonfly, grabbed it before it fled, and then flew to Han Ming.

Han Minghong saw Du Xiaoli, and the pupil that had begun to scatter was suddenly lit up.

"Xiao Li, if... If at the beginning... I didn't have a remarriage... would we be a pair of fairy monks..."

"No." Du Xiaoli shook his head. "Because your feelings for me are not unique at first, even if you didn't dislike me at the time, I liked me later, but you can't give me the only thing I want. Actually, those things are really true. It’s not that I’m doing it with me, it’s your own preconceived feelings. But even if you don’t have a remarriage, I’ll find a way to get you back, or you can use the drug Wang Gu and the conditions that the emperor can lift to let us break our marriage contract. ”

"Why..." Han Honghong was unwilling.

"Because you are not my good person." Du Xiaoli said.

All the reasons are just because two people are not suitable. He can't give her the life of a double, she won't endure three wives and four for him. They are destined to be together.

"Oh..." Han Minghong also wants to reach out to grab the skirt of Du Xiaoli, and the hand will hang down in the air.


Seeing Han Minghong dying, Han Mingxi spit out a blood, and his body smashed.

"Dream!" Du Xiaoli quickly hugged him and asked, "How are you?"

"I still can't die." Han Mingqi pulled his mouth and he had not suffered such a serious injury in his life. I saw the golden dragonfly in the hands of Du Xiaoli and said, "I didn't expect it to be so simple. I knew that I would have passed it when I met him."

"Oh, now, when are you, you still have a mood to laugh." Du Xiaoli stopped him and saw the cold one. They flew over and said, "Cold one, I will help me back."

Cold and cold, I quickly came over and saw Han Ming’s injury. Cold one took him back and the group flew to Miao Village.

Bai Ningyuan, they saw Du Xiaoli and others left, and they followed, only Luo Qi stood in the same place for a while.

He can give you the only, I can, why are we not coming together?

Miao Wang looked at the people brought by Han Minghong and said, "Your high priests and holy ladies are dead. Others are arrested without death. You are not surrendering. At this time, you will surrender, and you still have a way to live."

Those people, look at me, I look at you, and they all surrender.

Miao Wang made people tie up those people, and then took the rest to other Miao Village to clean up the remnants of the high priest.

"Uncle Shu, don't follow us, go back and see the wounds of Wang Ye." Miao Wang said that he left the valley with people.

The old Miao doctor was ordered to return to Miao Village, and saw Luo Qi still in the same place, patted his shoulder and said: "Luo Shaoye, go back together."

"Yeah." Luo Qi put away his mind and went back with the old Miao doctor.

"Some people don't have to get it. It's a happy thing to look at her happiness from afar, isn't it?" The old Miao doctor suddenly said, it feels like that.

Luo Qi looked at the face of the old Miao doctor over the years, nodded thoughtfully.

When they returned to Miao Village, Du Xiaoli had already used the silver needle to control the injury of Han Mingyu. When the old Miao doctor came back, Du Xiaoli gave him the position and asked him to use the Miao Xinjiang secret technique to treat Han Ming.


The little white ball squatted on the table, shook his head, and the eyelids lifted and lifted. The lovely big eyes became godless.

Du Xiaoli saw Miao doctor treat Han Xiaoyu, heard the voice of the white ball, came over, reached out and touched her head and said, "You are hurt, it will be better after two days."

"Hey..." It hurts!

"After a moment, ask the master whether you can heal you. Now I can only bear it." Du Xiaoli said, "When you are better, will I give you Jin Hao to play well?"

"Hey--" Really? !

The white ball's eyes lit up and looked at Du Xiaoli.

"Oh," Du Xiaoli said, and went to the bed to see the situation of Han Ming. However, the white ball is much more spiritual than before.

After one or two hours, the old Miao doctor completed the healing of Han Ming. In his words, although it is more troublesome to heal now, it is more beneficial to the recovery of Han Mingyu. If you don't say it faster, it will not reduce his strength.

