MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 86 Come back, haven't seen the last look

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The people without the pavilion, except for going out to perform the task, the other people were all killed overnight. This explosive thing quickly spread in the rivers and lakes and the court. At one time, all the martial arts were in danger.

Fortunately, some people later released the news because the people who did not have a mission two years ago, offended those who could not offend, only to be devastated.

When this news came out, everyone was relieved. This is a killer organization. Naturally, you may offend a certain organization, so it has nothing to do with them.

In Wangfuli, Liuli was getting angry and suddenly got the news that the Untitled Court was destroyed. Intuition told her that this matter may be related to the fact that they let them kill Han Mingxiang.

However, she also feels that it is not possible. Even if Du Xiaoli is now helping Han Mingxiang, it is also a Beirui country. The Wuya Pavilion is a huge killer organization, and it is Du Xiaoli who can destroy a king.

"The two monks!" She hated the humiliation she received at Hou.

"Counter, you first get rid of the gas, this Han Mingxiang is married to Beijiao, that Du Xiaoli is just an ambassador, and it will take a long time to leave. When she leaves, this Han Xiangxiang is dead or alive. Isn't the county owner saying it?" The glazed glamour advised.

"But is that the monk just forget it?" Liu said unwillingly.

"The county owner, the identity of Du Xiaoli is there. If it is in our Beiyuan country, it will count on the county head. When the two countries war, everyone will blame the county. When she goes back, we can Secretly send someone to go..."

"You said it is good." Liu Li looked at his own embarrassment. "The monk is so insulting to the county owner that the county chief will always let her taste the bitterness."

"So the county owner is not angry, drink a cup of tea to eliminate fire." He took a cup of tea.

In Houfuli, Du Xiaoli helped Han Mingxiang to walk around the house and exercise.

"The incense, today's weather is good, do you want to go out and walk?" Du Xiaoli said.

Han Mingxiang looked at Du Xiaoli and gently nodded.

Bier went forward to change clothes for Han Mingxiang, and Du Xiaoli helped her out.

"This autumn is very cool, really good." Han Mingxiang came out and saw the familiar scenery, but because of the different moods, the people accompanying him are different, watching the scenery is different.

"Xiao Li, I am coming back...".

The monsoon wind suddenly came in from the outside, and suddenly saw Han Mingxiang, and suddenly caught it.

Han Mingxiang turned his head and saw the face that had been missing for a few years.

In this short time, although both of them were in a room, the two had never seen each other. I know that Han Mingxiang doesn't want to see herself, afraid that she will stimulate her, and the monsoon wind also deliberately avoids it. She only goes to see her when she sleeps.

Today, he went to the palace as an embassy to see the emperor. He did not expect to come back in advance, but he did not expect that the two would meet at this moment in such a sudden manner.

"Breeze brother, are you not going to the palace, how come back so early?" Du Xiaoli asked.

"I was originally allowed to participate in the palace, but I was worried about you, and I refused." The monsoon looked at Han Ming's scent, and went over and said, "You are out, you are out."

Han Mingxiang returned to God and held Du Xiaoli’s hand and said, “Xiaoli, let’s go in. I am a little tired.”

Du Xiaoli glanced at the monsoon and said, "Okay."

In the monsoon, Han Mingxiang went in and his eyes became sad.

She still refuses to see herself.

After a few more days, Du Xiaoli received some news and came to Han Mingxiang and said, "We are planning to advance in advance."

Han Mingxiang stood up from the stool and said, "Is it a grandmother?"

"You don't worry about the fragrant incense, the emperor is still dying, but the body is even worse recently." Du Xiaoli quickly explained, "My master used 蛊 为 for her life, should wait until we go back."

"When are we going?" Han Mingxiang thought that the Queen Mother might leave, and he was anxious.

"If you plan to advance, you must tell the wind cabinet owners. In addition, if we want to go, we must do some planning. Otherwise, I am afraid I can’t leave safely." Du Xiaoli said, "You have just recovered your body, we may Just hurry, I am afraid I will not be able to eat."

