MTL - Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness-Chapter 2027 : Extra 40

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In this way, how can she pay off the debts of the Dragon House?

Thinking of this, Meng Meng carefully selected a shiny old hen in the vegetable market, went home to stew a pot of hen hen soup, brought it to the Tianyu Group to plead guilty, and gave BOSS adults blood.

"Mom, how come you?" Darlene saw Feng Meng's expression, a little embarrassed, it seems that she should not appear here.

Feng Mengmen scratched his hair and smiled a little. "Dalin, I haven't been comfortable for a few days. I forgot to take time off. Now, I am coming to work--"

"Right, is the big boss here? I gave him stewed chicken soup to make up the blood!"

After that, she went to the door of the office cheerfully as usual, and she tried to push the door in.

Who knows, just as she raised her hand, Darin grabbed her in front of her and stopped her movements.

"Meng Meng - you can't go in!"

Feng Mengmeng looked confused: "Why?"

"Boss him -" Darling swallowed twice, as if there was anything unspeakable, looked up and looked at Feng Meng, the little girl in front of her eyes, seems to be waiting for her answer, Dalin sighed and answered truthfully: "Miss Cai and the boss are inside, you are in, some are inconvenient -"

Darling’s voice just fell, and the office door was pushed away from it.

Long Yutian’s black hand-made suit, white shirt and dark blue tie look noble and elegant.

On the forehead with white and sharp edges, it was smooth and clean, and there was no trace of the wound, leaving a slight scar, which affected his handsome beauty.

On his wrist, holding a petite and quiet beauty, the beautiful woman was very close to his shoulders, spoiled, talking and laughing, his face looked very happy.

Seeing the moment of Feng Meng, she was very lively and screamed: "Meng Mengjie, how come you?"

When Feng Mengmeng saw that Cai Jiajia was so close to Long Yutian, she had the passion to send chicken soup to the big boss, and she was immediately smashed.

Can't say it, a certain string in my heart was stabbed a bit, and then, a cold feeling spread from top to bottom, almost let her hold the incubator's hand, and trembled.

"I - I am coming to work!"

Trying to calm myself down, Feng Mengmeng found his voice.

Looking down, she did not dare to look at the expression of Long Yutian's indifferent, but inadvertently, she caught the wrist of Cai Jiajia embracing his waist. ,

Heart, suddenly sighed a lot.

"Jia Jia, how are you here?"

In the tone of Feng Mengmeng, he took hostility that he ignored.

Cai Jiajia is actually a girl with a very simple mind. She is now single-mindedly on Long Yutian. Where did she notice the abnormality of Feng Mengmeng?

"A few days ago, wasn't Yutian injured? I will take care of him every day. Hey, I haven't raised Yutian a few days in these two days?"

Cai Jiajia relies on the shoulders of Long Yutian without hesitation, and the light shining in the eyes is like a newly married wife, showing off her husband's kindness.

"You are not arguing to eat? Go away!" Long Yutian's impatient voice sounded, from beginning to end, his eyes, not at all, did not stay on Feng Mengmeng half-point. ,

It seems that she is like a stranger to him.

Read The Duke's Passion