Then the old Miao doctor looked at the white ball and got some powder for Xia Wei. Let her drink water to give the white ball a drink.

If he doesn't have each other, he really has a way. Is this a part-time veterinarian?

Du Xiaoli sent the old Miao to the wooden house and thanked him: "Thank you, Master."

"Wang Hao is polite, this time, if it is not for you, we are afraid that the odds are not big. Han Hung-hong alone is enough. It is no wonder that the abbot will say that you are the key to solving the civil strife." Lao Miao said, "Wang Ye and Han Minghong are war wounded and internal organs, so they need to be well-conditioned. But I believe that you know better than me."

"I know." Du Xiaoli nodded and said.

"Then I will leave. I have a lot of people injured this time. I have to go and show them." The old Miao doctor left after he finished.

After Du Xiaoli went back, Xia Wei had already drunk the water to the white ball. It looked like a lot of spirit, and his eyes were not as painful as before.

"You are tired today, let's go to rest first." Du Xiaoli waved at the people in the room.

"Yes, the master."

"Yes, Wang Hao."

Xia Wei, they all left, Du Xiaoli came to the bed of Han Ming to sit down. On the way back, Han Mingyu fell into a coma, and after for a long time, he did not see him waking up.

Her hand came to his wrist and gave him the pulse. Seeing that his pulse was weak but relatively stable, she let go of her heart. Looking at the big and small wounds on his body, he reached out and stroked the bandage.

In her impression, Han Ming has never suffered such a serious injury.

"Mind, wake up, wait for you to wake up, I will tell you a good news, how?"

Han Ming’s eyes moved, and Du Xiaoli thought that he really woke up to ask himself what he was doing, but he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Du Xiaoli smiled and held his hand and leaned against the bed.

Only the white ball is still thinking about the golden dragonfly, squatting on the table and staring at Du Xiaoli.

Miaojiang maintained this year's civil strife in this day, because the high priest and the saint were both dead, and the remaining remnants basically surrendered without any resistance. Wu Yimu took the Miao people to clean up the 18 Miao Village in the remaining days.

Time has unconsciously entered July, and the hot weather does not seem to exist in this mountain. Even now, Miao Village is still cool.

Luo Qi and Liu Mochen let them leave after the end of the civil strife. They are all people who have something to do with them. With Du Xiaoli coming here, they have put down their burdens for a long time. Now that things are resolved, they will have to go back and do their own things.

Du Xiaoli sent them out of Miao Village. When Du Xiaoli and Luo Qi said goodbye, Xia Hong called Xia Wei and Leng Yi aside.

"Your things, I don't want to say anything." Xia Hong looked at Leng Yi unhappy. "I am such a sister. If you dare to bully her and let her cry, I will not spare you!"

"Big brother assured, I will be good for Xia. If I bully her, without you, I will not spare myself." Cold said.

It is clear that he is older than Xia Hong, and he is not awkward when he calls his eldest brother.

Xia Hong nodded and said: "Sister, you are following Wang Hao, your marriage, please ask Wang Hao for you. I will inform you in advance."

"Yes, Big Brother." Cold nodded seriously.

He finally got the approval of Xia Wei’s family, it’s not easy!

On this day, Du Xiaoli helped Han Ming to come out to bask in the sun. After ten days of rest, Han Ming’s injury was already seven or eight.

"There was a heavy rain yesterday. The weather is really good today. Look at the sky, blue, so beautiful!"

Han Mingxi sat on the bamboo chair and looked up at the sky and nodded: "It is really beautiful."

Du Xiaoli sat next to him, watching the blue dripping day, and the mood was exceptional.

"You said before, I woke up, you told me a good news." Han Mingyu suddenly said.

Du Xiaoli has a look. "Have you heard that?"

"Well, I heard it, I wanted to open my eyes, but I felt that my eyelids were heavy and I slept." Han Mingxi said, "Now, can you tell me, what is the good news?"

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