"I don't mind." Han Mingxiang said.

"Zhao Wei knows that I want to take you away. I am afraid that I will be blocking it in the past few days. We must do it unexpectedly." Du Xiaoli said.

"When are we going?" Han Mingxiang asked.

Du Xiaoli thought for a moment and said, "Tomorrow night. Today, tomorrow, I have to send them a gift."

Early the next morning, Du Xiaoli went to find Zhao Wei.

"What are you doing today?" Zhao Wei looked at Du Xiaoli.

"I am coming to give you something good," Du Xiaoli said.

"You give me something good?" Zhao Wei looked at Du Xiaoli.

"Of course." Du Xiaoli took out some paper and pushed it to Zhao. "These are some of the information I have collected during this time."

"Is the king?" Zhao Wei raised his eyebrows.

Can she collect the news in such a short time?

Originally thought that the things that Du Xiaoli found were nothing more than trivial things, but after he saw the above two pages of paper, his face became dignified.

The things mentioned above lead the whole body to the big things, some of them are already mastered, and some are not known to him.

How did she do it in such a short time? Can it be said that she has powers he does not know here?

Du Xiaoli let him look at himself and see his suspicion. He said, "In this world, there are things that can be bought with money. For example, intelligence. I didn’t bring much time to come out this time. The most. Just right, I have a good relationship with the boss, and gave me a 20% discount."

"Mu Luo Temple." Zhao Wei said.

"Guess the right, but no reward!" Du Xiaoli said.

She has a good relationship with the Miluo Temple. Although others don't know it, it is definitely not a secret here. Therefore, when the Endless Pavilion was destroyed, others were wondering why the people in the Temple of Jurassic would shoot, and he knew it well.

Zhao looked at the paper on the table and asked, "What do you do for me?"

"I know that it is not a good character." Du Xiaoli leaned on the chair and said, "I really want to know the people personally, but I still have more self-knowledge. Even if I have these things, it is actually useless. It is better to pay. For you, killing them through you is also revenge."

"You are willing?"

"No. If I can, I want to kill them even more." Du Xiaoli said, then shrugged helplessly. "If this is in Fengming, I will definitely start, but this is Beibei, if I am like that. If you do, I am afraid that I will not be able to walk out of the border of your northern country."

"So you retreat to the next, give me the information, let me deal with him?" Zhao Wei took a sip from the teacup.

Du Xiaoli sighed helplessly and said: "There is no way."

"It is rare to see you like this." Zhao said, "These things have given me, what do you want to benefit?"

"What good can you give me?" Du Xiaoli said, "If you can, I hope to know them personally. But will you promise this? I will not say that you promised not to agree, then the king will not be yours." I will be able to stumble over the sky, and I will not stay in Yongzhou for too long. In this case, I can still have any requirements, I only hope that Hou will not let them die too easily."

Zhao Wei felt that Du Xiaoli was unwilling, but what she said was also true.

"I will try my best to meet your requirements."

"Thank you. If Hou Ye has nothing to do, I will go back to take care of the fragrance." Du Xiaoli said he got up and was ready to leave.

"Wait." Zhao Wei yelled at her and saw her looking at herself and said, "That, how is the fragrance now?"

"Are you caring about her?" Du Xiaoli looked at Zhao Wei.

"I... she said it was my wife again. I asked her about the situation." Zhao said a moment.

"Is it?" Du Xiaoli smiled a little and said: "Dawn Houye's blessing, although the incense can't get up now, but can already sit up, the spirit has recovered a lot. If Houye can continue to do this, don't bother In her words, I don't think it will take much longer to get better."

Zhao Wei looked down and said, "Is your medical skills not very powerful? Why did she recover so much after so many days passed?"

"Hou Ye, I am a human being, not a god. I am not able to let her revive her wife to recover immediately." Du Xiaoli taunted and glanced at Zhao Wei. "What was the situation before You Xiang, you saw it, I will How much effort did she take to pull back from the death line, how much it would cost her to recover? If it weren't for you to make her look like this, why bother?

