MTL - Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness-Chapter 11 Thank you!

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Qian Duo Duo 咔嚓 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬


A soft and tender bone has not yet fallen, and I saw a little girl with a 14-year-old boy who was behind her, pointing her finger at the air in front of her.

"Which dog is a slave, then I don't have long eyes, I dare to offend our girl!"

The money is not angry, the dog shouts something, she sees more, so she patted the fruit stains on her hands in a random way, and slammed from the tree shrew.

"Dog - slaves, chaos -" She glanced at the sly face, and then looked at the beauty in front of her: "I only saw the beautiful woman, I was crazy when I saw it, I accidentally bumped." The goddess is really disrespectful, please ask the niece to blame." She learned what she saw on TV, and blessed her body.

What about the body!

She will also!

Suddenly I heard the little girl in front of her, calling her a ‘herdon-’, and the eyebrows that had just been on her face finally stretched out and asked: “What do you call me?”

Qian Duo Duo has a very sincere and innocent look and said: "Mother! Although I am not in the government, but a beautiful woman like you, it must be a goddess."

The length of a pair of slender eyes became a line, and the light handkerchief licked the lips and giggled: "This girl is really a clever mouth, a peach, a reward."

The girl, known as the peach, glanced at her, her face was reluctant, but the girl spoke, and she still took out a piece of silver and threw it to the flowers.

Silver of white flowers!

Ancient silver!

She saw it for the first time!

The beautiful and clear eyes of the money blossomed dexterously, learning how to look like in the TV series, with a little bit of teeth, and then very charming with the dogleg: "Thank Goddess!"

The city of Qian Duo Duo is full of charm and full of charm, so that the kind of Baihualouhua/Queen’s kindness will really become the proud feeling of the hostess of this palace.

Although she was occasionally summoned by the prince, she also came to the palace several times. However, these minions just did what they deserved to be respectful. No one would treat her like a maiden.

The more I want to be, the more I am happy, the more I screamed at the song, and left the garden.

... Duo's dividing line...

Into the night -

The three kings’ palaces are quiet, except for the occasional patrol of the guards who will ring the sound of the neat pace, and even the sound of the night cats is silent.

Qian Duodu is lying on a roof in the palace, cocking his legs and counting the stars leisurely.

The ancient night sky is beautiful, the air is good, and the handsome guy is quite a lot (although she only saw Long Yutian alone.), she is really used to living here, will not be used to the smog of the 21st century.

She sighed and sang with a five-tone scorpion:

"Twinkle twinkle little stars, how I wonder where you are--"

Under the green tile, the newly-married room with the money blossoming has a fragrant/depressed aroma.

Looking at the man in front of him, the look of love is self-evident.

"La la la la - la la la la - little stars, la la la la la - little stars."

The brisk tunes were once again passed down from the roof, and suddenly the eyebrows wrinkled and spoiled: "Wang Ye - you listen to this song as if it came from above -"

Long Yutian did not pay attention to the noise, and slammed her side face, causing a sudden scream: "Wang Ye - you are really bad."

Read The Duke's Passion