"When the fragrance is good, I must thank Wang Hao." Zhao said.

"Thank you no longer." Du Xiaoli said, "The incense is the princess of Fengmingguo. It is my little aunt. It is my own thing to save her. It has nothing to do with you. But I always have a question to ask you."

"You said." Zhao Wei asked.

"The child is gone, can you have a heartache?" Du Xiaoli asked.

Zhao Yiyi, I did not expect Du Xiaoli to ask himself this question.

Du Xiaoli looked at Zhao Wei, and smiled coldly and said: "Sure enough, it is not a fragrant incense to ask you this question."

After that, she left the living room directly.

Zhao Wei looked at the pattern on the cup and said nothing for a long time.

Has he had a heartache? Yes, for the child who has no chance to be born, it is also a fragrant incense. His eyes touched the information sent by Du Xiaoli, and his eyes were cold.

"Come on."

"Hou Ye." A black shadow came to the living room.

"When you call the generals, they say that they have something to do."


It’s time to close the net...

Du Xiaoli returned to Han Mingxiang's yard and saw people who could sit by the window and basking in the sun.

Han Mingxiang’s body does not say that she has fully recovered, but she is not as good as she said to Zhao Wei. Not to tell him the truth, but also to relax his vigilance.

"Xiao Li, you are back." Han Mingxiang saw Du Xiaoli, and his sad eyes showed some joy.

"Yeah." Du Xiaoli walked into the house and came to Han Mingxiang and said, "Why don't you lie down and rest, you haven't healed yet."

"I am already pretty good." Han Mingxiang said, "It is your doctor who feels that I am not good. How is the matter handled?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, his cronies are now on the way to Houfu." Du Xiaoli said.

"Then we are not tonight..." Han Mingxiang asked.

"Yes." Du Xiaoli said, "We will do it tonight. But before that, I still have something to deal with. You and the windy brothers will go first, they will take you to a safe place. If I didn't see it before dawn If you come back, you will leave the city immediately when you are bright."

"What are you going to do?" Han Mingxiang grabbed Du Xiaoli's hand. "If you want to avenge me and put yourself in danger, I would rather give up revenge."

"You can rest assured that I will not have anything." Du Xiaoli patted her hand. "This time I left, I can't beat them all. I am very unwilling. I will not let you go directly to your direct murderer. And This is also an essential preparation for our departure."

Listening to Du Xiaoli said, Han Mingxiang reluctantly agreed.

"Then you have to pay attention to safety, we will wait for you to come back."

"After the fragrance, if I don't come back for a while, don't wait for me. The people of Shuiyuetian have already arranged the plan, and you can follow them and you can go back." Du Xiaoli said.

"You don't come back, I don't leave." Han Mingxiang said, "How can I get you into trouble and leave alone?"

"Zhao Wei is not a simple character. The longer our plan is dragged, the more likely it is to be discovered by him. So you must leave, otherwise all our efforts will be abandoned." Du Xiaoli said, "My kung fu, you still haven't. Do you know, even if you don’t catch up with you for a while, you will chase it later."

"That's okay. Then you are careful." Han Mingxiang said.

The night fell early, Du Xiaoli let Han Mingxiang take a break for a while, anyway, things have been packed up last night, only when the child arrives, the people of Shuiyuetian come to pick up.

She circled in Houfu, avoiding the patrolling guards, approaching Zhao's yard, and seeing his yard still brightly lit, knowing that he should still be sympathetic to them.

She smiled a little and hoped that you would like to give you a present.

After confirming that Zhao Wei was in his yard, Du Xiaoli left after a few turns.

In the backyard of the royal palace, a black shadow flashed in, found a cockroach, and asked her the location of the main yard of Liuli County, she was stunned.

According to what the singer said, he avoided the patrolling person and came to a luxuriously decorated yard. He heard the sound of the glass coming back from the room and knew that he was looking for the right position.

In the glazed room, the lights in the inner room were extinguished, and then the lights came out. Before they closed the door, they were attacked from behind.

Du Xiaoli caught the lamp in his hand with one hand, and slowly lowered it with one hand, then pushed the door in.

Liu recently thought that Du Xiaoli and Han Mingxiang lived in Houfu, thought of the insults they had received at the beginning, and went out to meet with others today. They were degraded, and the fire in their hearts could not hold back, and they could not sleep in bed. . Hearing footsteps came in and yelled: "Is the county owner letting you roll down and not hear it?"

"They heard it, but unfortunately I didn't hear it." Du Xiaoli walked in with the light.

"Is it you?! What are you doing?" Liu Li suddenly heard the voice of Du Xiaoli, saw her wearing a night dress, and the face did not hide the killing, scared to yell, but she still If you didn't call it, the person fell.

Du Xiaoli took back her hand, how could she make her sound, but such a young lady, an embroidery needle will be fixed.

She threw a sign on the ground, extinguished the light, and then left with the glass.

No one found it when he came, and there was no trace when he went.

In a yard in the west of the city, Du Xiaoli slid into the wall with a glass of glass. He went to the room and ordered it on the glass. Then he took a picture on her and an embroidery needle flew out of her.

The glass slowly woke up and saw Du Xiaoli and her in a strange place. They opened their mouths to ask where this was, but found that they could not speak at all.

At this time, there was a voice of dialogue.

"Captain, these are the military sergeants who will take this to the border town. Half of them are criminals, and half of them are small people who want to get it," said one man.

“How many long-term looks do you have?” another voice said.

"It’s hard to find people in these years. Every family has their own niece hiding at home. We can’t catch people with great fanfare. Anyway, those who have become soldiers have not seen women for a long time. As long as they can use them, they will not The governor is beautiful and ugly," said the first voice.

"Yes." The captain said, "Since some women here are unclear, then be careful, so I will send them to them tomorrow morning. Be careful tonight, don't make any mistakes."

"Captain, you can rest assured, I gave them soft scent, every three or five days will definitely wake up, wait for them to wake up, we have already gone far, even if they have any ideas, out of this Yongzhou City is useless," the man said flatteringly.

"You kid, I can rest assured." The captain said, "Since I am ready, I will go back first. We will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Captain, you are going slowly."

When the door opened, a middle-aged man came out and Liuli wanted to call for help, but found that he could not talk, and even his body could not move.

At this time, there was a loud voice in the room, and the man’s cellar, and Du Xiaoli, who had already been a woman, knew what it was. After a while, another person came out and took the belt while walking.

When everyone else left, Du Xiaoli untied the dumb hole on the glass.

The glaze can talk, and wants to yell, but finds that he can't speak loudly. He can only sing Du Xiaoli and say, "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do, you are so smart, can't you guess?" Du Xiaoli looked straight at the glass and scared her.

The purpose of Du Xiaoli, which was clearly understood by Liuli, was a frightening expression. The face was scared and white: "You, you can't do this to me, but I am the county owner of Beibei. If you dare to hurt me, my father will not." Bypass you!"

"Are you stupid?" Du Xiaoli gave her a blank look and said, "Besides you and me, who knows that you were taken away by me? Then again, even if they know, I am no longer in Yongzhou City. What can they do for me?"

"My father will find out sooner or later, when he will definitely smash the corpse of your Fengming country!" said the glass.

"I am afraid that your old man has not found it, and people are gone." Du Xiaoli said.

"My father is a king, he has a heavy hand. If you say no, you will be gone?!"

"But, don't you know, your brother who is thinking about your heart, is now negotiating how to deal with your father?" Du Xiaoli said, "What kind of person does he believe you should be clear? Once he hands, your father Is there a way to live?"

"How is it possible, how my brother will do it to my father, it must be your nonsense!" The glass shook his head and did not believe Du Xiaoli's words.

"Yes, according to Zhao Wei's character, I really didn't plan to use this for you. But if he found out, don't do it again, your father will kill him? Will he sit still?"

"You are nonsense! How can my father and mother do it with his brother!"

“Do you know how?” Du Xiaoli said with a smile. “If not, if he knows that Zhao Wei is dealing with him, what will he do?”

"You are arrogant! How can my father and my brother come to you?" Liu said with certainty.

"This doesn't require you to worry about it. Because you can't worry about it." Du Xiaoli took out two bottles. "There is a soft scent of ten, and eating it will make you weak in ten days. As for this, This is a dumb medicine, the effect is natural, I don't have to say it. Even if you are now a county owner, but when these two medicines are eaten, when you leave here, no one knows who you are. Right, I will change it for you. Packed."

The tears of the tears flowed down, and she realized that Du Xiaoli didn’t say that she was playing. She really wanted to ruin herself.

"No, don't, beg you not to!" Glass pleaded and looked at Du Xiaoli, shaking his head.

"Don't?" Du Xiaoli opened the glass, and the glass fell to the ground. "When you were a child, did you ever think about it? When you hired a person without a pavilion to kill the incense, have you ever thought about it? Don't? When you hurt the incense again and again, have you ever thought about it? I know that you are doing this because Zhao Wei, since you are so eager for men, I send you a group of strong, you should not be happy? ?"

"Oh--" The glass was scared and couldn't speak, just shaking his head and crying.

"Actually, when the Endless Court is destroyed, you should think of the current situation." Du Xiaoli said, "Some people, you will never be tempted!"

After Du Xiaoli said that she would no longer talk nonsense with her, she would open the two bottles of medicine in her hand.

Although the glass was strongly resisted, she had no strength at all. It was not Du Xiaoli’s opponent. It was not fixed in two.

"Cough -" Du Xiaoli released the glass, she cried on the ground to cough, want to cough up the powder.

"It’s useless." Du Xiaoli said with a smile. "This medicine is getting into the mouth. You are sleeping now."

The glass of hate looked at Du Xiaoli and saw her unscrupulous smile. The consciousness slowly dissipated and the whole person fell down.

Du Xiaoli saw her in a coma, took out a bottle of medicine and poured it on her handkerchief. She wiped her face a few times and saw that her appearance changed a lot. It was no longer the same. She stretched her hand and pushed the door open. Go in.

There were more than twenty women lying in the room, and the woman on the far side was not well dressed, and there were traces of strength that had just been strengthened.

She threw the glass next to the people, clapped her hands and went out.

This is the solution, then it is time to do the next thing...

Zheng Wangfu, Zheng Wang is licking his little sleepy sweetness, and he heard shouting assassins outside. And listening to the sound seems to be coming towards you.

Although Zheng Wang is old, his skills are good. As soon as he heard the movement, he immediately got up and took out his clothes and went out. When he opened the door, he saw a black man rushing past him. He quickly chased him up.

Zheng Wang chased the man out of the small courtyard, and kept chasing his own study, and completely lost the shadow of the man, and several guards lying in the door of the study were lying flat.

The study has an accident?

Zheng Wang suddenly thought of the things inside, and quickly pushed the door in and saw the lights swaying inside. There was a stack of thick paper on the desk with a letter on it.

He picked up the envelope, took out the letter inside, saw the content above, his face changed, and quickly shouted: "Come on!"

"Wang Ye." Two people came in.

"Go to the king to check, tonight, the town of Houfu is not someone to discuss things all over the place, who are there, must be clear to the king, know?" Zheng Wang told.


Du Xiaoli stood on the roof, heard the order from the study room, and the figure that quickly left. He smiled and turned and flew away.

At this time, the sky is still white, and it is almost time to open the gate.

At the entrance of Yongzhou City, after the disguise, Han Mingxiang and others waited anxiously for Du Xiaoli.

"Xia Wei, it is already so late, why did she not come to Xiaoli?" Han Mingxiang said with a small white ball.

"Hey--" The little white ball smashed in Han Mingxiang's arms and seemed to be comforting her.

The little white ball was handed over to Han Xiaoxiang when Du Xiaoli left. Before he left, Du Xiaoli said it to him. He must protect Han Mingxiang. If Han Mingxiang has something, she will not want it.

"Princess, don't worry, the master will not have anything." Xia Wei said.

"Yes, with the martial arts of the master, the princess is relieved."

"The fragrant incense, Xiaoli has always been a matter of doing things. Since she let us go, she will definitely retreat." The monsoon wind also comforted.

"Why do I always feel very uneasy in my heart?" Han Mingxiang said with concern.

When they were in the middle of last night, they quietly left the Houfu under the support of the people on the water, and they came out when they stayed in a house. With the drug developed by Du Xiaoli, those people temporarily lost their consciousness and came out easily. However, the more she came to open the city gate, the more she panicked her heart, especially when she saw that Du Xiaoli had not come yet, she had the feeling that she could not walk today.

At the same time, they kept their hearts and they negotiated for one night before they left Houfu to go home. Zhao Wei waited for them to leave before they came out of the study and prepared to go back to take a nap.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the words that Du Xiaoli questioned him in the day: "The child is gone, do you have a heartache?"

He closed his eyes, and Han Dexiang’s desperate face appeared in front of him, and suddenly there was a feeling of losing her.

lose? When did he care about her? Why do you think of losing this word?

"Let's go to rest." He waved his hand and dismissed the person behind him. He unknowingly walked toward the courtyard of Han Mingxiang.

At this time, it was already in the middle of the night. The house was quiet everywhere. Han Mingxiang’s yard was not sounding at all. Although the spare light outside the bedroom was still on, he was keenly feeling that something was wrong.

He pushed open the door of the bedroom and went to the inner room, and saw the empty room.

He closed his eyes and felt that there was no one in the entire yard!

"Come to people, to inform me of the various city gates, without the permission of the present, today is not allowed to open the city gate!"

Du Xiaoli came out from the Zheng Wangfu, and he was in a good mood. He just saw a team of guards running towards the gates. He instinctively told her that Zhao Wei had discovered their actions.

"Don't he want to inform not to close the gate?" Du Xiaoli's heart groaned, his feet were faster, shuttled on the roofs and flew directly to the south gate.

South Gate, some people who are eager to leave the city have been waiting here, ready to go out when they open the gate, Han Mingxiang they are mixed in it.

"Times come, open the gate." A voice sounded, and then several people walked down the gate, and came to the gate, ready to open the door.

"Hou Ye has orders, there is no permission to open the city gate!" A loud voice came from the street, and the students interrupted the opening movement.

Han Mingxiang and Feng Xiaoxiao were shocked and secretly said: "It seems that the princess has been discovered."

"Now don't let the city gate open, what do we do?" Bier asked anxiously.

If you are caught back, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to think of it again.

"If we can't, we will only have a hard battle." Xia Wei said, "The plan has been completely arranged. If it is disrupted again, I am afraid it will not be easy to make it again."

"But there are so many guards in the city. If you want to be hard-hitting, I am afraid that it is not easy to break through." Feng Xiaoxiao said, "But most of the people on the water have already sent to the road to meet them. To deal with these guards, I am afraid..."

"Treading step..." A footstep came, and the footsteps were uniform and powerful. At first glance, they were well-trained people.

"Zhao Wei sent the guards over, we have to do it now, or it will be more troublesome in a while. I will deal with those people with the wind cabinet, you go to open the city gate."

Xia Wei, they have already pulled out their swords, and when everyone is ready to do it, a flute is heard.

"It is the master!" Xia Wei heard the duo of Du Xiaoli, and excitedly said.

The people who were at the gate of the city were very curious at first, but some people found something wrong. The people who just stopped the opening of the city gate actually started to open the gate.

"Oh, now, let's go!" The monsoon wind pulled over Han Mingxiang, and the other people went straight to the city gate, and the guards stood in the same place, no one came forward to block.

"There is a horse outside the gate, just on the left hand side." Feng Xiaoxiao said.

Han Mingxiang, they made a success, and suddenly they saw the horse waiting there. Everyone ran over and waited for Du Xiaoli.

Zhao Wei seems to have thought of Du Xiaoli. They went back from the South Gate at this time, so they had just left the city gate, and Zhao Wei came over.

Du Xiaoli will fly out of the flute and fall straight to the horse.

"Let's go!" Du Xiaoli said after taking a whip, the horse ran up.

When Zhao Wei came, he just saw the scene of their dust. He saw a carriage waiting to go out. He took the horse off the carriage and rode it to Du Xiaoli.

Then I heard the moving horse riding and rushing to catch up with people.

Zhao Wei looked at the figure in front and his face was blue. He did not expect that Du Xiaoli would suddenly leave with Han Mingxiang today, and it was quiet. If he didn't suddenly think about going to see Han Mingxiang, I was afraid to let them escape today!

Du Xiaoli, they have been running south, seeing Zhao Wei, who is chasing after him, Du Xiaoli said to the monsoon: "I will stop him, you will go with the fragrance."

"Xiao Li, or I stayed and pulled, you and Xiang Xiang first go." Ji Liufeng said.

"Can you beat him, and the group of people behind you?" Du Xiaoli said, "You are going!"

After that, Du Xiaoli took the reins and let the horse stop.

When Du Xiaoli stopped, other people stopped subconsciously.

"You go first, I come to see him." Du Xiaoli said.

After running for so long, the sky is already bright, although now he is alone, but Du Xiaoli saw the dust behind him, and there are many people who must have chased it.

She must be quick and quick!

At this moment, Zhao Wei had already caught up. He saw that Han Mingxiang had recovered his body and felt a little relieved.

"Go back with me." Zhao Wei looked at Han Mingxiang, said coldly.

"Don't waste time, you should go first." Du Xiaoli said.

Han Mingxiang also knows that the time is not right now, the season winds said a careful, the group left to leave.

When he left, Han Mingxiang looked at Zhao Wei, and there was no peace in the eyes. Only endless indifference, Zhao Wei looked at his breath.

Du Xiaoli took out the phoenix flute and said, "I said when I was in the Qingfeng Mountain, I will come and take her back. If you want to stop it, don't blame us for the sword."

"As long as you catch you, you don't have to worry that they won't come back." Zhao Wei also took out his weapon.

At this time, a horse ran from the side of the road and came to Du Xiaoli and said, "Xiao Li, you go first, here I will deal with it."

"Liu Big Brother? Have you already returned to Fengmingguo?" Du Xiaoli looked at the people with surprise.

"Well, I am back." Liu Mochen said. "You will leave with them first. When you are gone, I will leave and I will not wait for the army behind me."

"You are not afraid of destroying your Jurassic Temple?" Zhao Wei did not expect to kill a Liu Mo dust halfway, his eyes cold.

"Don't you know that I have already evacuated the temple to the Fengming country a few days ago?" Liu Mochen did not care to look at Zhao Wei.

Du Xiaoli was shocked. He must have decided to do so, so be prepared in advance.

"Liu Big Brother, thank you." Du Xiaoli knows that Zhao Wei is not the opponent of Liu Mochen, he is best to drag Zhao Wei.

"It’s good to send me a few wines." Liu Mochen said with a smile.

"Sure!" Du Xiaoli arched the hand to Liu Mo, and said, "I am waiting for Liu Big Brother in front."

Liu Mo dust nodded, Du Xiaoli turned to the horse head and went to Han Mingxiang to catch up.

Han Mingxiang did not run far, Du Xiaoli chased it in a short while, and she was surprised to see her so fast.

"Liu Big Brother is coming, he went to stop Zhao Wei." Du Xiaoli explained it briefly.

"As long as this Yongzhou City is out, they will have no way for us." Yingge said.

Du Xiaoli looked at the Yangko and smiled and said: "The wind cabinet owner's Yi Rong skills are superb, she has already prepared us a human skin mask..."

Zhao Wei and Liu Mochen played for a while, and they took care of them with their hearts. Liu Mochen knew that Du Xiaoli had to keep Zhao Wei to deal with Zheng Wang. A virtual move would sway Zhao Hao, and then he would fly him.

Zhao Wei turned around in the air for a few laps, and then kept the balance when he landed. However, just standing still, he found that Liu Mochen had left the road when he was riding the horse.

"Hou, are you okay?" He kept his heart and jumped off the horse.

Zhao rubbed his shoulder and said: "I am fine, send people to the cities to guard, especially to inform the border guards, you must bring them back to me!"


Zhao Wei looked at the direction in front and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

A guard came over and came to Zhao Wei and said, "Hou Ye, Zheng Wang took the waistband of Wuyi to come to Houfu and said that he should hand over the Liuli County Lord..."

When Zhao Yi heard it, he knew that this was definitely the scorpion that Du Xiaoli gave to her. She had a cold face and said, "Go back to the government."

One escaped the tracking, Du Xiaoli, they let the wind Xiaoxiao to give them easy, and then under the careful arrangement of the water and the moon, safely fled the northern country.

Once in the territory of Fengming, Du Xiaoli relaxed them, but they thought of the Queen Mother's body, they rushed back to Phoenix in the night.

Du Xiaoli, when they first arrived at the palace, they saw Sha Gonggong guarding at the door. Seeing Du Xiaoli and Han Mingxiang coming back, they hurriedly saluted and said, "Wang Hao, princess, please come with the slave."

Han Mingxiang and Du Xiaoli saw that Shagonggong was so anxious and panicked that he couldn’t help but sink into his heart. He could bear the speed of Sha Gonggong.

"We passed by ourselves." Du Xiaoli said that he reached out and stopped Han Mingxiang's waist and flew toward the Forbidden Palace.

In the palace, it is not allowed to use light work, but Du Xiaoli now can take care of this, and now they only want to go to the palace immediately.

Even so, they spent a lot of time from the palace gate to the ban, and when they just went outside the palace, they heard a sad voice inside.

"The emperor -"

"Emperor Grandmother -"


Du Xiaoli and Han Mingxiang's body swayed, and the two almost fell to the ground. They quickly pushed them in and looked at the people in the big room. The Queen Mother closed her eyes in bed and seemed to have no breathing.

Han Mingxiang was staring at the Empress Dowager, and she couldn’t help but cry. Did she still come back late?

The people in the room saw Du Xiaoli and Han Mingxiang, and their faces were very sad and very sorry.

"No, no." Du Xiaoli ran to the Empress Dowager and said: "The emperor has not seen the incense, and will not leave."

She said that she would touch the neck of the Empress Dowager.

"Xiao Li, the doctor has already said, the empress grandmother she..." The queen wanted to pull Du Xiaoli, but she was hiding.

"Let me try." Du Xiaoli looked at the queen who wanted to stop her, and the people who had the same thoughts behind.

She didn't believe it. She didn't believe that the Empress Dowager would not wait to see her and Han Mingxiang's last glance. Even if she had already swallowed at the moment, she would have to pull her back from the palace!

------Off topic ------

Today, the mention of the son is finally a million, although it is written until now.

At the end of the Miaojiang incident, readers asked me if the text was over. At that time, I said it was fast. I didn't expect it to come so soon.

I have already made a good holiday with the editor, and the tentative deadline is to go to the 30th. There will be a formal announcement tomorrow, so there will be no updates from tomorrow until the mention of the finale.

The scorpion will try to code the word code, and strive to be more literate sooner. The mushrooms are waiting for the family, and I am a little sad.

In addition, Yilan's farming text "The Four Seasons Manor of Space Farmers" is recommended. The text is being promoted. Everyone likes to plant Tianwen. You can go and see the collection, what? (づ ̄3 ̄)? ~